Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Q1/2020 Finale, Q2/2020 kick off, Bug Fixing Candidates
The convention in Qt Quick and Qt Quick Controls 2 is to use "nounChange" for virtual functions that should handle some change, and "nounChanged" for signals that notify objects of that change.
geometryChanged does not follow that convention:
virtual void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
compare that to itemChange:
virtual void itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemChange change, const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData &value)
Not only would renaming geometryChanged to geometryChange allow us to fix this inconsistency, but it would also allow us to add a geometryChanged signal as a public API (item change listeners are private) for listening to geometry changes in an item without listening to all individual x/y/width/height properties: QTBUG-83050
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-73063 Qt Quick Changes in Qt 6
- Open
QTBUG-83050 Add a geometryChanged signal to QQuickItem
- Reported