Release Notes - Qt - Version Some future release - HTML format


  • [QTBUG-1] - Attribute used twice in QSqlForm
  • [QTBUG-2] - Peeping into the event loop
  • [QTBUG-4] - how to build a project with static libraries
  • [QTBUG-7] - Multicast support for its new QUdpSocket class in Qt4
  • [QTBUG-8] - Qt/X11 does not allow input of Unicode characters using Ctrl+Shift followed by the character code
  • [QTBUG-9] - Make QImage support pictures with higher resolution than 8 bits per color.
  • [QTBUG-13] - Make it easier to specify the column to be substituted in QSqlRelationalTableModel
  • [QTBUG-14] - Support for substituting one column with multiple values through QSqlRelationalTableModel
  • [QTBUG-16] - QMetaObject::invokeMethod const correctness
  • [QTBUG-17] - Splitting restore/saveState() to separate functions for dockwidgets and toolbars
  • [QTBUG-18] - API to change file attributes
  • [QTBUG-19] - Support for process groups
  • [QTBUG-21] - Provide access to default QIconEngine implementation
  • [QTBUG-22] - QDockWidgetLayout as a container
  • [QTBUG-26] - QMessageBox with "don't show again" feature
  • [QTBUG-27] - Configure -prefix support should be extended to Qt/Windows
  • [QTBUG-28] - Missing high-level event handling for text editing and navigation events
  • [QTBUG-29] - Make it possible to turn off opaqueResize on the dock widget splitter
  • [QTBUG-30] - Distinguishing Local from Network file/dir
  • [QTBUG-31] - QLCDNumber should display number with fixed precision
  • [QTBUG-32] - QFileDialog: bring back the preview functionality
  • [QTBUG-33] - Extend Q_PROPERTY with more keywords...
  • [QTBUG-34] - Be able to go to a specific line in a QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-36] - QSocketNotifier on Windows could be implemented using threads
  • [QTBUG-37] - QTreeWidget: Expanded state not remembered when moving items
  • [QTBUG-38] - QComboBox should add columns for the text if it contains tabs.
  • [QTBUG-39] - QTreeWidget: add setColumnEditable(int column, bool editable)
  • [QTBUG-41] - QSocketNotifier should use full assignable range for socket messages
  • [QTBUG-42] - Being able to specify a relative font size for a widget
  • [QTBUG-43] - Preventing QString class properties from being translated
  • [QTBUG-44] - QSlider's handle only points upwards when there are ticks above the slider.
  • [QTBUG-46] - Introducing a debug mode to the QTL similar to other STL implementations
  • [QTBUG-47] - Provide locale specific string conversion for QTextStream
  • [QTBUG-48] - Extending the font dialog
  • [QTBUG-49] - QFileDialog: Display the Windows volume name for drives in "Look In" combobox
  • [QTBUG-50] - QFileDialog: MIME-filtering
  • [QTBUG-51] - Include reference to help-files for IDL generated by ActiveQt
  • [QTBUG-53] - Create a resolution independant paint engine
  • [QTBUG-55] - Convenient functions in QTextCursor to return current character and the previous character.
  • [QTBUG-56] - Querying state of Caps/Num/Scroll-Lock key state
  • [QTBUG-57] - QPrintDialog: Enable the "Current Page" radio button
  • [QTBUG-59] - Simplify showing the QSplashScreen on the right screen
  • [QTBUG-60] - QTextEdit: ensureVisible
  • [QTBUG-61] - Add edited-signal and changed-signal to all widgets
  • [QTBUG-63] - Install ( output ) directory should not have a hard coded path
  • [QTBUG-66] - Add functions for setting/getting the network interface buffer size of QAbstractSocket
  • [QTBUG-67] - QComboBox: cannot be smaller than the popup view
  • [QTBUG-69] - Add more conversion-routines between native and Qt datatypes
  • [QTBUG-70] - QToolBar extension widget
  • [QTBUG-72] - Allow setting the search path for HTML resources for QLabel
  • [QTBUG-74] - QProgressBar: support displaying text while in busy mode
  • [QTBUG-75] - How to set a QLineEdit to overwrite mode?
  • [QTBUG-76] - Allow copying custom text instead of QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter
  • [QTBUG-77] - Function that returns QTextDocument from QTextDocumentFragment
  • [QTBUG-79] - QTextBlockUserData not moved with its QTextBlock if all of its QTextBlock is moved down a row
  • [QTBUG-82] - Make nested layouts more visible
  • [QTBUG-83] - Provide a parameter to prevent QObject::findChildren from searching recursively
  • [QTBUG-84] - Mac OS X: provide a widget hint to show or hide the system menu bar
  • [QTBUG-85] - Add support for 8bit grayscale + 8bit alpha channel in QImage
  • [QTBUG-86] - Add support to QImage so that it is possible to save an image with a CMYK color table
  • [QTBUG-87] - Support QPageSetupDialog for QPrinter::PdfFormat
  • [QTBUG-88] - Show only a subset of fonts in QFontDialog
  • [QTBUG-89] - QFileDialog: support filter in its "File name" field
  • [QTBUG-90] - Support CPU affinity in QThread
  • [QTBUG-92] - Way to order widgets in Qt Designer's Widget Box
  • [QTBUG-93] - QItemDelegate: Add a role for the alignment of an item decoration
  • [QTBUG-95] - Be able to change the resolution of the desktop
  • [QTBUG-99] - Support displaying currency / monetary values in QLocale
  • [QTBUG-101] - Make it possible to set the maximum size of the undo/redo stack of QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-102] - Allow QFile::copy to overwrite files directly
  • [QTBUG-103] - Allow QFile::size() to return internal size (physical + buffered)
  • [QTBUG-105] - Add support for network neighbourhood (Windows)
  • [QTBUG-106] - Create new image format without using plugins
  • [QTBUG-109] - Qt::escape should be moved from QtGui to QtCore
  • [QTBUG-110] - Qt4 treats relative heights in the <table> tag as height="0"
  • [QTBUG-111] - Add description support to the JPEG handler
  • [QTBUG-112] - QDockwidget orientation
  • [QTBUG-113] - Make QWidget::setTabOrder() less restrictive
  • [QTBUG-117] - QFileDialog: Auto append file extension in filtered save dialog.
  • [QTBUG-118] - Windows: Provide a function to set non-mapped DMBIN values for QPrinter::paperSource
  • [QTBUG-120] - Suggestion: support QAction for setting properties of QAbstractButton + child classes
  • [QTBUG-122] - QFileDialog: add addToolButton() and addWidget() to native and qt file dialog
  • [QTBUG-123] - Suggestion: Ability to edit QStatusBar items in Designer
  • [QTBUG-124] - Add support for pop-up menu in QGroupBox title
  • [QTBUG-125] - Have qmake and the .pro file support pre-build steps
  • [QTBUG-126] - Integrate an extension to QDebug that adds some profiling and indention to the output
  • [QTBUG-127] - Make it possible to set the maximum numbers of characters of a QTextEdit/QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-128] - Header and footer support in QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-130] - QRegExp to support both minimal and greedy in the same expression (using the *? or +? syntax)
  • [QTBUG-132] - Extend Syntax Highlighter to allow update upwards
  • [QTBUG-133] - Search Field lineedit
  • [QTBUG-134] - Add function for having an icon in the groupbox's title
  • [QTBUG-135] - Support debug and release at the same time in an Xcode project
  • [QTBUG-136] - QMimeData and QVariant
  • [QTBUG-137] - Make Q_DISABLE_COPY a part of the public API
  • [QTBUG-140] - Improve performance of QImageReader and JPEG files
  • [QTBUG-141] - Be able to copy and paste images from QTextEdit to Office based applications and vice versa
  • [QTBUG-143] - Mac OS X: allow supporting native file types (UTI's) in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-144] - When building DLLs using DEF-files, the usage of the address of staticMetaObject might crash the application
  • [QTBUG-145] - Allow setting up view parameters prior to calling setModel
  • [QTBUG-146] - Allow altering/replacing manifest files prior to embedding in executable
  • [QTBUG-147] - Make it possible to change the line spacing of the text in text displaying widgets
  • [QTBUG-148] - Add API for configuring the time based behavior of QPixmapCache
  • [QTBUG-149] - Make it possible to return the QNetworkInterface associated with the default route
  • [QTBUG-150] - Make it possible to define word separators for QTextCursor
  • [QTBUG-153] - Cross platform approach to registering mime file types (Similar to RegisterShellFileType)
  • [QTBUG-154] - Provide access to system configured fonts
  • [QTBUG-156] - Create QDateTime in UTC
  • [QTBUG-159] - ODBC batch execution
  • [QTBUG-160] - Make QSqlTableModel transaction aware
  • [QTBUG-161] - QFileDialog: include flags for displaying hidden files when using native file dialogs
  • [QTBUG-164] - Document the default values of the properties of many Qt classes
  • [QTBUG-166] - Support PL/SQL procedures returning cursor variables
  • [QTBUG-168] - QAbstractItemView should support per-item custom drag indicators
  • [QTBUG-169] - Use of Grayscale QImage objects with Qt
  • [QTBUG-172] - More detailed notifications in QFileSystemWatcher
  • [QTBUG-173] - Support for writing PDF files in the PDF/A standard with Qt
  • [QTBUG-174] - Add support for reading/writing out images with the BITMAP4HEADER and BITMAP5HEADER
  • [QTBUG-175] - Improved accelerator support for QToolBox
  • [QTBUG-178] - Add support for writing MNG files
  • [QTBUG-180] - Make calendar widget look more mac'ish
  • [QTBUG-181] - Add function to put file(s), dir(s) into the recycle bin
  • [QTBUG-183] - QListView: Mac OS X issues
  • [QTBUG-185] - Make it easier to open a QLineEdit as an editor without selecting all the text
  • [QTBUG-187] - QAbstractItemView: Be able to change the look of the drop indicator
  • [QTBUG-191] - Qt4: ToolButtonPopupMode vs. QAction
  • [QTBUG-192] - Support metafiles and icons in ActvieQt's IPicture handling
  • [QTBUG-193] - QToolButton's MenuButtonPopup arrow wastes a lot of real-estate
  • [QTBUG-195] - Get settings from Qsettings into a QBytearray
  • [QTBUG-196] - Make it easier to set the action on a drag for the itemviews
  • [QTBUG-197] - QSqlTableModel::setDataBase
  • [QTBUG-198] - Make QCalendarWidget support non-selectable dates
  • [QTBUG-202] - Better Mac Filesystem Handling (QDir)
  • [QTBUG-203] - Add a nonewline() function to QDebug
  • [QTBUG-204] - A class that would block the signals of a QObject and until its desctructor is called would be useful.
  • [QTBUG-205] - QFont::setPointSizeF() doesn't scale smoothly
  • [QTBUG-208] - Windows: Provide user defined drive Name in QFileInfo
  • [QTBUG-209] - Extending container classes to support the use of custom allocators.
  • [QTBUG-210] - QAbstractItemView: Make it possible to "freeze" columns or rows
  • [QTBUG-211] - It would be useful to have a new resize mode that could be a mix of Strech and ResizeToContents modes.
  • [QTBUG-212] - MacOS X Library names
  • [QTBUG-214] - Mac OS X: create a widget flag for focus frame visibility
  • [QTBUG-215] - Add support for "locl" substitution in OpenType fonts
  • [QTBUG-217] - Make it possible to fill a part of a QByteArray or a QString.
  • [QTBUG-221] - View for showing unicode controll characters
  • [QTBUG-222] - QFileDialog: Add support for checking default extensions when confirmOverwrite(true)
  • [QTBUG-225] - Support for <map> tag in Qt's HTML classes
  • [QTBUG-226] - No way to designs buttons inside QDialogButtonBox
  • [QTBUG-227] - Suggestion to have functionality to get the format of quotes based on QLocale
  • [QTBUG-229] - Add support for the Kiosk mode
  • [QTBUG-230] - QProcess::execute()
  • [QTBUG-232] - QMainWindow, make it easier to dock widgets on the left or right side to another docked widget
  • [QTBUG-234] - QProcess write channel forwarding
  • [QTBUG-235] - Redirection of channels handled by QProcess
  • [QTBUG-236] - Suggestion for Multiple column sorting in Itemviews
  • [QTBUG-237] - new QProcess::ProcessChannelMode(s)
  • [QTBUG-239] - Implement MouseGrab/MouseUngrab events
  • [QTBUG-240] - High resolution timer API
  • [QTBUG-241] - QDesktopServices request
  • [QTBUG-242] - Make it possible to save/load custom handler objects from a QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
  • [QTBUG-243] - Selections are not preserved when undoing a cut()/delete()
  • [QTBUG-244] - QTextEdit signals
  • [QTBUG-245] - Support for embedded MySQL
  • [QTBUG-246] - Suggestion for function that will return application fonts based on id and family
  • [QTBUG-248] - Function to copy all attributes of QFont's & QPalette
  • [QTBUG-249] - Better integration with other event loops
  • [QTBUG-253] - Make it possible to enable "stay-on-top" for Assistant
  • [QTBUG-254] - Add a ShortcutContext for system wide grabs
  • [QTBUG-260] - Edit and continue does not work with Qt applications in Visual Studio 2005
  • [QTBUG-261] - Support numbers of arbitrary size and precision
  • [QTBUG-262] - Dock area to give back space.
  • [QTBUG-263] - Mac, QPushButton is one pixel lower than a QComboBox placed at the same y position
  • [QTBUG-264] - Support image conversion flags for 16-bit images
  • [QTBUG-265] - QKeySequence and detecting invalid input
  • [QTBUG-266] - For a fixed column layout QTextEdit should not eat spaces at the end of wrapped lines
  • [QTBUG-268] - Add option for "rubber band mode" moving of QDockWidgets
  • [QTBUG-270] - QPluginLoader requires a complete, platform-dependent filename.
  • [QTBUG-271] - Make QTextDocument::setHtml() faster
  • [QTBUG-272] - Provide elideMode setting for combo boxes in Qt Designer
  • [QTBUG-273] - Add support for reading Window's own .ini files in QSettings
  • [QTBUG-274] - QIODevice: Support for Mac 9 EOL (\r\r\r)
  • [QTBUG-275] - Allow specifying whether toolbars should move when resizing
  • [QTBUG-277] - Be able to have an empty date/time in QDateTimeEdit
  • [QTBUG-278] - Provide QAbstractItemView::mimeData(QString mimeType, QModelIndexList) allowing mimeData for specific types
  • [QTBUG-279] - Compilation fails when running normal user
  • [QTBUG-280] - Layout problems with QDockWidgets
  • [QTBUG-281] - Make it possible to get the filename from a QFont instance
  • [QTBUG-282] - Suggestion: Allow changing of QCalendarWidget week numbers in the vertical header
  • [QTBUG-283] - Be able to have a window that has a close button and no icon
  • [QTBUG-285] - Add support to set the location of a menu's tearoff handle
  • [QTBUG-287] - Modality settings for QColorDialog
  • [QTBUG-288] - Be able to set an icon on a QDockWidget so it is used when appropriate
  • [QTBUG-289] - Support text alignment for widget style sheets
  • [QTBUG-293] - QSound should make use of multithreading
  • [QTBUG-294] - Improve usability of drop-handling in itemviews
  • [QTBUG-295] - Allow fonts for multiple writing systems in QFontComboBox
  • [QTBUG-296] - Support compiling with the wchar_t as built in type option
  • [QTBUG-297] - QTreeView clickable for each column
  • [QTBUG-298] - setup() in qtextcodec.cpp needs to be cleaned up
  • [QTBUG-300] - Describe how to deal with stdin in a Qt program launched by QProcess
  • [QTBUG-301] - Unselecting all buttons in a button group
  • [QTBUG-302] - Provide architecturing tools
  • [QTBUG-303] - Qtopia Core should have -no-rpath set as default
  • [QTBUG-306] - Suggestion: Add the ability to guess a text file's encoding
  • [QTBUG-307] - QTabWidget: combobox for selecting non-visible tabs
  • [QTBUG-308] - Suggestion: Be able to change window flags to an open window without hiding it
  • [QTBUG-310] - Suggestion for new drawing functions
  • [QTBUG-314] - Allow layout items to be influenced by items from other layout
  • [QTBUG-315] - Improve threading-capabilities for SQL drivers
  • [QTBUG-316] - Don't show accept-cursor when QDragEnterEvent is accepted, but a QDragMoveEvent does not accept the position
  • [QTBUG-317] - Suggestion: better control over which tags are exported in HTML
  • [QTBUG-318] - Make an option for aligning QListView items using the bottom, rather than the top of the item
  • [QTBUG-319] - Be able to set a QCursor as the drag cursor on a QDrag
  • [QTBUG-320] - QLocale date/time formatting
  • [QTBUG-322] - Make full screen widgets appear on any display
  • [QTBUG-324] - Make it possible to call setPixmap on a QDrag object while the drag is happening
  • [QTBUG-325] - Add option to enable keypad navigation to configure script
  • [QTBUG-327] - QImage formats request
  • [QTBUG-328] - Have an example showing the interactions between multiple databases in one application
  • [QTBUG-329] - Support for QPolygonF in QVariant
  • [QTBUG-331] - QFileDialog: show free space when showing drives
  • [QTBUG-333] - Provide possibility to catch CTRL+C in QCoreApplication for console applications.
  • [QTBUG-334] - Priority inheritance / Ceiling for QMutex
  • [QTBUG-336] - Add support for TransformRef attribute in SVG module
  • [QTBUG-337] - Add support for the line-height CSS property
  • [QTBUG-343] - QTextImageFormat and aspect ratio
  • [QTBUG-344] - QAbstractItemModel: add flag Qt::SearchBackward for the match() method
  • [QTBUG-346] - Configure option for codecs
  • [QTBUG-347] - Suggestion: Have support for rounded bevel buttons on OSX
  • [QTBUG-349] - Handle printing of QBitmap more efficently
  • [QTBUG-350] - Windows configure -nomake option
  • [QTBUG-351] - Suggestion for appending to QPicture
  • [QTBUG-352] - Make it possible to remove the shared library version numbers
  • [QTBUG-354] - Add frame around QDateTimeEdit's calendar popup
  • [QTBUG-362] - Get a transparent QPixmap back when grabbing transparent QWidgets with QPixmap::grabWidget
  • [QTBUG-363] - Support standard buttons outside dialogbuttonbox
  • [QTBUG-364] - adjust QFontCache for embedded
  • [QTBUG-365] - support bitmap fonts with QPF2
  • [QTBUG-366] - support glyph storage in graphics memory
  • [QTBUG-368] - Supporting RegFree-COM in ActiveQt's container tools
  • [QTBUG-369] - Provide doxygen tag file of the Qt documentation
  • [QTBUG-371] - It would be nice if it was possible to change the timeout values of the QAbstractSocket subclasses
  • [QTBUG-374] - Provide API to get translation language in addition to locale
  • [QTBUG-375] - Add ability to remove dependancy on the QtNetwork module
  • [QTBUG-377] - Mac, Suggestion to improve QFontComboBox menu highlight color
  • [QTBUG-378] - It could be useful if QDockWidgets would have the auto hide behavior
  • [QTBUG-379] - Be able to use a static plugin in a dynamically built plugin
  • [QTBUG-380] - Mac, Add support for "tear off menus" in main menu bar
  • [QTBUG-382] - It would be useful if the transparency effect of QColor could be specified in the QColorDialog
  • [QTBUG-383] - investigate standard key optimizations
  • [QTBUG-384] - Suggestion for QPainter::setGrayscaleMode(bool on)
  • [QTBUG-385] - List of element IDs from QSvgRenderer
  • [QTBUG-386] - Make it possible to store/retreive QTextBlockUserData from HTML documents
  • [QTBUG-388] - Default QtMsgHandler
  • [QTBUG-389] - Qt Designer accessing children embedded in widgets
  • [QTBUG-392] - QDate format does not accept a combination of date representations
  • [QTBUG-394] - Suggestion: Make it easier to use QVariant with pointers
  • [QTBUG-395] - Change the values of QDirModel::FileNameRole and QDirModel::FilePathRole to be less than Qt::UserRole
  • [QTBUG-396] - It would be useful to have a method like Language QLocale::stringToLanguage ( QString language ) [static]
  • [QTBUG-398] - Initialize 'user' of the OCI driver with the logged in user if not defined
  • [QTBUG-400] - shortcut for popup in QDateTimeEdit
  • [QTBUG-404] - Mac: Add support for native window transitions (fade, genie, zoom, etc.)
  • [QTBUG-405] - Provide a solution for integrating with commercial audio frameworks
  • [QTBUG-406] - Add functionality to check if a given QDockWidget is current in a group of nested QDockWidgets
  • [QTBUG-407] - Allow setting working directory of .vcproj debug settings in .pro file
  • [QTBUG-408] - Toolbar icon sizes
  • [QTBUG-413] - QFileIconProvider: hidden files/dirs should be transparent
  • [QTBUG-414] - Be able to convert a QVariant into a string form and vice versa
  • [QTBUG-415] - D-Bus documentation needs improvement
  • [QTBUG-416] - Menubar position and orientation
  • [QTBUG-417] - Be able to specify the tabbar shape for tabified dock widgets
  • [QTBUG-418] - Add a QMenu::addActions()/addActionGroup()
  • [QTBUG-419] - QSqlQuery::value() returns array types as QString when using Postgresql
  • [QTBUG-420] - It would be useful if QLocale would support all ISO 639-1 codes.
  • [QTBUG-422] - Have QDateEdit return QValidator::Intermediate if the widget still has focus
  • [QTBUG-423] - It would be useful if the mapped widgets of QDataWidgetMapper would be disabled if the currentIndex is invalid
  • [QTBUG-429] - Add the Microsoft resource compiler to the list of known compilers
  • [QTBUG-433] - It would be useful to add HTML support in subclasses of QAbstractButton.
  • [QTBUG-436] - Provide proper QPixmap'es from QCursor::pixmap() even with native cursors
  • [QTBUG-438] - If a resource is removed and no pro/pri-file with it is found, no SelectScopeDialog should pop up
  • [QTBUG-440] - QMultiMap should have a remove(key,value) member
  • [QTBUG-444] - QLineEdit, textChanged(QString), textEdited(QString), text() vs displayText()
  • [QTBUG-445] - Missing QToolButton feature
  • [QTBUG-450] - QTextImageFormat and caching
  • [QTBUG-454] - Suggestion: QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData() take precedence over system font
  • [QTBUG-455] - Mac: we should remove unneccessary drawing updates when nothing in a window changes
  • [QTBUG-456] - Document which flags are supported on which window managers
  • [QTBUG-458] - Make it possible to specify by column names what columns a QSqlTableModel selects from the database
  • [QTBUG-460] - It would be nice if QAbstractItemModel::match() could search all the columns of a view
  • [QTBUG-461] - Extend QHash, QSet to have an insert function that takes the hash code.
  • [QTBUG-462] - QTextDocument distributes excess width for a 100% width table different than browsers
  • [QTBUG-463] - qdoc: QTableWidget setModel
  • [QTBUG-465] - It would be useful to have a method like removeRecord() that will remove a QSqlRecord from a QSqlTableModel
  • [QTBUG-467] - QTextEdit Suggestion for Qt 3.3
  • [QTBUG-468] - Extend QFile API with file/filessystem detail information
  • [QTBUG-470] - Mac: highlight the widget that the drag hoovers
  • [QTBUG-472] - Add support for random and sequential file access
  • [QTBUG-473] - QTabWidget: navigation widget
  • [QTBUG-475] - Suggestion: Make Font Variations for Mac possible with a platform independed code
  • [QTBUG-478] - vnc driver: support multiple simultanious connections
  • [QTBUG-481] - autotests should work when using shadow builds
  • [QTBUG-482] - Replace QCoreApplication::setEventFilter() with an event filter chain
  • [QTBUG-483] - Cosmetic Brushes
  • [QTBUG-484] - qmake allow recursive replace function calls
  • [QTBUG-485] - Generate static from-factory functions in dumcpp-generated code to simplify casting
  • [QTBUG-487] - QDrag pixmap is ignored on Windows if no action is available
  • [QTBUG-488] - Provide a hint for the oblong button
  • [QTBUG-490] - Suggestion for possibility to hide titlebar on QDockWidgets
  • [QTBUG-492] - Make it possible to have deleted rows visibly removed from QSqlTableModel before the changes have been submitted
  • [QTBUG-495] - Support parentless toplevel windows without taskbar entries
  • [QTBUG-496] - Support setting a default file name for file output in QPrintDialog
  • [QTBUG-497] - Use external include guards to speed up compilation
  • [QTBUG-498] - Advanced keyboard navigation in File dialogs on Mac OS X opens as a sheet and misses keyboard shortcut
  • [QTBUG-500] - Ability to change when items are activated (not just style dependent)
  • [QTBUG-501] - Support getting the current text codec for locale if the locale changes during run-time
  • [QTBUG-502] - Make it possible to determine if the final input of a QWidget was not accepted by a validator
  • [QTBUG-503] - Provide a QSyntaxtHighlighter::reformatBlocks() function
  • [QTBUG-505] - QItemDelegate uses pixelMetric(PM_FocusFrameHMargin) to determine text padding after the icon
  • [QTBUG-506] - Share threads between multiple QFileSystemWatcher instances
  • [QTBUG-508] - Widget request: a "fold form" widget for showing/hiding details
  • [QTBUG-509] - uic: Generating a .cpp file on request
  • [QTBUG-510] - Widget request: Nice thumbwheel drop-in for QDial (but not QtThumbWheel)
  • [QTBUG-511] - Embed .ui files (i.e., one .ui file refers to another)
  • [QTBUG-512] - D & D to the desktop or trash can
  • [QTBUG-516] - Widget visibility in Designer
  • [QTBUG-517] - Loading style sheets in Designer
  • [QTBUG-518] - Be able to determine whether a shortcut context is valid with a certain widget or not
  • [QTBUG-522] - QErrorMessage icons, check box, persistence, startup
  • [QTBUG-524] - Suggestion to be able to move a Sheet on Mac before it is shown
  • [QTBUG-525] - Add an option to allow the user's existing message handler to be used instead of the one installed by QTest
  • [QTBUG-526] - Provide an API to remove QTextObject's from QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-529] - Add support for vertical text writing
  • [QTBUG-530] - Be able to get a QSqlError for any errors thrown by a stored procedure
  • [QTBUG-531] - Have a function for testing if a recursive mutex is locked by the current thread
  • [QTBUG-532] - Include a Windows flag in Qt configure script that builds a true static library.
  • [QTBUG-534] - Spinboxes with multiple allowed suffixes.
  • [QTBUG-537] - Document the deallocation strategy of the template classes
  • [QTBUG-541] - Support modifying the special value of QAbstractSpinBox
  • [QTBUG-545] - Add QSettings::getPath()
  • [QTBUG-546] - SOCKS4 network proxy support
  • [QTBUG-547] - Suggestion to provide straight down light direction for sunken panels on OSX
  • [QTBUG-548] - QHeaderView: Add an option to have a menu associated with a column
  • [QTBUG-553] - Provide the ability to integrate QTextEdit with an external undo/redo framework
  • [QTBUG-554] - Suggestion to have a note in QClipboard under each function what is actually supported
  • [QTBUG-555] - qmake manual not covered in Assistant's index
  • [QTBUG-556] - Implementation for ISO/IEC 2022
  • [QTBUG-557] - QFileInfo doesn't provide an API to indicate that it failed to retrieve information
  • [QTBUG-558] - "More..." Combo Box
  • [QTBUG-561] - QAbstractSpinbox and .*edited signals
  • [QTBUG-562] - QItemDelegate: Support for richtext
  • [QTBUG-563] - QGLPixelBuffer::toImage() want to specify a QRect
  • [QTBUG-566] - Support some subset of the OpenGIS® Simple Features Specifications For SQL
  • [QTBUG-568] - Be able to get/set a character encoding for QMimeData
  • [QTBUG-570] - QWizard: disable back button
  • [QTBUG-571] - QFileDialog: generates unnecessary network traffic when browsing a mounted network drive
  • [QTBUG-572] - QFileDialog: (OS X) browsing network mouteded drives
  • [QTBUG-573] - Suggestion to make QMenu::exec() return a QAction pointer if the keyboard shortcut is used
  • [QTBUG-575] - Undocked dockwidget does not include window frame with setGeometry
  • [QTBUG-577] - Provide forward/back/home navigation for QStackedWidget
  • [QTBUG-578] - Document makefile targets for the different platforms
  • [QTBUG-579] - Support caching of the foreground layer in QGraphicsScene
  • [QTBUG-581] - Suggestion for QUndoStack to have an easy way to display a progressbar when undoing
  • [QTBUG-583] - Static method in QEvent returning type name
  • [QTBUG-585] - QDial Labelling
  • [QTBUG-586] - It would be nice if we could embed otf/cff fonts when generating the PDF files
  • [QTBUG-590] - Optimize line/rectangle drawing for X11 paint engine.
  • [QTBUG-591] - Allow to specify default dpi for images
  • [QTBUG-593] - Multiselection for QCalendarWidget
  • [QTBUG-595] - QTreeWidget/QTableWidget: Add property for setting column alignment
  • [QTBUG-596] - Order of items in the context menus on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-598] - Input mask like the XShapeCombineMask function
  • [QTBUG-600] - Thread examples don't show the important things
  • [QTBUG-601] - MoXXXXty of QColorDialog (and other static methods showing modal dialogs) is not possible to override
  • [QTBUG-602] - Add option to choose whether sorting for a QListWidget is case sensitive or not.
  • [QTBUG-604] - Make it possible to have keyboard accelerators react on keycodes instead of keysyms
  • [QTBUG-605] - QMdiSubArea::subWindowClosed()
  • [QTBUG-607] - QCalendarWidget should support features of Month calendar control in vista.
  • [QTBUG-608] - Integrate with the native crash handler
  • [QTBUG-613] - QTabWidget: Mac: The left disabled scroll arrow is painted transparently over the widget text, looks cluttered
  • [QTBUG-618] - Smooth scrollbar support
  • [QTBUG-619] - Suggestion: Provide the ability to specify a pre-build step in .pro files
  • [QTBUG-624] - QLineEdit has no way to disable the undo/redo functionality, whereas QTextEdit does
  • [QTBUG-627] - QTextDocument::print() should scale images if they don't fit on the page
  • [QTBUG-628] - Suggestion to add setWordWrap(bool) to QRadioButton and QCheckBox
  • [QTBUG-630] - QFileDialog: suggestion - After renaming, don't close the lineedit if the new name is not valid
  • [QTBUG-631] - Key events for direct painter regions
  • [QTBUG-634] - QAbstractItemView: Emit signals when models are set
  • [QTBUG-636] - Add some support for letting other applications close your files on Vista
  • [QTBUG-638] - QWizard in AeroStyle: Set an HTML style sheet where appropriate
  • [QTBUG-639] - QWizard: More advanced banner pixmaps for ModernStyle and AeroStyle
  • [QTBUG-640] - QWizard: Relabel Cancel button after commit page
  • [QTBUG-642] - QAbstractItemView: Increase the height of the area between items for when dropping between items
  • [QTBUG-643] - Suggestion: Move the flow layout example into Qt as QFlowLayout
  • [QTBUG-648] - Mac OS: QAction::MenuRole heuristics oddities
  • [QTBUG-649] - QSettings: Be able to specify that ini files should be written using the local8bit encoding and not escaped as utf8
  • [QTBUG-650] - Expose CPU, RAM, username and other system information in QSysInfo
  • [QTBUG-656] - Suggestion for word wrapping on text of QAbstractButton and title text QGroupBox
  • [QTBUG-658] - QGLWidget should extend support for using outlined text
  • [QTBUG-659] - Add a toggled() signal to QActionGroup so it is triggered when the actions signal in the group is emitted
  • [QTBUG-662] - Add a QTextCodec for ascii
  • [QTBUG-663] - Be able to specify what constitutes a word when it comes to double clicking
  • [QTBUG-666] - Be able to have varying sizes of icons in a QToolbar
  • [QTBUG-667] - Be able to see in QEvent if an event has been propagated from a child widget
  • [QTBUG-668] - Add API for creating semi-transparent top-levels with a per-pixel alpha channel
  • [QTBUG-669] - Be able to stop the installer for Open Source Qt with MinGW
  • [QTBUG-672] - It should be documented that the Qt MinGW installer don't create manifests for exe/dll files.
  • [QTBUG-673] - QHeaderView: Let it be able to indicate where a dragged section would be dropped
  • [QTBUG-676] - QTreeWidget: add Item Moved Signal
  • [QTBUG-679] - It would be useful if dead-key composing would be possible when inputting text in passwords fields
  • [QTBUG-681] - Add XML header and schema links in .ui files to ease manual editing
  • [QTBUG-682] - Suggestion for making painting of large QSlider more efficient on Mac
  • [QTBUG-683] - Clean up bit rot in the MySql driver
  • [QTBUG-686] - QSsl suggestions
  • [QTBUG-687] - Suggestion for QGLFramebufferObject
  • [QTBUG-688] - Add support for rending EMF and XPS code onto a QPaintDevice and/or QPicture
  • [QTBUG-690] - Be able to save QTextDocument with syntax highlighting as html
  • [QTBUG-693] - QProgressBar granularity control
  • [QTBUG-694] - Copying widgets between forms does not copy connections
  • [QTBUG-696] - Allow specifying QIODevice for QSettings datastore access
  • [QTBUG-699] - Get the name of the file actually loaded by QTranslator
  • [QTBUG-702] - Re-add support for libraries with _debug in filename on Unix
  • [QTBUG-703] - QGraphicsItemAnimation optimization
  • [QTBUG-705] - Be able to change the file engine used by QDirModel
  • [QTBUG-707] - Suggestion for a QTextCursor on a QLabel
  • [QTBUG-708] - QMainWindow, QDockWidget ordering of the tabs
  • [QTBUG-709] - Add function QProcess::setPriority()
  • [QTBUG-717] - Alter flags in makespecs to allow catch(...) exception handling
  • [QTBUG-718] - Activate support for addresses > 2GB
  • [QTBUG-719] - Form editing includes the size of red layout guides when constraining window minimum size
  • [QTBUG-721] - Suggestion: QSslSocket - Differ client certificate/key set
  • [QTBUG-724] - Add a setAlignment() function for QPushButton so that the icon and text can be aligned as the user wants
  • [QTBUG-729] - QFontDialog: Be able to only show fixed pitch fonts
  • [QTBUG-732] - Wrapped QToolbar
  • [QTBUG-734] - QSslKey Suggestion to Add interface to allow override
  • [QTBUG-738] - Provide support for IE style toolbars
  • [QTBUG-742] - Support user-defined structs in dumpcpp and ActiveQt
  • [QTBUG-743] - Support detecting if a transaction is already in progress
  • [QTBUG-746] - QLocale lacks a constructor which allows you to specify supported locales and the number options (group seperator behavior)
  • [QTBUG-749] - Tune chunk size used by QXmlInputSource::fetchData()
  • [QTBUG-752] - Syntaxhighlighter implementation for QtScript and Style Sheets
  • [QTBUG-753] - Be able to specify that entries in a QTextList should be made a new list or part of the parent list
  • [QTBUG-754] - Provide a generic USB Human Interface class in Qt
  • [QTBUG-755] - Support the float attribute in the div tag in CSS too
  • [QTBUG-757] - QAbstractSocket should honor OpenMode when setting up socket notifiers
  • [QTBUG-758] - Be able to have richtext inside a QMenu
  • [QTBUG-760] - QComboBox maxVisibleItems is ignored for non-editable comboboxes in Cleanlooks style
  • [QTBUG-761] - NTFS allows for the association of metadata with files, and it would be useful if Qt extended an API which supported this
  • [QTBUG-763] - QTreeWidgetItem::operator<() make it check if the data is a number when comparing
  • [QTBUG-764] - Implement equality operator support for custom datatypes in QVariant
  • [QTBUG-765] - Have a signal emitted when a menu's torn off is toggled to be visible/not visible
  • [QTBUG-766] - Give better information about when a pri file can't be loaded, citing where it was included from
  • [QTBUG-771] - Be able to set Qstyle::PE_FrameDockWidget for docked widgets as well.
  • [QTBUG-776] - Be able to get the list separator from the regional settings via QLocale
  • [QTBUG-777] - Add function to tear off a popup menu programmatically
  • [QTBUG-778] - Changes to etch-disabled-text stylesheet property do not have any effect
  • [QTBUG-783] - QTest real value comparison with precision
  • [QTBUG-784] - Volume names in Qt API
  • [QTBUG-787] - Have itemChanged() pass the itemDataChanged as well
  • [QTBUG-790] - QDir::Filters and bundles
  • [QTBUG-791] - It should be convenient to progammatically set QToolBars to being floating
  • [QTBUG-792] - QFileDialog: Suggestions for URL sidebar
  • [QTBUG-794] - QDataWidgetMapper: please add a Read-Only property
  • [QTBUG-797] - Toolbars don't have a small X in the corner
  • [QTBUG-800] - Using QAxObject from worker thread requires a call to CoInitialize
  • [QTBUG-802] - Provide support for custom properties that can be queried for
  • [QTBUG-804] - Add a note on the best practice of switching installed translators at runtime
  • [QTBUG-805] - Provide function to output include tree in .pro file
  • [QTBUG-806] - Pass Alt-Space key event on to focus widget if window has non system menu
  • [QTBUG-809] - Suggestion to add support for more Mac specific controls
  • [QTBUG-810] - Suggestion for a document class in Qt that would be something like NSDocument in Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-811] - QSvgRenderer should return an error code indicating the cause when failing to load an SVG file
  • [QTBUG-812] - Hook in ODBC SQL driver to ease setting arbitrary connection options
  • [QTBUG-814] - Add icon property to QDockWidget
  • [QTBUG-815] - Be able to specify that a file should only be opened if it exists or if it doesn't
  • [QTBUG-817] - Call copy/paste APIs of QLineEdit through QMetaObject::invokeMethod
  • [QTBUG-822] - QHeaderView: ResizeMode suggestion
  • [QTBUG-823] - Add support for digital signatures in the XML module
  • [QTBUG-825] - QMenuBar separator currently non-styleable
  • [QTBUG-830] - Make it possible to not link against zlib by specifying so in the .pro file
  • [QTBUG-831] - Be able to disable an interface in ActiveQt instead of having it implemented by default
  • [QTBUG-833] - Support enabling and disabling event filters to prevent changing their order of activation
  • [QTBUG-839] - Add pageCount and removePage to QWizard API
  • [QTBUG-840] - QTabBar: Add ability to set background color per tab
  • [QTBUG-842] - Suggestion to add QLineEdit set prefered size in number of characters it can hold
  • [QTBUG-843] - Trigger an assert when QDataStream reads a QFile opened with mode "Text"
  • [QTBUG-844] - OpenGL QGLWidget::renderText()
  • [QTBUG-845] - Suggestion to add QMenu::setTearOffEnabled on Mac
  • [QTBUG-849] - QFileDialog: Allow specifying case sensitivity of filters
  • [QTBUG-851] - Suggestion for supporting copying of resource forks on Mac
  • [QTBUG-852] - SVG image format plugin should test more correctly if it can read a filez
  • [QTBUG-853] - enable switching of opengl handling between processes
  • [QTBUG-856] - Provide QGroupBox with QRadioButton/generic widget in title
  • [QTBUG-857] - border-image and toplevel masks
  • [QTBUG-860] - Reimplement QSqlQueryModel::setQuery()
  • [QTBUG-862] - QMainWindow expanding dockwidgets;
  • [QTBUG-865] - Make QScriptEngine::importExtension() more efficient
  • [QTBUG-866] - Add a setSizeGripEnabled() to QMdiSubWindow
  • [QTBUG-867] - Add support for Xcode integration at the same level as for Visual Studio
  • [QTBUG-869] - Add QKeyEvent::autoRepeatCount()
  • [QTBUG-873] - script for copying headers
  • [QTBUG-874] - QWidget::setNormalGeometry
  • [QTBUG-877] - make compositioning thread-safe
  • [QTBUG-880] - Add support for the hover selector for QLabels
  • [QTBUG-882] - Mac OS X: Make an enum to draw a QPushButton as a kThemeRoundButtonHelp
  • [QTBUG-883] - Suggestion to have a way to set the compatiblity version for a library
  • [QTBUG-886] - Add configure option for Purify
  • [QTBUG-891] - Improve documentation for QAbstractItemModel about when some functions are called
  • [QTBUG-893] - JPEG support should be compilable directly into Qt
  • [QTBUG-896] - Add support for CMYK and 64-bit RGB in QImage
  • [QTBUG-897] - Accessing staticQtMetaObject
  • [QTBUG-898] - Be able to tell if QDialog::exec() was invoked or not
  • [QTBUG-899] - Add elideMode property to QLabel, QAbstractButton and QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-900] - It would be useful if the QRelationalSqlTableModel would display rows with unresolvavble foreign keys
  • [QTBUG-901] - Influence JPEG color sub sampling
  • [QTBUG-903] - Extend QCryptographicHash to provide metadata about algorithms.
