It seems that ASCII characters beyond ASCII character 127 are not supported.
Use the following QML part with indicators example:
SafeText { id: mytext36 objectName: "mytext36" color: "#ffffff" font.bold: false font.italic: false font.pixelSize: 12 height: 20 x: 539 y: 0 opacity: 1.0 width: 15 runtimeEditable: true text: "å" states: [ State { name: "1"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 139; opacity: 1.0; color:"#697ef9"}}, State { name: "2"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 279; opacity: 1.0; color:"#d7b526"}}, State { name: "3"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 419; opacity: 1.0; color:"#de7e04"}}, State { name: "4"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 559; opacity: 1.0; color:"#1c6de9"}}, State { name: "5"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 699; opacity: 1.0; color:"#335def"}}, State { name: "6"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 839; opacity: 1.0; color:"#d32c4d"}}, State { name: "7"; PropertyChanges {target: mytext36; x: 539; y: 979; opacity: 1.0; color:"#db72af"}} ] transitions: [ Transition { from: "*" to: "*" NumberAnimation { properties: "x, y, opacity, color" duration: 1000 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } ] }
Runtime throws an exception since the glyph is not generated by the tooling.