On one hand, the "Clean whitespace" feature is extremely useful. On the other hand, for certain files (e.g. containing tab-separated lists), a whitespace cleanup can be fatal.
The problem could be alleviated in one of several way:
- Allow exceptions based on file extension
- Make a separate "Clean whitespace" setting in the C++ section (much like is currently done with indentation) - that way, I could have source files that are clean and nice, and other files that remain exactly as opened.
- Create a "leave trailing tabs" option (I have yet to find a use case where trailing spaces are needed - but I could be wrong)
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTCREATORBUG-18541 Allow 'clean whitespace' option to be disabled for certain file types
- Closed
- relates to
QTCREATORBUG-3880 Create an overriding mechanism of editor settings on a per-file (or set of files) basis
- Reported
QTCREATORBUG-3482 Exclude some files from the "Tabs to space" feature
- Closed
QTCREATORBUG-18507 Improve handling of coding style guidelines
- Open