  • [QTBUG-905] - Support creation of bookmarked PDF
  • [QTBUG-910] - Make QWizard resizable in Y direction
  • [QTBUG-911] - Suggestion for QMdiArea::tileSubWindows() vertically or horizontally
  • [QTBUG-912] - Search composed/decomposed characters QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-913] - Convenience function for adding floating QDockWidget
  • [QTBUG-915] - Make QWizard support disabling and/or hiding the cancel button on the last page
  • [QTBUG-919] - Exception handling in eventloop code makes it difficult to debug stack overflows
  • [QTBUG-922] - Qt::ItemFlags Extension to QDataWidgetMapper
  • [QTBUG-923] - When <ol> is used with the I attribute, it does not list the elements correctly
  • [QTBUG-924] - Add a virtual function that gets called after QWizardPage::show()
  • [QTBUG-926] - Suggestion for function to get QAction from a previous QWidget added to a QToolBar
  • [QTBUG-931] - Be able to set arbitrary Xcode variables from the profile
  • [QTBUG-932] - Tabbing within toolbars
  • [QTBUG-936] - QDialogButtonBox: When closing an un-saved form in designer, the Save/Discard/Cancel buttons do not have keyboard shortcuts
  • [QTBUG-938] - Suggestion to optimize memory usage of QTextLayout
  • [QTBUG-942] - QToolButtons disappear when floating a docked extended QToolBar
  • [QTBUG-944] - Support dithering for QImage 32->16 and 32->8 bpp
  • [QTBUG-948] - QMenu::exec() should have an overload that takes a QWidget* for multihead displays
  • [QTBUG-950] - QAbstractCalendarSystem suggestion
  • [QTBUG-951] - Suggestion for implementing a document layout script
  • [QTBUG-952] - shortcuts and animateClick()
  • [QTBUG-958] - Preventing shortcuts from activating
  • [QTBUG-959] - Access parent objects from script
  • [QTBUG-961] - Suggestion for style sheets to select base style and have elements not set in the style sheet use the base style
  • [QTBUG-963] - Add a setFailed method to QUndoCommand
  • [QTBUG-964] - Missing support for pre-prepared queries
  • [QTBUG-965] - Add support for preparing queries without parsing the placeholders
  • [QTBUG-977] - QSqlCachedResult can potentially be optimized by fetching and caching fields lazily
  • [QTBUG-978] - Cache only successfully loaded plugins
  • [QTBUG-979] - Add color roles for warnings and errors
  • [QTBUG-990] - QSlider tick positions
  • [QTBUG-992] - Add support for drag-n-dropping non-existent files
  • [QTBUG-993] - Views do not scroll when moving header sections outside the viewport
  • [QTBUG-995] - Make it possible to have a widget with no titlebar but keep its frame as QMdiSubWindow
  • [QTBUG-997] - Missing documentation about the QT_... defines
  • [QTBUG-998] - More control over interfaces supported by QAxServer
  • [QTBUG-1003] - Support 64-bit ranges for QAbstractSlider and subclasses
  • [QTBUG-1005] - Maintain table-structure when copying HTML tables into text/plain
  • [QTBUG-1008] - Suggestion for adding support for QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME in XCode
  • [QTBUG-1022] - Support retrieving whether or not the main event loop is running
  • [QTBUG-1025] - Support no default button for QDialogButtonBox
  • [QTBUG-1026] - It would be extremely useful if QTextDocument::addResource() would itself cause an update on the corresponding resource
  • [QTBUG-1030] - concerns about QDate::timeZoneOffset
  • [QTBUG-1031] - QDateInterval, QTimeInterval, QDateTimeInterval
  • [QTBUG-1033] - QSqlError::type() really describes the context in which the error occurred, not the type of error.
  • [QTBUG-1036] - Suggestion for option to turn off QProgressBar busy indicator when it is set to min/max=0
  • [QTBUG-1039] - Crosscompilation support for Qt
  • [QTBUG-1045] - Provide alternative views onto the documentation
  • [QTBUG-1046] - Allow reimplementation of QUndoStack::setIndex
  • [QTBUG-1050] - QGraphicsItemAnimation to support use QTransform instead of QMatrix
  • [QTBUG-1051] - Add function QWizard::setExitPage() to specify the page that comes after pressing the "Finish (Done)" button
  • [QTBUG-1055] - It would be useful to have QVariant as a registered MetaType
  • [QTBUG-1056] - Study the possibility of QProcess redirecting to open files
  • [QTBUG-1065] - Add better API for creating editors with custom metatypes
  • [QTBUG-1067] - QAbstractItemView: clicked() signal should let you know which mouse button was used
  • [QTBUG-1072] - QAbstractItemModel: When calling canFetchMore() what kind of scroll on the view just happened
  • [QTBUG-1076] - QPalette for widgets which are both disabled, and belong to an active window
  • [QTBUG-1077] - Add API to QDirIterator for exclusion of directories
  • [QTBUG-1080] - QTabWidget: Add API for hiding tabs
  • [QTBUG-1082] - Feature Request: QMdiArea bring multiple windows to foreground
  • [QTBUG-1084] - Add QBrush::setGradient()
  • [QTBUG-1085] - QScrollArea::ensureVisible margin adjustable default
  • [QTBUG-1088] - Add support for XInclude
  • [QTBUG-1089] - Provide alternatives to SIGNAL() and SLOT() macros when QT_NO_KEYWORDS is defined
  • [QTBUG-1093] - Add QPicture support to QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-1095] - Add documentation about the configure options
  • [QTBUG-1096] - Make QTextDocument::find() respect how certain languages write sentences
  • [QTBUG-1097] - Drag pixmaps should be partically transparent on platforms that support it
  • [QTBUG-1099] - QFileDialog: (Windows) Native getSaveFileNames extension issue
  • [QTBUG-1103] - QHeaderView: dragging a header section vertically up, does not automatically scroll at top of the visible part
  • [QTBUG-1104] - Be able to change the light color role in stylesheets as this effects the etching of the disabled text
  • [QTBUG-1105] - GIF images: QImage::depth always returns 32
  • [QTBUG-1107] - Omit hotspot offset for drag pixmaps in item views to make it easier to drop items in the correct location
  • [QTBUG-1108] - polyText suggestion
  • [QTBUG-1110] - On X11, support retrieving native pixmap handles from QPixmap that are not freed when the QPixmap is deleted
  • [QTBUG-1111] - Document relations between classes
  • [QTBUG-1112] - Add virutal QWizard:: and QWizardPage::previousId() functions to support dynamic page ordering whe going backwards
  • [QTBUG-1113] - QAbstractItemView: allow developer to specify the direction the selection moves when an item is deleted
  • [QTBUG-1114] - QHeaderView: Support styling of moving sections
  • [QTBUG-1116] - Please provide runtime installer for Windows
  • [QTBUG-1117] - Have qmake -query list build-in properties as well
  • [QTBUG-1119] - Support hierarchical solution folders in VS
  • [QTBUG-1121] - Qt Mac should handle the kEventAppShown kind
  • [QTBUG-1123] - QMake support for XCode 'Run Script Phase'
  • [QTBUG-1124] - Have support for double underlines in QFont
  • [QTBUG-1129] - Be able to have multiple transactions with QSqlDatabase
  • [QTBUG-1131] - Suggestion to use a unique name for the tabbar used for docked dockwidgets
  • [QTBUG-1132] - Qt.conf defined in envionment variable
  • [QTBUG-1133] - Support painting QMenuBar items with both icon and text
  • [QTBUG-1134] - Document the semantic change in QBuffer regarding QByteArray
  • [QTBUG-1137] - QToolBar::collapseSeparators
  • [QTBUG-1138] - QDateTimeEdit stepping behavior
  • [QTBUG-1139] - Document the minimal style sheets for widgets which must be completely styled
  • [QTBUG-1140] - QAbstractItemView: The view drop indicator should be painted by the style
  • [QTBUG-1141] - Efficient QGraphicsScene::clear()
  • [QTBUG-1146] - Qt4.3.1/Mac: Suggestion to improve performance of drawing to a QBitmap on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1147] - Let QMAKE_DISTCLEAN handle directories
  • [QTBUG-1148] - Option to preserve directory structure in Visual Studio projects
  • [QTBUG-1150] - Compile time option to build a purify-friendly Qt that doesn't do any background caching
  • [QTBUG-1151] - QFileDialog: Add file history
  • [QTBUG-1156] - QAbstractItemView: Be able to get all the indexes from a view and specify certain flags to get ones that are not selected etc
  • [QTBUG-1157] - Editable QComboBox mouse selection is different than standard W indows/MFC
  • [QTBUG-1158] - Have QDir and QDirModel report errors if a function fails.
  • [QTBUG-1159] - it would be be very useful to have a Roman numbering style in QTextListFormat
  • [QTBUG-1160] - Add style sheet support for QDial
  • [QTBUG-1162] - QFormLayout - split more intelligently
  • [QTBUG-1163] - Speed up smooth pixmap rotation around X/Y axis in raster paint engine
  • [QTBUG-1164] - Suggestion: enable SSL session caching
  • [QTBUG-1167] - QScreen vnc to support password
  • [QTBUG-1168] - QScreen::paintingActivated signal
  • [QTBUG-1170] - Enable profiling QEvent delivery
  • [QTBUG-1172] - Make it possible to register uncompiled resource data at run-time
  • [QTBUG-1175] - Add dependency check for the subtarget's makefile in MakefileGenerator::writeSubTargets
  • [QTBUG-1177] - QAbstractItemView height of items
  • [QTBUG-1179] - Suggestion: make menu actions not set status text of main window when menu action does not have status tip set
  • [QTBUG-1181] - Cumbersome to raise a tabbed QDockWidget
  • [QTBUG-1182] - It would be useful to have QCoreApplication:setIdleTimeout(int sec) slot and a idled() signal
  • [QTBUG-1187] - Make QVariant::data() and ::constData() part of the public API
  • [QTBUG-1189] - If there is an application icon set then use that first instead of creating a default one
  • [QTBUG-1193] - Add template functions to return references from QVariants
  • [QTBUG-1195] - Support retrieving information about the underlying API used for QSslCertificate
  • [QTBUG-1197] - synchronize includepath entries etc between .pro file and CDT settings
  • [QTBUG-1200] - Make QCompleter more extensible
  • [QTBUG-1207] - Be able to turn off the display of margin settings in QPageSetupDialog
  • [QTBUG-1208] - Specify different paths for debug and release pdb files
  • [QTBUG-1215] - Add Q_VERIFY
  • [QTBUG-1217] - QPainter image transfomation, 32bit RGB -> 32bit ARGB
  • [QTBUG-1218] - Add spacing option for QProgressBar's text
  • [QTBUG-1219] - QStyleOptionMenuItemV2::action request
  • [QTBUG-1221] - Application Auto update framework
  • [QTBUG-1222] - Implement QXmlStreamWriter::currentElement()
  • [QTBUG-1223] - QCalendarWidget :today button or context menu action.
  • [QTBUG-1224] - QFileDialog::getSaveFileName to update the name field
  • [QTBUG-1225] - Be able to obtain the z order of widgets in the application
  • [QTBUG-1226] - OS X-style behavior for popups on all platforms
  • [QTBUG-1227] - Be able to see the contents of certain classes in the debugger
  • [QTBUG-1230] - Setting up the environment on windows
  • [QTBUG-1232] - Qt/Emb add support for dynamically changing DPI
  • [QTBUG-1234] - Add QPixmap to AeroStyle in QWizard
  • [QTBUG-1238] - QMake: ability to query the makespec
  • [QTBUG-1239] - external images in SVG
  • [QTBUG-1241] - Be able to get information about the process after it has finished executing similar to what wait4() offers
  • [QTBUG-1244] - Respect the defines when generating the dependencies of a source code file
  • [QTBUG-1245] - QItemDelegate have property which disables the factory to use the userproperty
  • [QTBUG-1246] - Add setToolTip and setHtml to QUndoCommand
  • [QTBUG-1247] - Make QUndoStack::clear a slot
  • [QTBUG-1248] - Make QHeaderView support minimum section sizes for different sections
  • [QTBUG-1253] - Improve performance of QItemSelection, -SelectionModel and -SelectionRange with Qt::ItemIsSelectable flag
  • [QTBUG-1254] - Mac: Suggestion to have window placement and size constraints like Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-1255] - Add functionality to save/restoreGeometry() and state for QMdiArea and its QMdiSubWindows
  • [QTBUG-1256] - Extend the Undo/Redo framework to handle failing commands
  • [QTBUG-1259] - Create a setIconSize method for QToolBox
  • [QTBUG-1260] - QCursor overload the == and != operators
  • [QTBUG-1261] - Consolidate use of ::malloc()/::realloc() and qMalloc()/qRealloc()
  • [QTBUG-1263] - Make it possible to set QTextOption::WrapMode for the item delegate
  • [QTBUG-1265] - PE_IndicatorBranch
  • [QTBUG-1267] - Make it possible to add widgets on QToolbar 's
  • [QTBUG-1275] - QInputContext::standardFormat() - should use style, not palette
  • [QTBUG-1276] - Create word wrap modes for QLabel
  • [QTBUG-1277] - Add ellipsis to QLabel text when wrapped.
  • [QTBUG-1278] - designer and QKeySequence::StandardKey
  • [QTBUG-1283] - It would be useful if it was possible to install a message handler for QTestLib
  • [QTBUG-1286] - Vertical tabs with horizontal labels
  • [QTBUG-1287] - QListView: Make keyboard navigation in icon mode more intuitive
  • [QTBUG-1288] - Restore previous check state of items when the parent item's state is set to partially checked
  • [QTBUG-1289] - Mac: suggestion to disable border on brushed metal
  • [QTBUG-1290] - When deleting current item in a QTreeWidget, the next item in line should be the current item, instead of the previous one.
  • [QTBUG-1293] - QGradient dither flag
  • [QTBUG-1294] - Painting with dither
  • [QTBUG-1298] - Drag select in QTextEdit set with NoWrap and QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-1299] - QFileDialog static interface and last visited directory
  • [QTBUG-1300] - Detect regional settings in KDE
  • [QTBUG-1301] - When text is selected inside a QtextEdit, and the left arrow key is pressed, the cursors position is incorrect.
  • [QTBUG-1305] - QStatusBar suggestion: keyboard indicators
  • [QTBUG-1306] - QFutureSynchronizer alternate use case
  • [QTBUG-1308] - Create a stylesheet example that demonstrates how to achieve a "night-mode" effect
  • [QTBUG-1310] - Add support for the help button in decoration of Windows CE
  • [QTBUG-1312] - Print dialog option for Cups banner printing.
  • [QTBUG-1314] - allow multiple-pages-per sheet printing
  • [QTBUG-1315] - allow poster & pamphlet printing.
  • [QTBUG-1319] - Qt does not recognize all input devices on X11
  • [QTBUG-1321] - Dock area layout request
  • [QTBUG-1325] - Create an example using QFileDialog to display a "virtual" drive
  • [QTBUG-1326] - Docking windows could have visible drop zones.
  • [QTBUG-1330] - QUndoCommand parent and children
  • [QTBUG-1331] - Please add a QUndoStack::endMacro(QString) overload
  • [QTBUG-1333] - Suggestion: Make qmake DEPENDPATH work for including Mac OS X frameworks
  • [QTBUG-1334] - Usability improvement for QToolbar extension menu
  • [QTBUG-1340] - Unset the clean index in a QUndoStack
  • [QTBUG-1343] - Suggestion: Allow QToolBox to have no current item and multiple open items
  • [QTBUG-1344] - Support applying custom formatting of selected text in QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-1345] - QItemDelegate: It would be very useful if there was a way to handle the QEvent::ContextMenu event
  • [QTBUG-1348] - QObject::connect should warn for self-connects
  • [QTBUG-1349] - It would be useful to support large file systems and make use of the scandir64() function for Unix/Linux systems
  • [QTBUG-1350] - Auto-detect UTF8 etc BOM in textfiles with QTextStream
  • [QTBUG-1351] - It would be useful if QDateEdit/QDateTimeEdit would accept empty/blank values/dates
  • [QTBUG-1353] - Add a gradient view example to verify color display on embedded displays
  • [QTBUG-1354] - Export SQLite symbols from QtSql
  • [QTBUG-1355] - add some DEBUG_DISPLAY debug info
  • [QTBUG-1356] - Selections "feels" slow (on mac) because we do update() instead of repaint()
  • [QTBUG-1360] - Add command() accessor to QUndoStack
  • [QTBUG-1365] - Support qmake paramter to override installation paths
  • [QTBUG-1373] - Register Assistant to the "qthelp" URL Protocol
  • [QTBUG-1377] - QTabWidget: Add ability to set direction of tab text when using setTabPosition().
  • [QTBUG-1387] - Drag and drop multiple columns with item views. Dragging a row and dropping it in a column creates multiple rows.
  • [QTBUG-1388] - Suggestion to have functionality in qmake for setting up AppleScript
  • [QTBUG-1390] - Cursor should provide feedback that QTextEdit is in overwrite mode
  • [QTBUG-1392] - global menu bar on mac from designer
  • [QTBUG-1393] - Extracting svg objects from QSvgRenderer
  • [QTBUG-1396] - Either remove the warnings supressed by Qt in qglobal.h or document how to avoid them being supressed
  • [QTBUG-1397] - QVector and memory problems
  • [QTBUG-1398] - QUndoCommand and mergeWith()
  • [QTBUG-1399] - Suggestion: stylesheet support for QMdiSubWindow
  • [QTBUG-1400] - Suggestion for wildcards in qrc
  • [QTBUG-1401] - Suggestion: Title bar support for floating toolbars
  • [QTBUG-1404] - Clarify docs on shortcuts regarding when it is activated or activated ambigiously
  • [QTBUG-1405] - Support enabling/disabling keyboard search in views
  • [QTBUG-1406] - QStringRef functions
  • [QTBUG-1410] - QSortFilterProxyModel easy way to "invert" regexp filter
  • [QTBUG-1411] - Customize double-click selection rule while text editing
  • [QTBUG-1412] - QEvent::clone()
  • [QTBUG-1418] - Qt Assistant print selection
  • [QTBUG-1419] - Be able to determine how an action is added to a menu, i.e. what it offers in comparison to a toolbutton
  • [QTBUG-1421] - Why do we have a mutex and a redirection list in QPainter?
  • [QTBUG-1422] - html inline images
  • [QTBUG-1430] - Books demo does not work in static compiled Qt
  • [QTBUG-1431] - Suggestion: Allow choice between tiling and stretching brush textures
  • [QTBUG-1432] - Suggestion for an easier way of setting drag and drop mime data for QTreeWidgetItem
  • [QTBUG-1434] - Have an option to make selecting while scrolling in a QTableView be more like Excel
  • [QTBUG-1438] - import wizard should optionally copy the files to the eclipse workspace
  • [QTBUG-1439] - Can only edit first column items in QTreeView using keyboard only
  • [QTBUG-1440] - Make properties title and subtitle available for style sheet in QWizard
  • [QTBUG-1444] - QWhatsThis should be stylable
  • [QTBUG-1445] - Clarify documentation for qRegisterMetaType()
  • [QTBUG-1446] - Make it so that QProcess inherits the rights of the parent application
  • [QTBUG-1452] - Suggestion for option to disabled example and demos build in open source version on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1453] - setPopupMode: make is available for QAction
  • [QTBUG-1456] - Describe how to make Qt documentation show up in the Xcode 3 docsets
  • [QTBUG-1457] - It would be nice if QScrollArea would allow it's frame to overlap the viewport
  • [QTBUG-1459] - When the window is created, then the registered class name should use QMetaObject::className() instead of QWidget
  • [QTBUG-1462] - Suggestion to have defines show up in the Xcode project settings
  • [QTBUG-1463] - Freetype autohinting
  • [QTBUG-1465] - Be able to change the margins for a cell via the QStyleOptionViewItem
  • [QTBUG-1466] - Be able to specify a list of indexes to be removed for removeRows() so that it can be done in one go if there are gaps
  • [QTBUG-1468] - Make number-to-string and string-to-number functions public
  • [QTBUG-1469] - Be able to indicate that certain sections in a Q[DateTime]Edit are not editable
  • [QTBUG-1471] - getter and setter for the QTableView corner button
  • [QTBUG-1473] - Suggestion for an option to raise dialogs to the top
  • [QTBUG-1475] - QFile::validFileNameChars and QDir::validDirNameChars
  • [QTBUG-1478] - Performance: Add explicit double-buffering to QGLWidget or QGraphicsView?
  • [QTBUG-1484] - QMdiSubWindow::normalGeometry()
  • [QTBUG-1488] - Change QDialog::done() so that it closes with a close event to allow interception
  • [QTBUG-1491] - QWizard width and Banner Pixmap
  • [QTBUG-1493] - Using the QMYSQL driver may cause the application to run out of memory when a large result set is returned
  • [QTBUG-1494] - Suggestion: Add Qt API to generate random numbers
  • [QTBUG-1496] - Provide functionality which allows the window position to be adjusted while the user is dragging it.
  • [QTBUG-1500] - Make the "Recent Places" part of QFileDialog more configurable
  • [QTBUG-1502] - QSortFilterProxyModel suggestion: create specific class for sorting and filtering
  • [QTBUG-1503] - Support caching within and between QPicture instances
  • [QTBUG-1504] - Allow disabling of compression for mouse
  • [QTBUG-1505] - Suggestion for the possibility of having locked columns in Itemview
  • [QTBUG-1506] - Suggestion for more flexible masks in QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-1508] - It would be nice to have a function for QSvgRender that returns the bounding shape of the rendered SVG
  • [QTBUG-1510] - QTextEdit::find should ignore UTF-8 hyphenations.
  • [QTBUG-1515] - If a USB device is mounted at runtime while QFlileDialog is running then QFileDialog fails to update the expected mounted folder
  • [QTBUG-1516] - Add function for reading ambient properties
  • [QTBUG-1520] - QMainWindow: when docwidgets go into a tab widget it would be nice to specify what side the tabs show up on
  • [QTBUG-1523] - Suggestion for a more flexible QGraphicsScene item indexing
  • [QTBUG-1524] - Allow QDockWidgets to be tabbed within Designer
  • [QTBUG-1529] - Be able to indicate a start page to print from but no end so it prints the rest
  • [QTBUG-1531] - When Qt::LayoutDirection is set on a QMainWindow submenus should inherit the Layoutdirection.
  • [QTBUG-1535] - Painting / moving in a single step
  • [QTBUG-1539] - QLineEdit mask to fill required characters first.
  • [QTBUG-1540] - QIPAddressValidator
  • [QTBUG-1541] - Make it possible to hook into the OpenSSL CTX initialization
  • [QTBUG-1542] - Improve handling of multi column sorting of many rows
  • [QTBUG-1549] - Add QSortedList: A class that internally uses QMap but just offers the keys
  • [QTBUG-1550] - Add functionality to QSortFilterProxyModel that easily allows filtering rows and columns
  • [QTBUG-1556] - Support "instruction"-item in QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-1561] - Look into new QImage formats and colorspace support
  • [QTBUG-1563] - A way to control wrap options of child objects
  • [QTBUG-1564] - When a headerview that has multiline text gets elided then it loses the new lines instead of eliding each line independently
  • [QTBUG-1566] - It would be useful to have support for X11 keysyms Next_Virtual_Screen and Prev_Virtual_Screen keys
  • [QTBUG-1569] - Add a function to indicate the whole model is read only
  • [QTBUG-1574] - Make it possible for QScriptValueIterator to follow the prototype chain
  • [QTBUG-1575] - QCompletionModel::setCompletionPrefix() / filter() resets the model more then it has to
  • [QTBUG-1579] - It would be very useful if QDirModel would have implemented removeRow/s and removeColumn/s methods
  • [QTBUG-1580] - Add a QValidator default constructor with no parent
  • [QTBUG-1582] - Each QFileDialog creates a thread that checks the file system every so often
  • [QTBUG-1584] - QToolBar should emit signal when its floating property changes
  • [QTBUG-1585] - Qtopia core focus rects
  • [QTBUG-1589] - Resizing table headers
  • [QTBUG-1592] - QTabBar::tear style sheet property related to size is not respected
  • [QTBUG-1595] - Be able to indicate that a row/column has attributes for the whole row/column instead of having to set it on an index basis
  • [QTBUG-1596] - Be able to set the flags for an index via setData() instead of having to reimplement flags()
  • [QTBUG-1600] - Mark the color names to be translated so that they can be shown with the correct name for the language easily
  • [QTBUG-1601] - It would be nice to have some static convenience functions in QPainterPath to create common paths
  • [QTBUG-1603] - Make release and debug configurations available by default
  • [QTBUG-1604] - read pro files for included pri files and add these directories as 'linked folders' to the project
  • [QTBUG-1608] - Support QPixmaps / QImages in style sheets
  • [QTBUG-1610] - Remove private Qt headers from Designer for LSB [as much as feasible]
  • [QTBUG-1616] - add backspace to QKeySequence::Delete on Mac OSX
  • [QTBUG-1619] - Add a QListWidget::itemReleased() signal
  • [QTBUG-1620] - Mac: Suggestion for getting functionality in Qt to read which button is the primary mouse button
  • [QTBUG-1621] - Suggestion for having a way to know if a QEvent::ContextMenu event will follow a QMouseButtonPress event
  • [QTBUG-1622] - It would be nice if there was a dropping visual indication when dropping items on the empty viewport area on itemviews
  • [QTBUG-1623] - Add hover-event to QSystemTrayIcon
  • [QTBUG-1624] - When the Open Source edition is installed with MinGW then it would be nice if the installer stated which version it will install
  • [QTBUG-1625] - When smaller type checking is turned on in VS, then it complains about qHash(quint64)
  • [QTBUG-1627] - QTextEdit drag and drop text cuts, should copy.
  • [QTBUG-1630] - No way to set WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere in QLabel
  • [QTBUG-1631] - QTabBar: Add scrollButtonStyle
  • [QTBUG-1632] - Be able to indicate that a process should be run as a different user
  • [QTBUG-1634] - Document what state the glcontext needs to be in before rendering text
  • [QTBUG-1636] - Suggestion qmake: prevent adding VERSION to plugin filename
  • [QTBUG-1637] - Suggestion to make QCheckBox and QRadioButton text labels render rich text.
  • [QTBUG-1639] - Make "movable" and "clickable" properties
  • [QTBUG-1642] - Update the recent places list whenever the filedialog is shown
  • [QTBUG-1645] - Suggestion for QWidget::restoreGeometry() on MDI Windows
  • [QTBUG-1647] - QTreeView on Mac: Option-click on expand arrow should expand/close all items in the subtree
  • [QTBUG-1649] - Add autodetection for UTF-8 in QTextStream
  • [QTBUG-1652] - add an editable text tab to qrc editor like the pro editor does it
  • [QTBUG-1659] - Make it possible to have QItemDelegate inform if the text does not fit
  • [QTBUG-1661] - QToolButton spacing in QToolBar on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1662] - Support optional units for all length attributes
  • [QTBUG-1670] - Not possible to set color of visited hyperlink in QTextBrowser
  • [QTBUG-1672] - QLineEdit: It would be nice to have an insertText(QString & text) slot for inserting text at the current cursor position
  • [QTBUG-1674] - Add a database driver for OLEDB connections
  • [QTBUG-1675] - Crash while drawing lines in QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-1677] - Add support for writing GIF files
  • [QTBUG-1679] - QMovie should close the file it opens if the cache mode is CacheAll since there is no reason to keep the file open
  • [QTBUG-1680] - Be able to check if a connect or disconnect will fail without actually doing the connection/disconnect
  • [QTBUG-1681] - Make it possible to specify which Qt libraries to build during configuration of Qt
  • [QTBUG-1687] - Mac: Suggestion for having the possiblity to get all native system events
  • [QTBUG-1688] - Be able to turn off printing of page numbers
  • [QTBUG-1695] - Support Verbs in ActiveQt's server module
  • [QTBUG-1699] - Suggestion to have click-through as a per widget option on all platforms
  • [QTBUG-1701] - XML diff/patch tool based on Qt4
  • [QTBUG-1703] - Allow setting the text of the items in the Application menu on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1704] - Mac OSX Provide a complete window menu implementation.
  • [QTBUG-1705] - Suggestion for a public sleep function
  • [QTBUG-1707] - Add "Qt::WindowShaded" to "enum Qt::WindowState"
  • [QTBUG-1710] - Be able to inherit a style from the widget's parent
  • [QTBUG-1712] - QSqlRelationTableModel retrieving the key and not the value
  • [QTBUG-1713] - Make it possible to have QMenu create a custom QMenu subclass for torn off menus
  • [QTBUG-1716] - QDate::toString() & QDateTime::toString() with locale
  • [QTBUG-1718] - Creating a QAbstract model out of XML
  • [QTBUG-1719] - Suggestion for multi-touch support on macs in Qt
  • [QTBUG-1720] - The QPrintDialog on Mac is incomplete, no Page Setup Pane
  • [QTBUG-1722] - Add support for the "!important" CSS rule.
  • [QTBUG-1724] - Make QMenuBar::setCornerWidget() usable in the public API
  • [QTBUG-1728] - Extend QString::trimmed() so that you can specify either the beginning or end (or both) of the string to be trimmed
  • [QTBUG-1729] - Have a QLayout::replaceItem() so that one layout item can be replaced with another easily
  • [QTBUG-1730] - dumcpp can generate large files, it would be good if this could be split up automatically
  • [QTBUG-1731] - Finding out if an out-of-process server is down
  • [QTBUG-1735] - It should be possible to change the color of the indicator in a QRadiobutton.
  • [QTBUG-1738] - Make it possible to have moc generate metadata for all functions
  • [QTBUG-1739] - Make it possible to have moc generate metadata for non-QObject types
  • [QTBUG-1741] - It would be handy if QtScript had a fast and easy way to handle native C++ exceptions
  • [QTBUG-1742] - Simplify registering self written QObjects
  • [QTBUG-1743] - Make it possible to tag dynamic property getter/setter with moc
  • [QTBUG-1745] - Suggestion to add a QInputDialog::getQreal
  • [QTBUG-1750] - Be able to load a qt.conf file at runtime rather than having it use the one in the same path as the exe
  • [QTBUG-1751] - Limit user input in a QTextedit
  • [QTBUG-1752] - Feature Request: possibility to know that QIODevice is in error state
  • [QTBUG-1754] - last widget closed: "new form" window popping up
  • [QTBUG-1761] - QApplication::setArgs only available on Qt/Embedded
  • [QTBUG-1769] - Add a setCornerWidget() to QTableView so that the top left corner widget can be changed easily.
  • [QTBUG-1772] - Provide a QObject::disconnect() const overload
  • [QTBUG-1773] - Make sure we can use the system provided lib clucene or remove the overhead of QSharedData
  • [QTBUG-1775] - Make QComboBox and QListWidget's addItems() function a slot
  • [QTBUG-1778] - Add support for word-break attribute in CSS handling
  • [QTBUG-1779] - It would be useful if QComboBox would emit a signal that would give the activated QModelIndex
  • [QTBUG-1780] - Enable the transaction support for the TDS driver
  • [QTBUG-1785] - Qt CSS: It should be possible to set the type of cursor (crosshair, pointer, wait etc) using css
  • [QTBUG-1788] - Make it possible to state that the QSettings object should be read only, i.e. it shouldn't create a file if it doesn't exist
  • [QTBUG-1791] - Make it easier to use different Qt modules
  • [QTBUG-1797] - Mac OSX please don't scale width for application status icons
  • [QTBUG-1799] - While a Windows file dialog is open the locale can be changed for the application by another application
  • [QTBUG-1800] - QStyle functionality to retrieve text paint area for a line edit
  • [QTBUG-1805] - Mac: Suggestion for a way to only set the palette at start up
  • [QTBUG-1811] - Emit sectionHidden(int, bool) signal when QHeaderView section become hidden/shown
  • [QTBUG-1814] - Suggestion: TextCharFormat::setAnchor() should format text as link
  • [QTBUG-1815] - Retrieve return code and stderr when calling processes via $$system
  • [QTBUG-1818] - QDataWidgetMapper does not update model when clicking on QCheckBox
  • [QTBUG-1822] - Integrate the Qt documentation into Eclipse
  • [QTBUG-1825] - Consider using vfork instead of fork in QProcess to support no-mmu systems
  • [QTBUG-1826] - Make it possible to have a QColumnView without a preview widget
  • [QTBUG-1829] - Make the extension menu behave more in the same way as Visual Studio 2005, i.e. don't close when the mouse moves out of it
  • [QTBUG-1830] - Add a takeIndexWidget() (and takeCellWidget()) function so that an index widget can be moved from one index to another
  • [QTBUG-1833] - Native MacOSX comboboxes
  • [QTBUG-1836] - Bindings generator: Lazy loading of Qt bindings
  • [QTBUG-1837] - Feature request: Add a method for automatic eliding of rich text.
  • [QTBUG-1840] - Suggestion for using a tree structure in Undo/Redo framework
  • [QTBUG-1841] - $PATHEXT and QProcess
  • [QTBUG-1842] - Provide a means to easily profile scripts
  • [QTBUG-1848] - Add functionality to QLibrary to resolve symbols from application and currently loaded libraries
  • [QTBUG-1849] - Only load library and resolve symbol if the symbol is not already present
  • [QTBUG-1858] - Suggestion: In QDockWidget - Make docked windows able to collapse to one side and be represented by a tabbar
  • [QTBUG-1862] - Make it possible to define custom underline for SpellCheckUnderline
  • [QTBUG-1863] - Make it possible to modify the database used by a QSqlTableModel instance
  • [QTBUG-1864] - Provide get/set functionality for QGraphicsItem's pixmap cache.
  • [QTBUG-1866] - Add a property to QSortFilterProxyModel to indicate that the parents of filtered items should be visible regardless
  • [QTBUG-1882] - QXmlFormatter: sort attributes by the unicode collation
  • [QTBUG-1886] - Stylesheets: Make border-image drawing faster by introducing single colored parts
  • [QTBUG-1888] - takeAt for QSplitter
  • [QTBUG-1889] - Option to swap default modifier keys and shortcuts.
  • [QTBUG-1890] - QTextEdit does not smooth scale images
  • [QTBUG-1895] - QTreeWidget suggestion: add a method similar to the depth() method in QListView(Qt 3) to measure the depth of a node.
  • [QTBUG-1898] - Bindings generator: WebKit QWebHistoryItem
  • [QTBUG-1900] - Suggestion for QProcess, running processes under a different user
  • [QTBUG-1902] - getting the bundle path for Japanese OSX users
  • [QTBUG-1905] - Add QPolygon::intersect(const QRect&) overload that uses the same alogorithm as QPolygonClipper
  • [QTBUG-1906] - Eclipse integration for OSX
  • [QTBUG-1909] - Add document projection
  • [QTBUG-1910] - It would be nice if there was a way to stream a QVariant using QTextStream
  • [QTBUG-1912] - Add a function to make it easier to set what the elide mode is for a column
  • [QTBUG-1913] - Specify what configure is looking for when detecting if an option can be turned on in the help output
  • [QTBUG-1914] - Embedded: Per application/window rotation support
  • [QTBUG-1916] - Provide a convenience method in QStyledItemDelegate to draw a s tyled background
  • [QTBUG-1919] - Be able to connect a slot to a slot
  • [QTBUG-1924] - Suggestion: create a function in QColorDialog to set the default value.
  • [QTBUG-1925] - Suggestion to make it possible to interact with the Help->Search indexing through Qt
  • [QTBUG-1928] - Add 'Current Page' to the Print Range group box in QPrintDialog
  • [QTBUG-1929] - Add a function for setting which mouse button should be used for the 'ScrollHandDrag' functionality
  • [QTBUG-1931] - Make QtScript use strict type checking when invoking a slot
  • [QTBUG-1932] - Make QRegExp support Unicode Regular Expressions
  • [QTBUG-1936] - It would be nice if item selections in QTableView could start from below the last item/row while keeping the mouse pressed.
  • [QTBUG-1937] - Suggestion: Add ability to set Aspect Ratio and Transformation of QPixmaps in QLabel.
  • [QTBUG-1939] - Suggestion: Create a grid drawing functionality for GraphicsView.
  • [QTBUG-1940] - Suggestion: Change or add to QTextEdit / QTextDocument FindFlag option.
  • [QTBUG-1943] - activateWindow() on ms-windows could do better
  • [QTBUG-1951] - Throw exception when trying to read or write non-existing QObject properties
  • [QTBUG-1953] - Debug information for ~QObject
  • [QTBUG-1958] - Mac: when setting the non native menubar = false the menu background color does not match with the gradient background color
  • [QTBUG-1960] - Make QFrame::Shape::HLine/VLine stylable
  • [QTBUG-1968] - Have QDir::isReadable() work on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1970] - QSqlTableModel suggestion
  • [QTBUG-1971] - Suggestions for improving the use of server-side prepared queries for PostgreSQL
  • [QTBUG-1972] - "In place" methods for QImage and QPixmap processing tasks
  • [QTBUG-1977] - Add QLocale::languagesForCountry()
  • [QTBUG-1978] - Support sorting on rows
  • [QTBUG-1983] - Make QLocale return localized language and country names
  • [QTBUG-1987] - QSqlDriver::sqlStatement(WhereStatement, ...) enhancement.
  • [QTBUG-1993] - Make it possible to implement a widget for a QWidgetAction that blend into other actions in the menu
  • [QTBUG-2000] - Bindings generator: Improve support for multiple inheritance
  • [QTBUG-2001] - Changes in qdir/qfile between qt3 and qt4
  • [QTBUG-2003] - Possibility to edit properties of multiselected items in new itemview editors
  • [QTBUG-2004] - Unify the options for cross compilation
  • [QTBUG-2007] - QPointer does not work with virtual inherited QObject
  • [QTBUG-2009] - Ability to change foreground color for individual qactions
  • [QTBUG-2011] - improve border-image: stretch only middle part of images
  • [QTBUG-2015] - Add QTextEdit::zoomTo() function
  • [QTBUG-2016] - Be able to disable built-in interfaces provided by QAxServerBase.
  • [QTBUG-2017] - The area that QGraphicsLineItem recognizes mouse events on is very narrow
  • [QTBUG-2018] - Document the results of using TEMPLATE = lib in .pro files
  • [QTBUG-2020] - Add more functions to qmake
  • [QTBUG-2022] - It would be nice if directories defined in OBJECTS_DIR and MOC_DIR are created when "make" is run
  • [QTBUG-2025] - performance: make QPixmap thread safe
  • [QTBUG-2027] - Windows: Provide widget style hint to create dialog without system icon but close button in the titlebar
  • [QTBUG-2029] - Add a uicables target for the "glue" Makefile so that just the ui files can be processed
  • [QTBUG-2030] - Add functionality for specifiying a standard pixmap as the icon
  • [QTBUG-2031] - QSplitter programmatic collapsing
  • [QTBUG-2032] - A way to configure and query the monospace font
  • [QTBUG-2034] - Enable Windows installer to be able to select what to install
  • [QTBUG-2036] - Setting/unsetting menu arrow on QToolButton
  • [QTBUG-2037] - Shortcut priority
  • [QTBUG-2040] - Add Enhanced Meta File(EMF) support for QClipboard so vector images can be easily pasted into Word and Powerpoint
  • [QTBUG-2041] - Mac: Suggestion to be able to specify drag behaviour for proxy icons in Qt4.4
  • [QTBUG-2043] - Provide API that returns toplevel windows in the application in their z-order
  • [QTBUG-2044] - qtconfig man page missing FILES section
  • [QTBUG-2046] - Title bar on floating QToolBar
  • [QTBUG-2047] - It would be useful if it was possible to include external files to stylesheets (@import)
  • [QTBUG-2051] - QTreeWidgetItem::sortChildren conflicts with setSortingEnabled and interactive sorting features
  • [QTBUG-2052] - Be able to indicate page breaks inside a QTextTable so that tables are printed across tables splitting columns and rows
  • [QTBUG-2061] - QTabBar: allow for multiple rows of tabs
  • [QTBUG-2062] - Make qiconvcodec work correctly in DragonFly BSD
  • [QTBUG-2063] - Document the workings of the plugin cache, and how to flush it
  • [QTBUG-2065] - Inconistency read-only cursor in QLineEdit and QTextEdit.
