Resolution: Fixed
P2: Important
Currently there is some duplication between lib compiler and dom. This should be reduced:
- Reuse more lib compiler types (being a variant this is now possible)
- Concentrate on single file loading, and single file data in the Dom (dependency loading is more flexible in Dom, but not really needed, indirect loading can help integrate with libCompiler
- improve loading of QQmlJSImporter from Dom
The goal is to focus the Dom toward a thread safe view of files, and qml editing, where did to a single file do not affect the others, and from which a complete QQmlJSScope can be generated cheaply.
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-89373 Integrate and use the Dom Model
- Open
QTBUG-92876 Dom: model JS expressions/statements in QmlDom and add qmlls (find usages, go to definition, ...) support for them
- Closed
QTBUG-100084 LSP: find usages in qml
- Closed
- resulted in
QTBUG-114810 qmlls: do not run qqmljsimportvisitor twice
- Reported