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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-32705

tst_qquickpathview crashes on Windows, shows valgrind issues on Linux



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 5.1.0
    • None
    • Windows (MSVC2010, 2012), Linux 64bit, gcc 4.6


      Something happens in offset() that causes the subsequent setCurrentIndex() to crash on Windows:

      0	QV4Program::signalTable	qv4program_p.h	122	0x6bce6df0	
      1	QV4Bindings::Binding::disconnect	qv4bindings.cpp	434	0x6bcd7f59	
      2	QV4Bindings::Binding::destroy	qv4bindings.cpp	396	0x6bcd7da8	
      3	QQmlAbstractBinding::destroy	qqmlabstractbinding_p.h	102	0x6bb862ab	
      4	QQmlValueTypeProxyBinding::~QQmlValueTypeProxyBinding	qqmlvaluetypeproxybinding.cpp	71	0x6bc87861	
      5	QQmlValueTypeProxyBinding::`scalar deleting destructor'	Qt5Qmld		0x6bc87abf	
      6	QQmlAbstractBinding::default_destroy<QQmlValueTypeProxyBinding>	qqmlabstractbinding_p.h	221	0x6bc87a82	
      7	QQmlAbstractBinding::destroy	qqmlabstractbinding_p.h	102	0x6bb862ab	
      8	QQmlData::destroyed	qqmlengine.cpp	1535	0x6bb895e3	
      9	QQmlData::destroyed	qqmlengine.cpp	574	0x6bb891ef	
      10	QObject::~QObject	qobject.cpp	781	0x6a989859	
      11	QQuickTransform::~QQuickTransform	qquickitem.cpp	181	0x6bfedb99	
      12	QQuickRotation::~QQuickRotation	qquicktranslate.cpp	347	0x6c0f8a38	
      13	QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickRotation>::~QQmlElement<QQuickRotation>	qqmlprivate.h	90	0x6c045995	
      14	QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickRotation>::`scalar deleting destructor'	Qt5Quickd		0x6c0478af	
      15	QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren	qobject.cpp	1764	0x6a98e389	
      16	QObject::~QObject	qobject.cpp	859	0x6a989b31	
      17	QQuickItem::~QQuickItem	qquickitem.cpp	2034	0x6bfefac5	
      18	QQuickRectangle::~QQuickRectangle	Qt5Quickd		0x6c00b60f	
      19	QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickRectangle>::~QQmlElement<QQuickRectangle>	qqmlprivate.h	90	0x6c04591f	
      20	QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickRectangle>::`scalar deleting destructor'	Qt5Quickd		0x6c04782f	
      21	qDeleteInEventHandler	qobject.cpp	4158	0x6a98f3f7	
      22	QObject::event	qobject.cpp	1061	0x6a989c0f	
      23	QQuickItem::event	qquickitem.cpp	6988	0x6bff481d	
      24	QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper	qapplication.cpp	3457	0x6b3c199e	
      25	QApplication::notify	qapplication.cpp	2878	0x6b3bdc0c	
      26	QCoreApplication::notifyInternal	qcoreapplication.cpp	867	0x6a940d94	
      27	QCoreApplication::sendEvent	qcoreapplication.h	232	0x6a949d19	
      28	QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents	qcoreapplication.cpp	1471	0x6a941df6	
      29	QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents	qcoreapplication.cpp	1329	0x6a93f8ed	
      30	QTest::qWait	qtestsystem.h	67	0x1232d55	
      31	tst_QQuickPathView::setCurrentIndex	tst_qquickpathview.cpp	986	0x123fbe3	
      32	tst_QQuickPathView::qt_static_metacall	tst_qquickpathview.moc	251	0x1233852	
      33	QMetaMethod::invoke	qmetaobject.cpp	2156	0x6a94d3d8	
      34	QMetaObject::invokeMethod	qmetaobject.cpp	1463	0x6a94c680	
      35	QMetaObject::invokeMethod	qobjectdefs.h	395	0x6a68b5ba	
      36	QTest::qInvokeTestMethodDataEntry	qtestcase.cpp	1697	0x74106546	
      37	QTest::qInvokeTestMethod	qtestcase.cpp	1822	0x74106c4a	
      38	QTest::qInvokeTestMethods	qtestcase.cpp	1976	0x7410726c	
      39	QTest::qExec	qtestcase.cpp	2189	0x74102ed1	
      40	main	tst_qquickpathview.cpp	2086	0x124fc1d	
      41	__tmainCRTStartup	crtexe.c	536	0x126d989	
      42	mainCRTStartup	crtexe.c	377	0x126dacd	
      43	BaseThreadInitThunk	KERNEL32		0x775a850d	
      44	__RtlUserThreadStart	ntdll_777a0000		0x777fbf39	
      45	_RtlUserThreadStart	ntdll_777a0000		0x777fbf0c

      qtbug32705_valgrind.log shows issues starting from line 987 on.


        1. main.qml
          4 kB
          Janne Roine
        2. qtbug32705_valgrind.log
          418 kB
          Friedemann Kleint

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