  • [QTBUG-2068] - Add support to QCryptographicHash for more cryptographic algorithms, eg: SHA224, 256, 384, 512; Blowfish, Twofish
  • [QTBUG-2070] - QFileDialog file filters and separators
  • [QTBUG-2071] - Add functionality for informing when a widget set with setCellWidget() changes its data
  • [QTBUG-2074] - Make it possible to add custom property editors to Designer
  • [QTBUG-2075] - Make QMenubar support QWidgetAction
  • [QTBUG-2081] - Scrollbar acceleration when scroll button held down.
  • [QTBUG-2085] - Make more things in Qt foreach'able
  • [QTBUG-2093] - QHeaderView::ResizeMode suggestion
  • [QTBUG-2094] - Mac: Suggestion for supporting the same menu items that appear on native context menus
  • [QTBUG-2095] - Add flag to allow layout as a texteditor would do.
  • [QTBUG-2097] - QFileDialog cannot open new directory for saving
  • [QTBUG-2103] - The drag and drop code on X11 ignores the XdndActionAsk action
  • [QTBUG-2107] - QSqlQuery suggestion
  • [QTBUG-2108] - DecorateRecord hook for QSqlQueryModel
  • [QTBUG-2109] - Add better support for out of memory conditions in text/string classes.
  • [QTBUG-2110] - Add support for default wrap options in QScriptEngine
  • [QTBUG-2112] - option effects in system menus
  • [QTBUG-2117] - Provide spanning in QTreeView
  • [QTBUG-2119] - Add an option to the QFileDialog Option enum making it possible to turn off the history saving feature
  • [QTBUG-2122] - Add ability to add QPF2 fonts as an application font
  • [QTBUG-2125] - Reduce number of LayoutRequest, PaintEvent and ResizeEvent events sent on start up
  • [QTBUG-2128] - Docs: create and introduction to the XSL-T language
  • [QTBUG-2129] - Suggestion for disabling icons in the menu on Mac
  • [QTBUG-2130] - Enhancement: QFileOpenEvent Should Return Multiple Files
  • [QTBUG-2131] - Provide the same sidebar items in a native and non-native file dialog on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-2134] - QDataStream::writeRawData error reporting imprecise
  • [QTBUG-2138] - Supporting mouse events on a QDirectPainter surface, eg via QWSEmbedWidget
  • [QTBUG-2139] - Hyphenation for QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-2141] - Assistant suggestion
  • [QTBUG-2146] - Widget visibility
  • [QTBUG-2150] - QItemSelectionModel Expose d->ranges, d->currentSelection, and d->currentCommand to public API
  • [QTBUG-2161] - QAbstractButton::autoExclusive suggestion to be able to programmatically uncheck exclusive abstract buttons
  • [QTBUG-2165] - QtXmlPatterns: Add pull interface
  • [QTBUG-2169] - expose WM client leader
  • [QTBUG-2177] - Windows 64Bit
  • [QTBUG-2180] - Input to QUrl::fromLocalFile should be canonical
  • [QTBUG-2183] - QTabBar: elide text should result in tab with equal size
  • [QTBUG-2184] - QAxObject: query if COM object is installed
  • [QTBUG-2185] - QSqlRelationalTableModel: The select statement generated should use table names instead of aliases
  • [QTBUG-2193] - Add "layout inteligence" to QFrame
  • [QTBUG-2198] - Designer: lack of possibility to define Multi Size Icon in Action Editor
  • [QTBUG-2201] - Docs: A Short Path to XQuery: further improvements
  • [QTBUG-2206] - Make QSqlQuery::isNull(int) work without calling the value first
  • [QTBUG-2211] - QComboBox new feature ScrollHint
  • [QTBUG-2213] - QPrintPreviewWidget: Be able to specify a number of columns and rows for displaying the pages
  • [QTBUG-2215] - Add function for loading QImage directly in openGL format
  • [QTBUG-2219] - Make it possible to get a list of all editors open in a view
  • [QTBUG-2220] - Make it possible to get the index for an editor
  • [QTBUG-2222] - QFileOpenEvent is not supported on Windows
  • [QTBUG-2224] - Add XQuery Update Facility to Qt's XQuery Support.
  • [QTBUG-2225] - QMimeData::retrieveData is called before the data is required
  • [QTBUG-2226] - QCalendarWidget : change font for month and year buttons.
  • [QTBUG-2232] - we might want to support localized NaN values in qlocale
  • [QTBUG-2234] - Stylesheets: Make it possible to use the enum value in the property selector and not just the numerical representation of it
  • [QTBUG-2237] - QAbstractItemView:enable autoscrolling when using extended selection mode
  • [QTBUG-2238] - Add "Bounce" and "Overshoot" curves to QTimeLine
  • [QTBUG-2241] - Add a large numeric data type to Qt which is larger than 64bits
  • [QTBUG-2246] - Feature request: item views with default smooth scrolling
  • [QTBUG-2247] - QMainWindow: Be able to tile QDockWidgets
  • [QTBUG-2248] - KDE: Systemtray sometimes disappears after some time
  • [QTBUG-2249] - QTextEdit/QPlainTextEdit: add a resizeToContents
  • [QTBUG-2250] - QWizardPage should disable Next/Finish button until next page loads
  • [QTBUG-2254] - QSvgRenderer suggestions
  • [QTBUG-2255] - QDockWidget: Public methods to add widgets or buttons to Titlebar
  • [QTBUG-2257] - QFileDialog: suggestions to improvement of the non-native dialog on Windows
  • [QTBUG-2258] - QPointer : Add support for base class assignment.
  • [QTBUG-2260] - Complete API for QMainWindow/ to be designable (wrt Tabification)
  • [QTBUG-2261] - QSqlDriver: Add a flag to not receive notifications issued by the application itself.
  • [QTBUG-2264] - It would be nice if QFileSystemWatcher emitted more specific signals
  • [QTBUG-2270] - QPlainTextEdit suggestion
  • [QTBUG-2272] - Mac: See if it's possible to get rid of the Q_WS_MAC define in QWidget::render
  • [QTBUG-2277] - QTableView/Widget function to put an icon over the selectAll button (upper left hand corner)
  • [QTBUG-2280] - QT should use _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS X property when getting window frame size on X11 whenever possible
  • [QTBUG-2281] - Feature Request, QUndoView
  • [QTBUG-2287] - QProcess: add (static) API to get ID of current process
  • [QTBUG-2288] - Add support for intercepting database events in Oracle.
  • [QTBUG-2291] - qmake and recursive linking.
  • [QTBUG-2293] - QSignalMapper should use const QObject instead of QObject
  • [QTBUG-2294] - Changing QSpinBox text from the style
  • [QTBUG-2295] - Suggestion: New QDockWidget features
  • [QTBUG-2296] - QFileDialog: not showing hidden files disables hidden paths in the sidebar
  • [QTBUG-2297] - QGraphicsView::setViewport() flaw when used in event handler
  • [QTBUG-2298] - QFileDialog: allow select Multiple Directories
  • [QTBUG-2300] - Make moc handle framework include dirs by default - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2301] - Suggestion: Demo Browser Search Button
  • [QTBUG-2302] - QListView: Auto wrap to next/previous row when using keyboard arrow key
  • [QTBUG-2304] - QObject::runInBackgroundThread
  • [QTBUG-2308] - It would be nice if it was possible for Itemviews to have persistent item-selection
  • [QTBUG-2311] - It would be nice if it was possible to get information as XML output on the available data rows for each test function
  • [QTBUG-2313] - Improve performance of QItemSelectionModel when used to select large number of items in a large table.
  • [QTBUG-2317] - Be able to retrieve QTextEdit Visual Line number including wraps
  • [QTBUG-2318] - Container classes convenience functions
  • [QTBUG-2320] - XCode builds with -fvisibility=hidden which differs from macx-g++
  • [QTBUG-2321] - QMake : Be able to set Xcode options in the pro file
  • [QTBUG-2324] - Mac: suggestion for adding "locversion.plist" through ".pro" file
  • [QTBUG-2325] - QFileDialog: When getting the list of the mapped network drives etc, it should not check anything beyond the name
  • [QTBUG-2326] - QTreeWidget: item expanded state not preserved if set before inserting
  • [QTBUG-2336] - QCOMPARE to compare double with accuracy
  • [QTBUG-2337] - It would be nice if Qt project settings would be available from the Eclipse project settings and not only through the pro file
  • [QTBUG-2339] - Dock widget with custom title widget is hard to manipulate
  • [QTBUG-2340] - Warning if we pass argument which has no effect
  • [QTBUG-2343] - Make example for dynamic Translation
  • [QTBUG-2346] - QAbstractSlider does not have a way to get notified that the apperance is inverted
  • [QTBUG-2347] - QScrollArea: a new scroll policy that reserves space for the scroll bar
  • [QTBUG-2349] - Add option for omitting custom targets from "first", "default" and "all" targets
  • [QTBUG-2350] - QWizard: suggestion for setField() and field()
  • [QTBUG-2351] - QWizard fields' behavior require additional documentation.
  • [QTBUG-2353] - Suggestion for a way to customize the way the large toolbar expand when clicking the chevron
  • [QTBUG-2356] - MinGW project generator not supporting whitespace in QTDIR
  • [QTBUG-2357] - Enable/Disable sorting in a section of QHeaderView
  • [QTBUG-2359] - QAbstractItemView should forward mouse click for some editors when SelectedClicked is the edit trigger
  • [QTBUG-2361] - QTabBar: Make scroll offset accessible in the API so that it is easier to programatically scroll the QTabBar
  • [QTBUG-2364] - Add way to add a QToolBar to something else than a QMainWindow
  • [QTBUG-2367] - QFileDialog: Manually typing a filter into the file name field does not sort the files as a filter should.
  • [QTBUG-2370] - Add QSplitter::removeWidget ( QWidget * ) method.
  • [QTBUG-2372] - Stylesheet bug - :read-only has no effect
  • [QTBUG-2374] - QSvgGenerator: If using this on a widget that has multiple painters in use to paint the widget it will create invalid SVG
  • [QTBUG-2377] - Icon in system tray looks ugly if ARGB is used
  • [QTBUG-2379] - Add support for the JFIF image format
  • [QTBUG-2380] - QHeaderView should support richtext in the labels
  • [QTBUG-2383] - QMainWindow: allow positioning of tabbed dock widget's QTabBar
  • [QTBUG-2385] - QPenDialog - providing color, pen width, pattern and cap
  • [QTBUG-2387] - QTextEdit: / QTextDocument Be able to specify that the page numbers should not be printed when using print()
  • [QTBUG-2392] - Add support for "-no-tablet" on Windows
  • [QTBUG-2398] - New signal request "dataAboutToBeChanged" in QAbstractItemModel.
  • [QTBUG-2399] - QRegExp to support POSIX syntax
  • [QTBUG-2403] - QSettings -- support for utf-16 .ini files
  • [QTBUG-2404] - Support for loading .mo in QTranslator
  • [QTBUG-2406] - Make it possible to circulate focus between QGraphicsProxyWidget's in a QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-2410] - QDockWidget: add "isTabbed()"
  • [QTBUG-2411] - QMainWindow: add function for retrieving the order of tabbed QDockWidgets
  • [QTBUG-2420] - QLineEdit should not allow CR/LF characters
  • [QTBUG-2427] - SVG discrete resolution limitation
  • [QTBUG-2428] - Subclassing QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-2429] - It would be nice to have some simple way of showing tooltip on every header section in table view.
  • [QTBUG-2434] - QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks is ignored on Mac Native Dialog.
  • [QTBUG-2435] - Add QTabWidget::countChanged() signal
  • [QTBUG-2436] - Add 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories' to the 'VCResourceCompilerTool' object in the qmake VCPROJ generator
  • [QTBUG-2437] - Add a hyperlink widget.
  • [QTBUG-2440] - QGLPixelBuffer: In order to check if the system has support for pbuffers it creates a QGLWidget
  • [QTBUG-2443] - QSystemSemaphore: add bool tryAcquire(int timeout)
  • [QTBUG-2445] - Feature request: setting limits on selectable items in Views
  • [QTBUG-2447] - Allow better customization of QCompleter
  • [QTBUG-2450] - QMessageBox: Make it easy to add a checkbox to it so the user can say they don't want this to appear again
  • [QTBUG-2459] - moc: elaborate on warning when no relevant classes are found
  • [QTBUG-2461] - Suggestion: Qt 4 does not have enough explicit constructors
  • [QTBUG-2464] - [4.4.0] Wish: QTextCursor and QTextBlock extra methods
  • [QTBUG-2467] - Wish: provide sticky mode for movable elements
  • [QTBUG-2468] - Feature request for QSettings: handle comma separated list values without double quotes
  • [QTBUG-2472] - QToolBar: Be able to specify that the popup menu should always be used as the extension
  • [QTBUG-2473] - QTableView: Add support (or an example) for freezing certain rows and columns
  • [QTBUG-2477] - provide a way to set project specific qmake arguments
  • [QTBUG-2478] - Document limitation of FileSystemWatcher on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2487] - QWidget: Be able to unset the windowTitle()
  • [QTBUG-2488] - Make setWindowFilePath() a slot.
  • [QTBUG-2489] - QTextListFormat::ListDecimal : Provide more control over numbers' style
  • [QTBUG-2495] - Use default depth window icon when application runs on Exceed X server
  • [QTBUG-2496] - Add QGraphicsItem::childrenShape()
  • [QTBUG-2497] - Provide a getter for StandardKey in QKeySequence
  • [QTBUG-2500] - Let qmake support the /MP option in Visual Studio
  • [QTBUG-2501] - Pass the widget pointer to QStyle::styleHint() when asking for SH_Menu_FlashTriggeredItem.
  • [QTBUG-2503] - Stylesheets: Add support for QCalendarWidget
  • [QTBUG-2504] - Stylesheets: Add support for the combobox arrow down used when a QDateTimeEdit has a calendar popup
  • [QTBUG-2505] - QWidget: Add a showCentered() function so that its easy for the user to have the widget shown in the center of the parent
  • [QTBUG-2509] - Add support for embedding a QAxWidget inside a QGraphicsProxyWidget.
  • [QTBUG-2512] - QFileDialog: Make it possible to customize the icon and display name in the side bar for the non-native dialog
  • [QTBUG-2516] - macOS: QMake : Xcode / clean
  • [QTBUG-2517] - [4.4.0] QToolButton::setPopupMode() - impossible to disable pop-up menu if it was set before
  • [QTBUG-2518] - Requirement for a "Getting Started Guide" for embedded
  • [QTBUG-2520] - [Xcode] XCode 3.0 asks for project root on first open of project
  • [QTBUG-2522] - Make it possible to disable the plugin cache
  • [QTBUG-2524] - A way to make a queued connection from a script
  • [QTBUG-2529] - QSharedMemory: make it possible to specify a key that will not be mangled
  • [QTBUG-2530] - [4.4.0] Suggestion: simplify function thread_sleep in qthread_unix.cpp
  • [QTBUG-2532] - document that QTimer handles timewraps gracefully
  • [QTBUG-2534] - Make QGraphicsScenes useable in a worker thread
  • [QTBUG-2535] - Default value in QScrollBarPrivate::activateControl(...)
  • [QTBUG-2539] - Add the ability to set the defaultAction on a QToolButton in Designer
  • [QTBUG-2541] - [4.4.1] Feature request: QFileSystemModel::touch()
  • [QTBUG-2550] - Translations for Qt Assistant Menus
  • [QTBUG-2553] - QTreeView with setAutoExpandDelay() collapses items while dragging over it
  • [QTBUG-2556] - Feature request: configure --with-zlib=/path/to/zlib:/path/to/zlib/lib
  • [QTBUG-2560] - QTabWidget: stylesheet can't mdify the frame border
  • [QTBUG-2561] - QGraphicsItem - Cache without clear
  • [QTBUG-2563] - QTreeWidgetItem::sortSubtree(); QTreeWidgetItem::sortChildren() does not sort the children of the item recursively.
  • [QTBUG-2564] - Widget being edited in delegate should get mouse event position.
  • [QTBUG-2567] - QHideEvent should give more information about event
  • [QTBUG-2579] - QToolBar: Add support for QToolBar alignment
  • [QTBUG-2582] - Suggestion to add a Qt::SortOrder QTreeWidgetItem::sortOrder () method
  • [QTBUG-2584] - Be able to choose language when opening Assistant
  • [QTBUG-2585] - It would be nice to have editingFinished when up/down arrow is clicked in QDoubleSpinBox
  • [QTBUG-2588] - Add a signal to QAbstractSpinBox that informs about invalid input
  • [QTBUG-2599] - Application's Icon on Mac should not show in title bar.
  • [QTBUG-2600] - QGraphicsTextItem: Make it possible for the mouse behaviour to act more like a QLineEdit, selecting in text doesn't make a drag
  • [QTBUG-2603] - QTreeView: If setWordWrap is enabled on a QTreeView the item text is not wrapped.
  • [QTBUG-2605] - ItemViews : Invisible text in table headings on Mac OSX
  • [QTBUG-2607] - Phonon needs adapting to building statically
  • [QTBUG-2608] - QVariant::Handler should be extendable
  • [QTBUG-2610] - Add a QColor QGradient::colorAt(qreal position) method
  • [QTBUG-2612] - Support icon size for QMenu via stylesheets
  • [QTBUG-2615] - Modifying behavior of menus based on shift key - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2617] - Forwarding events to other widgets
  • [QTBUG-2620] - It would be nice to have feature to disable drag for any particular QTreeWidgetItem.
  • [QTBUG-2621] - QWidget::windowModified propagation
  • [QTBUG-2622] - Add function to QObject to reset a property
  • [QTBUG-2625] - [Xcode] OBJECTIVE_SOURCES + XCode
  • [QTBUG-2626] - Win/Mac accessibility issues, and a patch
  • [QTBUG-2627] - Add support for QStackedLayout in Qt Designer
  • [QTBUG-2631] - QVariant: It should be possible to convert a QString to QUrl and vice versa
  • [QTBUG-2634] - QSelectionModel::isColumnSelected get repeatly called in QHeaderView::paintSection()
  • [QTBUG-2640] - QFileDialog file field is always case sensitive.
  • [QTBUG-2641] - QHeaderView looses information about hidden sections but information regarding stretchLastSection etc. are still kept
  • [QTBUG-2643] - qcombobox uic3 sizeLimit could be maxVisibleItems
  • [QTBUG-2646] - QCompleter: Be able to have it complete with the case in the model and not as it was typed in with in a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-2648] - Allow cancelling the close of editor in itemDelegate
  • [QTBUG-2649] - QStyleOptionHeader: Change the enum value names for the SortIndicators so its clearer which one is Ascending/Descending
  • [QTBUG-2651] - QDockWidget: make it possible to set an icon on the dock widget tab
  • [QTBUG-2652] - QDockWidget: being able to specify the order of the tab in the dockwidget tabbar
  • [QTBUG-2654] - Add full timezone support in QDateTime
  • [QTBUG-2657] - Need comment to tr("+") in qkeysequence.cpp
  • [QTBUG-2662] - Make qmake warn if non-printable characters are encountered
  • [QTBUG-2663] - Start a docking-animation programmatically
  • [QTBUG-2668] - QSvgGenerator: Make it use a device for the QTextStream and not a QString to take advantage of the automatic flushing
  • [QTBUG-2671] - QAbstractItemView: Make state() public as this is useful to users of the itemview
  • [QTBUG-2672] - Control over the mac zoom button
  • [QTBUG-2674] - drawing drop down arrows with stylesheets?
  • [QTBUG-2688] - Suggestion: being able to compress custom QEvent.
  • [QTBUG-2693] - It would be nice to have feature to control accelaration rate of QAbstractSpinBox::setAccelerated
  • [QTBUG-2694] - QFileDialog: Be able to specify My Computer as the starting directory
  • [QTBUG-2705] - QPrintEngine add API support to send raw commands to printer
  • [QTBUG-2714] - [PATCH] annotate qFatal() with noreturn to suppress compiler warnings
  • [QTBUG-2717] - interactive QMdiArea tiling
  • [QTBUG-2723] - Store activation history for tabbed dockwidgets
  • [QTBUG-2727] - Port qtconfig away from Qt3Support
  • [QTBUG-2729] - QDockWidget: suggest adding option to toggle vertical/horizontal space consumption
  • [QTBUG-2730] - CSS style text-align doesn't work in QTextBrowser
  • [QTBUG-2742] - QMetaObject::invokeMethod() and Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection
  • [QTBUG-2745] - Translation of negative amounts
  • [QTBUG-2746] - QMainWindow: add layout option to prevent empty spaces between tool bars
  • [QTBUG-2749] - Add QAbstractViewWriter for export to ODF - ODS
  • [QTBUG-2750] - Make it possible to style lables in disabled state using style sheets without having the text looking blurry or embossed
  • [QTBUG-2753] - QToolBox feature request
  • [QTBUG-2755] - Look into using texture_from_pixmap extension to speed up pixmap upload on X
  • [QTBUG-2764] - Swapping rows or columns in a QTableView is hard when cell widgets are involved
  • [QTBUG-2766] - configure: Add option to halt script if an "auto" feature fails
  • [QTBUG-2767] - QSvgRenderer: Implement caching to reduce the memory usage
  • [QTBUG-2769] - Support building Qt on AIX with xlC and -qobjmodel=ibm compiler option
  • [QTBUG-2773] - Add -(no)make to configure.exe
  • [QTBUG-2775] - Make it possible to share resources from a non-Qt OpenGL context
  • [QTBUG-2776] - QComboBox: implement clearEditText for non-editable QComboBoxes
  • [QTBUG-2779] - Make qt_error_string and/or qErrnoWarning part of the documented API
  • [QTBUG-2784] - QMutex: Adding an API to know which QThread holds the lock on a Mutex
  • [QTBUG-2785] - QThread: include the thread objectName in the QThread warnings
  • [QTBUG-2786] - Suggestion: support for auto tool tips in itemviews
  • [QTBUG-2788] - Generate CSS compatible string from QFont
  • [QTBUG-2789] - Support more meta data in a QTextDocument when printing to PDF
  • [QTBUG-2790] - QWidget::showFullScreen does not completely hide the menu bar
  • [QTBUG-2794] - Support cross-compiling on Qt/X11
  • [QTBUG-2796] - QHeaderView::setSortIndicatorShown per column.
  • [QTBUG-2802] - QFileDialog suggestions
  • [QTBUG-2806] - Create example for using threads with itemviews
  • [QTBUG-2807] - A flag to create non-existing parent-dirs in QNetworkAccessManager::put() ftp-operations
  • [QTBUG-2808] - A public CSS API
  • [QTBUG-2809] - StyleSheet: being able to change the arrow icon of the extanders of a QToolBar
  • [QTBUG-2814] - Request: skip disabled menu items when navigating with keyboard
  • [QTBUG-2815] - QMAKE problem with incorrect caching of application icon on Mac
  • [QTBUG-2817] - Suggestion: QDir::copyFolder()
  • [QTBUG-2824] - Allow each QDockWidget to store their state separately
  • [QTBUG-2825] - Support multiple icons in QDockWidget to represent different states
  • [QTBUG-2826] - Get (optionally) back into "unsorted" state by clicking section in QHeaderView
  • [QTBUG-2830] - QDir::Modified and QDir::System
  • [QTBUG-2837] - Style sheet not applied to object using a dynamic property
  • [QTBUG-2838] - QHash::insert() should have feature to insert data without overwriting existing data with given key.
  • [QTBUG-2843] - Make uic3 compatible with CONFIG += no_keyword
  • [QTBUG-2847] - QTableView: add getter and setter for cornerbutton
  • [QTBUG-2848] - Suggestion: add the ability to reverse the button effects on QAbstractSpinBox/QSpinBox
  • [QTBUG-2849] - QToolTip: rounding the corners with a style sheet does not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-2851] - Provide more info on how to build Qt in a 64bit environment
  • [QTBUG-2852] - QShortcut:: should be able to produce a list of all conflicting shortcuts
  • [QTBUG-2854] - QDateTimeEdit input improvements
  • [QTBUG-2855] - QDateTimeEdit validation/i18n improvement
  • [QTBUG-2856] - Support "page-break-inside" in HTML engine
  • [QTBUG-2857] - Support HTML/CSS style tags that generate comments when printing to PDF
  • [QTBUG-2859] - Suggestion: QTabBar::currentChanged(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
  • [QTBUG-2863] - Add functions to get the major, minor and revision number of the Qt version at runtime
  • [QTBUG-2866] - Add an XQuery-integrated JSONParser class based on QVariant in Qt
  • [QTBUG-2867] - Rich-text in combo box items
  • [QTBUG-2869] - QRunnable: It would seem that you can use this in the same manner as a QThread, however this is not its intention
  • [QTBUG-2876] - Qt-4.4.x: Alternating row color problem on Mac
  • [QTBUG-2877] - QWidget resize and setGeometry ignore window decoration.
  • [QTBUG-2878] - QMainWindow::saveState, restoreState and perspectives
  • [QTBUG-2879] - Assembly sources support in qmake
  • [QTBUG-2880] - QToolTip: be able to do custom painting
  • [QTBUG-2881] - Qt should call qWarning() instead of perror()
  • [QTBUG-2884] - QEvent::ShortcutOverride
  • [QTBUG-2886] - Open ZIP file to read and write as using QDir and QFile
  • [QTBUG-2888] - threads.html needs expanding on the point about event driven objects since its not entirely clear what is meant by "used"
  • [QTBUG-2890] - Suggestion: QMainWindow QDockWidget: Add resize handle behavior.
  • [QTBUG-2897] - Stuff to add to QThread and QObject documentation
  • [QTBUG-2902] - Be able to specify different fonts for different platforms
  • [QTBUG-2905] - qmake: Add documentation for some "hidden" variables
  • [QTBUG-2906] - QSqlQuery::executeQuery() does not return the bound values used in query
  • [QTBUG-2908] - Cannot use ~ as an alias for the home folder in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-2909] - Document which version of glibc the integration requires
  • [QTBUG-2913] - QKeySequence: Be able to specify that a keysequence refers to a numpad key with the Keypad modifier
  • [QTBUG-2915] - API request: add a QPoint QAbstractItemView::offset() const function
  • [QTBUG-2918] - Password field could show CapsLock warning tooltip
  • [QTBUG-2928] - Designer: nested layouts take up space even when margins and spacing set to 0.
  • [QTBUG-2934] - Sugestion: Implement the XDS (X Window Direct Save Protocol) in Qt
  • [QTBUG-2945] - Suggestion: Additional output formats for QDateTime::toString()
  • [QTBUG-2947] - QFileDialog inconsistancies
  • [QTBUG-2951] - Widget on QGraphicsView may not look nice when scaling is in effect.
  • [QTBUG-2954] - QPlainTextEdit: add the functionality of QTextEdit::anchorAt () to QPlainTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-2960] - Suggestion: Extend QPainter and QImage to support a true 8-bit grayscale
  • [QTBUG-2968] - Suggestion: Resource preprocessing command
  • [QTBUG-2969] - Add support for SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE in QWidget::show()
  • [QTBUG-2970] - QMessageBox and QApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed
  • [QTBUG-2971] - QDateEdit and QDateTimeEdit usability improvement
  • [QTBUG-2973] - Suggestion: Add equivalent of QDir::relativeFilePath( ) to QUrl
  • [QTBUG-2974] - Change QAbstractItemView::startDrag() to a QEvent
  • [QTBUG-2979] - It would be nice to have a convenience function to get list of visible items in QTableView.
  • [QTBUG-2981] - Allow selecting video stream in Phonon
  • [QTBUG-2982] - StyleSheet re-apply "qproperty-" and co. on pseudo state changes.
  • [QTBUG-2984] - QLineEdit: Enable timed masking of characters on when typing a password.
  • [QTBUG-2992] - Support stylesheets for custom styles
  • [QTBUG-2996] - Add support for ARGB4444 frame buffer
  • [QTBUG-2997] - QSortFilterProxyModel: When an item is inserted or modified then it would be better to do an insertion sort instead
  • [QTBUG-2998] - QLineEdit::resizeToContent() wanted
  • [QTBUG-3008] - QToolbar corner behavior is not adaptable enough
  • [QTBUG-3009] - QFileDialog: Throw warning when user tries to enter in a directory where user does not have permission.
  • [QTBUG-3011] - Allow customizing the apparence of a window independently of its behaviour
  • [QTBUG-3014] - Improve performance of qmake using threads
  • [QTBUG-3017] - Support threaded GL rendering through high-level API in QGLWidget
  • [QTBUG-3020] - QFileDialog: When accessing a UNC path then it should show a busy cursor while it is checking something
  • [QTBUG-3026] - Usability: Programatically allow ComboBox to popup upwards
  • [QTBUG-3036] - QFile does not provide ways of working with symlink files
  • [QTBUG-3042] - QTreeView no rubberband with extended selection
  • [QTBUG-3043] - Dynamic resizing of the QMainWindow does not work appropriately
  • [QTBUG-3049] - Changing screen resolution
  • [QTBUG-3050] - QTreeView: Be able to indicate that the branches should always be drawn at the first visual column, not the first logical one
  • [QTBUG-3051] - QHeaderView::clear() missing
  • [QTBUG-3055] - Text selection: Selecting by double clicking quoted words (“foo”) should select the word and not the quotes.
  • [QTBUG-3056] - QCheckbox support in QMessageBox
  • [QTBUG-3057] - Setting rowHeight of items in tree widget
  • [QTBUG-3058] - XIM not working on AIX
  • [QTBUG-3062] - Improve documentation of mouse behavior with modifier keys
  • [QTBUG-3063] - Add Static method Qt::DropAction QDropEvent::proposedAction(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::DropActions actions)
  • [QTBUG-3077] - Repeated pasting performance issues in QLineEdit, QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-3080] - Add a QMultiMutexLocker which would take a list of mutexes to lock at the same time
  • [QTBUG-3082] - Suggestion: exclude files with regexp filters in QDirModel
  • [QTBUG-3083] - QDataWidgetMapper is not aware of model changes
  • [QTBUG-3085] - Assistant: raise window remotely
  • [QTBUG-3087] - QFontDatabase method for returning Font File Path
  • [QTBUG-3092] - Suggestion: Provide Icon for web browser
  • [QTBUG-3095] - Suggestion: Fix some moc bugs/flaws (patch enclosed)
  • [QTBUG-3096] - Add -MP to the default QMAKE_CFLAGS to enable cl to run in parallel
  • [QTBUG-3097] - QComboBox drop down list width
  • [QTBUG-3101] - qmake: Be able to specify additional manifest files for a vcproj file
  • [QTBUG-3103] - expose QLibrary's automatic suffix completion
  • [QTBUG-3109] - Designer should be able to use custom layout plugins.
  • [QTBUG-3110] - Allow adding of custom widgets to native file dialog on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3115] - Use XSetDashes for custom dashes too
  • [QTBUG-3118] - QTabWidget, make it possible to choose whether to have the close button in each tab or a common button closing the current one
  • [QTBUG-3119] - QTabWidget, make it possible to choose which side of the tab the close button is on
  • [QTBUG-3124] - add a 'dist' target to TEMPLATE=subdirs in qmake
  • [QTBUG-3126] - StyleSheet: be able to select items more individually in the itemview framework
  • [QTBUG-3130] - Qt does not compile on HP-UX with aCC 3.60
  • [QTBUG-3133] - qmake: variables such as VER_MAJ should use the VERSION variable to get the relevant info if set if the specific one isn't
  • [QTBUG-3134] - qmake: Add an option for the pro file to be dependent on the headers so that if a header changes it will regen the makefile
  • [QTBUG-3137] - Add a textColor property to QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-3139] - make unifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac respect customContextMenu
  • [QTBUG-3140] - We should support keeping previous settings when setModel for QAbstarctItemView
  • [QTBUG-3145] - Designer: QLayout spacing inheritance not reflected
  • [QTBUG-3146] - QLayout spacing inheritance
  • [QTBUG-3156] - It would be nice to have a -system-phonon switch
  • [QTBUG-3160] - Support dragging tabs off a tabbar
  • [QTBUG-3163] - Create platform independent sleep() function
  • [QTBUG-3165] - QMainWindow/QDockWidget: Add flags to saveState() and saveGeometry to save the current layout.
  • [QTBUG-3166] - No programmatic difference between an unchecked qtableitem and one that doesn't have a checkbox
  • [QTBUG-3167] - Add support for footprint measurement
  • [QTBUG-3180] - Suggestion to add API for querying/setting screen saver state
  • [QTBUG-3182] - Suggestion: Even more faster serach in the Index of Qt Assistant
  • [QTBUG-3184] - Add mingw32ce support
  • [QTBUG-3186] - QMenu should have a signal for a tear-off menu closed event
  • [QTBUG-3187] - Make QtIcoHandler support writing .ico files with multiple images
  • [QTBUG-3189] - investigate on thumb instruction code
  • [QTBUG-3190] - Configure run with -static should warn if dynamic libraries detected.
  • [QTBUG-3192] - Be able to detect a running instance of Assistant from a process.
  • [QTBUG-3196] - It would be nice to have Synchronization feature likePOSIX thread's barrier object
  • [QTBUG-3197] - Designer Suggestion
  • [QTBUG-3200] - Add support for alternative "int wmain(int argc, wchar_t * argv[])" entry point.
  • [QTBUG-3201] - Suggestion: Add Q_DECLARE_FRIENDS_FOR_FLAGS()
  • [QTBUG-3208] - Make mipmap generation an option.
  • [QTBUG-3218] - Allow QDesktopServices::storageLocation to care about KDE expand variable
  • [QTBUG-3220] - API to save a filename from the server directly
  • [QTBUG-3224] - QPainter::draw3x3Pixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap, qreal right, qreal top, qreal left, qreal bottom);
  • [QTBUG-3227] - Benchlib should output multiple metrics at once where practical
  • [QTBUG-3229] - Make it possible to select between ClearType(TM) and greyscale text antialiasing
  • [QTBUG-3236] - qmake: Be able to specify what $(MAKE) expands to in a subdirs pro file so that /nologo can be added for example
  • [QTBUG-3238] - QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: Should be able to two arguments.
  • [QTBUG-3243] - it would be nice if QProcess works when path includes spaces
  • [QTBUG-3250] - better selection modification with up/down arrow keys
  • [QTBUG-3251] - VERSION number extension
  • [QTBUG-3255] - Support StyleSheet for QCommandLinkButton
  • [QTBUG-3257] - [configure]: Decouple configure options for Xcursor and Xfixes
  • [QTBUG-3258] - Be able to specify that output generated from an extra compiler should be considered for being moc'd
  • [QTBUG-3260] - Native generator for Eclipse projects
  • [QTBUG-3261] - Mention expections for QPixmap (and maybe others) in the documentation for implicit sharing
  • [QTBUG-3263] - QPersistentModelIndex Documentation
  • [QTBUG-3264] - Dragging dividers support with Right Mouse Button
  • [QTBUG-3265] - QFileDialog: add support for ~ going to the home dir and for environment variables
  • [QTBUG-3269] - QMdiArea: switching between TabbedView and SubWindowView does not preserve maximized window state
  • [QTBUG-3272] - Broken text when painted with a low point size and then scaled up in e.g. a graphics view
  • [QTBUG-3275] - Phonon: add a function that can determent if a file is playable.
  • [QTBUG-3276] - QWidget::showFullScreen() should hide the menubar if any exist
  • [QTBUG-3277] - QErrorMessage: Be able to say that all originally surpressed messages should be unsupressed
  • [QTBUG-3283] - Suggestion: Add class for tules -> QTuple
  • [QTBUG-3284] - Support Intel Thread Checker for Qt Threads
  • [QTBUG-3288] - Make QPixmapIconEngine a public class
  • [QTBUG-3289] - QAbstractItemModel::supportedDragActions( ) should be called with a list of indexes and the mime data
  • [QTBUG-3292] - Transparent background support for QX11EmbedWidget
  • [QTBUG-3298] - example of how to create a basic Quick Look plugin using Qt for Mac installations
  • [QTBUG-3299] - Client/Server Object Oriented Data base system
  • [QTBUG-3300] - QTextCharFormat add new alignmentvalue AlignCenter
  • [QTBUG-3304] - QSlider: Be able to style the ticks of a QSlider using style sheets.
  • [QTBUG-3307] - [QLabel] Not possible to change hovered link color through a CSS rule
  • [QTBUG-3308] - [Suggestion] Prioritized QCache
  • [QTBUG-3309] - QComboBox::setCurrentIndex() should also set current index for its model
  • [QTBUG-3310] - QPrinter should have APIs to control where pagebreaks are inserted
  • [QTBUG-3315] - Investigate what can be used from the KDE Threadweaver class to enchance QRunnable and QThreadPool
  • [QTBUG-3316] - Natural sort
  • [QTBUG-3317] - `-callgrind' benchlib measurer should provide a way to keep the callgrind output
  • [QTBUG-3318] - add wince imageviewer example with mapped images
  • [QTBUG-3334] - Add a QFileDialog::resetSidebarUrls() function
  • [QTBUG-3336] - QT 4.4.2 WebKit Assistant icons for items in Contents tab
  • [QTBUG-3338] - qmake: Be able to use -L and -l inside TARGETDEPS (and its friends)
  • [QTBUG-3341] - QT configure script should respect $PKG_CONFIG
  • [QTBUG-3342] - Necessary changes to get QT running on Blackfin Linux
  • [QTBUG-3346] - combo boxes in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-3347] - QDrag: Be able to specify a custom pixmap for the IgnoreAction cursor
  • [QTBUG-3348] - Consider having QAxBase::querySubObject() return a null QAxObject and not 0 if it fails since isNull() can be used
  • [QTBUG-3350] - Be able to auto update widgets upon specific database updates
  • [QTBUG-3351] - Customizing QTabBar icon positioning and size with style sheets
  • [QTBUG-3357] - Adding items with a Proxy models
  • [QTBUG-3358] - Demo request - editing images and tables in QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-3359] - Suggestions for QAbstractItemView
  • [QTBUG-3367] - Use QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath() for X11 WM_CLASS instead of qAppName()
  • [QTBUG-3371] - Make the QLinuxFbScreen's file descriptor accessible
  • [QTBUG-3376] - ActiveQt: Add parameter to bool QAxFactory::registerActiveObject ( QObject * object )
  • [QTBUG-3377] - QtConcurrent specifying max thread count
  • [QTBUG-3379] - Display Wait Cursor for QFileDialog when displaying large directories
  • [QTBUG-3388] - Suggestion: Make QExifImageHeader available in Qt
  • [QTBUG-3392] - QMenuBar change height with StyleSheet
  • [QTBUG-3397] - Reintroduce Important Inherited Functions listing
  • [QTBUG-3400] - Suggestion: Add flag to QWidget that removes the system menu icon on Windows
  • [QTBUG-3401] - Add support for flags -msse , -msse2, -msse3 in Qt
  • [QTBUG-3405] - Problem with QMdiArea::currentSubWindow()
  • [QTBUG-3408] - Platform dependent paths in (error-)strings
  • [QTBUG-3410] - [ECMA extensions] for each in and QtScript
  • [QTBUG-3411] - QWidgetAction::setEnabled( bool ) has no direct effect on widgets created with QWidgetAction::createWidget()
  • [QTBUG-3418] - It would be nice if QFileDialog gives better message when a folder is created with name which is already existing.
  • [QTBUG-3420] - Suggestion: QDockWidget - Add state that could be s queried whether a tabbed widget is on top (visible) or not.
  • [QTBUG-3422] - QGraphicsWidget : make it possible to set the title icon .
  • [QTBUG-3428] - Bigger or smaller Font Sizes based on the platform default.
  • [QTBUG-3430] - Suggestion: Changes in qmake
  • [QTBUG-3432] - Qt Eclipse Integration: add a build configuration option for Qt projects
  • [QTBUG-3434] - configure script: print out the module table at the very ending of the script
  • [QTBUG-3437] - QPushButton::setTextAlignment
  • [QTBUG-3438] - QTextCodec: support ASCII and related aliases
  • [QTBUG-3442] - It would be better to break “window on top” property of a window when modal dialog is created.
