Resolution: Out of scope
P4: Low
qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp contains two Qt 5 to-do comments:
// ######## move to QApplicationPrivate // Default application palettes and fonts (per widget type) Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(PaletteHash, app_palettes) PaletteHash *qt_app_palettes_hash() { return app_palettes(); } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(FontHash, app_fonts) FontHash *qt_app_fonts_hash() { return app_fonts(); } ... // ### Qt 5 These dynamic tool tips should be an OPT-IN feature. Some platforms // like Mac OS X (probably others too), can optimize their views by not // dispatching mouse move events. We have attributes to control hover, // and mouse tracking, but as long as we are deciding to implement this // feature without choice of opting-in or out, you ALWAYS have to have // tracking enabled. Therefore, the other properties give a false sense of // performance enhancement. if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove && mouse->buttons() == 0) { d->toolTipWidget = w; d->toolTipPos = relpos; d->toolTipGlobalPos = mouse->globalPos(); d->toolTipWakeUp.start(d->toolTipFallAsleep.isActive()?20:700, this); }
If these can be handled wihtout breaking source-compatibility, they should be actioned for Qt 5.0.0. If not, the comments should be removed or changed to Qt 6 to-do's.
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-62425 Changes planned for Qt 6
- Closed
- resulted from
QTBUG-23524 [API] Grep the source for Qt5 todo items
- Closed