Resolution: Fixed
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 13.0.2, Qt Creator 14.0.0, Qt Creator 15.0.0
QtCreator expect icon declaration being exactly android:icon="@drawable/icon" and removes any other values (e.g. android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher")
Nowadays whole Qt Creator's icon set generator feature become useless, as it generates only 'legacy' icon set for devices with Android API level 24 and older. Actually you use an icon set generated by external tool (with newer adaptive and monochrome icons) and add definition to AndroidManifest.xml, common value here is android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher", its annoying that "Android Manifest Editor" removes it each time you double clicked at AndroidManifest.xml in project tree.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTCREATORBUG-24879 The AndroidManifest editor removes all custom android:icon and splashscreen definitions
- Open
- resulted in
QTCREATORBUG-27119 Android: Growing deficiencies of Qt Creator's UI-based AndroidManifest.xml editor
- Reported
QTCREATORBUG-32172 Remove Android Manifest editor
- Reported