  • [QTBUG-3448] - Add auth-int support in QAuthenticator
  • [QTBUG-3450] - Filter combobox not editable in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-3452] - QTextEdit bullet colour cannot be changed for disc or square
  • [QTBUG-3453] - Performance issue/wish, QComboBox extensive data fetching
  • [QTBUG-3455] - Let the style provide a custom base font and palette for a widget
  • [QTBUG-3459] - QWidget sizeHint() constrained to 2/3 screensize
  • [QTBUG-3462] - Be able to use MathML in QtHelp
  • [QTBUG-3465] - QWidget: add a first/lastInFocusChain() so its easy to get to the beginning and end of the focus chain for a widget
  • [QTBUG-3468] - Suggestion: add 2 BPP grayscale to Qt for Embedded Linux
  • [QTBUG-3469] - Suggestion: add method for QReadWriteLock to check if unlock() will succeed and not cause error
  • [QTBUG-3471] - QMetaMethod: Add a name() method for querying
  • [QTBUG-3473] - QFileDialog autocompletion should be case insensitive on Windows
  • [QTBUG-3474] - QTestLib: Add a QINFO for outputting information in a formatted way like QWARN
  • [QTBUG-3475] - QTestLib: Output the count of how many verifies and checks were done at the end of a test function
  • [QTBUG-3476] - QObject signals: make signal ID available in addition to sender()
  • [QTBUG-3478] - QPlainTextEdit::undoAvailable() (and redo) is emitted even if it's read only
  • [QTBUG-3480] - QSqlRelationalTableModel: setSort() doesn't affect drop down lists
  • [QTBUG-3481] - Make it possible to set a default priority for new threads created by QThreadPool
  • [QTBUG-3485] - Native Menu Bar on Mac set on QMainWindow level
  • [QTBUG-3487] - QFile::copy(): add copying of resource forks on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3489] - Focusing windows does not follow Mac HIG
  • [QTBUG-3491] - It would be nice if we have convenience function QTabWidget::setTabTextColor() an Analogy of QTabBar::setTabTextColor()
  • [QTBUG-3492] - It would be nice to have a signal indexAboutToBeChanged() in QTabBar before current index changes
  • [QTBUG-3494] - Allow setting the default writing system in QFontDialog
  • [QTBUG-3497] - Qt4 sets only one icon size for _NET_WM_ICON
  • [QTBUG-3499] - Stylesheet: being able to set border-radius on top level widget.
  • [QTBUG-3506] - QSqlQuery: add public database() method
  • [QTBUG-3508] - Be able to register the application to open Files/URL
  • [QTBUG-3509] - Get all the metadata with Phonon
  • [QTBUG-3510] - QPrinter: be able to send the PDF output from QPrinter to memory instead of a file
  • [QTBUG-3512] - It would be nice if have some convenient way to uncheck all actions in QActionGroup
  • [QTBUG-3516] - Add an option to turn off the recursive behavior of QObject::findChildren<>()
  • [QTBUG-3520] - Unexpected behaviour of selection via Shift and a letter key
  • [QTBUG-3522] - Support QGraphicsItems fixed to the view
  • [QTBUG-3523] - Suggestion: Make QTreeViewPrivate::updateScrollBars() available as a protected function in QTreeView.
  • [QTBUG-3526] - Suggestion: QLineF extensions
  • [QTBUG-3527] - Suggestion: Please put QScriptSyntaxHighligher in the API
  • [QTBUG-3535] - Rich text in QToolButton
  • [QTBUG-3541] - Please make Qt packagemaker scripts available for users.
  • [QTBUG-3544] - add a Qt::WA_MacNoShadow attribute
  • [QTBUG-3550] - Be able to specify that a signal/slot/property should be considered "ignored" when exposing them as events
  • [QTBUG-3551] - Use a global constant or a local static in the test "doubleformat"
  • [QTBUG-3556] - setCornerWidget with QMenu in QWorkspace
  • [QTBUG-3557] - Show the error position in SQLError
  • [QTBUG-3559] - WM_APPCOMMAND handling is incomplete
  • [QTBUG-3564] - Stylesheet support to change the Tick in QSliders
  • [QTBUG-3565] - QAction: add an enabledChanged signal
  • [QTBUG-3566] - Defining custom serialization routines for QSettings
  • [QTBUG-3575] - It would be nice if we have some error code/strign if some operation fails in QFileDialog.
  • [QTBUG-3577] - QDesignerPropertySheetExtension: add set/isEnabled() functions so its possible to enable/disable properties in property sheet
  • [QTBUG-3578] - QAbstractState::onEntry() should not be pure virtual
  • [QTBUG-3581] - QTextTable: Be able to specify a height for a given row in the QTextTable
  • [QTBUG-3586] - Insert a QList in another QList at a position
  • [QTBUG-3593] - QTest: add continue-on-error
  • [QTBUG-3599] - PDF support for QTextDocumentWriter
  • [QTBUG-3600] - Area where item accepts doubleClicks is too small
  • [QTBUG-3602] - Improve look and feel of dock widget tabs for Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3609] - Don't emit signals when clearing selection and signals are blocked
  • [QTBUG-3612] - QMenu: Add a style hint for the left hand bar of menus to be removed on Vista
  • [QTBUG-3625] - qmake: When a cpp file is in the HEADERS section then in the vcproj it should be marked as excluded from build
  • [QTBUG-3626] - QTextDocument: Be able to have a global loadResource() function in some way
  • [QTBUG-3635] - Add a slot or function QTabWidget::setTabVisible(bool)
  • [QTBUG-3638] - Suggestion: API for setting file metadata(S60/S40).
  • [QTBUG-3639] - Make QAbstractScrollArea::update() repaint the viewport
  • [QTBUG-3640] - Be able to set boundaries for the items of a graphicsview
  • [QTBUG-3646] - Image Reader suggestions for improvement
  • [QTBUG-3653] - QAbstractTableModel: high latency when selecting cells inside a QAbstractTableModel view with many visible cells
  • [QTBUG-3654] - Add a switch to configure script for QMAKE_INCDIR_ and QMAKE_LIBDIR_ _X11 and _OPENGL
  • [QTBUG-3656] - QColorDialog and objectNames
  • [QTBUG-3659] - QToolButton with QAction
  • [QTBUG-3667] - When both docwidget are same QMainWindow::tabifyDockWidget() it shows strange behavior.
  • [QTBUG-3670] - sceneEventFilter not only for items but for the whole scene
  • [QTBUG-3672] - Add Phonon audio input
  • [QTBUG-3675] - QToolBar: On Mac it is possible to customize your toolbar, whereas in Qt this is not possible
  • [QTBUG-3678] - Make PostgreSQL Error Codes availble in QSqlError
  • [QTBUG-3692] - QAbstractItemModel drag and drop does not depend on item
  • [QTBUG-3694] - Provide QSharedMemory::lock() with timeout
  • [QTBUG-3696] - Cannot make a QMessageBox resizable
  • [QTBUG-3698] - QDockWidget/QToolBar: Be able to programatically resize and place them easily within the layout
  • [QTBUG-3705] - Add support for PKCS11 (pcsc-lite) in QSslSocket
  • [QTBUG-3719] - QMainWindow: be able to style floating/ docked widgets using pseudo state
  • [QTBUG-3727] - QThreadStorage misses setAutoDelete(false)
  • [QTBUG-3731] - QSortFilterProxyModel: add support for controlling drag actions
  • [QTBUG-3734] - [Suggestion] Support for file and directory attributes
  • [QTBUG-3735] - QAbstractItemView: option for how disabled items interacts
  • [QTBUG-3743] - Add support for NSWindowCollectionBehavior flags
  • [QTBUG-3745] - QComboBox's QCompleter does not change currentIndex() after selection from its popup list
  • [QTBUG-3756] - It would be nice if exclusive QButtonGroup can also extends a feature to uncheck checked button.
  • [QTBUG-3757] - Make QSvgRenderer::isValid() return false if the document is not valid SVG Tiny 1.2
  • [QTBUG-3764] - QFileDialog::setSelectedFiles() : opening QFileDialog with multiple files selected
  • [QTBUG-3765] - Be able to paint text using glyph ids instead of a QString
  • [QTBUG-3773] - Biometric technology not supported in Qt.
  • [QTBUG-3776] - Problem with makefile dependencies if there's a file called "force"
  • [QTBUG-3782] - Investigate whether -GL/-LTCG should be optional or not (Windows only)
  • [QTBUG-3788] - Add macdeployqt as a build step in Qt Creator
  • [QTBUG-3790] - Text Handling in QTextEdit behaves differently than other text editors
  • [QTBUG-3791] - QProcess: Support for QIODevice::Unbuffered
  • [QTBUG-3796] - Thumbnail view in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-3798] - Public access to the internal structure (attributes, styles) of QGraphicsSvgItem
  • [QTBUG-3799] - QPlainTextEdit no visible Cursor when set to read only
  • [QTBUG-3802] - We shouldn't create native window handles for widgets inside QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-3803] - Comparison operators for Qt's container
  • [QTBUG-3806] - It would be nice if dockWidgets can still be tabbified while floating outside mainWindow.
  • [QTBUG-3807] - Add support for reading/writing large blobs in chunks
  • [QTBUG-3808] - Priority queue
  • [QTBUG-3812] - Add a signal void tabCloseRequested (QWidget* widget)
  • [QTBUG-3813] - Support alternate row colors for qtableview
  • [QTBUG-3817] - QStyleSheet: Currently no option to modify the text stylesheet of all QLabel
  • [QTBUG-3819] - Add the possibility to load the document saved with QTextDocumentWriter
  • [QTBUG-3820] - Vertical text support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean
  • [QTBUG-3823] - It would be nice if we have one overloaded method QListWidget::addItem() to add Icons too.
  • [QTBUG-3826] - Add support to set tooltip position relative to widget
  • [QTBUG-3831] - Add Desktop Shortcut API to Qt
  • [QTBUG-3832] - Add currentChar() and previousChar() to QTextCursor
  • [QTBUG-3833] - QDBusConnection::connect() doesn't support filtering on arguments
  • [QTBUG-3836] - QThread* argument to QMetaMethod::invoke(); invocation callback
  • [QTBUG-3841] - It would be nice if we have have some convenience function which allow to use QBitArray and QByteArray together.
  • [QTBUG-3843] - QSslCertificate: Read the certificates already stored in the Windows certificate database
  • [QTBUG-3849] - Add an example of how to implement a Proxy model
  • [QTBUG-3851] - Stylesheets should be able to operate on the tick in a QComboBox in QMacStyle.
  • [QTBUG-3857] - QPrinter without GUI
  • [QTBUG-3862] - QSslSocket: Add compliance for FIPS 140-2
  • [QTBUG-3870] - QSystemTrayIcon: be able to connect to balloon message's closeButton clicked() signal.
  • [QTBUG-3872] - QByteArray : add Inflate / Deflate support
  • [QTBUG-3879] - Add support for realtime threads
  • [QTBUG-3898] - t would be nice if we have a signal if check box of an item has chaned its state
  • [QTBUG-3900] - Add explicit QTEST macros for tests that use QCoreApplication or QApplication
  • [QTBUG-3901] - QString: Add an overload of trimmed() that takes either a single character or characters to trim from the string
  • [QTBUG-3903] - File actions for QDesktopService
  • [QTBUG-3904] - QAxServer: When the QApplication is created the library path for the local plugins should be added
  • [QTBUG-3910] - Make QTreeView behave like nativ Mac tree view
  • [QTBUG-3918] - Support QtConcurrent with Sun CC 5.9
  • [QTBUG-3922] - new << operator for QMap
  • [QTBUG-3930] - Add accessibility support for QtWebkit once it is available on the webkit side
  • [QTBUG-3935] - It would be nice if we have some wasy to get file thumbnails thumbnails
  • [QTBUG-3937] - QTextTable: Be able to specify that rows should not be split over pages
  • [QTBUG-3943] - Add static QDir::mkdir, mkpath, exists, etc.
  • [QTBUG-3947] - QTextDocument: give the possibility to insert a frame before the first block
  • [QTBUG-3951] - QMenu should generate actions from a model
  • [QTBUG-3952] - Add the ability to wrap options as an extra argument to the qScriptValueFromQMetaObject() function
  • [QTBUG-3954] - Add an attribute to controle menubar appearance in full screen mode on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3964] - QObjectCleanupHandler empty signal
  • [QTBUG-3978] - QObjectCleanupHandler lacks a constructor taking a QObject *parent
  • [QTBUG-3980] - Make the QT_USE_FREETYPE_LCDFILTER define be configurable in the Qt configure script
  • [QTBUG-3987] - qmake: When calling system() it can take some time
  • [QTBUG-3992] - qmake: Be able to have files with the same name in a project
  • [QTBUG-3997] - Allow QThreadPool to have a minimum thread count
  • [QTBUG-3999] - WinCE: Dialog without a Close Button in the titlehint.
  • [QTBUG-4002] - ItemViews : Checkboxes in headers
  • [QTBUG-4005] - Method for getting the currently selected item
  • [QTBUG-4007] - configure script in 4.5.1 fails if there is no Xlib present
  • [QTBUG-4009] - Contextmenu creation in designer
  • [QTBUG-4010] - QObjectCleanupHandler objects() function
  • [QTBUG-4011] - Add support for native notification systems.
  • [QTBUG-4015] - Add a Qt::ItemIsFocusable flag (which is on by default) so that its easier to have non focusable items looking enabled
  • [QTBUG-4021] - add a method to QDialogButtonBox to disable the default button
  • [QTBUG-4024] - QXmlQuery chain transformations
  • [QTBUG-4027] - Have Designer detect when external modifications are made to a file
  • [QTBUG-4029] - Support for objc-gc compile flag, Mac OS X garbage collection
  • [QTBUG-4035] - QSignalMapper, Feature Request for additional types
  • [QTBUG-4040] - QSortFilterProxyModel : flag to only apply to top level items.
  • [QTBUG-4046] - support for visual studio 2008 and 64 bit
  • [QTBUG-4067] - Create a native image class to work with X11 shared memory
  • [QTBUG-4073] - QSharedMemory: Add a blocking and non-blocking variant of a tryLock() function
  • [QTBUG-4076] - When a control is embedded then emit a signal or send an event so that the some futher intialization can be done
  • [QTBUG-4077] - Tie in the resource system with QTranslator
  • [QTBUG-4079] - Extend modifier key support
  • [QTBUG-4081] - Add a configure option to build webkit shared in a static build of Qt
  • [QTBUG-4082] - No way to style QTabWidget's tab bar background in Mac "document style"
  • [QTBUG-4083] - QMdiArea::cascadeSubWindows resizes sub windows
  • [QTBUG-4084] - It would be nice if QFileDialog:: getSaveFileName() gives a message if file is not having extension
  • [QTBUG-4087] - Add a stylehnt to make a QMenuBar wrapp over several lines instead of showing an expansion button
  • [QTBUG-4091] - rcc: Add an option that allows a include file to be passed in (like moc's -f option) so that a pch file can be included
  • [QTBUG-4096] - QScrollArea performance with soft-scroll and soft-move
  • [QTBUG-4105] - QItemSelectionModel::is[Row|Column]Selected(): Make this more efficent by only checking ranges for the requsted row/column
  • [QTBUG-4125] - Make it possible to export/ import bookmarks.
  • [QTBUG-4126] - QGraphicsItem: add a way of modifying the dotted line around a selected QGraphicsItem
  • [QTBUG-4127] - QDateTimeEdit accept only one format
  • [QTBUG-4130] - Fix warnings on HP-Unix platform
  • [QTBUG-4132] - Linker errors when compiling Qt with statically linked openssl
  • [QTBUG-4136] - qmake does unneccessary dependency analysis when creating VCPROJ files
  • [QTBUG-4141] - QTabBar/QTabWidget: Be able to hide/show tabs
  • [QTBUG-4142] - QSQL: Getting a list of placeholders to bind, prior to binding
  • [QTBUG-4144] - Support the choice of linking against a static/shared build of Qt installed into the same directory.
  • [QTBUG-4146] - QInputDialog: being able to set a QValidator
  • [QTBUG-4158] - Mac OS X: add a filter to exclude the bundles on QDir
  • [QTBUG-4163] - Add a means to unregister a field in QWizardPage
  • [QTBUG-4166] - Add pause() and resume() method to QTime
  • [QTBUG-4167] - add a method for setting a tolerance for QDockWidget
  • [QTBUG-4168] - Middle mouse-button should put text edit widgets into a scroll mode on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4172] - QFont: More Fine Grained Font Substitution
  • [QTBUG-4173] - Allow to turn off "auto-scrolling to selected item when widget is shown" feature in itemviews
  • [QTBUG-4174] - QFileSystemModel: please can an option be added to force deletion of a non-empty directory
  • [QTBUG-4176] - Stylesheets : implement a way to revert to native on all properties.
  • [QTBUG-4181] - QKeySequence::NativeText should return "Windows key" instead of Meta - Windows
  • [QTBUG-4185] - Output with multiple test loggers from a single test run
  • [QTBUG-4207] - Support MVC for QLineEdit and others
  • [QTBUG-4211] - Extend QLibrary to recognize non standard extensions.
  • [QTBUG-4217] - Remove the magical verticalMargin and horizontalMargin from QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-4218] - QLineEdit::sizeHint() could be smarter when maxLength is set.
  • [QTBUG-4231] - Make it easier to style the cursor of a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-4232] - Add pdb files to the Active Qt distribution
  • [QTBUG-4238] - extend QAbstractFontEngine to take care of the shaping
  • [QTBUG-4248] - Make it easier to change the behavior of scrollable menu
  • [QTBUG-4250] - Flag QLabel to put an ellipsis at the end of text if the text doesn't fit
  • [QTBUG-4254] - Template replacement for Q_ARG
  • [QTBUG-4256] - QFile: add support for copy() or rename() to overwrite an existing file
  • [QTBUG-4257] - Timer fired, but no QCoreApplication
  • [QTBUG-4261] - QTreeVew: gap around the HeaderView on Mac does not look native
  • [QTBUG-4263] - Add support for printing with CSS opacity.
  • [QTBUG-4264] - Add more debug output to QEglContext::chooseConfig()
  • [QTBUG-4265] - extend macdeployqt to change custom plugins as well.
  • [QTBUG-4277] - QMdiArea: no option to make the last QMdiSubWindow inactive
  • [QTBUG-4281] - Make it possible to remove the focus rect using style sheets
  • [QTBUG-4282] - Implement handling for Out of Memory errors in Qt.
  • [QTBUG-4285] - Add API to detect if a drag and drop operation is active
  • [QTBUG-4296] - Make indexers aware of DEFINES specified in pro files
  • [QTBUG-4303] - Option to add date time metadata to translation files.
  • [QTBUG-4312] - add QList::prepend( const QList<T> & value )
  • [QTBUG-4320] - QSql handle() to Service Context in Oracle Driver
  • [QTBUG-4321] - QSql functionality of OCIBreak() function
  • [QTBUG-4326] - Make it possible to have custom build configurations like in C++ project
  • [QTBUG-4329] - qmake: resolve relative paths in .pri files relative to the file being included, not the file that does the including
  • [QTBUG-4330] - QGraphicsProxyWidget doesn't respect the windowIcon property
  • [QTBUG-4336] - QSslSocket::supportsSsl() could give more information
  • [QTBUG-4340] - Add support for other 16bit pixel formats such as 1555 or 24 bit 888
  • [QTBUG-4343] - QSSLSocket: OpenSSL library naming is inconsistent
  • [QTBUG-4349] - Add a way to refresh the model of QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-4363] - QGLContext - expose AGLContext for advanced openGL operations on Mac
  • [QTBUG-4365] - Add an argument with the screen number to QWidget::showFullScreen()
  • [QTBUG-4372] - Implement the means for allowing "Everyone" to access the same shared memory/semaphore on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4379] - Implement XML Data Bindings in Qt
  • [QTBUG-4388] - QLinguist : Previous and Next actions for items with warnings.
  • [QTBUG-4398] - It would be nice if QInputDialog has an api to set maximum text length.
  • [QTBUG-4400] - Add the possibility to disconnect all functions connected to a signal in Javascript
  • [QTBUG-4402] - Support custom QLayout derivatives as designer plugin
  • [QTBUG-4405] - Add the support of the tablet's eraser to erase text
  • [QTBUG-4406] - QFile::open() support for local ports
  • [QTBUG-4411] - Be able to switch off the logging in QtTest
  • [QTBUG-4426] - Add a new menuRole - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-4427] - Support handling generic Apple events
  • [QTBUG-4435] - Selection is modified when checking/uncheckin checkable items
  • [QTBUG-4438] - Add support for OpenGL 3.0
  • [QTBUG-4462] - QFileDialog should be showing network shares
  • [QTBUG-4466] - Add support for the geometric types of PostgreSQL
  • [QTBUG-4469] - Make it possible to change the cursor/pixmap after a drag has started
  • [QTBUG-4471] - QDockWidget determine order docked widgets are tabbed
  • [QTBUG-4482] - It would be nice if shadow build is supported on windows too.
  • [QTBUG-4523] - QDomDocument: examples should include something that allows nodes to be inserted into an existing document
  • [QTBUG-4530] - QGradientDialog
  • [QTBUG-4531] - QSqlTableModel: Be able to track real-time changes in a QSqlTableModel view
  • [QTBUG-4532] - Be able to move the tabbed dock widgets.
  • [QTBUG-4554] - QAbstractXmlNodeModel: more abstract approach on how to traverse the model
  • [QTBUG-4650] - Be able to specify the alignment of a checkbox inside an itemview
  • [QTBUG-4658] - Uninstaller for the source package to ensure the registry is cleaned up
  • [QTBUG-4703] - Enhance the documentation for QTimer
  • [QTBUG-4771] - Dialog's title is shown in S60 title pane, instead of top of dialog window
  • [QTBUG-4799] - Apply stylesheet styling to native widgets using local theming
  • [QTBUG-4865] - QAbstractItemModel::createIndex should support quint64 internalId type
  • [QTBUG-4955] - Introduce an event for notification of changes in widgets global position
  • [QTBUG-5054] - Implement QPainterPath::quadTo() which takes an arbitrary number of control points
  • [QTBUG-5087] - Add support for text shadows
  • [QTBUG-5283] - Method for getting/setting hashed password in QAuthenticator
  • [QTBUG-5341] - Add SizeAdjustPolicy to QComboBox to adjust its context menu but not combobox
  • [QTBUG-5360] - Qt5: Opt-in dynamic tooltips so we can switch off mouse tracking for ALL views ALL the time
  • [QTBUG-5368] - Add support of aligning QCheckBox to center
  • [QTBUG-5437] - provide an option to disable QGraphicsView::alignment
  • [QTBUG-5504] - ActiveQt: create DLL-versions as well.
  • [QTBUG-5655] - Please make it convenient to analyze Qt programs with one of Valgrind's thread checking tools
  • [QTBUG-5682] - No way to set the icon on all Widgets except through QApplication::setWindowIcon
  • [QTBUG-5755] - CLONE -QFileDialog: Display the Windows volume name for drives in "Look In" combobox
  • [QTBUG-5794] - Qt documentation redesign
  • [QTBUG-5807] - Add optional message text to QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-5817] - QString QFile::symLinkTarget ( const QString & fileName ) don't have option for not resolv the link
  • [QTBUG-5875] - [mac] a Qt app should be able to impose a language to use in native dialogs and strings
  • [QTBUG-6097] - Add support for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA in QDesktopServices::storageLocation()
  • [QTBUG-6218] - QGraphicsScenePrivate::processDirtyItemsRecursive should be optimized as much as possible
  • [QTBUG-6287] - Consider adding a link to Nokia phone model page in QSysInfo docs to map Symbian/S60 versions to actual phones
  • [QTBUG-6486] - CLONE -QTreeWidget: Expanded state not remembered when moving items
  • [QTBUG-6487] - CLONE -QTreeWidgetList clickable for each column and get the separate window(another ui)in right frame
  • [QTBUG-6488] - CLONE -CLONE -QTreeWidgetList clickable for each column and get the separate window(another ui)in right frame
  • [QTBUG-6613] - Text Interaction Flags for QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-6635] - QMenu: Change multiple checkable items without closing the menu
  • [QTBUG-6669] - QDnD: Use standard move/link/copy X11 themed cursors
  • [QTBUG-6676] - Add a anchors.margins property as a convenience for left, right, top, and bottom margins.
  • [QTBUG-6705] - Bring "zero-copy" to QIODevice::read
  • [QTBUG-6725] - QColor and color string with a alpha value (#rrggbbaa)
  • [QTBUG-6742] - Document PRECOMPILED_SOURCE
  • [QTBUG-6772] - Improve QNetworkReplyHandler, the interface between WebKit and QNetworkAccessManager
  • [QTBUG-6783] - Support Alpha values for custom colors in QColorDialog
  • [QTBUG-6828] - QFileDialog / QFileSystemModel aware of new connected devices
  • [QTBUG-6864] - Add hiderow method to QFormLayout / space of hidden rows is still used
  • [QTBUG-6875] - QFileDialog/QFilesystemModel does not show the mounted drives on Mac OS (Non Native Dialog)
  • [QTBUG-6918] - Add a convenience fonction to reverse the direction of the animation
  • [QTBUG-6926] - Multitouch virtual keyboard input on Qt doesn't currently make use of the context sensitive popdown miniature keyboard as used in Microsoft native applications.
  • [QTBUG-6953] - Provide possibility to create promoted widget using drag'n'drop from Widget Box
  • [QTBUG-7010] - QFileSystemModel does not work on the virtual resource file system
  • [QTBUG-7046] - QAxContainer: there is currently no support or macro for automatically registering an ActiveX / COM objects and plugins as safe for scripting
  • [QTBUG-7096] - CLONE -Extend the Undo/Redo framework to handle failing commands
  • [QTBUG-7148] - Vertical and horizontal tiling in QMdiArea
  • [QTBUG-7201] - QSslConfiguration: Distinguish HTTP connections also by things like local certificate
  • [QTBUG-7204] - Add a function QThreadPool::stopProcessingQueue().
  • [QTBUG-7251] - Easier porting of Windows app by providing equivalence of CreateEvent
  • [QTBUG-7257] - CLONE -Add Enhanced Meta File(EMF) support for QClipboard so vector images can be easily pasted into Word and Powerpoint
  • [QTBUG-7462] - should provide API to access state and geometry data saved by saveState/saveGeometry
  • [QTBUG-7464] - Drag and drop from firefox on linux doesn't detect UTF-16 properly
  • [QTBUG-7484] - CLONE -Make QWizard support disabling and/or hiding the cancel button on the last page
  • [QTBUG-7488] - document usage of XPath with namespaces
  • [QTBUG-7501] - QTreeView: When an item is expanded then it should expand to show as many of the children as possible
  • [QTBUG-7519] - Please add boost's 'enable_shared_from_this' functionality to QSharedPointer
  • [QTBUG-7631] - QMainWindow / central widget resizing
  • [QTBUG-7705] - "Paste Error": "Cannot paste widgets. Designer could not find a container without a layout to paste into." occurs frequently in simple cut & paste situations
  • [QTBUG-7799] - QColor porting from Qt 3 using indexed color values
  • [QTBUG-7804] - Add a way to enable renegotiation in QSSLSocket
  • [QTBUG-7830] - Make QCompleter more extensible
  • [QTBUG-7839] - Default mkspec (qmake -spec)
  • [QTBUG-7985] - QSortFilterProxyModel: avoid signal race condition in subclasses that maintain internal state
  • [QTBUG-8005] - RenderHint in QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
  • [QTBUG-8146] - Make the dockWidgetArea property available for use in style sheets also outside Creator and Designer
  • [QTBUG-8230] - ItemViews Feedback Ideas! (itemviews-ng)?
  • [QTBUG-8260] - Windows: If a font supports a script, but not an individiual glyph in the font, search for the glyph in all fonts until it is found
  • [QTBUG-8286] - QScopedArrayPointer is not referred to anywhere in the Qt documentation
  • [QTBUG-8314] - Why don't we sign the binary files for Windows and Mac?
  • [QTBUG-8351] - Force QFileSystemWatcher to use its polling engine
  • [QTBUG-8491] - Add support for more Network transports (SMB, SFTP)
  • [QTBUG-8499] - QScopedPointer destructor calls cleanup handler when pointer is null
  • [QTBUG-8608] - pvrtc compressed texture support in Qt 4.6.2.
  • [QTBUG-8617] - CLONE -Option to swap default modifier keys and shortcuts.
  • [QTBUG-8692] - CLONE -QTabWidget: Add API for hiding tabs
  • [QTBUG-8731] - Make QRegExp support Unicode Regular Expressions
  • [QTBUG-8877] - Add additional whitespace visualization flags to QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-8897] - RTL layout support for Rich text editor
  • [QTBUG-8945] - QFileSystemWatcher should notify when files are modified in a watched directory
  • [QTBUG-8964] - QTransform::translate(const QPointF &point)
  • [QTBUG-9045] - QGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndex::estimateTopLevelItems sometimes selects too many QGraphicsItems
  • [QTBUG-9142] - QStyleOptionViewItemV4.viewItemPosition should be set in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-9171] - Need an API to specify the progress frame of an indeterminate progress bar.
  • [QTBUG-9217] - QML examples could run inside QtAssistant
  • [QTBUG-9258] - Add QDataStream operators to QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-9293] - Adding a close button to tabbed QMdiSubWindows, patch of QMdiArea()
  • [QTBUG-9346] - tools like assistant and designer are also built in debug mode
  • [QTBUG-9390] - Make append, count, at, clear methods in QDeclarativeListProperty compulsory
  • [QTBUG-9465] - Be able to reference file system files from pages inside a collection file in Qt Assistant
  • [QTBUG-9517] - Impossible to determine if an QML element is above another
  • [QTBUG-9521] - No way of determining whether an Item is visible or not
  • [QTBUG-9606] - Extend QProgressBar to allow smooth animations using Qt Animation Framework
  • [QTBUG-9650] - CLONE -It would be useful if QDateEdit/QDateTimeEdit would accept empty/blank values/dates
  • [QTBUG-9695] - Enable directional / spatial focus navigation in QGraphicsView and QML
  • [QTBUG-9703] - QDataStream::floatingPointPrecision should have an enum value that allows the developer to not have everything streamed as the same precision
  • [QTBUG-9712] - Image and Text "sizeHints" are hidden in QML components
  • [QTBUG-9752] - Add "InnerXml()" and "InnerText()" functions to XmlStreamReader
  • [QTBUG-9816] - Add style strategy to QFont to turn off automatic font resolution completely
  • [QTBUG-9954] - Enable property un-assign for QtState
  • [QTBUG-9975] - No generic way to limit input method modes
  • [QTBUG-10016] - Prepared query support information not available until connection established.
  • [QTBUG-10141] - Provide an overload of quint16 qChecksum ( const char*, uint len )
  • [QTBUG-10219] - Rereport: Add full timezone support in QDateTime
  • [QTBUG-10413] - Provide functionality to determine when mime data is dropped to another application
  • [QTBUG-10430] - QOCI: TAF and HA notifications
  • [QTBUG-10513] - Add bicubic transformation mode
  • [QTBUG-10542] - Create an XML Editor bieng able to load a xml schema
  • [QTBUG-10615] - Allow better font rendering for projects like Koffice
  • [QTBUG-10639] - childrenRect does not take children's transforms into account
  • [QTBUG-10644] - Anchor layout does not take item transforms into account
  • [QTBUG-10660] - Support internal qmltime benchmark tool on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-10691] - QFormLayout label alignment visually unpleasing on Maemo5
  • [QTBUG-10776] - qt_win_make_OFN in QFileDialog on Windows treat all special characters equally.
  • [QTBUG-11001] - Warn on (or prevent) simultaneous conflicting animations
  • [QTBUG-11003] - Inconsistencies between in-file and out-of-file Components
  • [QTBUG-11082] - Implement a findItems() by data in QStandardItemModel
  • [QTBUG-11097] - Error messages give no "backtrace" from components to instances.
  • [QTBUG-11130] - QMessageBox should use TaskDialog on Vista/Windows 7
  • [QTBUG-11173] - CLONE -Hyphenation for QTextDocument
  • [QTBUG-11227] - QAbstactItemDelegate is called with incorrect option rect from QListView
  • [QTBUG-11329] - QColumnView does not provide a direct way of setting the scroll bar policy for the preview widget scroll area.
  • [QTBUG-11352] - QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() -- tie default suffix to selected filter
  • [QTBUG-11358] - QAtomicInt need more methods
  • [QTBUG-11484] - Allow QWidget to have multiple cursors
  • [QTBUG-11558] - QSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::update_source_sort_column()
  • [QTBUG-11608] - Add pseudo states representing a widgets validator status
  • [QTBUG-11662] - Don't create native widgets when using accessibility on Windows
  • [QTBUG-11675] - CLONE -JPEG support should be compilable directly into Qt
  • [QTBUG-11712] - all bindings should be updated before any onXXXChanged handler run
  • [QTBUG-11783] - qml: warn about too many arguments to slots
  • [QTBUG-11800] - Make PAMP available through QtCreator for Symbian
  • [QTBUG-11814] - QStaticText does not handle multi-length strings
  • [QTBUG-11837] - Add a hook like QSqlQuery::setUserData(const quint32 id, const QVariant& data)
  • [QTBUG-11907] - No way to set grid width or grid pen in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-11945] - Remove hard coded margins added by QGraphicsView::fitInView()
  • [QTBUG-11957] - Add a "Hide extension" checkbox to the native file dialog on Mac
  • [QTBUG-11991] - QTableView: Make it possible to indicate where a selection of cells will be dropped precisely rather than just showing the top level cell
  • [QTBUG-12039] - The QTabBar inside QTabWidget is protected, why?
  • [QTBUG-12048] - Please support lsb/rsb deltas when rendering font using Freetype's autohinter
  • [QTBUG-12092] - Enable QToolBar area layout to be changed in QMainWindow
  • [QTBUG-12228] - SDK Confusion
  • [QTBUG-12251] - Windows DLLs should get marked with DEP and ASLR flags.
  • [QTBUG-12304] - TextEdit does not have maximumLength property available for TextInput
  • [QTBUG-12350] - QFileDialog - When DontResolveSymLinks is set, clicking a link to a folder will open the folder - Is it expected?
  • [QTBUG-12356] - QFontDialog: doesn't have any "overline" checkbox
  • [QTBUG-12364] - Be able to hide the blinking cursor in a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-12386] - Pen input button missing for text boxes on tablet PCs
  • [QTBUG-12449] - QSpinBox and QDoubleSpinBox - add an option to setOverwriteMode
  • [QTBUG-12538] - Slider repeat delay and interval can't be changed
  • [QTBUG-12600] - CLONE -Suggestion: Create functionality that can create temporary directories - not just temporary files.
  • [QTBUG-12602] - add QML grammar to documentation
  • [QTBUG-12868] - Drag and Drop performance on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-12899] - Break compilation when lack singal or slot.
  • [QTBUG-12953] - Element for creating an object from XML data
  • [QTBUG-12975] - Allow the network platform plugin to hook into QAuthenticator
  • [QTBUG-13030] - CLONE -Add additional hashes to QCryptographicHash
  • [QTBUG-13089] - PropertyChanges cannot set a property if its name is "target"
  • [QTBUG-13167] - QGraphicsItemGroup should have batched addItemToGroup
  • [QTBUG-13195] - Mouse click events for a QTreeView inside of QComboBox not handled correctly
  • [QTBUG-13268] - Bindings in transitions not evaluated (from property in animation)
  • [QTBUG-13445] - CLONE - Add elideMode property to QLabel, QAbstractButton and QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-13452] - Qt's qmake tool could assign higher maximum heap limit for Qt applications with "QT += declarative" enabled
  • [QTBUG-13467] - QTextDocument::drawContents ignores vertical alignment
  • [QTBUG-13475] - QMacStyle::pixelMetric with QStyle::PM_TitleBarHeight gives bad result
  • [QTBUG-13494] - Add a QApplication::setTextDirection() to complement setLayoutDirection()
  • [QTBUG-13495] - Add QLineEdit::setTextDirection() so that the text direction can be changed on a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-13534] - Unstack a dock widget by dragging it's tab.
  • [QTBUG-13559] - make Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents work for top-level widget
  • [QTBUG-13610] - QTableView: Add support (or an example) for freezing certain rows and columns
  • [QTBUG-13640] - ListModel allows syntax that it doesn't support
  • [QTBUG-13688] - Support lists of lists in XmlListModel
  • [QTBUG-13732] - Enhancement for QSslKey to enable key generation - currently only loading from PEM or DER format is supported.
  • [QTBUG-13735] - Accessor for QApplication's graphics system
  • [QTBUG-13738] - There is no Qt:SortRole
  • [QTBUG-13750] - Add graphite smart font support
  • [QTBUG-13780] - Implement a basic QML Element Line
  • [QTBUG-13791] - Qt API should use SI units or SI derived units
  • [QTBUG-13843] - Add QColor::isOpaque() method
  • [QTBUG-13847] - Connections should allow assigning an object with a default method to a signal handler
  • [QTBUG-13980] - Implement documentation for WRT
  • [QTBUG-13995] - Don't round Flickable contentX and contentY internally
  • [QTBUG-14008] - QXmlQuery: Returned result of evaluateTo ( QString * output ) in case nothing is found
  • [QTBUG-14079] - Add convenience API to QGraphicsEffect for applying effects to a QPixmap
  • [QTBUG-14086] - Add API to access the "usesScrollButtons" property of tabs in a QMainWindow
  • [QTBUG-14096] - QDockWidget make it possible to have a floting tabbed dockwidget
  • [QTBUG-14141] - Update the documentation related to supported databases.
  • [QTBUG-14188] - Append 2 QFormLayout
  • [QTBUG-14200] - Make views able to render rich text
  • [QTBUG-14276] - Add API to set text directionality of QLabel, QLineEdit and QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-14306] - Rewrite definition for template function QObject::findChild
  • [QTBUG-14312] - QDomDocument::toString and QDomDocument::toByteArray should allow other indent characters
  • [QTBUG-14322] - QTabBar: make bottom line stylable using stylesheets.
  • [QTBUG-14373] - Microsoft Windows cursors which are absent in the form of standard cursors of OS
  • [QTBUG-14406] - QItemSelectionModel::clearSelection() should be virtual
  • [QTBUG-14417] - QtAssistant should be able to generate a http link to the content
  • [QTBUG-14441] - Add a method that would position a widget first in the window tab order.
  • [QTBUG-14479] - Please make QTabBar behave in the same way as the tab bar in google Chrome or Firefox
  • [QTBUG-14507] - QTextFormat: A vector is used to store the properties, however it should be confirmed if this is the best thing to be using
  • [QTBUG-14533] - Do not show special fonts in QFontComboBox and QFontDialog
  • [QTBUG-14545] - QMap setDefault functionality
  • [QTBUG-14652] - modelviewer should use toolbar buttons for view switching
  • [QTBUG-14653] - replace modelviewer "Model" menu with "View"
  • [QTBUG-14834] - Provide world matrix access from Qt/3D
  • [QTBUG-14847] - AnimatedImages should be cached and shared internally
  • [QTBUG-15044] - Stereo rendering of QML/2D scenes
  • [QTBUG-15085] - Provide a way to change QObject parent
  • [QTBUG-15315] - Add onPressAndHold for Keys Element
  • [QTBUG-15399] - Designer: Change main form widget class
  • [QTBUG-15414] - Add a Hybrid Application example to the Qt tree
  • [QTBUG-15432] - make QDoubleValidator return Intermediate state for all possible number format (including '-')
  • [QTBUG-15473] - Make it possible to create custom Item3D's in C++ QML plugins
  • [QTBUG-15484] - Allow exporting enums from C++ to QML without wraping them in a QObject
  • [QTBUG-15528] - Provide QML reference pages
  • [QTBUG-15564] - QMessageBox does not support keyboard on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-15643] - Add range support to QtDateTimePropertyManager like QtIntPropertyManager
  • [QTBUG-15654] - NumberAnimation ought to have oscillate/bounce property
  • [QTBUG-15668] - Lack of example with parenthesis highlighting
  • [QTBUG-15702] - Allow definition of element AnchorLine properties
  • [QTBUG-15764] - Extend the Undo framework to delete undone commands
  • [QTBUG-15772] - Function QItemSelectionModel::isSelected should be virtual
  • [QTBUG-15884] - Specifying opacity for palette and named colors
  • [QTBUG-15885] - Qt need more interface to set QTextEdit's text cursor.Such as set the color , shape,or pixmap.
  • [QTBUG-15913] - QAccessible switchable at startup
  • [QTBUG-16018] - QSslSocket may not load OpenSSL dynamic engines
  • [QTBUG-16041] - QModelIndex should be special cased to allow data access
  • [QTBUG-16048] - QGraphicsItemGroup and eventFilter
  • [QTBUG-16179] - Qt should allow SQL bridging tables for a many to many relationship
  • [QTBUG-16184] - QStyle does not provide standard "USB FLASH STICK" icon
  • [QTBUG-16209] - Add caching-behaviour control to QFile
  • [QTBUG-16219] - Means to increase hitbox of a link in richtext
  • [QTBUG-16260] - CLONE - QProgressBar: support displaying text while in busy mode
  • [QTBUG-16297] - Need something like prepareGeometryChange(), but without update()
  • [QTBUG-16346] - Impossible to detect "QMenu dismissed without activating any items" event.
