Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
2022wk42FOQtforAndroid, 2022wk44FOQtforAndroid, 2022wk46FOQtforAndroid, 2022wk48FOQtforAndroid, 2022wk50FOQtforAndroid, 2022wk52FOQtforAndroid
Building Qt examples with Android on Windows is much slower compared to unix.
Observations from RTA test on 6.3.0 beta1, using arm64 as an example. Build commands used in all platforms:
/home/qt/RTA/Qt_6.3.0/6.3.0/android_arm64_v8a/bin/qt-cmake -S /home/qt/RTA/Qt_6.3.0/Examples/Qt-6.3.0/demos/clocks -B /home/qt/RTA/Qt_6.3.0/Examples/Qt-6.3.0/demos/clocks/bld_arm64-v8a -DANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android/sdk -DANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android/android-ndk-r22b -GNinja
cmake --build . --target apk
On Ubuntu20.04 compiled 535 examples in 1h 31 min.
On macOS11.0 compiled 534 examples in 1h 35 min.
On Windows10_21H2 compiled 465 examples in 8h 47 min.
Investigate if there is something that can be done to speed up compilation time on Windows.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTCREATORBUG-27359 Qt for Android Windows 10 deployment takes two minutes (too slow)
- Reported
QTCREATORBUG-27710 Spike Improve Qt for Android app apk building
- Open
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-101356 Building examples on Android is very slow when using NDK 23
- Reported
- relates to
QTBUG-105983 Android package .aab size is huge when build on windows.
- Closed
QTCREATORBUG-27710 Spike Improve Qt for Android app apk building
- Open
- mentioned in
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