Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Qt 6.2 development targets - INTEGRITY
INTEGRITY 19.0.13 (GHS compiler 2020.1.4) on Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155P
What & why
We need verified and tested source delivery of INTEGRITY 19 for automotive and few other vertical customer in Qt 6.2 LTS.
Must for Qt Automotive business, no significant needs identified on other verticals.
Qt feature needs <DRAFT, needs validation>
- UI: Only needs to support QML based UI with 3D and 2D, QWidget UI is not required.
- Input methods: Physical keys (assume no touch nor VKB needed)
- Connectivity: Networking, USB, CanBUS
- Qt modules: Qt Core, Qt GUI, Qt Network, Qt QML, Qt Quick, Qt Quick Controls, Qt Quick Layouts, Qt Quick 3D
- Qt add-on modules: Qt Remote Objects. possibly also QWebView
- Known limitations: List module per module
- CI and RTA: There is a mechanism to automatically detect binary brakes on above defined working modules
Technology Preview Qt 6.1 5/2021 - priority P3 QTBUG-87469
Delivery in Qt 6.2 11/2021 - priority P1 (Blocker) QTBUG-90757
Definition of Done
- Qt6 source codes compile on reference target. Customer can develop software with INTEGRITY RTOS
- Qt sources same as in all platforms (mandatory, same in Qt 5)
- Binaries, smoke tested (mandatory, same in Qt 5)
- CI tests on desktop host (optional, improve for Qt6)
- RTA created (optional, is possible, not part of Qt 5, improvement in Qt6)
- Hosts (desktop): Ubuntu 20.04 (mandatory), Win10 2004 (optional)
- Targets (HW): QCSD8155P
- RnD support: for mandatory hosts and targets Standard, rest up to PS
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-90022 Qt 6.2 development targets
- Closed
QTBUG-63695 QStandardPaths does not document locations for QNX
- Closed
- relates to
- Closed
(1 mentioned in)