  • [QTBUG-16375] - Support grouping of identical Behaviors
  • [QTBUG-16567] - Add text eliding for textFormat: Text.RichText
  • [QTBUG-16751] - Mac: Add support for Zoom that would use an optimal size instead of maximum
  • [QTBUG-16774] - QLineEdit should provide a way to disable the undo/redo functionality
  • [QTBUG-16793] - QTextDocument: Allow to access information about the left bearing of characters
  • [QTBUG-16801] - Text cannot be copied from QML editors on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-16969] - Need better way to build state machine out of QML states
  • [QTBUG-17178] - Advanced Rubberband for QGraphicsview
  • [QTBUG-17259] - QXmlStreamWriter: Be able to have a prefix before a namespace in an element
  • [QTBUG-17286] - There is no parent property in QtObject-based QML elements
  • [QTBUG-17552] - Changes to Animation's 'to' and 'from' properties ignored while animating
  • [QTBUG-17596] - Investigate adding support for more curves to SmoothedAnimation
  • [QTBUG-18023] - Arrays in objects returned by ListModel::get(index) are not visible to JSON.stringify()
  • [QTBUG-18060] - Support visual cursor movement of bidirectional text in TextInput and TextEdit
  • [QTBUG-18066] - Harmattan: app using NoMStyle, text too small
  • [QTBUG-18186] - Default fields should get QSqlField::autoValue set
  • [QTBUG-18245] - Provide a way to disable bindings, signal handlers and animations
  • [QTBUG-18354] - GotoSlot with dual list, slots already used and free
  • [QTBUG-18502] - QML needs better layout support
  • [QTBUG-18793] - Provide pause/resume functionality in QNetworkAccessManager
  • [QTBUG-18871] - SQLITE and case folding for non ASCII characters
  • [QTBUG-18901] - QML GridView: add more APIs to get the item position
  • [QTBUG-19035] - add deallocation hook/ownership to QByteArray::fromRawData
  • [QTBUG-19169] - Qt 5: readAny() API for zero-copy in QIODevice
  • [QTBUG-19345] - Qt 5: aynchronous I/O for files
  • [QTBUG-19368] - TextInput inputMask/validator interface is insufficient for QML applications
  • [QTBUG-19518] - Allow implicit loading of js files in QML plugin
  • [QTBUG-19521] - Add a way to reload QML files that have changed
  • [QTBUG-19541] - Better way to find objects in QML via C++
  • [QTBUG-19666] - load local certificate to the ssl ctx from window stored (for windows).
  • [QTBUG-19746] - Allow QSGItem to notify about absolute position changes and value
  • [QTBUG-19809] - responseXML.getElementsByTagName() is not implemented in QML (Qt Quick)
  • [QTBUG-19828] - Qt should issue a signal when server requests a SSL client authentication
  • [QTBUG-19834] - Need a way to limit ListView's over bounds dragging
  • [QTBUG-19941] - ListView.visibleArea.heightRatio changes depending on what part of the view is currently visible whereas it should be the same constantly
  • [QTBUG-20002] - CLONE - Alter flags in makespecs to allow catch(...) exception handling
  • [QTBUG-20196] - Make it easier to attach a component loading to a state
  • [QTBUG-20324] - "Animation on property" usage could be documented better
  • [QTBUG-20587] - Spring/SmoothedAnimations should not be NumberAnimations
  • [QTBUG-20591] - Allow simulation of auto-repeat key events in qtestlib
  • [QTBUG-20631] - Additional type support for qsTr() in ListElement
  • [QTBUG-20825] - Add ToggleFullscreen to QKeySequence
  • [QTBUG-21237] - CLONE - QMetaObject::invokeMethod() and Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection
  • [QTBUG-21392] - QML Image element does not allow to bind source to QImage property of QObject
  • [QTBUG-21540] - Add "stacked" ListView section positioning
  • [QTBUG-21677] - add signals to QNetworkReply for better network performance instrumentation
  • [QTBUG-21759] - PathView needs mouse wheel support
  • [QTBUG-22417] - Give a way to use the QML Connections object for QList<QObject*> exported with setContextProperty
  • [QTBUG-22450] - QLocalSocket shouldn't return silently in case of state mismatch
  • [QTBUG-22549] - (qmltest) Provide ability to drive all test functions by same data
  • [QTBUG-23052] - Research Hybrid Elements
  • [QTBUG-23141] - Need efficient property-propagation mechanism
  • [QTBUG-23184] - There should be an equivalent of Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT for Q_INVOKABLE
  • [QTBUG-23234] - Allow AnchorAnimation to be used as a Behavior
  • [QTBUG-23250] - PathView should be able to forward unused mouse events to MouseAreas behind
  • [QTBUG-23466] - Add ability to trace the the total download progress
  • [QTBUG-23749] - Add support for properties and functions inside Connections element
  • [QTBUG-23885] - Make offline database storage API more asynchronously
  • [QTBUG-24378] - CLONE - Add NDEBUG to the list of defines when generating the makefile for release builds
  • [QTBUG-24466] - Would be great if there was a property ie. lineStyle at rectangles border for setting up line style of rectangle border
  • [QTBUG-24577] - CLONE - QTabWidget: Add ability to set direction of tab text when using setTabPosition().
  • [QTBUG-24704] - Define a way to query if a property is in scope
  • [QTBUG-25533] - Allow other Gradient types
  • [QTBUG-25638] - Add a Keys.onAccepted signal
  • [QTBUG-25828] - CLONE - Support 64-bit ranges for QAbstractSlider and subclasses
  • [QTBUG-25919] - Reverse iterators in Qt containers
  • [QTBUG-26129] - keep particles on the GPU
  • [QTBUG-26271] - support prefetching qml, js, image and plugin resources in QML
  • [QTBUG-26682] - Support section headers in GridView
  • [QTBUG-27343] - QComboBox doesn't setPlaceholderText on 4.8.1
  • [QTBUG-28519] - CLONE - Add Q_VERIFY
  • [QTBUG-28886] - add a PDF Viewer widget to Qt
  • [QTBUG-29738] - Android: Make build system for apps
  • [QTBUG-30069] - strict/warning mode for QML development
  • [QTBUG-31001] - Add a tiling window manager, like Eclipse or Visual Studio have
  • [QTBUG-31952] - TCP: add bind() overload to specify QNetworkInterface
  • [QTBUG-32129] - Add a way to loop playback with QMediaPlayer (and QML equivalent)
  • [QTBUG-32573] - KDE exports QT_PLUGIN_PATH which prevents calculatorbuilder example to launch
  • [QTBUG-32659] - Support sorting when binding a TableView to a QSortFilterProxyModel
  • [QTBUG-32922] - Add row and column getter in Positioner
  • [QTBUG-33202] - It would be nice if there is a way to customize QToolButton extended popup menu
  • [QTBUG-33243] - Support custom style for GroupBox in Qt Quick Controls.
  • [QTBUG-33332] - Add a video thumbnail API to Qt Multimedia
  • [QTBUG-33712] - Support for controlling font embedding on Windows and OSX
  • [QTBUG-33894] - Support PDF/A-3 (version 1.7)
  • [QTBUG-34227] - QML. Add Property to set TextInput and TextField padding for text. Left and right.
  • [QTBUG-34241] - Implement the 'audiosource' service in the DirectShow plugin
  • [QTBUG-34661] - Button control supports font property.
  • [QTBUG-34955] - QML StackView onPopFinish/onPushFinish signals
  • [QTBUG-35295] - Retrieve media files iOS/Android
  • [QTBUG-35373] - StackView: Ability to reorder items with transition
  • [QTBUG-35575] - Use QDir::homePath() insted of QDir::home().dirName() in doc example
  • [QTBUG-36021] - Android: Support non-textured video
  • [QTBUG-37000] - add real-time update of tableview.selection.count value
  • [QTBUG-37084] - Please make MenuBar embeddable in QML items
  • [QTBUG-37386] - Make the page down/page up functionality optional in a ScrollView
  • [QTBUG-37812] - When closing Dolphin tabs they move around
  • [QTBUG-38070] - Qt runtime installer or dependency system for Windows
  • [QTBUG-38227] - ICON qmake variable doesn't work on Windows
  • [QTBUG-39937] - Make public the TableViewSelection helper
  • [QTBUG-40231] - Add a convenience property Qt.InternetAccess in Qt Qml element.
  • [QTBUG-40461] - [ REG 4.8-5] Windows: Single Finger pan does not scroll, selects text instead
  • [QTBUG-42477] - SplitView: removeItem function
  • [QTBUG-44436] - [Windows Phone] Be able to access the SD Card for saving files to
  • [QTBUG-44456] - QUdpSocket: Make it possible to set multicast interface without binding the socket
  • [QTBUG-45289] - Qml camera capture: list of supported resolutions
  • [QTBUG-48748] - CLONE - Add support for PKCS11 (pcsc-lite) in QSslSocket
  • [QTBUG-48850] - Qt Quick ui forms should support qsTrId()
  • [QTBUG-49299] - Add support for StorageItemAccessList for accessing files outside of WinRT sandbox
  • [QTBUG-49593] - QVector instead of QList in void QStandardItemModel::appendRow(const QList<QStandardItem *> & items)
  • [QTBUG-50301] - CLONE - QFile does not provide ways of working with symlink files
  • [QTBUG-51582] - Turn Array.sort into a stable sort
  • [QTBUG-54638] - Add a rootEntity() function to return entity that has been set on a Qt3DWindow
  • [QTBUG-55519] - SceneLoader: expose the loaded Entity to QML
  • [QTBUG-55626] - CLONE - QComboBox drop down list width
  • [QTBUG-58072] - Get Picking results as a list
  • [QTBUG-58620] - Add async/await support to V4
  • [QTBUG-61481] - Add style sheet support for QDial
  • [QTBUG-61494] - QTabBar: allow for multiple rows of tabs
  • [QTBUG-62315] - size_t instead of int for size and indices
  • [QTBUG-63757] - MQTT: Add broker support
  • [QTBUG-72015] - QSslSocket::setLocalCertificate silently succeeds with invalid paths
  • [QTBUG-72766] - Install headers as read-only to prevent accidently modifications
  • [QTBUG-74462] - Qt Remote Object in Webassembly
  • [QTBUG-78640] - TODOs and brainstorming for QRhi and Qt Quick
  • [QTBUG-80762] - expose readyWrite signal for QUdpSocket
  • [QTBUG-82365] - Provide a means to upload/download a file while the application is in the background
  • [QTBUG-82637] - Unhandled Promise Rejections in QJSEngine
  • [QTBUG-83343] - RHI: QRhiTexture should provide a way to set layers
  • [QTBUG-85424] - Allow Q_INVOKABLE Constructors to Throw Exceptions in QJSEngine
  • [QTBUG-93873] - qmltyperegistrar should print a warning if it doesn't find any types
  • [QTBUG-95250] - Expose QRect(F) API to QML
  • [QTBUG-96774] - Enable use of high frame rate with vsync disabled without drawbacks mentioned in QTBUG-91923
  • [QTBUG-97741] - Add as a default qml import path for macOS apps
  • [QTBUG-97848] - xml property and get method missing in QtQml.XmlListModel
  • [QTBUG-100137] - qmlcompiler should construct QColors using QColorConstants, not by string
  • [QTBUG-104876] - Enable qt_deploy_qml_imports() to support libraries
  • [QTBUG-107259] - Add Environment concept to QML
  • [QTBUG-109335] - CLONE - Support setting a default file name for file output in QPrintDialog
  • [QTBUG-109588] - QJSEngine: Support custom logging categories
  • [QTBUG-110108] - QML enumeration attributes should not reference own filename
  • [QTBUG-110467] - Allow creating gadget singletons
  • [QTBUG-110629] - Support "big resources" in qt_add_qml_module()
  • [QTBUG-112878] - qmlfomater improvements
  • [QTBUG-113007] - Mark QML properties without notification signal as such
  • [QTBUG-114419] - QScriptEngineAgent for QJSEngine
  • [QTBUG-114528] - Support setting the translation context for a QML file
  • [QTBUG-114700] - qmlformat should group related properties
  • [QTBUG-115500] - Support customized property handling
  • [QTBUG-115651] - Document using qmltc with qmake
  • [QTBUG-116597] - qt_internal_add_qml_module should warn about files being added twice
  • [QTBUG-117094] - Delay processing of QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE with cmake DEFER CALL when possible
  • [QTBUG-117717] - Revisit "Allow signals forwarding in QML"
  • [QTBUG-118033] - Exception throw from promise executor / handlers and not handled by user are just silented
  • [QTBUG-118130] - Move singleton thread affinity assertion from the documentation into Qt itself
  • [QTBUG-118400] - WebAssembly support in QJSEngine | v4
  • [QTBUG-118791] - Deprecate QDate / QTime <-> Date conversions
  • [QTBUG-120192] - Have the ability to enable type compiler for single specific file
  • [QTBUG-120250] - qmlls: Snippet completion for bindings
  • [QTBUG-120500] - Support custom translation function for QQmlEngine::retranslate()
  • [QTBUG-120511] - potential problem if two QML modules have class with the same name
  • [QTBUG-121988] - Reconsider ScriptFormatter API
  • [QTBUG-122324] - Benchmarks/Support for large numbers of points
  • [QTBUG-123762] - the same name of classes in different namespaces registered in QML
  • [QTBUG-124122] - Please improve the ListModel in QML!
  • [QTBUG-124654] - qml should provide methods to accept signals from different threads
  • [QTBUG-127658] - A request to add a possibility to load QML Singletons when the module is loaded.
  • [QTBUG-128313] - Implement Nullish coalescing assignment Operator in QML "??="
  • [QTBUG-128423] - MethodInfo refactoring
  • [QTBUG-133496] - Improve consistency between objects that are instantiated by QML vs. qmltc/C++
  • [QTBUG-133884] - Distribute also source packages via Enterprise Debian repositories.

User Story

  • [QTBUG-20545] - QML: MapRoute element doesn't have property for node's images
  • [QTBUG-23420] - Plugin properties on Map etc should be writeable more than once
  • [QTBUG-23492] - Unit tests for Places QML elements
  • [QTBUG-23494] - Example demonstrating the Places C++ API
  • [QTBUG-23535] - Category Model to return model index for a given category (id)
  • [QTBUG-24069] - Make QPlaceContent extendable by third parties
  • [QTBUG-24998] - Add ability to search multiple categories (in Places app)
  • [QTBUG-25779] - Create sequencer application to replay user input into maps
  • [QTBUG-25971] - Batch saving of places
  • [QTBUG-26778] - Import Places functionality
  • [QTBUG-26779] - Make QPlaceAttribute Extendable
  • [QTBUG-45725] - Add a means to group methods together inside qdoc so that they are not always alphabetical
  • [QTBUG-53341] - Support WebAssembly in WebEngine
  • [QTBUG-62812] - Provide Qt libraries on iOS as dynamically linked frameworks
  • [QTBUG-70326] - TableView
  • [QTBUG-71657] - Boot2Qt 5.11.3 Release
  • [QTBUG-72030] - Certificate Management
  • [QTBUG-72412] - DC test set improvement & maintenance
  • [QTBUG-72414] - RTA to test new QtC version as soon as it’s available in preview
  • [QTBUG-73820] - CMake: Provide public API for building documentation with qdoc
  • [QTBUG-75469] - Improving how to connect backend to front end in Webassembly
  • [QTBUG-76503] - WASM: Add/document a way of exporting functions from Qt application to browser
  • [QTBUG-78022] - Using app-notifications
  • [QTBUG-78023] - Cross-platform use of notifications
  • [QTBUG-78029] - Local and notifications
  • [QTBUG-78031] - Permission to use notifications
  • [QTBUG-78034] - Act upon the reception of notifications
  • [QTBUG-78038] - Remotely triggered notifications
  • [QTBUG-78056] - Add 'getting help' section to 'Getting Started with Qt'
  • [QTBUG-82447] - [Qt6]Batched Evaluation of QML Bindings using expression normalization and implicit sharing of properties
  • [QTBUG-83708] - Split M2M protocols installer repository
  • [QTBUG-87188] - Support commercial build
  • [QTBUG-99439] - Design a way to pass qmlsc information to qmltc
  • [QTBUG-100843] - An API to deprecate some functionality exported into QML and warn a user when this functionality is still used
  • [QTBUG-105538] - qmltc evolution collection task
  • [QTBUG-106067] - As a QML developer, I want to write my own qmllint plugins to do domain specific checks
  • [QTBUG-111221] - XHR: Dispatch missing events.
  • [QTBUG-111222] - XHR: Add timeout attribute
  • [QTBUG-111223] - XHR: Add withCredentials attribute
  • [QTBUG-111224] - XHR: Add upload read-only attribute
  • [QTBUG-111966] - Port "external" users of QQmlJS Parser classes to QML DOM
  • [QTBUG-113106] - Custom formatting rules for qmlformat
  • [QTBUG-117628] - Shorten generated file names in the qmlcompiler
  • [QTBUG-120004] - QML Type Compliler in Qt 6.8(?)


  • [QTBUG-3] - drawText problem with QPicture/SVG
  • [QTBUG-5] - U06DD "End Of Ayah" is not rendered correctly in QTextEdit (and inhereted classes)
  • [QTBUG-6] - TIME field and MySQL and QSqlEditorFactory
  • [QTBUG-10] - QWidget::setParent() doesn't send hide events
  • [QTBUG-12] - SVG problem with patterns
  • [QTBUG-15] - QMenuBar on Windows takes focus after making screenshot with Alt+PrntScrn
  • [QTBUG-25] - "Inking" multiple chars on MacOSX doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-40] - QLineEdit::editingFinish() signal gets emitted every time focus is brought back to the window when closing
  • [QTBUG-45] - QTextDocument::undo() will remove more than one edit block inserted by QTextCursor.
  • [QTBUG-52] - It should be possible to change the cursor color of the QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-58] - SVG animation not working with some files
  • [QTBUG-62] - QFontMetricsF::boundingRect(() always returns integer values
  • [QTBUG-78] - Incorrect glyphs with the Graecall font
  • [QTBUG-91] - XCode projects don't build correctly after changing .ui files with Designer
  • [QTBUG-97] - Signal/slot edit mode obscures initial view of labels for small forms
  • [QTBUG-107] - indentation bug in assistant
  • [QTBUG-108] - When using layouts, Designer preview mode does not always display QGroupBox and QButtonGroup title text color properly
  • [QTBUG-114] - Tooltips should be aware of X Cursor dimensions
  • [QTBUG-116] - Strange behavior with keyboard layout auto-switcher, only first 3 characters of the 4 are replaced
  • [QTBUG-129] - QTextEdit: layout problem with text frames and floating text
  • [QTBUG-131] - Tabbing when the focus is in a button group without a selected radiobutton just passes the focus on to a widget not in the group
  • [QTBUG-138] - fixup() not called on editingFinished()
  • [QTBUG-139] - QLabel size hints not correct with italic fonts on Windows
  • [QTBUG-151] - Windows: QMenu can't handle unlimited number of items
  • [QTBUG-155] - QFontMetrics::boundingRect(QString) returns incorrect bounding box on Windows XP and Mac OSX
  • [QTBUG-157] - QSound::isFinished always returning true
  • [QTBUG-162] - Qt reports same color depth on virtual-desktop systems even if screens have different depth
  • [QTBUG-165] - multiscreen cleanups
  • [QTBUG-176] - QRegion rounding errors result in visual artifacts when combined with matrix rotation
  • [QTBUG-177] - Cleartype text blurry on 16-bit displays
  • [QTBUG-179] - Crash on setWindowFlags()
  • [QTBUG-182] - QRadioButton autoExclusive is broken when parent widget of the buttons has a child widget which also contain radio buttons
  • [QTBUG-184] - Fix Qt::Tool on embedded
  • [QTBUG-189] - Drawing on an image with dimensions bigger than 32768 will cause nothing to be drawn
  • [QTBUG-199] - Numerical instability in bezier part of paths
  • [QTBUG-201] - QIcon doesn't support resource aliases
  • [QTBUG-206] - Mac OS X: popup menus keep size when scrolling down a long list
  • [QTBUG-207] - QWidget::adjustSize() does not resize the widget correctly
  • [QTBUG-218] - find a way to allow large QWSCommands
  • [QTBUG-220] - QVFb does not hide main screen when device is closed
  • [QTBUG-223] - Check if the database connection really is alive in isOpen()
  • [QTBUG-224] - QSqlDatabase does not know when a connection is lost even if QSqlQuery does
  • [QTBUG-228] - QT_NO_TEXTCONTROL does not remove feature
  • [QTBUG-233] - tablet motion events are not reported to some widgets (in X11)
  • [QTBUG-238] - Text containing line separators are unecessarily ellided
  • [QTBUG-256] - Qt 4.2.0: QWidget::normalGeometry () on X11
  • [QTBUG-257] - Output of rendering of a QSvgRenderer to QPrinter is imperfect
  • [QTBUG-267] - QTextEdit is slow in displaying huge paragraphs (>30000 lines per paragraph)
  • [QTBUG-269] - qmake member(var,start,end)
  • [QTBUG-290] - Qt used the wrong Application on Windows font in some cases
  • [QTBUG-291] - qdoc: Some functions are not links in the documentation
  • [QTBUG-292] - QFileDialog: (Windows) causes repainting windows desktop when opened in rare cases
  • [QTBUG-299] - Pressing a QPushButton generates 2 pressed events when tslib is used
  • [QTBUG-309] - Text is sometimes laid out with the wrong font on Windows
  • [QTBUG-311] - QMenu geometry and aboutToShow (regression against 3.3)
  • [QTBUG-313] - Check for the CC environment variable when cross compiling
  • [QTBUG-323] - Font looks weird on Windows
  • [QTBUG-335] - The blockquote HTML tag is not handled properly.
  • [QTBUG-338] - Truncated table in HTML printing
  • [QTBUG-339] - Menus do not work with keyboard when ActiveQt is being used
  • [QTBUG-340] - demos/textedit: two "undo" actions are needed to undo
  • [QTBUG-341] - examples/widgets/spinboxes: a spinbox containing a number prepended by a '+' doesn't accept to append a new number
  • [QTBUG-342] - graphicsview/puzzle: The puzzle example for itemviews doesn't show an image while dragging a piece
  • [QTBUG-345] - Mac Metal style does not allow dragging of windows by dragging on the metal
  • [QTBUG-355] - Underlining for keyboard navigation keys does not work properly in QMainWindow with no visible central widget
  • [QTBUG-356] - Underlining for keyboard navigation keys is not always properly removed when the Escape key is hit
  • [QTBUG-358] - QStyle::drawControl and QStyle::CE_DockWidgetTitle
  • [QTBUG-360] - Drawing text with an extremely transformed painter can take very long and consume a lot of memory
  • [QTBUG-370] - Qt does not recognize all font styles
  • [QTBUG-381] - qconfig.h and the prl files are created with the permissions of the owner, instead of inheriting the directory permissions
  • [QTBUG-401] - The performance of a QListWidget with a lot of non-consecutive selected items is very bad compared to QListBox in Qt 3
  • [QTBUG-409] - RtL bi-direction text is rendered incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-411] - QPainter not rendering properly when font is too small
  • [QTBUG-412] - qmake doesn't allow using project dependency and automatic linking
  • [QTBUG-424] - Creating a QFont instance, not passing a font family name, before QApplication is created may cause font metrics to be wrong
  • [QTBUG-427] - Wide characters in custom fonts are obscured when used in Qt widgets due to a lack of consideration of their dimensions
  • [QTBUG-430] - QString::setNum() not working properly with doubles and precision in all cases
  • [QTBUG-431] - QSqlTableModel::editStrategy, QDataWidgetMapper and persistent model indexes
  • [QTBUG-432] - Typing into 'large' QTextFrames very slow
  • [QTBUG-434] - Mac: No input from Character Palette
  • [QTBUG-447] - In Windows style if a QProgressBar is on a widget that has a background pixmap then pixmap in the progressbar is incorrect
  • [QTBUG-448] - QMainWindow initial size does not constrain to screen size
  • [QTBUG-449] - Using QWhatsThis on certain X11 setups may result in X11 errors
  • [QTBUG-457] - configure script does not accept space between -l <string>
  • [QTBUG-459] - QTabWidget: draws extra line in Motif style
  • [QTBUG-464] - Mac: Top 1 pixel of text is cut of on text in QDialog
  • [QTBUG-466] - The widget position reported in mouseReleaseEvent() may be offset by some value in some cases
  • [QTBUG-469] - Mouse events not delivered to the parent when a child widget is deleted in an event handler
  • [QTBUG-474] - When having an InputMask and a Validator set on a QLineEdit then the validator will not validate properly.
  • [QTBUG-476] - Images in lists are are being aligned with the bullet point and the text is being pushed down.
  • [QTBUG-479] - QSqlDatabase::port is ignored by the IBASE driver
  • [QTBUG-486] - QWidget::adjustSize limits the size of toplevel windows to 2/3'rd of the screen size
  • [QTBUG-493] - QWidget::stackUnder causes unnecessary repaint events.
  • [QTBUG-494] - When setTransformation is called in the transformed driver, the screen is not automatically updated.
  • [QTBUG-499] - ActiveQt uses only the optional parameter count to determine optional parameters, and disregards the PARAMFLAG_FOPT flag
  • [QTBUG-504] - It is possible to change the window state of a QWidget without being notified about such a change.
  • [QTBUG-507] - QPainter::fontMetrics().boundingRect() result differs from QPainter::boundingRect()
  • [QTBUG-514] - "Insert unicode.." menu item missing from QLineEdit context menu on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-515] - Cursor shape reverts to arrow when resizing QDockWidget
  • [QTBUG-520] - Add QMutex APIs to completely unlock and relock a recursive mutex
  • [QTBUG-521] - Checkboxes are painted for QMenu menu actions that are checkable
  • [QTBUG-527] - Projective transforms of painter paths
  • [QTBUG-536] - File not downloaded correctly
  • [QTBUG-538] - qmake documentation should list all existing CONFIG values
  • [QTBUG-539] - Using a custom link on a QTextBrowser produces an odd result af ter the link has been clicked.
  • [QTBUG-540] - Clicking on a QLineEdit that has an input mask and is read only still shows the block cursor for the characters
  • [QTBUG-542] - Inserting a TAB character into a QTextEdit will cause Qt to search for a font containing the TAB character
  • [QTBUG-543] - It has to be documented that the QTextCursor at position 0 uses the blockCharFormat as a character format
  • [QTBUG-544] - GeneratedDebugInformation set to true when debug is turned off in the .pro file
  • [QTBUG-549] - Investigate Mac event handling slowness when using many widgets in a scroll view.
  • [QTBUG-550] - QSlider handle in plastique style does not look good with non constant brackground
  • [QTBUG-552] - QComboMenuDelegate not honoring FontRole and TextColorRole
  • [QTBUG-559] - Drag'n Drop from motif application
  • [QTBUG-565] - Mac: Running a Qt applications as a plugin interfere with the quit functionality of the host application
  • [QTBUG-574] - QListView performance suffers due to too many calls to QItemDelegate::sizeHint().
  • [QTBUG-576] - Text looks jagged when printing from Solaris machine
  • [QTBUG-580] - QStyle::SE_TreeViewDisclosureItem enum returns different rect from the documentation
  • [QTBUG-582] - Qt 4.2.2 static on Mac gives QDom strange results when loaded through a shared library
  • [QTBUG-584] - Shortcuts in Context menus should be a controllable option.
  • [QTBUG-588] - qmake does not set a default TARGET which causes problems when generating automatic dependencies
  • [QTBUG-589] - Mac: After calling showNormal() on a fullscreen window the window does not have focus anymore
  • [QTBUG-597] - If the QMainWindow is too small to show the whole of the extension for the QToolBar then it simply gets cut off
  • [QTBUG-603] - When resizing a window that has a maximized mdi child in a workspace so that the menu bar includes the icons it does not wrap
  • [QTBUG-606] - QDateTimeEdit should popup the calendar on F4
  • [QTBUG-609] - Accept ShortcutOverride event for all keys which are handled by widget
  • [QTBUG-612] - QFileSystemWatcher does not monitor directory if a directory is removed before it has been added
  • [QTBUG-614] - QStandardItemModel presents bad data to QSortFilterProxyModel on update
  • [QTBUG-615] - tst_QWidget::activation() fails on Vista
  • [QTBUG-616] - Tablet events are incorrect when leaving the QWidget
  • [QTBUG-617] - QWidget::show after ::setGeometry() problems with CDE
  • [QTBUG-621] - When specifying resources for a different language in the resource file, it does not pick up the right one as per the locale
  • [QTBUG-623] - Broadway BT font is not correctly detected as bold font on Windows
  • [QTBUG-625] - Starting multiple QProcess instances in threads at the same time may lead to problems in waitForFinished()
  • [QTBUG-626] - dumpdoc for ActiveQt does not give correct example code for IDispatch* properties
  • [QTBUG-641] - QWizard: Deal correctly with height-for-width behavior on all platforms
  • [QTBUG-647] - QLineEdit::minimumSizeHint is 2 pixels higher than QLineEdit::sizeHint()
  • [QTBUG-651] - Mac OS X: Context menus should not display shortcut keys
  • [QTBUG-652] - When running dumcpp on a QAxServer it generates forward declarations for QSize, QRect etc which causes a compile error
  • [QTBUG-655] - It is not possible to enter in a date outside of the current month if the date range is a small one
  • [QTBUG-657] - configure fails if spaces exist in the directory Qt is unpacked to
  • [QTBUG-664] - Disabled QToolButton with MenuButtonPopup mode and AutoRaise shows hover
  • [QTBUG-670] - JAWS does not read the content of labels, and it always reports the combobox count as 0.
  • [QTBUG-671] - Bugs in parseFunction(), parseSiganls() and parseSlots()
  • [QTBUG-677] - Copy and paste problem in QTextEdit when using alpha
  • [QTBUG-678] - QTabWidget: a tab page becomes the current tab even when it is disabled.
  • [QTBUG-680] - Qmake -project lists files in both HEADERS and SOURCES when including .cpp files
  • [QTBUG-684] - Thread might still run after QThread::wait returns
  • [QTBUG-685] - Copying, pasting and undo has inconsistant behaviour in QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-689] - QWiazrdPage is possible to shrink to small size if content is added after page is added to QWizard
  • [QTBUG-691] - A QLabel with word wrapped text gets clipped
  • [QTBUG-692] - Executing "make dist" on a Makefile generated by qmake will include the moc files in the tarball.
  • [QTBUG-698] - qmake, Filename globbing problem
  • [QTBUG-704] - performance/flickering bug when changing surface
  • [QTBUG-714] - QDockWidget behavior is not consistent with the Operating System
  • [QTBUG-715] - QTextEdit::zoomIn() and QTextEdit::zoomOut() changes default font
  • [QTBUG-722] - qmake doesn't use the project name when generating a vcproj file, it uses the TARGET name
  • [QTBUG-723] - QMenu::aboutToShow() is not emitted when show() is called on the QMenu
  • [QTBUG-725] - Key release events lost when starting new event loop
  • [QTBUG-726] - QTabBar: does not respect the globalStrut() set on the QApplication
  • [QTBUG-728] - Windows: Dock widgets do not follow activation state of main window
  • [QTBUG-731] - QFileDialog: directoryEntered not emitted on go-to-parent button
  • [QTBUG-733] - QGraphicsText items can't draw text after 3.3554^7
  • [QTBUG-735] - Custom build step is corrupted when including the same .pri file twice.
  • [QTBUG-736] - Font request for "Times" leads to "Helvetica" on Mac, and non-existent font "Times" on Windows
  • [QTBUG-737] - Precompiled header using QtGui master header stops working on Mac
  • [QTBUG-740] - QTimeline fails to start() after second setDuration() call if first duration is larger than the second one
  • [QTBUG-741] - error in qdebug.h/qglobal.h breaks compilations with QT_NO_WARNING_OUTPUT defined
  • [QTBUG-744] - Plugins not removed from DESTDIR when using "make distclean"
  • [QTBUG-745] - the built files are not copied to "target.path" when building in Xcode
  • [QTBUG-747] - QTextEdit and HTML <hr> tag bug
  • [QTBUG-748] - problems with triggering shortcuts by sending keyEvents
  • [QTBUG-750] - Configure fails when TEMP is on another drive
  • [QTBUG-751] - Q3DockWindow does not support custom Q3DockAreas
  • [QTBUG-756] - Hitting Ctrl+Backspace at the beginning of the document in a QTextEdit, the first character is deleted.
  • [QTBUG-759] - Incorrect rendering of rich text
  • [QTBUG-762] - QDir should assume that a file ending in .lnk is a shortcut on Windows so it can skip GetFileAttributes() when NoSymLinks is set
  • [QTBUG-767] - qmake does not replace $(QTDIR) with the set environment variable when using it for the QMAKE_UIC command
  • [QTBUG-768] - When generating a dsp file, the include paths are not quoted in the arguments to moc
  • [QTBUG-769] - When an ODBC driver does not support UNICODE then it tries to get the data back as binary and not as string data
  • [QTBUG-770] - Trying to load .pro files located on another logical drive than the Qt libs and Eclipse causes import failure.
  • [QTBUG-772] - QTableView will force QSqlTableModel to use OnFieldChange submit policy
  • [QTBUG-774] - projects referencing a Qt version are reset to default version when its name changes in the global Qt preferences
  • [QTBUG-775] - QFileDialog: Static funcions don't remember dialog size & location
  • [QTBUG-779] - QTreeWidget: Mouse dragging not handled in branches
  • [QTBUG-780] - Clicking on a menu that was torn off via the QMenuBar will popup the menu under the torn off menu
  • [QTBUG-781] - Torn off menus should only appear on top for the application that they are associated with
  • [QTBUG-785] - When a <p> tag is closed but a new one is not created for the next paragraph in HTML then no <p> is implied
  • [QTBUG-788] - Mac OS X: Double arrow at both ends of scrollbars not supported
  • [QTBUG-789] - Drag and Drop does not work if two widgets (siblings) are at the same position
  • [QTBUG-793] - Window does not close when menu is open
  • [QTBUG-796] - font engines created by the multi font engine are not cached
  • [QTBUG-799] - Readonly line edits do not look like native readonly line edits on Windows
  • [QTBUG-801] - SELECT * FROM procedure does not commit changes done by the procedure (Interbase/Firebird)
  • [QTBUG-803] - qmake ignores "no RTTI" when generating Xcode project file
  • [QTBUG-807] - QTreeView: Drawing speed is slow
  • [QTBUG-808] - Setting the stretch property of a QFont may produce non-linear results
  • [QTBUG-816] - QGroupBox does not pass on focus to the correct widget
  • [QTBUG-818] - QHeaderView ignores font changes when dragging sections - regression from 4.2.3
  • [QTBUG-819] - qmake is not able to generate XCode projects if XCode 3 is installed
  • [QTBUG-820] - Shortcuts for laying out widgets in designer are not mapped by eclipse keyboard shortcuts
  • [QTBUG-821] - Speed of cleartype textdrawing on windows...
  • [QTBUG-824] - QGraphicsView's rubberband does not handle scrolling
  • [QTBUG-826] - QSlider::range 1 to #<10 does not paint ticks
  • [QTBUG-827] - distclean; qmake DESTDIR and plugin
  • [QTBUG-828] - QComboBoxes should scroll automatically on the Mac when positioning the mouse at the bottom or top of the screen
  • [QTBUG-832] - QAbstractItemView::commitData() re-installs item delegate's event filter on editor
  • [QTBUG-835] - Windows: DockWidget allowed to dock when there is no room, expanding QMainWindow
  • [QTBUG-836] - qmake -project doesn't handle directory with spaces
  • [QTBUG-837] - Binding a value with the ODBC driver with more than 127 characters will fail with MS SQL Server 7.0
  • [QTBUG-838] - The -O3 flag used in the mkspec files for xlc in same cases can cause the application to hang.
  • [QTBUG-841] - Mac OS X: qmake generates bad makefiles for 'dist' targets
  • [QTBUG-847] - Make it possible to set ISC_DPB_LC_CTYPE=ASCII as a connection option for Interbase databases
  • [QTBUG-848] - If a library path is specified to configure that contains the word "mysql" then it will cause the test in to fail
  • [QTBUG-854] - QKeySequence::toString() combines modifier with numbers, producing e.g shift+!
  • [QTBUG-855] - Mac OS X: QMenu::setFont() does not affect shortcuts font
  • [QTBUG-858] - examples/qmake is not copied to installation directory
  • [QTBUG-859] - cursor appears when pressing shift with a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-861] - Make QSortFilterProxyModel more robust in the case of nested remove/insertRows
  • [QTBUG-863] - Qt/Mac applications and -style argument
  • [QTBUG-864] - Layout regression on Mac
  • [QTBUG-870] - QSqlField::defaultValue() - not supported by Firebird/Interbase driver
  • [QTBUG-871] - Tool bar menu
  • [QTBUG-872] - Tool bar menu on Mac
  • [QTBUG-875] - persistent model indexes and subclassing models
  • [QTBUG-876] - Mac OS X: Widgets inside a container layout can cause focus ring to get clipped
  • [QTBUG-878] - Sync Qt widgets to match default focus policies of native widgets on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-879] - In some cases fonts with both a symbol character map and a non-symbol character map won't be recognized as symbol fonts.
  • [QTBUG-881] - QTextCursor::insertImage() does not merge previous text formats
  • [QTBUG-888] - QUuid::createUuid() is not reseeded when called from multiple threads
  • [QTBUG-889] - When using qmake to generate a Makefile to build a dll when Qt is built statically, the QT_DLL define should not be present
  • [QTBUG-890] - Missing QFontMetricsF::charWidth() function
  • [QTBUG-894] - QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent::buttons() always equals 0 when dropping on X11
  • [QTBUG-895] - When header files are in a non-ascii include path then moc will report undefined interface when building a custom widget plugin
  • [QTBUG-907] - Table views - Screen readers are not able to read a table views entire row.
