agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: FAIL! : tst_controls::Material::ComboBox::test_comboBoxWithShaderEffect() Received a warning that resulted in a failure:
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: Failed to find shader "/home/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/\n uniform lowp sampler2D source;
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgrhishadereffectnode.cpp(686)]
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: FAIL! : tst_controls::Material::ComboBox::test_comboBoxWithShaderEffect() Received a warning that resulted in a failure:
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: ShaderEffect: Failed to deserialize QShader from /home/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: uniform lowp sampler2D source; agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: void main() {
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: lowp vec4 p = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0);
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: lowp float g = dot(, vec3(0.344, 0.5, 0.156));
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: gl_FragColor = vec4(g, g, g, p.a) * qt_Opacity;
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: }. Either the filename is incorrect, or it is not a valid .qsb file. In Qt 6 shaders must be preprocessed using the Qt Shader Tools infrastructure. The vertexShader and fragmentShader properties are now URLs that are expected to point to .qsb files generated by the qsb tool. See https:agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgrhishadereffectnode.cpp(930)]
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: FAIL! : tst_controls::Material::ComboBox::test_comboBoxWithShaderEffect() Received a warning that resulted in a failure:
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: ShaderEffect: shader preparation failed for file:agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314:
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314:
agent:2024/05/22 07:29:58 build.go:404: 314: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/src/quick/items/qquickshadereffect.cpp(1317)]