Resolution: Invalid
P2: Important
5.6, 5.7, 5.8
* Apalis T30 board (based on NVidia Tegra3 GPU) with the last Linux Image v2.6 beta2
* Qt: compiled with EGLFS via X11 support
* X11: Running with 24 bit depth
When I launch the QML application which contains an animations, then the screen sometimes flickers with an polygons artifacts on whole screen (please see attached screenshoot).
I have reproduced this even with the standard demo QML application, called as "Samegame", e.g. from the /home/builder/Projects/qt5/qtdeclarative/examples/quick/demos/samegame/ path.
Also it reprocuces with the Clocks QML application.
This artifacts appeared only with the RGBA8888 mode (when QT_QPA_EGLFS_FORCE888 is enabled).
Also I have added some debug output with QSG_INFO=1 (please, see in attachment too).