  • [QTBUG-908] - QLabel heightforWidth sometimes wrong
  • [QTBUG-909] - QTreeView, active row on child rows,
  • [QTBUG-914] - writeProxy() not generating signals correctly in all cases
  • [QTBUG-916] - Word selection in QTextEdit behaves unlike other text editors
  • [QTBUG-917] - QFont does not seem to check other fonts
  • [QTBUG-918] - Qt doesn't compile with QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT and QT_NO_WARNING_OUTPUT defined
  • [QTBUG-920] - TARGETDEPS, POST_TARGETDEPS, PRE_TARGETDEPS do not handle directories with spaces
  • [QTBUG-925] - Extend the QAuthenticator support to handle failed authentications and to do NTML authentication based on the logged user
  • [QTBUG-928] - Not all styles show the special value text completly in a spinbox
  • [QTBUG-929] - QWS Minimize
  • [QTBUG-930] - QFileDialog: When a parent is specified it should be centered over the parent widget
  • [QTBUG-933] - Pressing escape on a native file dialog will not put focus back to the right widget on Windows
  • [QTBUG-935] - Windows: Double-clicking the control box in the upper-left corner of an MDI form window does not close the window
  • [QTBUG-939] - setActiveAction triggers submenus
  • [QTBUG-941] - yacc/lex rules for qmake use "DEL" instead of "-DEL"
  • [QTBUG-943] - Specifying -MT over -MD in the compiler flags fails when building a Qt application due to missing manifest files with MSVC 2005
  • [QTBUG-946] - Mac: QLineEdit and the Qt Undo Framework does not play well together
  • [QTBUG-947] - Maximizing a frameless window makes the window cover the start menu
  • [QTBUG-949] - QFontComboBox new entries
  • [QTBUG-954] - Bug in QHeaderView with setTextElideMode(Qt::ElideRight)
  • [QTBUG-955] - doesn't have a suffix (or -l prefix) on the LIBS line when the config is static on Windows
  • [QTBUG-956] - When a QTableWidget has QTextEdits as persistent editors, then it will not get the actual size hint of the QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-960] - QTreeWidget updates twice when using mouse to select items
  • [QTBUG-966] - Build fails if .qt-license file includes a single space as value for the Licensee variable
  • [QTBUG-968] - QTableView::scrollToItem() doesn't work too well in ScrollPerItem mode
  • [QTBUG-969] - Problems building bootstrapped tools in Qtopia Core if configured with -no-feature-<FEATURE NAME>
  • [QTBUG-972] - 'makeqpf' crashes when trying to render a QPF2 from a QPF that does not contain the requested glyph coverage
  • [QTBUG-973] - 'makeqpf' does not compile on Windows
  • [QTBUG-981] - When qmake is copied into the bin directory then the destination should be quoted in the copy line
  • [QTBUG-983] - MAC: Window has shadows with Qt::WindowFullScreen on Mac
  • [QTBUG-985] - "strange" behaviour when using QRadioButtons
  • [QTBUG-988] - QString and std::string with QT3_SUPPORT
  • [QTBUG-989] - Reparenting widgets to different screens on X11
  • [QTBUG-991] - QPainter::setWindow() doesn't seem to be handled correctly when painting on a QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-994] - Text indentation and line break is wrong after unordered list
  • [QTBUG-996] - QTableVIew: inconsistent behaviour of resizeColumnsToContents() when called after resizeRowsToContents()
  • [QTBUG-999] - QIcon::isNull() returns false even when QIcon constructed with non-existent file
  • [QTBUG-1001] - QTcpSocket is very slow with large packets when both peers are Windows machines
  • [QTBUG-1002] - QTableView::resizeRowsToContents() not working correctly on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1004] - QMenu layout is wrong on the first invocation when opened on a secondary screen with the lower resolution
  • [QTBUG-1006] - QTextCursor::insertHtml() may break formatting
  • [QTBUG-1007] - If libpqd.lib exists, then it will not default to using this library in debug mode
  • [QTBUG-1011] - Setting a menu bar after a maximzed QMdiSubWindow is added causes the title icons to dissappear
  • [QTBUG-1012] - Mac, Xcode, building of projects with spaces in TARGET name fails
  • [QTBUG-1014] - Double frame on QDateTimeEdit on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1015] - Windows Expanding to very large size on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-1017] - tearoff menu with QWidgetAction in menu
  • [QTBUG-1020] - Mac: configure -R does nothing even if configure list it as an option
  • [QTBUG-1021] - QSslSocket wont provide correct close notify with QHttp
  • [QTBUG-1023] - Qt 4.3.1/Win: QDir doesn't handle directory names like D: correctly
  • [QTBUG-1034] - Widgets drawing disabled text
  • [QTBUG-1037] - QTableWidget selection bug
  • [QTBUG-1040] - Checkable QGroupBox title too large on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1044] - Building statically linked applications without qmake
  • [QTBUG-1047] - QGraphicsView and fitInView
  • [QTBUG-1048] - When the context menu policy is set to Qt::PreventContextMenu, the context key menu is still not sent to the widget
  • [QTBUG-1052] - QAction Key Shortcuts stop working after changing the window flags
  • [QTBUG-1058] - Layout flickers when combobox changes sizehint
  • [QTBUG-1059] - nested qforeach issues a warning
  • [QTBUG-1060] - Transformed items added to a group can change the size of the QGraphicsScene sceneRect()
  • [QTBUG-1062] - QComboBox in QCleanlooksStyle does not respect visual data
  • [QTBUG-1066] - QTableWidget: setSpan() settings is retained even after calling clear() and the dimensions of the table are changed afterwards
  • [QTBUG-1068] - Wrong viewport size when ScrollBarAlwaysOff
  • [QTBUG-1073] - QWidget::dragLeaveEvent called more than expected
  • [QTBUG-1074] - QWSPC101KeyboardHandler based keyboard handlers deliver incorrect key code on Shift modifier
  • [QTBUG-1075] - QGroupBox with no child widgets returns invalid size hint
  • [QTBUG-1078] - Unclear resizability behavior in QWizard
  • [QTBUG-1079] - When resuming QTimeLine, one faulty frameChanged signal with the last frame is sent in some cases
  • [QTBUG-1083] - Entire view repainted when editor is opened or closed
  • [QTBUG-1090] - Default constructed QPersistentModelIndex is not equal to invalidated QPersistentModelIndex
  • [QTBUG-1091] - QTextStream hex manipulator doesn't handle numbers not prefixed with 0x correctly
  • [QTBUG-1094] - Mac OS X status tips for menu actions do not appear
  • [QTBUG-1098] - Converting a negative integer to a hexadecimal QString, and then back to an integer again doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-1100] - QSqlTableModel fails when two tables in different schemas have same name with PSQL
  • [QTBUG-1102] - Vertical 'selected' tab not painted correctly with linear gradient
  • [QTBUG-1106] - Cannot set set empty string on QMdiSubWindow window title
  • [QTBUG-1120] - QUdpSocket::bind with ReuseAddressHints works when it shouldn't on Solaris
  • [QTBUG-1122] - QComboBox should remove the last item and insert at top when max count is reached and insertion policy is insertAtTop
  • [QTBUG-1125] - QHeaderView: Double clicking between sections to resize to the contents only accounts for the visible cells, not all of them
  • [QTBUG-1126] - Documentation: QTest namespace
  • [QTBUG-1128] - Text frame backgrounds do not respect page margins
  • [QTBUG-1135] - Text inside the <nobr> tag still breaks
  • [QTBUG-1143] - QTextEdit slows down when selecting text while inserting text
  • [QTBUG-1144] - QMAKE_MAC_SDK ignored under Mac OSX PPC
  • [QTBUG-1145] - QDir with UNC and relative paths does not always work on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1149] - QFileDialog does not delete non-empty directories
  • [QTBUG-1152] - toggle input method : missing autorepeats of keys due to QTimer problem
  • [QTBUG-1153] - When a control is put on a VB form via the Office VB Editor then it will have problems after Run and the form is closed
  • [QTBUG-1154] - Mac: Menubar items disappears when opening a dockwidget with a mainwindow inside
  • [QTBUG-1155] - MakefileGenerator::writeSubTargets unnecessary variable name
  • [QTBUG-1161] - Line joins not painted correctly on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1165] - Text not center-aligned in QSvgGenerator output
  • [QTBUG-1166] - Problem with colspan in QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-1173] - Check that its possible to use 2003 or 2005 versions of VS to build a plugin for the Eclipse integration
  • [QTBUG-1174] - Drag and drop: move doesn't really move
  • [QTBUG-1176] - The dataChanged signal is not emitted from QSqlTableModel when using the OnManualSubmit strategy
  • [QTBUG-1178] - Unicode character gets cut when displayed at the end of a phrase
  • [QTBUG-1183] - On Mac, the edit field treats path separators as a white space
  • [QTBUG-1185] - QVFb skin combo box does not contain all skins (UI is bad)
  • [QTBUG-1186] - QTextEdit text interaction flags are not obeyed
  • [QTBUG-1188] - flat QGroupBox resizes too small vertically on OSX so that line is hidden
  • [QTBUG-1191] - Q3TextBrowser resize issue
  • [QTBUG-1192] - Qt tries to build mysql plugin by default
  • [QTBUG-1194] - In the QStyle::drawControl() documentation the CE_ComboBoxLabel and QStyleOptionComboBox are not mentioned in the table.
  • [QTBUG-1196] - Regression in Q3Table scrolling performance
  • [QTBUG-1198] - QDateTime doesn't properly account for DST when converting to UTC on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1199] - Chinese input method on Solaris does not work if QSettings or qDebug() used before QApplication created
  • [QTBUG-1201] - Narrow no-break space (U+202F) not rendered properly
  • [QTBUG-1202] - QWhatsThis drop shadows conflict with compositing
  • [QTBUG-1203] - QWhatsThis draws shadow over border
  • [QTBUG-1204] - When qmake -recursive is used, it does not respect any .qmake.cache files which are in subdirectories
  • [QTBUG-1205] - When generating a dsp file, there are two defines that do not appear in a Makefile for the same project
  • [QTBUG-1206] - Shift+Tab shortcut does not work under certain conditions
  • [QTBUG-1209] - When doing a nmake clean it should not remove the pdb files, this should only happen in a nmake distclean
  • [QTBUG-1210] - QTabWidget: background-color style sheet property is not respected by all styles.
  • [QTBUG-1212] - QDir::entryList() doesn't show the correct name for Program Files and such on a non English version of Vista
  • [QTBUG-1213] - Mac: Dragging files with some special file names does not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-1214] - QT_REQUIRE_VERSION() doesn't work with QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII
  • [QTBUG-1216] - Mac: Dockwidget is possible to move behind the Mac menu bar
  • [QTBUG-1220] - mdi subwindow needs two mouse clicks to close
  • [QTBUG-1228] - Configure mysql_config Qtopia-core
  • [QTBUG-1233] - QGraphicsSceneBspTree::initialize() uses incorrect offset
  • [QTBUG-1236] - qmake removes the . from the version specified causing MSVC to have problems with the resulting number
  • [QTBUG-1249] - QLibrary-internals showing up in errorString()
  • [QTBUG-1250] - QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent() toggles drag mode on all mouse buttons
  • [QTBUG-1251] - On Windows, showing a dialog and then doing something CPU intensive can cause an empty frame to appear after it is hidden
  • [QTBUG-1257] - QHeaderView::resizeSection should not iterate over all rows - performance issue
  • [QTBUG-1258] - QTabBar: is missing QAccessibility::updateAccessibility( )
  • [QTBUG-1262] - QColormap::instance(x).depth() returns always the colordepth of the primary screen on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1264] - QCompleter defaultPopup elide mode
  • [QTBUG-1266] - QLineEdit textEdited() and inputMask
  • [QTBUG-1269] - When an interface is a TKIND_INTERFACE then a stub is generated by dumpcpp, this causes code not to compile
  • [QTBUG-1270] - dumpcpp-generated code does not compile if the typelib declares non-dispatchable interfaces
  • [QTBUG-1271] - QListView: in IconMode does not handle viewport sizing correctly
  • [QTBUG-1272] - QTabWidget: disabling the last enabled tab
  • [QTBUG-1273] - QLineEdit::inputMethodQuery without translated coordinates
  • [QTBUG-1279] - Indexer sometimes doesn't stop with CDT3
  • [QTBUG-1280] - Unable to remove/disable size grip in all Widgets/Dialogs on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1281] - Makefile.Debug specifies wrong content for variable LIBS
  • [QTBUG-1284] - When /MAP is specified in the QMAKE_LFLAGS then it ends up specifying GO as the filename when it should be blank
  • [QTBUG-1285] - QPainter::drawPolyline is slow in raster engine
  • [QTBUG-1292] - QImage drawEllipse bug
  • [QTBUG-1295] - When specifying configure -system-png on Windows then it doesn't show the right thing in the configure output
  • [QTBUG-1296] - Shortcuts do not work in ActiveQt when the control is in IE or a non Qt application
  • [QTBUG-1303] - It's not possible to always change the date or time if the min->max range is a small one
  • [QTBUG-1309] - Look of buttons on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1316] - QComboBox replaces edit text when first item is added to ComboBox' model
  • [QTBUG-1324] - Keys are being echoed in some Linux distributions
  • [QTBUG-1327] - Qt 4.3.2 MacOS X Leopard xcodebuild crashes
  • [QTBUG-1328] - QPushButton doesn't inherit a background-color specified on its parent StyleSheet
  • [QTBUG-1329] - QLineEdit setFocus behaves differently when compiled on MinGW
  • [QTBUG-1332] - Search paths require all paths to exist to function properly
  • [QTBUG-1335] - delete OBJECTS_DIR and MOC_DIR on make distclean
  • [QTBUG-1336] - bool QFileInfo::isWritable () const platform differences
  • [QTBUG-1337] - Moving mouse over disabled menu item in menu bar prevents other enabled menus from opening
  • [QTBUG-1338] - Setting a new scrollbar on a QScrollArea will cause the scrollbar not to show
  • [QTBUG-1339] - When generating a makefile for win32-g++ spec without msys in the path the directory separators are incorrect for the exes
  • [QTBUG-1346] - The documentation for the ./configure --help needs a bit of improvements.
  • [QTBUG-1347] - MySQL driver does not correctly read from ucs2 tables when built against MySQL 5
  • [QTBUG-1357] - Multiple aligned floating images formatted incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-1358] - Not possible to grab QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease
  • [QTBUG-1366] - When doing a restoreState() after the central widget has changed then the layout of the dock widgets is wrong
  • [QTBUG-1368] - Compiler DEFINEs with string contents lead to invalid XCode pro jects
  • [QTBUG-1369] - Window with undrawn area
  • [QTBUG-1370] - Restoring a QMainWindow state twice when the restored window will be set to full-screen mode leads to problems
  • [QTBUG-1372] - document screen member variables in QScreen class documentation
  • [QTBUG-1374] - QScrollArea::takeWidget () does not update the scrollbars
  • [QTBUG-1376] - Bug in qmake / msvc_objectmodel.cpp
  • [QTBUG-1378] - Adding a QMainWindow that has the QMdiSubWindow as a parent to the subwindow does not work
  • [QTBUG-1379] - Setting a html doc on a QTextEdit with a colspanned td would affect the width of the first column in the table.
  • [QTBUG-1380] - Multiple checkable QToolButtons in a QButtonGroup may appear as pressed/checked when only one really is
  • [QTBUG-1381] - Scrollbars do not initially show up in a scroll area with larger widget
  • [QTBUG-1382] - QTreeView and Inactive highlight
  • [QTBUG-1384] - QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS and VC 2005
  • [QTBUG-1385] - QLabel with word wrapped text gets clipped when set on a QLabel already showing in a layout
  • [QTBUG-1389] - Wrong width for cells when Using <br> inside richtext tabels
  • [QTBUG-1391] - QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames() no bounds checking
  • [QTBUG-1394] - QLabel has wrong width of html table when wordwrapping is enabled
  • [QTBUG-1395] - Issues with QAbstractSpinBox::NoButtons on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1407] - Mac: QImage::drawText() can miss pixel in some characters when drawn with some fonts at small sizes
  • [QTBUG-1408] - QAbstractButton pressed() and released() signals are not emitted correctly
  • [QTBUG-1409] - QODBC driver truncates string when accessing a Pervasive SQL database
  • [QTBUG-1415] - QGraphicsTextItem renders "w" incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-1417] - Setting a stylesheet for a QTabWidget's parent will cause tabwidget's scrollbuttons to be transparent and misplaced in XP style
  • [QTBUG-1420] - QWizard in AeroStyle does not have pixel-perfect margins wrt. native Vista wizards
  • [QTBUG-1423] - text rotation quality
  • [QTBUG-1426] - QSlider can get valueChanged signal before sliderPressed
  • [QTBUG-1427] - Some XF86 keys are undefined in Qt
  • [QTBUG-1428] - The drag object is not destroyed on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1429] - margin-left attribute does not work for <ul> tags
  • [QTBUG-1437] - Static-plugin support fails with Qt Assistant
  • [QTBUG-1441] - Q3ListBox that has a corner widget a QSizeGrip and Qt::Popup as WindowFlags is not resizable
  • [QTBUG-1442] - Hiding a widget while the mouse is pressed makes any event filters on QApplication no longer getting events
  • [QTBUG-1443] - qmake should remove redundant linker information
  • [QTBUG-1447] - Style Sheets: a non-editable QComboBox with border-image set does not respect the selection-color property
  • [QTBUG-1448] - Inconsistent word wrapping in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-1450] - The default spacing between widgets is too big on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1451] - QTableWidget sorting and headers
  • [QTBUG-1454] - Checkboxes in a QTreeView do not behave like normal checkboxes
  • [QTBUG-1458] - The highlightSections property of the QHeaderView does not work well in a QTableView
  • [QTBUG-1461] - QToolButton hover effect behavior when opening and closing context menu
  • [QTBUG-1464] - Ligatures taken from incorrect font at small point sizes
  • [QTBUG-1467] - When closing a top level widget the focus goes back to its parent top level and not to the previously focused top level
  • [QTBUG-1470] - When inserting html that has an aligned paragraph, it does not always respect the alignment of the paragraph
  • [QTBUG-1472] - Under Windows the background-color property of QHeaderView::section is ignored by selected sections.
  • [QTBUG-1477] - qpf2 font's don't scale well in GraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-1479] - QFileDialog: bookmarks of dot directories bug
  • [QTBUG-1480] - submenu with accelerator render bug
  • [QTBUG-1481] - QPainter and font propagation on X11
  • [QTBUG-1482] - Inconsistent error handling in QFile
  • [QTBUG-1487] - distclean does not work for the ActiveQt examples when Qt is built statically
  • [QTBUG-1489] - OSX QLineEdit : selection cursor appears after pressing Cmd or Shift keys
  • [QTBUG-1490] - Qlabel uses Base color as background when used in a QListWidget
  • [QTBUG-1492] - ODBC connection string with UID and PWD does not work
  • [QTBUG-1498] - A PDF file generated using QPrinter does not get viewed correctly in Acrobat v5 and v6
  • [QTBUG-1499] - Qmake on .pro with subdirs and absolute paths generate wrong output directory on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1501] - Tooltip is not displayed wrapped
  • [QTBUG-1507] - The Mac Voice Over does not work with Qt itemviews
  • [QTBUG-1509] - QFontMetrics::boundingRect(): Different values on Qtopia-core 4.2.x and 4.3.x for the same font
  • [QTBUG-1511] - When calling prepare() on a QSqlQuery for Firebird it will ignore any inserts done after that point
  • [QTBUG-1513] - Qt4.3.3/Mac: Top margin in QDialog too large in nested layouts with QGroupBox
  • [QTBUG-1514] - QDir on mac has no way of separating between hidden files and extended attribute
  • [QTBUG-1517] - Right click menu does not work for many shapes in Diagramscene example
  • [QTBUG-1519] - QWSServer::setCursorVisible, odd implementation
  • [QTBUG-1521] - configure script with invalid atributes give bad error mesages
  • [QTBUG-1522] - Button missing click action when a Q3ListViewItem is in rename state
  • [QTBUG-1525] - Can't give focus to many widgets using keypad
  • [QTBUG-1527] - qmake should create makefiles that put generated ui_*.h files in debug/release subdirs
  • [QTBUG-1528] - QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase prints misleading warning
  • [QTBUG-1530] - QPainter::drawPixmap() may not fill entire area when painter is scaled
  • [QTBUG-1532] - Importing a pro file into Visual Studio that has a DLLDESTDIR set does not cause the directory to be created
  • [QTBUG-1534] - When connecting to a SQLite database and using QSqlTableModel::setFilter() then it will show empty rows
  • [QTBUG-1536] - Win: Calling setFocus() in constructor of a child activeSubWindo w() returns NULL
  • [QTBUG-1543] - QFuture::const_iterator::operator!= must block if there might not be a next result.
  • [QTBUG-1544] - System tray icon places balloon messages in the wrong location unless process events has been called on Linux
  • [QTBUG-1545] - Shortcuts are activated when editing a QGraphicsTextItem.
  • [QTBUG-1546] - Qt::Popup window flag and QDialog modailty
  • [QTBUG-1547] - Certain unicode characters are cut off when displayed
  • [QTBUG-1551] - QFontMetrics reports wrong size for substitution (box) character
  • [QTBUG-1552] - Images are incorrectly placed in documents on initial rendering
  • [QTBUG-1553] - PathStroking has numerical instabilities
  • [QTBUG-1554] - QSqlQuery::bindValue() escapes the \ character in the PSQL driver without checking if it should or not
  • [QTBUG-1555] - When using Windows API function ReadFile() with a COM port then timers do not fire as frequent as they should
  • [QTBUG-1559] - Configure on windows accepts -prefix, but bails out when reaching an error down the line.
  • [QTBUG-1560] - Mac OSX: cannot type accented characters üáûè in Japanese Romaji keyboard layout.
  • [QTBUG-1562] - When a LIBS line has the same directory added twice with -L then qmake doesn't handle the duplicate correctly
  • [QTBUG-1567] - Add the include directories to the properties for the RC_FILE entry in the generated vcproj file
  • [QTBUG-1568] - QCompleter should call accept() on the key events that it handles
  • [QTBUG-1570] - Mac style: Too small QTreeWidgetItem margins.
  • [QTBUG-1571] - Using QTextStream's endl with x field width will generate blank characters in front of the outputted word
  • [QTBUG-1572] - MySQL client library asserts when a BLOB colum contains only NULL values
  • [QTBUG-1576] - QtWebKit when compiled without ELF visibility exports some unprefixed symbols
  • [QTBUG-1577] - QTabBar::tear using stylesheet declarations other than image causes image: to be ignored.
  • [QTBUG-1578] - Comparison warning C6326 when using /analyze in Visual Studio enterprise edition
  • [QTBUG-1586] - list display issue in QTextBrowser
  • [QTBUG-1588] - QLineEdit inputmask does not support semicolon as separator
  • [QTBUG-1590] - Style sheet on a QSlider handle and groove disable repainting of QSlider Ticks...
  • [QTBUG-1591] - QDateTime::currentDateTime() reports the old date past 00:00 on AIX
  • [QTBUG-1594] - QtSpellcheckingTextEdit: Dont underline the word that is currently being typed.
  • [QTBUG-1597] - toolbuttons with context menu can show 2 context menus simultaneously
  • [QTBUG-1598] - Crash on X11 when painting QGraphicsTextItem with huge font, using Qt without FontConfig support
  • [QTBUG-1599] - QFileInfo::created() on Mac not equivalent to Mac Finder GetInfo Created value
  • [QTBUG-1602] - Qt Mac: QFrame affects layout
  • [QTBUG-1607] - When building a project a warning indiciating /MACHINE is not specified is given
  • [QTBUG-1609] - The line edit used for directory renaming in Q3FileDialog may be placed inconveniently
  • [QTBUG-1612] - QPainter::drawLine() called with Qt::DashLine may shift the dash offsets depending on the values passed
  • [QTBUG-1618] - QWidget::render() does not work for a QTextEdit that is not currently visible
  • [QTBUG-1629] - QDoubleValidator::validate() returns Invalid instead of Intermediate for double with too many decimals
  • [QTBUG-1633] - When setting a partially transparent background on a QLineEdit that is on a QGLWidget it is not painted correctly
  • [QTBUG-1635] - Frameless windows are not raised
  • [QTBUG-1640] - Hidden columns in QTableView cause horizontal row lines to be drawn
  • [QTBUG-1641] - Stylesheets breaks when painting QTableView header in Vista.
  • [QTBUG-1644] - Setting the input mask on a QLineEdit before setting QValidator makes the QLineEdit block input
  • [QTBUG-1648] - Implement alternating row colors for entire view when items don't cover entire view
  • [QTBUG-1651] - QTextDocument/CSS: text-indent should not affect background-c olor
  • [QTBUG-1654] - duplicates include dirs
  • [QTBUG-1655] - QtGui doesn't need to depend on QtNetwork in single-process case
  • [QTBUG-1657] - Wrong table information when using public synonyms in Oracle
  • [QTBUG-1660] - Mac: Empty unified toolbar takes up space
  • [QTBUG-1664] - sizegrip visible in tabbed QMdiSubWindows windows
  • [QTBUG-1668] - QTableView setStretchLastColumn irregular behavior
  • [QTBUG-1673] - Inconsistent behaviour for text input while holding Ctrl (not ignoring text input for some characters)
  • [QTBUG-1676] - Windows: mouse move event is sometimes not posted when doing a dnd operation over a QTreeView
  • [QTBUG-1678] - Urdu/Arabic script rendering is not correct
  • [QTBUG-1682] - QTableView::sortByColumn () always shows the sorting arrow on column 0 when sorting order is missing
  • [QTBUG-1683] - QWidget::paintEngine() returns 0 on QWS
  • [QTBUG-1684] - When a child widget has a QGraphicsView as a parent and a QGraphicsItem is covering the whole view the exposed rect is the view
  • [QTBUG-1690] - qt.conf doesn't handle having UNC paths specified
  • [QTBUG-1691] - QFile does not work with Win32 "Unicode"-format paths
  • [QTBUG-1692] - Drag & Drop doesn't work very well for Embedded
  • [QTBUG-1696] - QGraphicsItem::setCursor() does not work after invoking context menu without selecting any items from it
  • [QTBUG-1698] - QListWidget::dropMimeData() is not called when items are moved in the list.
  • [QTBUG-1706] - The inactive title bar in the mdi child window on Leopard has Tiger bacground
  • [QTBUG-1708] - Using an HTML table in a tooltip, then there is extra space added between the bottom of the table and the end of the tooltip box
  • [QTBUG-1709] - QSqlQuery::numRowsAffected() may return 0 when using MySQL
  • [QTBUG-1714] - eval() does not expand variables correctly
  • [QTBUG-1715] - Support large QGraphicsWidgets on Mac.
  • [QTBUG-1725] - QGraphicsView draws 1pt text incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-1727] - QWS doesn't always handle popup mouse events properly
  • [QTBUG-1733] - When QGraphicsView has a QGLWidget as its viewport, the background is not updated correctly when there is no scene
  • [QTBUG-1734] - QTableView shows empty rows when QSqlTableModel::setTable() is called multiple times
  • [QTBUG-1736] - Plugins should be re-cached if keys() returns a different result from the cached keys
  • [QTBUG-1740] - Qt 4.3.4 does not build with the system compiler on FreeBSD
  • [QTBUG-1746] - Windows: Text cutting in Q3ListView column header
  • [QTBUG-1747] - qt_intersect_spans needs Q_ASSERT
  • [QTBUG-1748] - Support custom targets on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1756] - Itemview mouse and key press event handlers set selections differently
  • [QTBUG-1757] - QPushButton and QToolButton with internal connections to showMenu()
  • [QTBUG-1758] - Printing areas with semi transparency results in incorrectly printed lines
  • [QTBUG-1759] - physicalDepth returns invalid result on some printers on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1763] - When using QTextDocumentFragment from QTextCursor it breaks for handling of tables and lists
  • [QTBUG-1766] - Child widgets that are windows should inherit window opacity, e.g. popups, dialogs, tooltips(?)
  • [QTBUG-1767] - Qt/Mac QMainWindow save/restoreGeometry() bug
  • [QTBUG-1771] - QComboBox in CleanLooks style tends to use a scrollbar without having to
  • [QTBUG-1774] - Font set on QTableWidget may not propagate to horizontal header view
  • [QTBUG-1777] - QTextDocument add some font information when converting to html
  • [QTBUG-1781] - Calling QTextStream::reset() causes QTextStream to read lines of text on invalid file positions
  • [QTBUG-1782] - Calling hide() and show() on QDialog may result in X errors
  • [QTBUG-1784] - QGraphicsViewPrivate::recalculateContentSize() Bug
  • [QTBUG-1787] - Wait() issue, SIGCHLD signal handler registered in QCoreApplication object creation without SA_RESTART
  • [QTBUG-1789] - qmake does not process the /LTCG option correctly with MSVC 2005
  • [QTBUG-1790] - QAbstractItemView::mousePressEvent() always update()s the complete view
  • [QTBUG-1793] - Building against namespaced QT does not work on Windows
  • [QTBUG-1794] - QFileSystemWatcher doesn't detect changes
  • [QTBUG-1795] - Project errors during configuration
  • [QTBUG-1803] - Windows' qmake.exe compiled with VC++ generates wrong Unix-style makefiles
  • [QTBUG-1804] - Error compilation with space directory
  • [QTBUG-1806] - Bindings generator: problem with QBoxLayout::addWidget()
  • [QTBUG-1808] - Improve Mac QCombobox Accessibilty
  • [QTBUG-1809] - Improve Mac slider accessibility
  • [QTBUG-1810] - Improve Mac spinbox accessibility
  • [QTBUG-1812] - QComboBox is not painted properly when using a style sheet that sets a background color and a border radius for the drop-down.
  • [QTBUG-1816] - When subsituting fonts to show characters not supported by the requested one, it seems that a different point size is chosen
  • [QTBUG-1817] - Qt-based ActiveX controls on web-pages
  • [QTBUG-1819] - toHtml does not keep the format
  • [QTBUG-1820] - QTableView shows empty rows with QSqlTableModel
  • [QTBUG-1821] - After creating a new project, its not possible to get auto completion on variables until after building
  • [QTBUG-1823] - QCommonStyle::sizeFromContents() may return wrong margins
  • [QTBUG-1824] - There is no way to specify " as part of an entry in the LIBS variable
  • [QTBUG-1827] - When specifying a library to be found via -l in the LIBS variable, it doesn't pick up the right one if the latest starts with 0
  • [QTBUG-1828] - qmake doesn't search for the highest version of the library when using -l
  • [QTBUG-1831] - QWizard does not call updateButtonTexts() on translation change
  • [QTBUG-1832] - Printing images with a low bit depth are converted to QImage::Format_RGB32 making them quite large
  • [QTBUG-1835] - When a QScrollArea is shown for a second time any viewport updates will trigger the frame to be updated too
  • [QTBUG-1839] - When a cell has an alpha channel set for its background color then it doesn't get painted correctly initially
  • [QTBUG-1843] - QTextEdit: Inserting HTML or rich text at the beginning of a line removes alignment
  • [QTBUG-1844] - Improve the descriptions of the OpenGL format options
  • [QTBUG-1847] - Inconsistent background brush origins in MacStyle
  • [QTBUG-1850] - QFontDatabase on QWS does not return StyleOblique
  • [QTBUG-1852] - Q3DataTable does not display values for a query that returns one record.
  • [QTBUG-1854] - QDate and QDateTimeEdit parses 2-digit years differently
  • [QTBUG-1860] - Text edit demo: URLs are not preserved when the document is exported to PDF format.
  • [QTBUG-1861] - QToolTip Fails to Resize Vertically in some cases when rich text is used
  • [QTBUG-1865] - QSvgGenerator does not respect the painter's clipping rect/region if one is set
  • [QTBUG-1868] - Whitespace appears before punctuation
  • [QTBUG-1869] - pkgconfig support for Mac binary distribution
  • [QTBUG-1870] - When QTextEdit loads a file containing "’" (character with value 92, unicode 2019) It is not properly displayed.
  • [QTBUG-1871] - QTreeView does not set QStyleOptions's State_Editing when e diting
  • [QTBUG-1872] - Table border on paper is much thinner than on the screen
  • [QTBUG-1873] - Richtext with horizontal line, inserts new horizontal line when hitting enter
  • [QTBUG-1876] - QKeySequence silently discards unknown key modifiers
  • [QTBUG-1877] - Text replacement with QInputMethod::setCommitString() and QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-1878] - QAbstractScrollArea scroll child widget redraw glitch bug
  • [QTBUG-1881] - Datatype problem in the QSQLite driver
  • [QTBUG-1883] - Windows resize without mouse button pressed
  • [QTBUG-1884] - QDateTimeEdit increment glitch when using a calendar popup.
  • [QTBUG-1885] - Transactions may not work when using the QOCI driver
  • [QTBUG-1891] - The documentation for QDBusArgument says that it's explicitly shared
  • [QTBUG-1893] - QCheckBox hover sets widget background to black when using custom window pixmap and the Cleanlooks style
  • [QTBUG-1896] - Shortcuts for copy/paste sometimes result in "C"/"V" insertion
  • [QTBUG-1897] - X11: QMdiArea::subWindowActivated(0) is called when pressing cancel in dialog
  • [QTBUG-1899] - Setting Qt::NoTextInteraction flag to QGraphicsTextItem will also set the ItemIsFocusable flag
  • [QTBUG-1901] - Improve QGraphicsView's mouse replay mechanism
  • [QTBUG-1903] - Context menu retranslation
  • [QTBUG-1904] - Reimplementing QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsColumn() sometimes will break sorting in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-1907] - On Windows, behavior of Alt + keypad numbers depend on NumLock state
  • [QTBUG-1911] - Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters do not display when using Greek locale
  • [QTBUG-1915] - OpenGL garbles in very large windows on the Mac
  • [QTBUG-1917] - Custom delegate focus issues with QTreeView in a QGraphicsScene
  • [QTBUG-1922] - QTextEdit::cursorForPosition(QPoint(0, 0)) may return inorrect QTextCursor when text edit's text document has not been laid out
  • [QTBUG-1927] - QLineEdit selection
  • [QTBUG-1933] - QTabWidget: No focus rect on windows styles
  • [QTBUG-1934] - QGraphicsView::invalidateScene() QGraphicsScene::invalidate()
  • [QTBUG-1938] - Regression when using the SUBDIRS template
  • [QTBUG-1941] - qmake doesn't support an INSTALL_ROOT with spaces
  • [QTBUG-1942] - QComboBox doesn't remember text if it's been set before the first addItem()
  • [QTBUG-1944] - Escape does not reject a dialog containing a QDataWidgetMapper
  • [QTBUG-1947] - When selecting an item in a QListView in Vista, the icon next to it becomes bluish.
  • [QTBUG-1950] - QT_THREAD_SUPPORT is defined in windows builds
  • [QTBUG-1954] - Rename Qt::escape
  • [QTBUG-1955] - QSettings::setValue() should use REG_DWORD for all the integer types less than 64-bit
  • [QTBUG-1956] - QFontMetrics::inFont() on Windows returns true even if Qt doesn't find a font that can render the character
  • [QTBUG-1957] - Order of tablet and mouse events on Windows is different depending on window activation
  • [QTBUG-1959] - Under MinGW, QMAKE_COPY_DIR wrongly uses xcopy
  • [QTBUG-1961] - Unexpected behavior when using QCompleter on a QDialog with a default button
  • [QTBUG-1962] - QSystemTrayIcon bug on Mac
  • [QTBUG-1964] - prepared statement using char/varchar type with ODBC and Inform ix doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-1965] - QTabBar: does not invalidate geometry when tabs are inserted or removed whilst hidden [PATCH]
  • [QTBUG-1966] - Mac: Scroll bar / header position within a list widget is incorrect
  • [QTBUG-1973] - QWizardPage banner section consumes entire page
  • [QTBUG-1975] - Item selection is broken on Vista when a treeview with setRootIsDecorated(false) and the position of first column has changed
  • [QTBUG-1979] - qmake does not exclude additional files in resource folder from the build.
  • [QTBUG-1980] - QPainterPath::toFillPolygons() is unnecessarilly slow
  • [QTBUG-1981] - Under MinGW, path to MOC is bad
  • [QTBUG-1984] - The generated TARGET in Makefile has the DESTDIR value prepended only when the TEMPLATE is app
  • [QTBUG-1986] - Painting problem in QTextEdit when setting the cursor width
  • [QTBUG-1989] - QTreeView::keyboardSearch() doesn't take hidden rows into account
  • [QTBUG-1994] - Wordwrap label on the Mac cause the label to have a large height
  • [QTBUG-1995] - QSslSocket::waitForEncrypted() fails when called from within readyRead() slot
  • [QTBUG-1996] - On Windows, IBase plugin links against wrong client libraries
  • [QTBUG-1997] - QTextBrowser does not respect list-style-type: decimal
  • [QTBUG-1999] - QSvg* misrenders SVG file
  • [QTBUG-2002] - QSvgRenderer does not properly calculate text bounding box.
  • [QTBUG-2005] - Undo is disabled when a value in QDoubleSpinBox is changed
  • [QTBUG-2008] - Too many compilation level 4 warnings
  • [QTBUG-2010] - Missing dependencies for resources under XCode
  • [QTBUG-2013] - qmake repeats include paths in the command line for moc
  • [QTBUG-2014] - Not possible to connect to PostgreSQL databases using SSL connections with the binary Qt package
  • [QTBUG-2019] - qmake does not write all paths with native separators when generating Makefile
  • [QTBUG-2021] - Clicking links for embedded QWebViews doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-2024] - Warnings during debug-builds of ActiveQt projects, PDB files for ActiveQt libraries not patched during installation
  • [QTBUG-2028] - QLabel with rich-text does not react to mouse click
  • [QTBUG-2035] - Display of long text in QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-2038] - Korean font rendering is ugly (probably due to not using default fallback Korean fonts when using Latin fonts)
  • [QTBUG-2039] - Inconsistent text layout in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-2042] - Mac: adding fonts with QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont() fails on Leopard
  • [QTBUG-2049] - Mdi area, windowModifies and windowFilePath and Title bug
  • [QTBUG-2050] - When calling QTextDocument::drawContents() on an image that has Format_Mono any table borders are not rendered
  • [QTBUG-2053] - Unable to load mysql plugin of 4.4.0rc1 on PPC 10.3.9
  • [QTBUG-2054] - Painting text to curves results in incorrectly positioned characters
  • [QTBUG-2055] - Windows: Disabled Q3ListView in Qt-4.4 displays the items themselves active...
  • [QTBUG-2057] - QPainter warnings when using Metacity Window Manager and resizing a window down to it's minimum size
  • [QTBUG-2059] - Lost enterEvents / leaveEvents on Windows
  • [QTBUG-2060] - Modify the incomingConnection() sample in the documentation for QSslSocket
  • [QTBUG-2067] - Seeing stray richtext in QTextEdit when using selection to clear/update
  • [QTBUG-2072] - Build Debug Libraries stops with line too long when using qt-win 4.4.0 with MinGW
  • [QTBUG-2076] - A dialog with no icon set and is a child of a widget then it will use the icon of its parent instead of the application icon
  • [QTBUG-2077] - Gradient background color via stylesheet on a QTreeView adds a black border in the lower right corner
  • [QTBUG-2079] - explicit_dependencies not honoured when using QMAKE_EXTRA _COMPILERS
  • [QTBUG-2080] - When specifying -system-zlib on Windows it does not pass on all the necessary arguments
  • [QTBUG-2084] - When raising a widget in a nested Q3WidgetStack that is hidden then it does not raise the widget
  • [QTBUG-2086] - QDir::rename() does not change folder names to uppercase
  • [QTBUG-2087] - QTextDocument::print: Page break after a table messes up the printed output
  • [QTBUG-2092] - Wrong path to moc/uic on windows caused by wrong way slashes.
  • [QTBUG-2096] - Linux configure script should use tail -n 1
  • [QTBUG-2098] - QT_SHARED not defined
  • [QTBUG-2100] - Restoring a QMdiSubWindow when QMdiArea viewMode is QMdiArea::TabbedView
  • [QTBUG-2101] - Incorrect tabbar when adding a QMdiSubWindow to a QMdiArea with TabbedView viewMode
  • [QTBUG-2102] - The context menu event created when pressing the menu key does not contain the keyboard modifiers
  • [QTBUG-2104] - QDockWidget::setContentsMargins() does not affect title bar
  • [QTBUG-2106] - MDI Area usingScrollbars and setOption(QMdiArea::DontMaximizeSubWindowOnActivation)
  • [QTBUG-2111] - QFont copy constructor that takes a QPaintDevice not copying all properties
  • [QTBUG-2113] - When building a static universal library on an Intel Mac machine the precompiled header does not get compiled correctly for PPC.
  • [QTBUG-2114] - No drag and drop in integrated designer
  • [QTBUG-2118] - When a QAction has a shortcut and also has a submenu attached then the space between the shortcut and arrow is too small
  • [QTBUG-2120] - QTreeWidget::setWordWrap(true) does not appear to have any effect at all
  • [QTBUG-2123] - linking static libs fails when qt_embed_mainfest_dll is active
  • [QTBUG-2127] - Key mapper under X11 changing order of key events sent with XTestFakeKeyEvent()
  • [QTBUG-2132] - Rubberband not hidden if drag mode changes while mouse is pressed
  • [QTBUG-2133] - Mac: cmd + pressing the oblong button makes the toolbar resize wrongly
  • [QTBUG-2135] - Fonts may be rendered with incorrect line spacing
  • [QTBUG-2136] - QVFb skin parser does not load skin nor provide useful error when "Down" image is missing
  • [QTBUG-2137] - QSqlRelationalTableModel does not show entries that have a NULL foreign key
  • [QTBUG-2140] - Deletes and updates fail in a QSqlTableModel when not all the columns in the model are shown.
  • [QTBUG-2143] - QMenu submenu sloppy feature does not work in when there is a disabed item.
  • [QTBUG-2144] - QSqlQuery: not possible to handle multiple queries at once (regression)
  • [QTBUG-2145] - Application crashes when setWindowFlags() is called with Qt::WindowCancelButtonHint
  • [QTBUG-2149] - QAbstractItemView keyboard selection with checkboxes does not work.
  • [QTBUG-2152] - QTreeView : Drag operations becomes a select.
  • [QTBUG-2153] - Designer WYSIWYG interface is not consistent with the actual runtime user interface in some cases
  • [QTBUG-2155] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: Scaling of text does not work well on Mac
  • [QTBUG-2157] - QTextEdit: The start attribute is not supported in conjunction with the <ol> tag
  • [QTBUG-2159] - QPainter::drawText() on X11: off-by-one error when painting to QPixmap compared to QBitmap
  • [QTBUG-2163] - Support for conditions in special casing of unicode characters is missing in Qt
  • [QTBUG-2164] - Mac QDirModel: subdirectories does not show up if the path is very long and has many subdirectories
  • [QTBUG-2167] - QTextEdit: The type attribute is not completly supported in conjunction with the <ol> tag
  • [QTBUG-2168] - QGraphicsWidget does not respect focusPolicy
  • [QTBUG-2170] - Qt application using QHttp becomes unstable after HTTP/HTTPS communication
  • [QTBUG-2172] - Mac: qmake places version numbers at the end of the dylib
  • [QTBUG-2173] - Not possible to add AdditionalOptions to VCLibrarianTool options
  • [QTBUG-2175] - Nested widgets do not get hover events when inside QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-2176] - The width of the rect returned by QFontMetrics::boundingRect(QString) is to small on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2179] - Q3Table : headers are not updated correctly after setting dimensions to 0x0
  • [QTBUG-2187] - Nonexistent files get included in the project when running qmake -tp vc -recursive.
  • [QTBUG-2188] - QTextDocument: Bullets in bullet lists are not affected by text color
  • [QTBUG-2190] - cross-compiling documentation
  • [QTBUG-2191] - Moc file fails to compile under MSVC2008 and Qt4.4 if "using namespace" directive is used
  • [QTBUG-2192] - QSqlQuery: bindValue() does not work with the ODBC driver connecting to a SQL Server when the field is a datetime
  • [QTBUG-2200] - QTextDocument: font-size is not respected in CSS when used with the headline tags (h1, h2 etc)
  • [QTBUG-2202] - QTabBar: Tab size incorrect when using bold font in a style sheet
  • [QTBUG-2203] - Qmake does not creat .vcproj file correctly if QMAKESPEC directory contains space
  • [QTBUG-2204] - Focus does not return to application with embedded top level widget
  • [QTBUG-2208] - QMessageBox: button text is cut off when setting the resolution to e.g 1024x768
  • [QTBUG-2212] - QDataWidgetMapper and QSqlTableModel problem on Oracle database
  • [QTBUG-2221] - Stylesheet rounded border gradient issue
  • [QTBUG-2228] - QFormLayout control alignment is incorrect and inconsistent.
  • [QTBUG-2229] - Toolbar action text containing 2 ampersands is inconsistent with menubar item
  • [QTBUG-2231] - QTextFormat::FullWidthSelection stops at end of last character in line
  • [QTBUG-2236] - Upgrade to Unicode 5.1
  • [QTBUG-2242] - QSqlDatabase reports that it is open after the network connections is out
  • [QTBUG-2243] - Webkit will not build if an includepath is specified that contains a copy of an include with the same name via configure
  • [QTBUG-2252] - uic3: QToolButton properties usesTextLabel and textPosition need to be converted to toolButtonStyle
  • [QTBUG-2253] - QUiLoader crashes when being used in custom designer widget
  • [QTBUG-2259] - Regression: syncqt breaks Qt build when '+' is present in source directory path
  • [QTBUG-2262] - Problem with POST requests in QHttp on WinCE.
  • [QTBUG-2265] - QSettings incorrect recovering of values with SystemScope
  • [QTBUG-2266] - ODBC Driver documentation for the Mac.
  • [QTBUG-2267] - QGraphicsView: drop area of QGraphicsItem scrolled by changing the viewport margins
  • [QTBUG-2269] - Combobox popups do not resize when screen rotates
  • [QTBUG-2274] - A QCompleter with a popup does not display the items in the view properly if the view's headers are visible.
  • [QTBUG-2276] - QFileSystemModel does not update when the contents of a file changes (file size)
  • [QTBUG-2278] - QWidget::render to SvgGenerator doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-2282] - Unable to retrieve TEXT from NTEXT fields using the QTDS driver
  • [QTBUG-2283] - QTextCursor::insertHtml on a list inserts a new unwanted list item.
  • [QTBUG-2289] - Drag and drop with embedded widget: drag icon offset is wrong
  • [QTBUG-2290] - Eclipse Plugin should ignore files generated with QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS
  • [QTBUG-2292] - QSqlQuery::execBatch() does not work when called from a loop and if the database doesn't support batch executions
  • [QTBUG-2303] - QTextDocument: Specifying a height or a valign tag for a table/cell has no effect in HTML
  • [QTBUG-2305] - QGraphicsView: When right clicking on a view to get the context menu it causes the selection to be deselected
  • [QTBUG-2310] - QLineEdit: When clicking on a pushbutton that popups a menu it will cause the selection to be deselected
  • [QTBUG-2315] - QGraphicsItem::collidesWithItem() does not take ItemIgnoresTransformations into consideration
  • [QTBUG-2316] - QWizardPage: QComboBox as first widget in wizard page does not have focus rectangle
  • [QTBUG-2319] - QProgressBar busy indicator does not work with qtdotnetstyle-2 .2-commercial
  • [QTBUG-2323] - Mac: The Designer and Assistant does not contain locversion.plist for supported languages.
  • [QTBUG-2330] - QPushButton autoDefault property does not work if the QDialog parent lives in a QMdiArea
  • [QTBUG-2332] - QPixmap::grabWindow fails to grab QGLWidget
  • [QTBUG-2333] - Multiple line drawn due to line break disappears when eliding starts.
  • [QTBUG-2334] - Compilation promblem on GCC 4.3.0
  • [QTBUG-2335] - QGraphicsView::drawBackground/Foreground() not called if view does not have scene
  • [QTBUG-2338] - QAbstractScrollArea::minimumSizeHint does not respect ScrollBarPolicies
  • [QTBUG-2341] - QDesktopWidget::resized does not support xrandr 1.2 or newer
  • [QTBUG-2344] - XCode 3.0 shared library install name is not set correctly
  • [QTBUG-2352] - The xcode generator in qmake does not allow you to set installation directory for the target.
  • [QTBUG-2358] - QWSInputMethod: Input methods not working with focus proxy
  • [QTBUG-2360] - QTabBar: When changing the tab text it should not cause the tabbar to scroll if the tab is still visible
  • [QTBUG-2366] - QPainter::RenderHints are hardcoded in QSVGRenderer
  • [QTBUG-2368] - QGraphicsScene: popups for embedded widgets may appear under sibling items of the embdded widget
  • [QTBUG-2369] - QLineEdit should return a tighter rect for ImMicroFocus
  • [QTBUG-2375] - When rendering text in 8pt size, then it can show some characters too close to each other
  • [QTBUG-2378] - Qt/Windows in VMware Fusion cannot open files from host
  • [QTBUG-2384] - Disabed checkbox in QTreeView is not drawn as disabled
  • [QTBUG-2386] - psql: qSplitTableName() behaves incorrectly when the table name contains a dot which is a valid character for a table name
  • [QTBUG-2389] - QFontComboBox::setCurrentFont does not work when trying to set a new added font as a current one
  • [QTBUG-2393] - Using Namespaces in QtScript
  • [QTBUG-2396] - QFontMetrics::lineSpacing discrepancy with actual QTextEdit line spacing on Linux
  • [QTBUG-2401] - ORA-01461 when inserting more than 4000 bytes into an XMLTYPE column
  • [QTBUG-2405] - Scope dialog should not popup if we have only one scope
  • [QTBUG-2408] - Style sheet border-image does not work on QDialog
  • [QTBUG-2409] - highlight and highlightText colors may revert to the default colors even if explicitly set in qtconfig
  • [QTBUG-2412] - qmake generates makefiles which refer to wrong subdir pro file
  • [QTBUG-2413] - Setting a value for color does not work for QToolButton when using pseudo-state :checked in stylesheets. Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2417] - Qt 4.x Class Chart does not exist
  • [QTBUG-2422] - QSplitter: cannot be resized to less than the combined minimum sizes of all child widgets
  • [QTBUG-2423] - QSplitter: moving a handle that is in front of a collapsed widget will incorrectly un-collapse the widget
  • [QTBUG-2424] - Hidden items shouldn't be count in selection of QTreeView
  • [QTBUG-2425] - Dialog painting bug on Qt for Embedded Linux
  • [QTBUG-2426] - QSqlDatabase::addDatabase() overload that takes a QSqlDriver has an example including a cpp file
  • [QTBUG-2430] - QGridLayout::addWidget() asserts when using negative rowSpan argument
  • [QTBUG-2431] - QGLPixelBuffer: This relies on a QGLWidget being available, if there isn't one it creates one
  • [QTBUG-2432] - qmake: When doing: qmake "HEADERS+=dontexist.h" then it will not check if the file exists or not
  • [QTBUG-2439] - QGLFormat: openGLVersionFlags() is cached but as a result can be incorrect for the context
  • [QTBUG-2442] - QTreeView does not account for the height of the columns outside of the viewport
  • [QTBUG-2448] - moc: parse error when slots section followed by #
  • [QTBUG-2451] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: changing the screen resolution may cause the widgets in the QGraphicsView to move
  • [QTBUG-2452] - QFileDialog may hang on Solaris when using NFS mounts
  • [QTBUG-2453] - QTextEdit & Font Rendering
  • [QTBUG-2454] - QLineEdit: When switching from AlignHCenter to AlignLeft the text is not moved to be left aligned if it is too big for the edit
  • [QTBUG-2457] - QFileSystemWatcher only reports changes on directories when using the dnotify implementation
  • [QTBUG-2458] - PostgreSQL returns timestamps that uses microseconds
  • [QTBUG-2465] - ActiveQt - dumpcpp produces unscoped metatypes. Apps crash when using objects with the same name but in different typelibs.
  • [QTBUG-2466] - Line wrapping in QTextEdit does not work for white spaces
  • [QTBUG-2470] - [QStackedWidget] When using a stacked widget in a QWidget and pressing tab focus is not set correctly.
  • [QTBUG-2471] - public header files should not include private header files
  • [QTBUG-2475] - QCompleter does not position itself correctly when the line edit is embedded in a QGraphicsProxyWidget
  • [QTBUG-2476] - [QLineEdit] Methods text() and displayText() doesn't return the same value when inputMask is set.
  • [QTBUG-2480] - QAbstractItemView calls invokeMethod() each time the rowsInserted() signal of it's model is emitted, posting an event.
  • [QTBUG-2484] - QFtp: commandFinished is not emitted with non-existent IP address is used
  • [QTBUG-2490] - ItemViews : Scrollbar is shown NEXT to headerview, whereas native Mac applications show the scrollbar under the header.
  • [QTBUG-2491] - QTextEdit / QPlainTextEdit becomes unbearable slow when having a long line with complex coloring
  • [QTBUG-2506] - [4.4.0] QFileDialog does not show non-english characters
  • [QTBUG-2507] - unifiedToolbar together with Qt::Tool does not work as expected
  • [QTBUG-2510] - QFileDialog: Navigation buttons in the non-native dialog doesn't respect the history set by calling setHistory()
  • [QTBUG-2511] - QFileDialog: Non-native dialog on Windows displays the leaf name of the target instead of the shortcut name
  • [QTBUG-2523] - [4.4.0] QDockWidget visibilityChanged(bool) / isVisible() bug
  • [QTBUG-2525] - QPlainTextEdit:text lines are not drawn correcty on Mac OS X after adjusting scrollbar
  • [QTBUG-2526] - QTextEdit does not get drawn correctly after adjusting scrollbar on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2527] - [4.4.0] QFileDialog closes when regexp is inserted in the line edit
  • [QTBUG-2528] - QGraphicsScene may keep five textures or more for each item when using an OpenGL viewport
  • [QTBUG-2531] - [4.4.0] Incorrect result in QRegExp
  • [QTBUG-2533] - QTextEdit::clear() does not reset the CharFormat if document contains hyperlinks that have been accessed.
  • [QTBUG-2536] - The Text Edit in QGraphicsTextItem doesn't lose focus when clicking on the edge
  • [QTBUG-2538] - Phonon::BackendCapabilities namespace
  • [QTBUG-2544] - QTextDocument::drawContents() and QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::draw() could use some code snippets
  • [QTBUG-2545] - Q3Socket::getch() stops working after a call to Q3Socket::read()
  • [QTBUG-2546] - QSqlQuery incorrectly documented as an Implicitly Shared class
  • [QTBUG-2548] - Bounding rect problem with QPicture
  • [QTBUG-2552] - QSettings NFS synchronization issue
  • [QTBUG-2554] - Document default property values for Qt3Support classesd
  • [QTBUG-2565] - Not all Carbon events are passed through macEventFilter
  • [QTBUG-2566] - Depending on the parent that a dialog is modal too, events may or may not be processed for the other window
  • [QTBUG-2570] - QIntValidator change in behaviour from qt3 to qt4
  • [QTBUG-2571] - Install guide for Qt/Mac is missing requirements and mentions 'Start' menu
  • [QTBUG-2575] - Public SQL API references private include files
  • [QTBUG-2577] - QLineEdit: The order of calling setInputMask() and setValidator() has an effect on how input is accepted in the QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-2578] - moc does not understand preprocessor token concatenation
  • [QTBUG-2581] - QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin is incorrectly applied on Mac OS X.
  • [QTBUG-2583] - Corrupted X11 display when QT_ONSCREEN_PAINT used with some window managers
  • [QTBUG-2587] - getExistingDirectory does not always respect the default directory on Mac OSX
  • [QTBUG-2589] - QPixmap::fromImage() crashes in some cases on X servers with 12-bit Pseudocolor visuals
  • [QTBUG-2590] - QFileDialog accepts saving files in "My Computer" on Windows
  • [QTBUG-2593] - QListWidget: extended selections and shift clicking behavior
  • [QTBUG-2594] - Wrong translation name for the Hebrew translation
  • [QTBUG-2595] - qdbusxmlgenerator outputs wrong annotation for signal
  • [QTBUG-2597] - [PATCH] Improved error output for qdbusxml2cpp
  • [QTBUG-2601] - QFont: No unfilled squares for characters not found in font
  • [QTBUG-2602] - QMenu: When changing the point size of a menu item it does not ensure the menu item is big enough to contain the text
  • [QTBUG-2611] - Nimbus Mono L is always rendered as Oblique Bold
  • [QTBUG-2613] - QtNetwork and QtGui Frameworks appear as debug version in binary image.
  • [QTBUG-2614] - Stylesheet: QMenu::icon doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-2628] - When starting a drag from an embedded widget in a QGraphicsScene then it will make the scene get bigger if the size is unset
  • [QTBUG-2629] - Text direction incorrect after a <ul>
  • [QTBUG-2630] - QTreeView: When specifying an index that refers to a currently non visible column, it doesn't scroll to show the column
  • [QTBUG-2636] - QToolTip with image is not updated correctly
  • [QTBUG-2637] - qmake doesn't understand the -FC option when generating a vcproj file although this is a valid option
  • [QTBUG-2639] - When invoking a QDialog from a control provided via ActiveQt which is on a native dialog isn't modal to the native dialog
  • [QTBUG-2644] - drawPie / drawArc do not work as expected when drawing an ellipse
  • [QTBUG-2647] - QGraphicsScene and QTextEdit.
  • [QTBUG-2650] - QTextEdit cursor behavior in Qt 4 is not like Mac OS X (Regression against Qt 3)
  • [QTBUG-2653] - Setting the font of a QTextEdit has no effect after changing QTextDocument objects
  • [QTBUG-2655] - Context menus on Leopard (Mac) are inaccessible
  • [QTBUG-2656] - QMake does not convert the forward slashes into backslashes in the additional libraries paths.
  • [QTBUG-2658] - QMdiArea does not show the tab correctly when using QMdiArea::TabbedView and only adding one sub-window
  • [QTBUG-2659] - QPrintPreviewDialog: When printing from this dialog it doesn't close before doing the printing
  • [QTBUG-2660] - qdbusxml2cpp does not handle paths in output filename
  • [QTBUG-2661] - qmake: INCLUDEPATH doesn't explicitly include "." when MOC_DIR, OBJECTS_DIR and UI_DIR are all set on Windows
  • [QTBUG-2664] - Drag and drop on Title bar does not update QToolButton of the dropped widget
  • [QTBUG-2665] - QMacStyle: Focus Halo on QTabBar not correctly drawn
  • [QTBUG-2666] - UserRole is inconsistantly used when being specified as a default
  • [QTBUG-2669] - QFileSystemWatcher problems with external drives on Mac.
  • [QTBUG-2670] - setEditorData is indirectly invoked by setModelData
  • [QTBUG-2673] - text selection isn't accessible on the mac
  • [QTBUG-2675] - Bindings generator: Buggy class name
  • [QTBUG-2677] - to add more RTL (right-to-left) tag information
  • [QTBUG-2679] - translateButtonState() in qapplication_win.cpp is called for the WM_NCBUTTON cases, although this is incorrect
  • [QTBUG-2680] - Add missing documentation about the use of Font Engine Plugin APIs
  • [QTBUG-2681] - Qt 4.4.1: menu lists are drawn behind top-level-widgets on MacOS for remote X-apps
  • [QTBUG-2683] - Example needed for QXmlNodeModelIndex/QXmlResultItems
  • [QTBUG-2684] - Examples needed for XSL-T
  • [QTBUG-2685] - QDoubleSpinbox behaviour with C-locale and large values.
  • [QTBUG-2687] - QItemDelegate: When using this or a subclass as the itemdelegate in a QTableView, then any wordwrapping cells are not right
  • [QTBUG-2690] - VoiceOver doesn't recognize updates to QTextEdits when QTextEdit doesn't have focus on the mac
  • [QTBUG-2691] - QApplication does not initialize palette correctly under KDE 3
  • [QTBUG-2692] - QPainter: Rect is larger than itself on Mac under some circumstances.
  • [QTBUG-2697] - uic3 doesn't convert QAction to Q3Action for Q3ToolBar, need doc for that
  • [QTBUG-2698] - Bug in Nested QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-2699] - QMacStyle: QPushButtons always have space below when in a QLayout
  • [QTBUG-2701] - QWindowsVistaStyle: When a QListView is in List mode it does not draw selections in the right native look and feel
  • [QTBUG-2702] - QWS: Incorrect focus handling with multiple applications and disabled windows
  • [QTBUG-2703] - configure: When trying to build for Qt/CE, configure actually allows you to do it despite not having a license to do so
  • [QTBUG-2704] - FreeSans font rendered incorrectly when of size 48 and above
  • [QTBUG-2708] - QTextEdit: When loading a file that uses the Script MT Bold font, then it doesn't use the font in QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-2709] - Button state not updated after drag action
  • [QTBUG-2711] - Intel Threading Analysis Tool reports various complaints when running Qt programs
  • [QTBUG-2712] - TreeModel in Simple Tree Model example does not pass the ModelTest
  • [QTBUG-2713] - Windows Tablet Laptop with "flipped" primary and secondary button also flips the buttons on the stylus.
  • [QTBUG-2718] - Qt4.4.0: Bug with WA_UpdatesDisabled vs. WA_ForceUpdatesDisabled and QAbstractItemView
  • [QTBUG-2719] - qmake breaks `make -q' when requires() is used in .pro files
  • [QTBUG-2721] - QMenu exec()'ed on QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger won't disappear (Windows-only)
  • [QTBUG-2722] - IME: When using the Japanese IME to enter in a sentance, the underlines don't indicate where the words are
  • [QTBUG-2724] - embedded: console output corrupting the framebuffer
  • [QTBUG-2725] - Adding a row to a QSqlTableModel makes editing other rows set the data on the added row
  • [QTBUG-2731] - QWS seg-faults when there's no built-in screen driver and none has been specified
  • [QTBUG-2732] - QTextEdit anomalies with <hr /> elements
  • [QTBUG-2735] - TrueType fonts with non-standard encoding of the CMAP are not supported by Qt
  • [QTBUG-2737] - Visual Studio solution generated by qmake replaces dashes in project filenames with underscore, but project generator does not
  • [QTBUG-2739] - Building Qt writes many files into the source tree
  • [QTBUG-2740] - QTableWidget : signal order not the same between mouse clics and key strokes
  • [QTBUG-2741] - QSystemLocale misses methods
  • [QTBUG-2744] - QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface::propertyChanged() not emitted for dynamic properties
  • [QTBUG-2747] - Automatically connect JavaScript functions to signal emissions of plugin objects
  • [QTBUG-2751] - Invalid Makefile generated for the subdirs template when using debug_and_release
  • [QTBUG-2752] - Configure cannot find postgreSQL library
  • [QTBUG-2754] - QGLWidget with X-forwarding over SSH makes Xorg hang
  • [QTBUG-2762] - QLabel is clipped when placed in a QTabWidget.
  • [QTBUG-2763] - QTextEdit: Cursor appears on the wrong side of first pressed number after Arabic characters.
  • [QTBUG-2770] - QTextEdit: when double clicking to select text, quotes are also selected.
  • [QTBUG-2771] - Phonon doesn't change state to Error if it can't load the phonon backend
  • [QTBUG-2783] - QLineEdit hexadecimal input mask accepts some invalid characters
  • [QTBUG-2793] - Application menu is not merged if application starts with main window hidden
  • [QTBUG-2797] - QTextEdit: When <p>foo</p><br /><p>bar</p> produces TWO line breaks between the paragraphs.
  • [QTBUG-2798] - VoiceOver Bug with Mac OS 10.5
  • [QTBUG-2799] - Compiling with /Zc:forScope causes warnings when including <QtGui/QtGui>
  • [QTBUG-2801] - Disable geometry property for the internal children of containers
  • [QTBUG-2805] - Using the Ganymede version of Eclipse, the build button (the hammer) is deactivated when working on a Qt project.
  • [QTBUG-2810] - QFontComboBox::setEditable(false) causes the font combobox to not show the entries in their respective font
  • [QTBUG-2811] - Q3ScrollView::addChild() has problems when using a Q3VBox
  • [QTBUG-2812] - QProcess freezes on deletion after a crash
  • [QTBUG-2816] - QTableWidget selection is buggy when cells contain widgets
  • [QTBUG-2818] - QComboBox: On Windows, a shadow is drawn underneath the view popup, however this is not the same as other comboboxes
  • [QTBUG-2819] - QLabel: Alignment problems with RTL HTML lists
  • [QTBUG-2820] - When a line that ends up being wrapped inside a list then the spacing between the number and the text is lost
  • [QTBUG-2821] - QApplication::notify() needs to be reimplemented to catch exceptions when these are thrown from event handlers
  • [QTBUG-2822] - Typing in editable combobox with many entries is very slow when completer is used
  • [QTBUG-2823] - QLayout: Setting the size constraint to SetFixedSize and then back to SetDefaultConstraint makes the widget have a maximum size
  • [QTBUG-2827] - static builds, QTPLUGIN, and font engines
  • [QTBUG-2833] - QRadiobutton in Q3ButtonGroup does not emit clicked()
  • [QTBUG-2834] - QStyle::SH_SpinBox_KeyPressAutoRepeatRate is not used
  • [QTBUG-2835] - QAbstractItemView losing selection when interacting with the editor(s) of selected items (regression)
  • [QTBUG-2836] - QCompleter: When using this in a lineedit and then placing the lineedit a bit above the task bar on KDE then popup is obscured
  • [QTBUG-2840] - qmake: Creating a sln file from a SUBDIRS pro file doesn't respect the MAKEFILE setting inside the subdirs pro files
  • [QTBUG-2841] - QTextBrowser: html tags <hr> makes <b> cause a line break if inside <font> .. </font>
  • [QTBUG-2842] - QSignalSpy crashes if signal is emitted from worker thread
  • [QTBUG-2845] - Fields of type XML gets interpreted as QByteArray when using the QODBC driver with SQL Native Client
  • [QTBUG-2846] - Different declaration of class member in header and source file s.
  • [QTBUG-2850] - Q3TabDialog doesn't work as QTabDialog from Qt3
  • [QTBUG-2860] - QToolButton: No drag leave event is fired when dragging across a button
  • [QTBUG-2861] - When generating a solution for, the QtUiTools project is not included if Qt is configured statically
  • [QTBUG-2868] - QMenu: When popuping a context menu and then scrolling the wheel outside of its area then it should not close the menu
  • [QTBUG-2871] - QComboBox does not paint label correctly when item has escaped tab
  • [QTBUG-2872] - QX11EmbedWidget doesn't get click focus initially
  • [QTBUG-2873] - QTextDocument::FindWholeWords does not work as expected
  • [QTBUG-2874] - make confclean is not clean as it should be
  • [QTBUG-2882] - QtWebKit Scroll Bars doesn't take styles
  • [QTBUG-2885] - Qt glyph (greek polytonic) substitution bug
  • [QTBUG-2889] - Deleting a QGraphicsItem with a lot of children can take a long time
  • [QTBUG-2891] - Qt does not explicitly link with libz when using the bundled libpng
  • [QTBUG-2892] - QDir::addSearchPath(), QFileInfo::isReadable() and QTranslator::load issue
  • [QTBUG-2893] - font issues
  • [QTBUG-2896] - QLineEdit/QTextEdit: When this is read only then paint events should not be triggered for the blinking cursor
  • [QTBUG-2898] - Documentation Inconsistency in QtMotif Overview
  • [QTBUG-2899] - Symbian: qmake cannot handle absolute paths in pro file
  • [QTBUG-2901] - QMdiSubWindow size grip not drawn on Mac with proxy styles such as with stylesheet
  • [QTBUG-2907] - QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor() is not perfect on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-2910] - Allocation of Strings in bindValues
  • [QTBUG-2912] - PE_IndicatorTabTear not rendered correctly for vertical tabs in QCommonStyle derivatives
  • [QTBUG-2914] - qmake: Using $$TARGET inside QMAKE_CXXFLAGS does not expand the target variable
  • [QTBUG-2916] - QTabBar: Changing the tab text to a longer string while the tab is visible doesn't change the size of the bar
  • [QTBUG-2917] - Using glColor to set the color for QGLWidget::renderText() doesn't work well when registering a display list
  • [QTBUG-2919] - SVG does not interpret percentage values
  • [QTBUG-2920] - Line edits keep edit focus even after clicking outside using graphics view
  • [QTBUG-2921] - When a DIV tag is hidden and then shown again then any connections made with Qt widgets inside the document are lost
  • [QTBUG-2922] - Line edits not usable in web view under graphics view architecture
  • [QTBUG-2924] - QFile: When writing more than 32mb in a single write() statement then it will fail in some cases and cause a 0-byte sized file
  • [QTBUG-2929] - QGraphicsView: When moving a QGraphicsItemGroup with the viewport set to QGLWidget then the moving is not smooth
  • [QTBUG-2930] - When building Qt in static mode, Phonon should be excluded automatically.
  • [QTBUG-2931] - QPainter: Setting clipping to false does not seem to have an effect on Mac OS X when using a gradient brush.
  • [QTBUG-2932] - Focus problems with QGraphicsView and Qt/MFC solution
  • [QTBUG-2933] - Painting issues for paths, fonts and antialiasing in QGraphicsView when qreal is defined as float, ie on a ARM target
  • [QTBUG-2935] - Regression: QSplashScreen Errors on AIX
  • [QTBUG-2936] - Questions about QT polish translation
  • [QTBUG-2937] - qmake: Building a static library that has a resource file inside Visual Studio will fail
  • [QTBUG-2938] - QTreeWidgetItem::setHidden() makes the row become hidden, not the item
  • [QTBUG-2939] - QGraphicsProxyWidget has bug in handling setCursor
  • [QTBUG-2942] - Inlining fails in MMX drawhelper
  • [QTBUG-2943] - Bug in moc for QGraphicsItem
  • [QTBUG-2944] - Q3TextEdit: triple clicking on a line which is wrapped is causing the parts of the line which are wrapped to be selected
  • [QTBUG-2946] - OS X/Qt 4.4 - FAQ should be docs
  • [QTBUG-2948] - QPainterPathStroker: When using this to make a thick outline around some text it can give incorrect results
  • [QTBUG-2949] - Creating a QFileDialog on a QGraphicsScene makes context menus show up at wrong locations
  • [QTBUG-2950] - Launching more than one Qt app fails in emulator
  • [QTBUG-2952] - Printing to PDF does not print QTextTable cell borders correctly
  • [QTBUG-2953] - X11 paint engine: Rendering error when drawing some small polygons with a dashed pen wider than 1
  • [QTBUG-2956] - Possible crash when removing top rows in a custom tree model/item
  • [QTBUG-2958] - QMessageBox: Refering to an image in the resource system as part of the text doesn't show the image
  • [QTBUG-2961] - QSQLOCI: Using execBatch() with quint64 will fail
  • [QTBUG-2962] - QTreeWidgetItem::setExpanded(true) doesn't have any effect if there are no children added yet
  • [QTBUG-2964] - QTreeView::header corners drawn incorrectly with Style Sheet
  • [QTBUG-2966] - plugin system doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-2972] - Q3DateTimeEdit with setAutoAdvance(true) asserts if locale is not with AM/PM
  • [QTBUG-2977] - Snippet identifiers appear in example source files.
  • [QTBUG-2978] - [Linux] Wrong paintings of QPainterPath with CompositionMode_Clear
  • [QTBUG-2980] - QTest::keyPress doesn't work with non-Latin letters
  • [QTBUG-2983] - On the Mac a Dialog is not resizeable if the margin is small ......
  • [QTBUG-2985] - mdi child windows on mac Changed-bubble is drawn raised.
  • [QTBUG-2987] - Calling toCaseFolded twice on a Unicode character results in a different character than a single toCaseFolded
  • [QTBUG-2988] - QWizard: Aero style breaks in QWizard when window flags are set.
  • [QTBUG-2991] - QFileDialog model does not update when files added to NFS share drive
  • [QTBUG-2994] - qmake: Using -cache option to generate a Makefile doesn't cause the -cache option to be put in the qmake rule
  • [QTBUG-2995] - Document the "-force-pkg-config" configure option for Qt Embedded
  • [QTBUG-2999] - SVG resizing in QtWebKit
  • [QTBUG-3001] - kEventApplicationActivated is only sent when the application is activated - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3003] - QFileDialog: Missing "Reload" option in context menu
  • [QTBUG-3004] - Designer multiple widget selection not visible with black background
  • [QTBUG-3005] - QLineEdit::getContentsMargins() not exposing internal hardcoded values
  • [QTBUG-3007] - QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName with overloaded signals
  • [QTBUG-3010] - QListWidget::setItemWidget requires a separate call to QListWidgetItem::setSizeHint()
  • [QTBUG-3012] - When a QComboBox is open, shortcuts for other QLabels are disabled.
  • [QTBUG-3015] - qmake uses hardcoded path even when it doesn't have to
  • [QTBUG-3018] - QPen::setStyle( Qt::DashLine ) cause a loop in paintRect
  • [QTBUG-3021] - QSettings should have also setOrganization domain
  • [QTBUG-3022] - Assert in itemviews drag and drop
  • [QTBUG-3024] - Stack overflow with QXmlQuery with large XML files
  • [QTBUG-3025] - Copying HTML from certain webpages from IE can get textedit in a state where it gets really slow.
  • [QTBUG-3027] - First mouse click discarded when hiding and showing toolbar on Mac OS X.
  • [QTBUG-3030] - QODBC binding implementation doesn't match reading out parameters
  • [QTBUG-3031] - Mac: QAbstractItemView::mousePressEvent update the whole viewport
  • [QTBUG-3034] - Unify "textured" window look on Leopard for both Carbon and Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-3035] - Qt uses FD_SET and FD_ISSET without checking FD_SETSIZE
  • [QTBUG-3038] - make and parallel builds.
  • [QTBUG-3040] - QSortFilterProxyModel has different behavior when sorting invalid variants and empty strings
  • [QTBUG-3046] - QODBC: NULL flag not reset
  • [QTBUG-3047] - QSpinBox continues to change value when cursor leaves widget
  • [QTBUG-3048] - Make subsurfaces respect stacking order
  • [QTBUG-3053] - QtHelp: Its not possible to specify a network path to the documentation files in a qhcp file.
  • [QTBUG-3054] - Q3ScrollView::ensureVisible() moves the viewport in a different way to QScrollView in Qt 3
  • [QTBUG-3059] - setWindowIcon and windowFilePath display problem
  • [QTBUG-3061] - QTreeWidgetItem::setIcon() causes a sort, however the sorting is not correct for the view as it just moves the item to the top
  • [QTBUG-3064] - QComboBox: When large icons are used in a combobox then on Mac the top of the icon overlaps with the top of the combobox
  • [QTBUG-3065] - QComboBox: Impossible to style items with StyleSheet.
  • [QTBUG-3071] - QTreeWidgetItem: bug with QTreeWidgetItem::setChildIndicatorPolicy()
  • [QTBUG-3072] - QMainWindow: Context menu for central widget is not available - MAC OS X
  • [QTBUG-3074] - itemviews: when tabbing into an itemview, the selected/current item is not read out by the accessiblity client
  • [QTBUG-3076] - QComboBox's listView does not handle VerticalScrollBars Correctly
  • [QTBUG-3081] - [Linux] Button stays toggled down when window always on top after activation
  • [QTBUG-3086] - new ShortcutContext when application is active, but no windows are open
  • [QTBUG-3089] - QWizard: The popup of a combobox on a wizard in MacStyle will change the background of the items when moving over them
  • [QTBUG-3090] - Changing QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT does not affect QMAKE_RPATH
  • [QTBUG-3093] - Dragging one of the nodes in elasticnodes far outside of the widget hangs the example
  • [QTBUG-3098] - QLineEdit: When clicking in a lineedit that has an input mask with no text set on it then the cursor ends up at the end
  • [QTBUG-3100] - When there are nested widgets and layouts, then resizing can cause incomplete layouts to be rendered
  • [QTBUG-3104] - QProcess::startDetached() called with an empty string causes an assert
  • [QTBUG-3105] - QHeaderView with column resize mode set to ResizeToContents may cause the application to become unresponsive
  • [QTBUG-3107] - QSqlQuery: The docs and code indicate that this is intended to be implictily shared, but changing it doesn't detach it first
  • [QTBUG-3111] - Memory leak when using font rendering in different threads and destroying the threads
  • [QTBUG-3113] - QGrapicsSvgItem::setSharedRenderer doesn't connect repaintNeeded() signal with _q_repaintItem() slot
  • [QTBUG-3116] - setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true) and [save|restore]Geometry result in y slide of widget
  • [QTBUG-3117] - When QTextDocument::size() is called before the textedit using it is visible then the size is not correct
  • [QTBUG-3122] - QSyntaxHighlighter and QTextDocument, re-highlights whole document on first change.
  • [QTBUG-3127] - Proxied child widgets won't receive events inside QGraphicsWidget(Qt::pop up)
  • [QTBUG-3132] - qmake: When adding an extra target, the glue Makefile should only take specific parts of it when the CONFIG is recursive
  • [QTBUG-3135] - Add missing variables for QMAKE_EXTRA_* from the docs
  • [QTBUG-3136] - Moving a QGraphicsProxyWidget with QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable does not work
  • [QTBUG-3141] - QRubberBand: Dragging a rubber band can leave debris
  • [QTBUG-3144] - QRegExp: When using indexIn() it doesn't handle a [ character when it has been escaped in a wildcard expression correctly
  • [QTBUG-3148] - qmake: When a file is opened via system() it is not closed afterwards
  • [QTBUG-3149] - QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames not following symbol ic links on Windows
  • [QTBUG-3150] - Problems seeking media with phonon
  • [QTBUG-3151] - QCursor::setPos() doesn't work well on Qt for Embedded Linux
  • [QTBUG-3153] - Mac, Phonon: make streaming using phonon streaming interface work
  • [QTBUG-3157] - QTreeView: When accepting your own drop action in a dragEnterEvent() then the drop indicator disappears
  • [QTBUG-3158] - Stylesheets: When a subclass of QWidget using Q_OBJECT is placed in a layout and styled, it is not showing
  • [QTBUG-3161] - QNativeSocketEngine: There are functions returning 0 and not -1 when it is documented to return -1 when it fails
  • [QTBUG-3164] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: When putting a QComboBox in a QGraphicsProxyWidget then the popup gets clipped by the view
  • [QTBUG-3170] - Investigate inheritance of attributes
  • [QTBUG-3172] - QDir::entryList does not work on mounts
  • [QTBUG-3173] - QCoreApplication::arguments() does not handle unicode U+3000 on Windows correctly
  • [QTBUG-3174] - qmake: When a libpath is added via a prl file then any quotes in it are stripped on Windows
  • [QTBUG-3175] - Qt for Embedded Linux 4.4.2 errors playing wav file
  • [QTBUG-3181] - The codecs iso8859-7, 8, 11 are not correct
  • [QTBUG-3183] - QIODevice.cpp: When loading content to a Widget from a QFile and calling a QFileDialog from the application the dialog goes loop
  • [QTBUG-3188] - QSvgHandler uses a fixed dpi of 90 when parsing svg documents
  • [QTBUG-3191] - Automatic generation of DEPENDPATH
  • [QTBUG-3193] - in composition modes demo the result of the soft light mode is different in native and opengl modes
  • [QTBUG-3198] - QSettings read .ini comments incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-3199] - Menu navigation problem using keyboard with some styles
  • [QTBUG-3204] - QSqlTableModel::setRecord() doesn't update correctly when using the ODBC driver
  • [QTBUG-3207] - text selection on mac behaves non-natively with rich text
  • [QTBUG-3212] - Qt build process does not always heed QMAKE_INCDIR_X11
  • [QTBUG-3213] - doubleformat config.test fails with -O2
  • [QTBUG-3215] - readyRead signals fails to execute for QUdpSocket listening for broadcast datagrams
  • [QTBUG-3217] - Embedded QScrollBar widget in QGraphicsView misplaces context menu
  • [QTBUG-3221] - Configure creates unnecessary debug/release folders, when source is in put in qt-static-debug folder.
  • [QTBUG-3222] - Left-Handedness and Right-Handednes is not respected for tablets.
  • [QTBUG-3223] - Drag and drop: Multi selected drag and drop is not painted correctly when running Open GL at the same time.
  • [QTBUG-3225] - Qt is not handeling the font Nuri correctly on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3230] - QPlainTextEdit and QTextEdit are not consistent when it comes to blockBoundingRect()
  • [QTBUG-3231] - Modifier cache not updated when window loose focus on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3233] - QDateTimeEdit does not handle the time zone that it has for the timespec when the user changes the datetime
  • [QTBUG-3234] - qmake generates "unrecognized version" sln files for Visual Studio
  • [QTBUG-3235] - qmake is not correctly converting '-' to '_'
  • [QTBUG-3239] - QDesktopServices::storageLocation() returns incorrect paths on Windows.
  • [QTBUG-3244] - Size of QGraphicsView::viewport() thrown off by QMenubar
  • [QTBUG-3246] - Thread lock problem with QFileDialog / QAbstractFileEngine
  • [QTBUG-3247] - QTextControl::selectionChanged() not emitted when the selection changes via setTextCursor()
  • [QTBUG-3248] - QTableView The text in cell painted incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-3253] - QGLWidget::renderText does not render the text correctly with some fonts
  • [QTBUG-3254] - HTML rendering on QWidgets (QLabel,QTextBrowser, etc) incorrect for superscript/subscript
  • [QTBUG-3256] - Eclipse templates not used by QT
  • [QTBUG-3259] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: cursor does not change shape when resizing a QHeaderView
  • [QTBUG-3262] - When using a spinbox as an editor for a table cell, then values show through on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3267] - QPSQL driver not working when using the same named bind several places in a prepared statement
  • [QTBUG-3273] - QTextEdit as QGraphicsProxyWidget does not apply color text
  • [QTBUG-3279] - QShortcut::setContext() with Widget or WidgetWithChildren context does not appear to work
  • [QTBUG-3280] - Ugly drawArc(...) with small radius
  • [QTBUG-3281] - QXmlStreamWriter setCodec to UTF-8 result in unexpected characters in output
  • [QTBUG-3287] - Reads a '\0'-terminated string from the QDataStream
  • [QTBUG-3290] - Print preview scaling depends on screen resolution
  • [QTBUG-3291] - Eclipse Integration deletes content from .pro file
  • [QTBUG-3293] - QTextLine::setNumColumns() fails sometimes
  • [QTBUG-3301] - When setting the windowModified property of a QMainWindow containing a QMdiArea, the property can be reset
  • [QTBUG-3302] - QFontComboBox displays .dfont fonts wrong on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3306] - [QGraphicsItem] Non-movable QGraphicsItems get deselected on right mouse button press
  • [QTBUG-3311] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: Selected QLineEdit text gets gray background on Windows XP
  • [QTBUG-3319] - Erratic return value QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::documentSize ()
  • [QTBUG-3321] - Screen rotation
  • [QTBUG-3322] - QItemDelegate::drawDecoration documentation not complete
  • [QTBUG-3323] - The Qt TDS SQL driver doesn't report database disconnects in lastError()
  • [QTBUG-3324] - resize/move selectors visible even when widget is hidden
  • [QTBUG-3325] - sql drilldown demo shows inconsistent values
  • [QTBUG-3327] - wrong colors for the focus frame rect on Windows
  • [QTBUG-3328] - QSettings::sync() does not return error on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3330] - popup menu in the customcompleter example in the reverse mode is positioned wrong.
  • [QTBUG-3331] - dumpcpp doesn't generate correct code for a reference to an enum value
  • [QTBUG-3332] - QTimerInfoList::unregisterTimer() has a problem when called from the QEventDispatcherGlib::unregisterTimer() in Valgrind
  • [QTBUG-3339] - QMainWindow::saveState/restoreState does not work on Gnome
  • [QTBUG-3340] - QMainWindow::restoreGeometry() doesn't work on dual onitor
  • [QTBUG-3343] - qtopiacore-opengl.qdoc out-of-date
  • [QTBUG-3345] - QGraphicsItem jumps to initial position if moved and then right-clicking while left mouse button is still held.
