Resolution: Done
P3: Somewhat important
Windows 10 OpenGL
I've developed a simple application on qt creator (version 4.2.1) using qt 5.8.0.
After I finished I used windeployqt tool to deploy it, when I try to run it the application crashes.
After some debugging I found the dll causing the crash: atig6txx.dll - this is AMD driver dll.
I've tried to disable the AMD Driver and run it on intel intergrated gpu and it all works. so it seems to be AMD Driver related issue with qt.
PC Info:
cpu: i7 6700
gpu: AMD RX480
Amd Driver: 16.12.2 (i've also tried 17.1.2 - latest driver still crashes)
Windows 10 x64 Version 10.0.14393 (1607)
qtdiag output:
Qt 5.8.0 (x86_64-little_endian-llp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2015) on "windows" OS: Windows 10 (10.0) [winnt version 10.0.14393] Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 RTM HLE Screens: 2, High DPI scaling: inactive # 0 "\\.\DISPLAY1" Depth: 32 Primary: yes Geometry: 1920x1080+0+0 Available: 1920x1040+0+0 Virtual geometry: 3840x1080-1920+0 Available: 3840x1040-1920+0 2 virtual siblings Physical size: 527x296 mm Refresh: 60 Hz Power state: 0 Physical DPI: 92.5389,92.6757 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_None DevicePixelRatio: 1 Pixel density: 1 Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 OrientationUpdateMask: 0 # 1 "\\.\DISPLAY7" Depth: 32 Primary: no Geometry: 1920x1080-1920+0 Available: 1920x1040-1920+0 Virtual geometry: 3840x1080-1920+0 Available: 3840x1040-1920+0 2 virtual siblings Physical size: 527x297 mm Refresh: 60 Hz Power state: 0 Physical DPI: 92.5389,92.3636 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_None DevicePixelRatio: 1 Pixel density: 1 Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 OrientationUpdateMask: 0 Dynamic GL LibGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Renderer: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics Version: 4.5.13464 Compatibility Profile Context 21.19.407.0 Shading language: 4.50 Format: Version: 4.5 Profile: 2 Swap behavior: 2 Buffer size (RGBA): 8,8,8,8 Stencil buffer: 8 GPU: Card name: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics Driver Name: aticfx64.dll Driver Version: 21.19.407.0 Vendor ID: 0x1002 Device ID: 0x67DF SubSys ID: 0xE347174B Revision ID: 0x00C7
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-50371 Windows: OpenGL crash on start on Intel + AMD GPU (Multi-adapter) systems
- Closed