Issue Links
- depends on
QTBUG-41750 Qt5.4.0 Beta: webkit missing from Linux offline installers
- Closed
QTBUG-41786 Mac 10.7 build fails with '-dbus'
- Closed
QTBUG-41809 Make sure default build and the binary package on OS X is "modern"
- Closed
QTBUG-41923 WinRT packages wrongly contain Qt Purchasing API
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QTBUG-42299 Installer shows wrong Qt Quick Compiler version
- Closed
QTBUG-42401 QML 5.4 ListView headerpositioning footerpositioning, FontMetrics TextMetrics feature missing
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QTBUG-42586 Qt5.4.0 opensource online installer: '[null] is not an object' error note when installer launched
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QTBUG-42671 Using Gradle: Android package not working in latest RC
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QTIFW-551 installer.calculateComponentsToInstall causes problems during installation
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QTBUG-41798 Incorrect link to Qt licensing page
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QTBUG-42227 [REG 5.4 beta -> 28.10.2014] QtQuick applications crash at startup under Windows 7
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QTBUG-42670 Linux package doesn't compile Bluetooth LE backend
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QTBUG-42852 iOS enterprise package includes Context 2D scenegraph plugin
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QTCREATORBUG-13431 Regression: cannot deploy release builds on Android
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QTCREATORBUG-13470 Android: Problems with gradle
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QTBUG-34475 GUI freeze after cancel QFileDialog
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QTBUG-41046 QOpenGLWidget problem with QGraphicsView
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QTBUG-41421 Exponential memory leak in V4 Array.
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QTBUG-41440 Android: FileDialog doesn't work
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QTBUG-41489 Android: folderlistmodel and settings not automatically detected as dependencies
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QTBUG-41611 macdeployqt should also deploy QtWebEngineProcess and required files
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QTBUG-41612 Evaluation nagging screen not functionin anymore
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QTBUG-41617 Popups of Controls do not work on Linux
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QTBUG-41749 Qt5.4.0 Beta: Mac 10.7 installation does not succeed
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QTBUG-41762 Android: Comboboxes don't work
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QTBUG-41794 Qt5.4.0 Beta: Mac installer is not signed for OS X 10.9.5+
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QTBUG-41827 QtPositioning - iOS8 CLLocationManager authorization
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QTBUG-41832 Android: network connection not properly detected when using android bearer plugin
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QTBUG-41837 OS X: the auto-detected desktop configuration in Creator shipped with the 5.4 packages forces gdb as debugger (instead of lldb)
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QTBUG-41888 When window is hidden, app running animations consumes up to 80% of CPU
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QTBUG-41924 WinRT Installer shows embedded license
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QTBUG-41938 [REG] iOS: Keyboard Cannot Be Closed Manually
- Closed
QTBUG-41942 QQuickWidget turns black when menu overlays progress bar
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QTBUG-41966 [REG 5.3 -> 5.4] Windows: App with playing video crashes on exit if QWidget::createWindowContainer() is used
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QTBUG-41968 Check Ministro requirements before release
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QTBUG-42012 Android: "" not found
- Closed
QTBUG-42020 REG: Jumps in Qt Quick animations when running at < 60 fps
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QTBUG-42022 REG: Animated growing BorderImage broken
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QTBUG-42069 configure.exe missing in source packages
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QTBUG-42079 QAbstractButton - released signal emitted before pressed signal
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QTBUG-42114 Rendercontrol disfunctional when having both a retina and non-retina screen connected
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QTBUG-42213 [REG 5.3.2->5.4] Windows: opengl assert when closing QML main window when QML windows are aggregated in a QtObject
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QTBUG-42251 Android examples cannot be launched on device
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QTBUG-42293 [REG 5.3.2 -> 5.4] Installer indicates wrong status for selected components
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QTBUG-42314 Drop down boxes and context menus appear in wrong places when using QQuickWidget
- Closed
QTBUG-42345 [REG] iOS: Launch Crash when Using Launch Images.
- Closed
QTBUG-42367 Qt5.4.0 Mac: Qt examples cannot be opened
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QTBUG-42402 OS X: Qt Designer/Assistant have broken rendering frequently
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QTBUG-42428 Windows/direct2d: After opening enough windows, the event queue blocks
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QTBUG-42523 iOS: context menus doesn't show
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QTBUG-42559 iOS: support iPhone6/6+
- Closed
QTBUG-42594 Can't open assistant or any other application linked against QtWebKit on Mac 10.9
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QTBUG-42599 Linux: Invalid OPENSSL paths in qmodule.pri
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QTBUG-42659 [Android] Examples from 5.4 RC don't deploy using gradle
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QTBUG-42664 Can't find WebView documentation in Qt Creator
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QTBUG-42679 iOS: Issue building Qt Quick examples with the simulator builds
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QTBUG-42739 Qt5.4.0 WinRT: missing dependency
- Closed
QTBUG-42805 Regression: depends on libudev
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QTBUG-42844 Qt5.4.0 mac Android installer missing Enginio binaries
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QTCREATORBUG-13311 build.gradle from androideployqt tool not created
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QTCREATORBUG-13359 Mac: New icon looks tremendously ugly in dock
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QTCREATORBUG-13515 Kits: QC removes all configured compilers from kits
- Closed
QTBUG-35492 bizarre DEFINES += "LOAD_LIBUDEV-no-libudev" in qmodule.pri
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QTBUG-37769 Installers should verify that Visual Studio is installed
- Closed
QTBUG-39646 Switch to MinGW toolchain i686-4.8.2-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev4.7z or later
- Closed
QTBUG-39754 Can't enter custom proxy for Qt Account (offline installer)
- Closed
QTBUG-41915 Qt Quick Compiler not part of 5.4.0 beta (MinGW)
- Closed
QTBUG-42294 Missing dependency (qt.extras.qtwebview.doc)
- Closed
QTBUG-42390 [REG 5.3.2 -> 5.4] Windows: Text is unreadable in QComboBox which has focus
- Closed
QTBUG-42684 Patch build paths of .pri, .so files on Mac/Android
- Closed
QTBUG-42761 Qt5.4.0 Mac opensource offline installer: Execution failed(Crash) error during default installation
- Closed
QTCREATORBUG-13275 WinPhone: initial deploy from Qt Creator fails to WP device
- Closed
QTQAINFRA-904 Need to update Android SDK
- Closed
QTBUG-41366 Qt installer needs to only show LGPL3 as option for open source Android package
- Closed
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-41613 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
100698,3 | iOS, QComboBox: don't apply special case for OS X on iOS | 5.4.0 | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
100699,2 | iOS: activate tapped windows that are not focus windows, even when active from before. | 5.4.0 | qt/qtbase | Status: ABANDONED | -1 | 0 |
100841,1 | iOS: only skip activating the most simple popup types | 5.4 | qt/qtbase | Status: ABANDONED | 0 | 0 |
100844,3 | iOS: only skip activating the most simple popup types | 5.4 | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |