Resolution: Fixed
Not Evaluated
3.3.0, 3.3.1
Windows on ARM
ee781f6c5 (dev)
This issue seems to be specific to ARM
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a new project -> Qt Widgets Application -> Create -> Next -> Build System: "Qt Visual Studio Project (Qt/MSBuild)" -> Next -> Finish
- Double click <ProjectName>.qrc in "Resource Files" in SolutionExplorer
Exptected result:
- qrc file is opened in qrc editor inside Visual Studio
Actual result:
- Visual Studio shows "Cannot open File" dialog
Opening Qt Designer or Qt Linguist works fine.
When I try to start the qrc editor directly, the "incorrect side by side configuration" dialog shows up (see attachment). The same happens when trying to run qmakefilereader.exe from the same folder.