Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
QDS 3.9
In case I open *.ts file created by Qt Design Studio's Translation View function in Linguist,
the source text will not be displayed correctly, so making it difficult to edit the translation.
Therefore, I would like Linguist to be able to display the source text of <message id> and edit the translation.
Also, the format of the TS file generated from Qt DS should be the same as the TS file output by lupdate.
For example, Linguist does not show where the Translation ID is used in the source because the location is not included.
As the scale of the application grows, the work will be divided,
so it is not always the case that the person doing the translation work uses Qt DS.
Therefore, it is desirable to be able to work with Linguist, which can edit only *.ts files.
<Attachment image>
Screenshot of opening the attached qml_en.ts file with Linguist
<Attachment ts file>
File(qml_en.ts) is created by Translation View of Qt Design Studio