Uploaded image for project: 'Qt Safe Renderer'
  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-1426

Change of the bitmap source with state change



    • Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • QSR 2.0, QSR 2.0 Beta 5
    • QSR 2.0
    • Tooling
    • None
    • Sprint 16 Week 3, Sprint 17 Week 5, Sprint 18 Week 7


      It should be possible to change the bitmap source property with the QML state change.

      Changing the source in the state is a good way to optimize the output verification latency simplify the needed logic in the monitor. Consider having the PRDNL image which is used for showing the current gear.
      Without the possibility to change the source file in the state, you'd need to have 5 icons in the row. And you would need to use two vsync periods (as the max num of ROI is 4) to be able to verify this one component. Also, the monitor logic gets more complicated as you would need to keep track of every 5 icons states. With the possibility to change the source property, you can have a single item and it can have 5 different states and equivalent CRC values. It is very simple to verify that has proper CRC in the specific state and it requires only one vsync period.

      SafeImage {
          id: bitmap
          source: "bitmap.png"
          states: [
              State {
                  name: "A"
                  PropertyChanges {
                      target: bitmap
                      source: "bitmap.png"
              State {
                  name: "B"
                  PropertyChanges {
                      target: bitmap
                      source: "bitmap2.png"


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              teemu.holappa Teemu Holappa
              teemu.holappa Teemu Holappa
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