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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-99686

Transparent menu and tooltip background in QtQuick apps with OpenGL



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 5.15.3
    • Quick: 2D Renderer
    • None
    • Linux/Wayland, Linux/X11


      There are serious graphical issues with OpenGL-accellerated QtQuick applications in KDE Plasma on Intel HD Graphics 4000.

      Menu and tooltip backgrounds are transparent, looking crazy and making the text very hard to read. I have seen this bug in least the following applications:

      • Elisa
      • Discover
      • Several system settings modules (e. g. kcm_style)
      • Plasma start menu

      Each time when triggering an affected action (e. g. the hamburger menu of Elisa), there is huge console output about failed shader compilation; lots of source code gets dumped.

      More applications are affected with problems that seem related:

      • systemsettings / users kcm: avatar selector does not show the images
      • plasma-systemmonitor: graphs are not visible, the application is extremely slow and already froze the whole system once
      • overview effect shows empty fields instead of desktop previews

      These issues disappear when setting the environment variable LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1.

      I have already contacted KDE developers, who think this is most likely an issue with Qt.

      Screenshots and passages of console output are attached.


        1. discover.png
          254 kB
          Manuel Geißer
        2. elisa-output.txt
          23 kB
          Manuel Geißer
        3. elisa.png
          249 kB
          Manuel Geißer
        4. styles_kcm.png
          243 kB
          Manuel Geißer
        5. systemmonitor.png
          86 kB
          Manuel Geißer
        6. users_kcm.png
          97 kB
          Manuel Geißer
        7. overview.png
          927 kB
          Manuel Geißer
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