  • [QTBUG-3349] - getExistingDirectory() duplicate keyboard accelerator
  • [QTBUG-3352] - Back button does not go to previous list of examples in "Qt Exxamples & demos application"
  • [QTBUG-3353] - Keyboard shortcut doesn't work properly when setxkbmap de,us
  • [QTBUG-3354] - KWin has distorted window borders with raster paint engine
  • [QTBUG-3355] - QSettings object not destroyed properly on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3356] - QDialogs, QMessageBoxes not centering properly in light weigth Window Managers
  • [QTBUG-3360] - QCalendarWidget closes the dialog box on date change
  • [QTBUG-3361] - Incorrect LSB configuration
  • [QTBUG-3363] - QProcess::startDetached(prog,args) doesn't transmit the args on MacOSX
  • [QTBUG-3364] - QSqlTableModel failed
  • [QTBUG-3365] - QKeyEvent: unbound keys and media keys do not return an empty string
  • [QTBUG-3372] - Layout change in a QScrollArea causes a brief visual jump
  • [QTBUG-3380] - qvfb display offset by one pixel in 270 degree rotation
  • [QTBUG-3381] - qmake generates unreadable xcode project when using QMAKE_CXXFLAGS - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3382] - QToolTip width calculation must account for <br> breaks in long lines.
  • [QTBUG-3385] - Shift+Insert in QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-3386] - QSettings will still fall back onto any child groups specified in the fallback entries even if fallbacks are turned off
  • [QTBUG-3387] - Stylesheets: When nesting up-arrow and down-arrow inside QHeaderView::section it still gets respected in some styles
  • [QTBUG-3391] - QToolButton::menu-button { width=100% } does not work
  • [QTBUG-3393] - QODBC: When calling a stored procedure with out values, the out values are not set in the bound values
  • [QTBUG-3396] - QWizard do not always respect minimumSizeHint() of its content
  • [QTBUG-3398] - Phonon documentation is wrong (due to an assumption in qdoc)
  • [QTBUG-3399] - QGLFrameBufferObject::bind() crashes when the QGLWidget has a parent widget
  • [QTBUG-3402] - QFileInfo::absolutePath for the current directory.
  • [QTBUG-3403] - Update issue with QMouseOverEvent in widgets/calculator example on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3404] - qmake: When using an env var inside OBJECTS_DIR it will not be correctly placed in the Makefile if the env var is not set
  • [QTBUG-3413] - Behavior of operator<<(QDataStream &s, const QPolygon/QPolygonF) inconsistent
  • [QTBUG-3417] - QTextEdit Wrap Policy Issue
  • [QTBUG-3421] - QDataStream/QTextStream should do error checking when writing
  • [QTBUG-3424] - Eclipse Integration causes GDB Errors
  • [QTBUG-3425] - QTemporaryFile fail when setting a template with double /
  • [QTBUG-3427] - Manual copy from QTextEdit strips, white space and tab
  • [QTBUG-3431] - QDir::entryInfoList: Using QDir::NoSymLinks, readLink() is still called
  • [QTBUG-3436] - qmake: Potential name space clash without qmake's flat option?
  • [QTBUG-3445] - Double click events not arriving in QGraphicsWidget::windowFrameEvent()
  • [QTBUG-3446] - QStackedLayout::addWidget(): Overzealous calling of QWidget::show leading to flashing
  • [QTBUG-3447] - QApplication::layoutDirection() always returns LeftToRight even if the language is a right to left one
  • [QTBUG-3454] - QGridLayout::addWidget(w, Qt::AlignCenter) adds widget with the wrong sizeHint on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3456] - Qt-Creator mouse does not work in vmware fusion 2.0
  • [QTBUG-3458] - QImageReader:setScaledSize for jpeg puts uninitialized data in rightmost pixel column
  • [QTBUG-3460] - QAbstractItemModel::fetchMore() called multiple times initially when using a QCompleter on a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-3461] - QTextCharFormat: Setting a stretch on a font used in a QTextCharFormat has no effect
  • [QTBUG-3463] - qmake: xmlpatterns\recipes example does not build inside Visual Studio since uic does not get invoked on the ui file
  • [QTBUG-3464] - QSqlDatabase ODBC and INGRES db issues.
  • [QTBUG-3470] - QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery() does not reflect to system proxy settings change
  • [QTBUG-3477] - QTableWidget: selection/selection mode is quirky
  • [QTBUG-3483] - QFileDialog::setFileMode does not changes enteries in file type combo box.
  • [QTBUG-3484] - QProcess: When passing in quotes in the middle of an argument they get mangled
  • [QTBUG-3486] - Q3ListView: On Mac when using the plastique style it will cause recursive repaints
  • [QTBUG-3490] - The tab order cannot be configured correctly with nested widets
  • [QTBUG-3495] - QTextDocument::contentsChange singal does not gives correct value.
  • [QTBUG-3496] - Some pixels are missing when using drawPolygon() with a pen of size 1
  • [QTBUG-3498] - QLineEdit and QTextEdit does not respect Arabic numerals when Digit substitution is set to National - Windows
  • [QTBUG-3501] - QTextEdit "alt" tag regression from Qt3
  • [QTBUG-3504] - Valgrind warning in QFileInfo::symLinkTarget()
  • [QTBUG-3505] - ibase driver: The codecs used do not map directly to the names in QTextCodec
  • [QTBUG-3507] - Merging QUndoCommands when having identical macros
  • [QTBUG-3515] - QKeyEvent::key() may return -1
  • [QTBUG-3517] - Win: QWorkspace: subWindows inside a QWorkSpace gets resized when window title is set.
  • [QTBUG-3518] - QComboBox: No currentIndexChanged() signal emitted on model reset
  • [QTBUG-3519] - QtWebkit: Chinese encoding x-gbk is not properly loaded/detected
  • [QTBUG-3525] - Default dialog button bug
  • [QTBUG-3528] - Broken Windows shortcuts in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-3529] - When inserting a column into a model, then it does not cause the itemviews to automatically adjust any delegates set for column
  • [QTBUG-3530] - Qt 4.5 RC1 do not compile without valgrind
  • [QTBUG-3532] - QSingleApplication windowIcon() returns no icon
  • [QTBUG-3536] - QComboBox::setFrame(false) have no effect
  • [QTBUG-3537] - In QTableView, setting the span inside another span leads to undefined behavior
  • [QTBUG-3538] - QToolBar: When setting toolbars to have an ignored size policy then they do not show initially correctly
  • [QTBUG-3547] - QRadioButton with Qt::ClickFocus gets keyboard focus policy after clicking on a different choice
  • [QTBUG-3554] - QTextCursor.insertText() extremely slow
  • [QTBUG-3558] - QX11PaintEngine::drawPolygon performance issues
  • [QTBUG-3560] - QComboBox: string in the model does not match the displayed text for current item.
  • [QTBUG-3561] - Qt::Popup windows mess up coordinate system depending on margins
  • [QTBUG-3571] - QtIcoHandler does not support large & Vista PNG format icons
  • [QTBUG-3572] - QDialog: On Vista QDialogs application bar breaks if changing to Windows Classic style while running.
  • [QTBUG-3580] - QFileInfo::isWritable() doesn't work for SMB directories
  • [QTBUG-3582] - QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent() do not behave correctly for the first event
  • [QTBUG-3585] - QList/QLinkedList/QVector: The const_iterator should be using a const pointer
  • [QTBUG-3589] - QSettings: preceding slash in key doesn't work.
  • [QTBUG-3590] - QComboBox: Dropdown size appears to be limited even if setMaxVisibleItems() is called with a large number of items e.g. 10
  • [QTBUG-3591] - QComboBox: Row selection does not remain selected for the listview after collapsing and reopening the dropdown
  • [QTBUG-3592] - QTabBar: Although this allows you to set multilines for tabs, the size hint is not adjusted correctly when it is in use
  • [QTBUG-3594] - QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle_Double rendered wrong
  • [QTBUG-3595] - QFile: On Windows XP 64, streaming a larger than 32mb will cause it to fail and create an empty file
  • [QTBUG-3596] - QTextBrowser: When clicking on a link to a file with spaces in the directory it will not open when open external links is set
  • [QTBUG-3601] - No way to join a QRunnable with autoDelete set to false
  • [QTBUG-3605] - QGraphicsView performance problems when using the raster engine and complex QGraphicsPolygonItem
  • [QTBUG-3606] - QGraphicsView performance problems when using a OpenGL viewport and lots of selected QGraphicsRectItems
  • [QTBUG-3607] - QPlastiqueStyle: In Plastique style if you click on a slider and cause a dialog to appear then it still appears pressed down
  • [QTBUG-3608] - QGraphicsItem::unGrabMouse() does not get called when focus is lost on the scene due to a dialog appearing
  • [QTBUG-3615] - Embedded widget in QGraphicsView related Right Mouse Button Click Issue
  • [QTBUG-3616] - QDataWidgetMapper doesn't work with double values and QSpinBox instances when using certain SQL databases
  • [QTBUG-3618] - QImage bug: QImage DPI problem with JPG
  • [QTBUG-3621] - QTextTable: When splitting cells that have been merged then the split does nothing
  • [QTBUG-3622] - QTextTable: When adding more lines to a cell in a QTextTable then it can end up going beyond the table's border
  • [QTBUG-3624] - QPushButton: incorrect placement of icon and menu
  • [QTBUG-3627] - Flash plugin: In some cases the finger cursor does not appear when going over clickable content in flash
  • [QTBUG-3628] - Leak in QXmlQuery
  • [QTBUG-3629] - Styling QTabWidget with style sheet does not work correctly on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3633] - QDateTimeEdit: Double-Click on Element in QDateTimeEdit selects the point and scrolling changes the next element.
  • [QTBUG-3634] - QSslCertificate: When parsing the certificate it will wrap it to 64 characters, but it actually wraps at 63
  • [QTBUG-3641] - Rendering of lines using QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-3642] - QCoreApplication mangles argv
  • [QTBUG-3644] - QCalendarWidget doesn't respect posted key events
  • [QTBUG-3645] - Q3Table cellWidget bug
  • [QTBUG-3651] - Style sheet: When style sheet get applied on a Dialog button box with hidden buttons, buttons are displayed.
  • [QTBUG-3652] - Creating a QSettings instance before QApplication breaks unicode input
  • [QTBUG-3657] - Modal QDialog on a modal Dialog problem
  • [QTBUG-3658] - QWebView can no longer be transparent
  • [QTBUG-3666] - drawComplexControl doesn't work properly when drawing QStyle::CC_SpinBox control for QPlastiqueStyle.
  • [QTBUG-3668] - rcc requires root access paths to begin with a "/"
  • [QTBUG-3671] - X11 -font option ignored
  • [QTBUG-3673] - Dumpcpp output compilation errors
  • [QTBUG-3676] - QSplitter: On Mac the handle does not look like a native one
  • [QTBUG-3677] - Fonts should appear embossed on Mac when the metallic background is used, this would make it look more native
  • [QTBUG-3679] - qmake: When referencing an environment variable it needs to be in upper case although Windows is not case sensitive
  • [QTBUG-3681] - QComboBox uses QApplication::doubleClickInterval() to hide popup
  • [QTBUG-3683] - ODBC: When using boundValue() where the expected variant should hold a uniqueidentifier then it does not contain a value
  • [QTBUG-3685] - Problem with setParent() for a child of a QDialog embedded in a QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-3686] - tooltips with wrong word-wrap mode
  • [QTBUG-3689] - In graphics view framework, the event filter does not receive events of the child items if setHandlesChildEvents() is true
  • [QTBUG-3693] - If a QAbstractItemModel subclass only supports move drags then the default action defined by the view will be Qt::IgnoreAction
  • [QTBUG-3695] - Qt won't compile with QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
  • [QTBUG-3697] - Shadow build on Windows, syncqt.bat file missing.
  • [QTBUG-3699] - QString::section returns a trailing delimiter when asked for last section
  • [QTBUG-3702] - Cocoa: In menus unnecessary separators are still drawn although under Carbon they were not
  • [QTBUG-3707] - Distorted Fonts on QGLWidgets -- Regression for 4.5.0
  • [QTBUG-3710] - Assistent: table lines not drawn in Windows Style
  • [QTBUG-3711] - QHelpEngine: ignores a search path as defined in a QDir::searchPath
  • [QTBUG-3712] - fixPaths in syncqt will mangle paths if $basedir is a prefix of $out_basedir
  • [QTBUG-3714] - Mac: The always on top flag is causing windows to stay on top of menus as well as other applications
  • [QTBUG-3716] - Drawing text with two Russian fonts does not display the text correctly
  • [QTBUG-3720] - QLineEdit::cursorWordForward() don't have the correct behavior on Linux and Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3721] - QPushButton: button in pressed state if shown in other button's pressed state
  • [QTBUG-3723] - QColumnView::setColumnWidths() does not have any effect on any columns except the first one
  • [QTBUG-3724] - Bug in QTableView::sizeHintForRow()
  • [QTBUG-3725] - The angles passed to QPainter::drawArc are not relative to the coordinate system of the painter
  • [QTBUG-3729] - XSL-T: Default namespace picked up by expressions
  • [QTBUG-3733] - qtvars.bat, various issues
  • [QTBUG-3738] - When configuring with any of the CE specific options for a platform other than a CE one it should fail
  • [QTBUG-3739] - The binary packages for Windows do not include the pdb files for the plugins
  • [QTBUG-3740] - libpng does not export all of it symbols when used on Windows whereas on Linux it does
  • [QTBUG-3741] - problem with QWebView, Plastique style and scroll bars on OSX
  • [QTBUG-3744] - Webkit apply text-underline even when there is no text
  • [QTBUG-3747] - QWizard: Incorrect window height with a watermark
  • [QTBUG-3748] - QTreeWidget: Catch Drag'n'Drop Events with EventFilter
  • [QTBUG-3751] - Qt does't respect the globaladvance fontconfig setting
  • [QTBUG-3752] - QRectF::united() returns incorrect value if one rectangle has either height or width = 0
  • [QTBUG-3753] - Fix prepared statement test in QMYSQLResult::reset()
  • [QTBUG-3755] - Regression with QPolygonF subtracted
  • [QTBUG-3759] - RCC: If alias set on resource the full path can no longer be used.
  • [QTBUG-3761] - When typing inside a view to select an item via keyboard search the existing selection should be cleared, but it is not
  • [QTBUG-3762] - QGraphicsWidget: It is not possible to set a window icon on the embedded windows, whereas you can change the caption
  • [QTBUG-3763] - QColumnView: mouse press and move in non-current column do not update current item
  • [QTBUG-3766] - QGraphicsWidget: When embedding a window then it keeps space for the minimize/maximize buttons
  • [QTBUG-3767] - QGraphicsWidget: When using setWindowFrameMargins() then the titlebar text gets truncated
  • [QTBUG-3770] - Font size fails
  • [QTBUG-3771] - Qt SQL: case insensitive select not possible using BINARY selection
  • [QTBUG-3772] - Drop indicator does not work properly for QListView in ListMode with LeftToRight flow
  • [QTBUG-3775] - QSettings.value() for REG_BINARY can lose data
  • [QTBUG-3779] - QFileDialog disables "Create New Folder" button in Documents
  • [QTBUG-3784] - Using Javascript timers in QWebkit results in very high CPU usage
  • [QTBUG-3785] - [REG] Bug in QWidget::underMouse
  • [QTBUG-3789] - Qt always built with debug flag
  • [QTBUG-3794] - PATCH lupdate crash with qt-4.5.0
  • [QTBUG-3795] - QDomDocument: Memory corruption when inserting node
  • [QTBUG-3797] - QTextEdit::setExtraSelections() char format overridden by the existing formatting (regression)
  • [QTBUG-3800] - QPolygon::subtracted() does not always give the expected result
  • [QTBUG-3804] - Font metrics incorrect when using FreeType / FontConfig
  • [QTBUG-3805] - QSystemTray context menu has toolTip on Mac
  • [QTBUG-3809] - q3porting.xml is required by uic3 but is not deployed if Qt is configured with -nomake tools
  • [QTBUG-3810] - Status tips of context-menu QActions not shown in statusbar
  • [QTBUG-3814] - Qt4 applications do not work under mozplugger
  • [QTBUG-3815] - Setting WA_TranslucentBackground in the event loop of a menu change the behavior of the menu
  • [QTBUG-3824] - (ds9) Backend documenatation provides little and incorrect details
  • [QTBUG-3825] - QFileInfo::isReadable() can crash when called on a removable drive that is not ready on Windows
  • [QTBUG-3827] - QTableView mispaints vertical headers and rows not completely visible
  • [QTBUG-3828] - Properties of COM Currency type should be set using VT_CY and not VT_I8
  • [QTBUG-3830] - The width of the scrollbar is not computed correctly if one of the QScrollBar is always visible. [patch]
  • [QTBUG-3837] - iconv codec not working on certain platforms (regression)
  • [QTBUG-3838] - MediaObject: On Windows when playing a video file (such as a wmv) then it will not get any meta data
  • [QTBUG-3840] - Double clicking a disabled menu item in system menu of QMdiSubWindow makes the window close
  • [QTBUG-3844] - QXmlStreamReader::characterOffset() returns the wrong value for the first tag when the encoding is not UTF-8
  • [QTBUG-3847] - QTextEdit wrong background color when stylesheet changes margin or padding
  • [QTBUG-3848] - qmake fails to compile
  • [QTBUG-3850] - Mouse events are not passed on to the parent widget in case a modal dialog is closed due to a mouse press event
  • [QTBUG-3853] - configure: On Windows the paths it lists for where things are installed into are inconsistent, they should be using \ as the sep
  • [QTBUG-3856] - QDockWidget with custom titlebar does not behave correctly on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3861] - QGraphicsTextItem: does not receive QDragEnterEvent on Mac platform
  • [QTBUG-3865] - Make QWS respect Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground
  • [QTBUG-3866] - QTextBrowser: When <div align=center> is used in a file then the following line might also be centered
  • [QTBUG-3868] - QStackedLayout::StackAll is misbehaving
  • [QTBUG-3880] - When a dialog is shown via a r-button mouse release and then passing it on after the dialog closes the context event has bad pos
  • [QTBUG-3882] - Provide an easy way of extracting an XML attribute to a QStringList
  • [QTBUG-3885] - Q3FileDialog: When specifying a non-existant directory as the startup dir then it will never stop showing error messages
  • [QTBUG-3886] - QTextBrowser::setSource() should use QIODevice::Text to ensure that lineendings are handled correctly when loading
  • [QTBUG-3888] - The values of Qt::DateFormat are not documented
  • [QTBUG-3890] - Qt is not easy to integrate with other build system
  • [QTBUG-3895] - Allow access to page rects calculated by PrintContext + Patch
  • [QTBUG-3905] - Clicking an item in a QHeaderView of a QTableView does not properly set the current item / selection
  • [QTBUG-3906] - X11: On a printer, the thickness of <hr> in a QTextDocument depends on the printer's DPI, making it almost invisible on high resolution printers.
  • [QTBUG-3907] - QTextFrameFormat: It is not possible to modify the length/height or its border properties
  • [QTBUG-3909] - QTreeWidget sorts the last changed item first
  • [QTBUG-3911] - Clipping bug in QGraphicsView with X11 paint engine
  • [QTBUG-3912] - Must click dead keys on Mac 10.4 twice
  • [QTBUG-3914] - QLineEdit does not accept à on windows
  • [QTBUG-3919] - QTabWidget: when pressing a tab and moving the mouse without releasing it, the highlight should be removed
  • [QTBUG-3920] - When causing MoveWindow() to be called on Windows, then if the updates are disabled then it should not be repainted
  • [QTBUG-3924] - QGraphicsView: unifiedWindowAndTitleBar displays the wrong cursor shape in specific areas - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3925] - QDockWidget: setUnifiedWindowAndTitleBar() displays the wrong cursor when toolbar has 16x16 size icons Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-3926] - Qt4 File System Watcher
  • [QTBUG-3928] - ODBC: When connecting to Sybase, it has to fall back to the non unicode case, so when it queries data it will not get any data
  • [QTBUG-3929] - MySQL: When doing "SAVEPOINT foo" in a QSqlQuery it will not work
  • [QTBUG-3931] - Proxy caching in QNetworkAccessHttpBackend does not make use of the proxy capabilities when generating the cache key
  • [QTBUG-3936] - QTextTable: On X11 when the table is printed, the last row is made bigger on each page
  • [QTBUG-3938] - QTextTableFormat: Setting the BlockNonBreakableLines property has no effect the contents of the cells
  • [QTBUG-3942] - Keyboard navigation does not work in the sidebar of QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-3950] - Damaged images are loaded in Qt without any error
  • [QTBUG-3953] - qmake: When redirecting the output to a file on the console then it can end up in the wrong order
  • [QTBUG-3955] - QRegExp Escaping special characters problems detecting word boundaries
  • [QTBUG-3956] - Incorrect unicodecharacter-handling
  • [QTBUG-3960] - Phonon: When using the mediaplayer demo in a Windows XP vmware image to play a video, it is not rendered on screen
  • [QTBUG-3962] - Phonon MediaSource does not follow 303 HTTP redirects
  • [QTBUG-3963] - With the style Oxygen, QDateTimeEdit in calendarPopupMode still have the behavior of a spin box
  • [QTBUG-3966] - _qws files missing in qt-all-xxx
  • [QTBUG-3968] - QProgressBar might not repaint itself even if the text changes
  • [QTBUG-3969] - [REG] QComboBox: When using a tablet pen/mouse with the combo's menu then the item isn't selected when the pen/mouse is released
  • [QTBUG-3971] - qmake: When generating vcproj files for 2003 and later, there is no need to have the hypen check as this is resolved in VS
  • [QTBUG-3972] - Zooming in on a QGraphicsTextItem on Windows can result in strange text rendering
  • [QTBUG-3975] - "configure -platform" cannot handle an external mkspec
  • [QTBUG-3979] - Text underline sometimes appears to extend a pixel too far to the right on Mac with Carbon
  • [QTBUG-3981] - QTextDocument: When inserting a block after a table that has page-break-after:always set then the exported html loses this
  • [QTBUG-3983] - make install doesn't correctly install Phonon
  • [QTBUG-3984] - On Mac OS X, qt_mac_create_iconref() is slow
  • [QTBUG-3985] - QKeySequence::fromString bug
  • [QTBUG-3988] - On Windows Vista, the font of the items of itemviews is modified when a stylesheet is applied
  • [QTBUG-3989] - Unicode bug with greek combining characters when using certain fonts
  • [QTBUG-3995] - "Has different visibility" warnings when building static on Mac Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-3996] - QAbstractItemView::setIndexWidget(): potential issue when setting the same Widget on an Item twice
  • [QTBUG-3998] - moc fails on qscriptasm_p.h
  • [QTBUG-4000] - QFileDialog::selectedFiles not up to date.
  • [QTBUG-4003] - QMenu: actions moved to application menu does not hide menu entry - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-4004] - Wrong windowState in QWidget
  • [QTBUG-4006] - WinCE: Application level focus problem
  • [QTBUG-4012] - Long button text doesn't fit the buttons in a QMessageBox
  • [QTBUG-4013] - QCDEStyle in cocoa does not work
  • [QTBUG-4016] - On Mac OS X, drag and drop only works with the left mouse button
  • [QTBUG-4019] - When a QTreeWidget is placed into the QGraphicsProxyWidget column resizing has a weird behavior.
  • [QTBUG-4020] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: QTreeView editor loses focus on context menu when placed in a QGraphicsProxyWidget
  • [QTBUG-4023] - QFontMetrics.width() returns incorrect results with multi-run Arabic text - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-4025] - QTableWidget misalignment of cell widgets when scrolling with double buffering disabled
  • [QTBUG-4028] - On Mac OS X Carbon, setMask() is not applied correctly
  • [QTBUG-4037] - Third level QContextMenu action closes the menu but does not emit a signal - X11
  • [QTBUG-4039] - Dragging a window while menu is open requires two mouse click
  • [QTBUG-4043] - QSystemTrayIcon:Actions in QSubMenus are not disabled correctly on Mac
  • [QTBUG-4045] - Incorrect font metrics for bitmap font, results in excess vertical spacing
  • [QTBUG-4047] - QFileDialog: On non English language based Windows the native dialogs when invoked from Qt do not appear as other native apps
  • [QTBUG-4049] - Adding CONSOLE to an application causes link to fail
  • [QTBUG-4051] - PowerVR graphics plugin and OpenGL ES
  • [QTBUG-4052] - QTextEdit: selection of spaces on wordwraps
  • [QTBUG-4054] - On X11, the flag Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint is ignored for window with a parent
  • [QTBUG-4056] - In the demo browser clicking stop to stop loading of a large document will cause a lag before it actually stops
  • [QTBUG-4060] - Solution file is corrupted when using the win32-msvc2008 makespec
  • [QTBUG-4062] - Resource Leak / Growth when using QtScript to do simple signal and slot "connect" and emit
  • [QTBUG-4068] - QScriptEngine::evaluate crash
  • [QTBUG-4070] - QFileSystemModel display a warning when deleting a directory (from an external app) previously entered.
  • [QTBUG-4075] - Esc key doesn't cancel drag and drop operation until mouse button release occurs
  • [QTBUG-4080] - QProcess command line limit on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4085] - Whitespace is being trimmed in QSpinBox
  • [QTBUG-4086] - QPushButton recieve one xtra MousePress event if it is hidden when pressed.
  • [QTBUG-4089] - QFileDialog: When typing in the filename edit, the result should match with filters.
  • [QTBUG-4090] - When showing a messagebox with a large font on a small resolution (640x480) then the buttons can be too small for the text
  • [QTBUG-4092] - When using PaintOnScreen on Windows, then resizing a widget will cause two paint events to be sent
  • [QTBUG-4094] - mergeIndexes() does not work with multiple ranges in each row
  • [QTBUG-4102] - Separator line between toolbar and tabs when using unified toolbar with documentMode QTabBar and Carbon
  • [QTBUG-4103] - Qt CSS: gradient on text restarts after every upper-case letter with small-caps
  • [QTBUG-4106] - qmake: It is possible to be able to set the platform via the lflags and the vcproj file should have the TargetMachine set
  • [QTBUG-4107] - QToolButton: style colour when hovered is incorrect
  • [QTBUG-4108] - Windows, QWidget::grabMouse(): mouseDoubleClickEvent() not called if grabMouse() called multiple times on same widget
  • [QTBUG-4111] - Windows: can't install qt eclipse integration for 2 different eclipse installations on the same machine
  • [QTBUG-4112] - QMessageBox does not look like the native MessageBox on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4113] - QGraphicsScene: inconsistent selection behaviour
  • [QTBUG-4114] - QStyleSheet: gradient background image incorrectly rendered.
  • [QTBUG-4116] - QTabBar: styling tabs with east/west position does not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-4118] - When QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired() is emitted, the reply passed in does not have any headers set
  • [QTBUG-4120] - When a combobox/spinbox/scrollbar is on a widget with translucentbackground set then it is not possible to click them on XP
  • [QTBUG-4122] - q16Dot16Compare generates exceptions when FPU exceptions are unmasked
  • [QTBUG-4123] - QFormLayout: The labels do not expand to take width of the biggest label in the layout
  • [QTBUG-4128] - The date range of QDateEdit and QDateTimeEdit is limited to one century
  • [QTBUG-4129] - QDataStream &operator>> usage incorrect
  • [QTBUG-4133] - qmake generated moc path contains mixed directory separators
  • [QTBUG-4134] - qmake performance has quadratic runtime decrease with number of linked libs and LIB dirs
  • [QTBUG-4135] - Currency Symbol is missing in QLocale
  • [QTBUG-4138] - QLineEdit/QTextEdit: When in RtoL mode, then pressing the left cursor arrow causes it to go right and vice versa
  • [QTBUG-4139] - Complex scripts: When a diacritic is color differently to the base character then the position of the diacrtic is incorrect
  • [QTBUG-4140] - Glib event queue does not work well with the pthread_cleanup() stack
  • [QTBUG-4145] - QtSvg does not fully support Paint Attribute features
  • [QTBUG-4150] - Text rendering has artifact when it is mirrored with high font size.
  • [QTBUG-4152] - QDirModel: documentation does not refer to the newer preferred class for file system model/view
  • [QTBUG-4156] - On Qt for Carbon, the focus does not work correctly in the demo using the ArthurFrame
  • [QTBUG-4159] - Embedded dialog demo problem
  • [QTBUG-4161] - Need a translation hint in Q3Accel
  • [QTBUG-4162] - On Mac OS X, the notifications do not work if the system tray icon is not visible
  • [QTBUG-4171] - Wrong focus handling in QDateEdit when setSpecialValueText is u sed
  • [QTBUG-4175] - Drag and Drop of Color on Mac OS X Not Working
  • [QTBUG-4177] - QWidget: transparency is not rendered correctly on QPushButtons
  • [QTBUG-4178] - Maximize button of a window is disabled when its maximumSize is not set to QWIDGETSIZE_MAX x QWIDGETSIZE_MAX
  • [QTBUG-4179] - Allow QSslSocket::setSocketDescriptor() to be used multiple times
  • [QTBUG-4180] - Widgets in a QGraphicsProxyWidget jump in layout on Mac Carbon.
  • [QTBUG-4182] - Input methods context menu is broken inside QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-4183] - QWidget:paintEvent is received by inactive windows
  • [QTBUG-4186] - QXmlStreamWriter::writeCharacters does not handle control characaters
  • [QTBUG-4187] - QWebSettings::setFontFamily for a QWebView doesn't work with a CSS style sheet that specifies a font-family.
  • [QTBUG-4188] - QSettings ini file locations in system scope on Mac.
  • [QTBUG-4189] - NTLM: QNetworkAccessManager::put() does not work when authentication is required
  • [QTBUG-4190] - setCursor does not work in QGraphicsView if set on a QGraphicsItem in the view.
  • [QTBUG-4191] - Hiding and showing a QMainWindow results in resize
  • [QTBUG-4193] - QAbstractItemView: When writing text via an IME for the editing then it will end up making an item current instead
  • [QTBUG-4194] - Assertion in QETWidget::translatePaintEvent() on Windows 2000
  • [QTBUG-4195] - Designer need to reload resource file every time the ui file is saved
  • [QTBUG-4198] - QAbstractSlider: When a mouse is used with a repeat action then the QAbstractSlider will adjust the slider to the mouse
  • [QTBUG-4200] - QDir::EntryInfoList or EntryInfo have a sorting issue with .., . and files starting by $ on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4201] - Artifacts being painted in the focus rect when using stylesheet - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-4204] - When selecting text in table cell then it is not possible to change the font size at all
  • [QTBUG-4212] - When deleting an object that has a custom event posted to can cause a mutex deadlock
  • [QTBUG-4213] - Be able to select pages in print dialog
  • [QTBUG-4215] - Stylesheet: the disabled pseudo-state is not available for QPushbutton
  • [QTBUG-4216] - textEdit->verticalScrollBar()->maximum() does not scroll to the bottom
  • [QTBUG-4219] - QMdiArea: alien widget shines through QGLWidget
  • [QTBUG-4220] - The Tiff plugin does not compile on Windows if USE_WIN_CRT_LIBis defined
  • [QTBUG-4222] - When placing a QWinWidget in a Win32 MDI child window then the MDI child will get painted on top of the QWinWidget
  • [QTBUG-4223] - QString: parameter checking not done on precision argument to number()
  • [QTBUG-4224] - QComboBox popup not shown when used as editor for item view embedded in graphics scene
  • [QTBUG-4225] - QMutableSetIterator: The functions return const references, although other mutable iterators don't return const references
  • [QTBUG-4229] - When calling setFixedSize() inside QMessageBox, it will cause the flags to change on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4230] - On Qt Carbon, it is possible to "lock" the resizing of the Window
  • [QTBUG-4234] - QAbstractButton::pressed emitted although a modal dialog is shown over the button.
  • [QTBUG-4236] - QListView - flicker when dropping items on themselves - Mac OS X/Carbon
  • [QTBUG-4237] - QListView: dropping items on themselves removes the item itself - Mac OS X Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-4247] - QGLWidget: When reparenting a widget containing a QGLWidget to be in a QMdiSubWindow then it will not paint the OpenGL
  • [QTBUG-4249] - Get hold of the accessible name of the list in a QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-4253] - QMenu: submenus are not highlighted correctly on Mac/Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-4260] - QTextDocument: SmallCaps does not works with rich text
  • [QTBUG-4262] - Allow minimizing frameless windows from the taskbar
  • [QTBUG-4266] - Gamma correction in general
  • [QTBUG-4268] - Qt does not read the matrix from fontconfig
  • [QTBUG-4270] - QTabWidget with silver color scheme on Windows Xp does not look native.
  • [QTBUG-4271] - QPlainTextEdit can't handle large files
  • [QTBUG-4272] - QDataWidgetMapper::toPrevious() may not work when model is QSql(Relational)TableModel
  • [QTBUG-4274] - QTcpSocket: server receiving multiple connections when client connect one time.
  • [QTBUG-4280] - QString::number incorrectly rounds
  • [QTBUG-4284] - QSplitter with layout will use stylesheets incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-4286] - statustips not erased when menu items activated
  • [QTBUG-4287] - QPixmap::transformed() returns pixmap with depth different from original on Windows.
  • [QTBUG-4288] - setRedBufferSize() does not do anything on mac
  • [QTBUG-4289] - Installing Qt for WinCE 4.5.2 overwrites Qt for Windows 4.5.2
  • [QTBUG-4290] - String in RTL layout displays non alphanumeric characters wrong, and in wrong order
  • [QTBUG-4291] - Q3FileDialog Drag and Drop crash
  • [QTBUG-4292] - QTextDocument does not support nested HTML blocks
  • [QTBUG-4294] - getPSQLVersion() may print misleading information if it fails to find the server version
  • [QTBUG-4297] - QTreeView: setting style sheet that specifies padding causes the corner widget to remain in view with only 1 scrollbar visible
  • [QTBUG-4298] - Toolbars and Dock Widgets are not hidden with the main window when floating
  • [QTBUG-4299] - qmake shadow build fails for WinCE when following the procedure outlined in the documentation
  • [QTBUG-4300] - Adding a QToolBar to a shown QMainWindow will hide the QMainWindow
  • [QTBUG-4302] - Updating an QGraphicsItem does not take the clip into account
  • [QTBUG-4307] - [Regression]CSS text-decoration: underline does not work
  • [QTBUG-4308] - Setting Sat in QColorDialog will overwrite alpha values
  • [QTBUG-4310] - QTreeView: setting a style sheet using selection-background-color is not respected on Vista
  • [QTBUG-4313] - HPUX gcc tries to build WebKit
  • [QTBUG-4314] - Phonon GStreamer backend non explicitly stated metatype reference
  • [QTBUG-4316] - QHelpEngineCore::setCurrentFilter might fail
  • [QTBUG-4318] - Make it possible to use non linear indices with QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-4319] - QTableView: moving items from under a span will create painting problems
  • [QTBUG-4322] - Stylesheet ignored after calling QComboBox::setLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-4328] - macdeployqt picks wrong plugin path if pro file contains CONFIG += help
  • [QTBUG-4331] - QListView ExtendedSelection bug
  • [QTBUG-4332] - QListView: When querying the itemdelegate's sizeHint and paint for the size passed in the option,they are not consistent
  • [QTBUG-4335] - QSharedMemory/QSystemSemaphore: Add a handle() function so that the native handle can be retrived
  • [QTBUG-4337] - QMdiSubWindow: double-click doesn't close on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4342] - Style Sheets: Changing the font size for Tooltips does not display correctly on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4347] - QCompleter::setCompletionColumn() not working as documented.
  • [QTBUG-4348] - QCompleter::setCompletionRole() not working as documented
  • [QTBUG-4350] - QLabel interaction flags do not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-4351] - [REG]: styleSheet() does not work good with QRadialGradient.
  • [QTBUG-4353] - eraseRect copies the background from wrong position on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-4354] - On Mac OS X, the transformation of QPainter is not applied on QPainter::drawLine()
  • [QTBUG-4355] - QTextHtmlParser inserts extra empty paragraph in document.
  • [QTBUG-4357] - QLibrary::unload() does not unregister Qt or custom QMetaTypes
  • [QTBUG-4358] - QGraphicsView: When setting a QGLWidget as a viewport, then moving a widget on the scene can lag behind the mouse
  • [QTBUG-4361] - wrong windowState() if the window state is changed through MS Windows taskbar
  • [QTBUG-4362] - Windows: showMaximized() doesn't consider taskbar when using Qt::CustomizeWindowHint to remove the title bar
  • [QTBUG-4366] - Input Unicode characters using Alt-+ on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4367] - Mac QMainWindow wil be hidden when a QToolBar is added
  • [QTBUG-4369] - adjustSize() is not up to date when widget is within a QScrollArea
  • [QTBUG-4370] - adding one too many dock widgets results in odd rendering
  • [QTBUG-4373] - Designer crash on Mac (cocoa) when loading a UI file using Monaco (10) with kerning disabled
  • [QTBUG-4374] - The style of the vertial toolbars on Mac has the gradient of the horizontal toolbar
  • [QTBUG-4375] - Drawing artifacts on QTableWidget when moved or scrolled in QMdiArea
  • [QTBUG-4378] - It is not possible to change link color with stylesheet
  • [QTBUG-4386] - Mac, Embedded Widget, Qt changes Window attributes and WindowClass
  • [QTBUG-4387] - Very thin QProgressBar doesn't draw properly on Windows XP
  • [QTBUG-4390] - XSL: nbsp entity does not get properly treated
  • [QTBUG-4394] - QMenu does not update correctly after coming from a size/move via the system menu option on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4395] - calling QSslSocket::startServerEncryption() from another thread does not work
  • [QTBUG-4403] - QFileDialog:::getOpenFileName when dir is empty does not open previous path.
  • [QTBUG-4408] - QGraphicsLayout: When an item in a layout is not visible then the other items in the layout should claim the free space
  • [QTBUG-4413] - Qt for Embedded Linux unable to compile Phonon without using pkg-config
  • [QTBUG-4416] - GraphicsView painting regressions in master
  • [QTBUG-4420] - QWSServer Object Destruction problem when using sperated QWS Server
  • [QTBUG-4424] - QAction::setIconVisibleInMenu does not work.
  • [QTBUG-4431] - QPSQL reports an error when executing a query.
  • [QTBUG-4432] - QGraphicsProxyWidget::setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool) looks the same as Qt::Window
  • [QTBUG-4434] - QStatusBar does not renders permanent widget's fram when setStatus is set.
  • [QTBUG-4440] - checkable item of QTreeView doesn't obey the stylesheet with "windowsxp" style
  • [QTBUG-4447] - VMWare reporting a imaginary tablet breaks Qt for Mac client OS.
  • [QTBUG-4448] - QLineEdit/Text Edit no longer has "Insert Unicode Characters" for the Windows version
  • [QTBUG-4449] - Qt::MacWindowToolBarButtonHint does not work on Mac Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-4450] - QWidget::underMouse() error
  • [QTBUG-4451] - the loading of plugins fails repetedly, causing a lot of calls to dlopen.
  • [QTBUG-4454] - [QComboBox] calling view() before setModel() breaks signal highlighted(int)
  • [QTBUG-4456] - QMdiArea not updated properly when children are hidden/shown
  • [QTBUG-4457] - QGraphicsProxyWidget limitation
  • [QTBUG-4458] - QLabel::linkHovered() not emitted and cursor may not change when hovering over link
  • [QTBUG-4459] - QPainter doesn't draw on QImage::Format_Indexed8 images
  • [QTBUG-4460] - QMdiArea: moving QSubWindows inside a QTabWidget
  • [QTBUG-4464] - MDI application still closes after canceling close on a MDI child
  • [QTBUG-4472] - QDockWidget tabbed scrollbutton tooltip error
  • [QTBUG-4474] - QTextEdit->viewport()->repaint() does not work properly on Linux
  • [QTBUG-4476] - QRegExp does not follow precedence rules, i.e. "(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*" on "test \\" 123" does not result in "test \\" as first match
  • [QTBUG-4478] - qmake does not warn when incorrect scope contructs are used
  • [QTBUG-4486] - Image on an RTL text in QTextBrowser confuses the text direction
  • [QTBUG-4487] - deleteObject not processed when processEvents is called
  • [QTBUG-4488] - Focus rectangle incorrect when setting style sheets to QPushButton
  • [QTBUG-4489] - ZWJ is not supported properly
  • [QTBUG-4493] - Anchor not removed when using QTextBrowser::setText()
  • [QTBUG-4503] - WindowFlags popUp can make two windows look active on the same time in Windows
  • [QTBUG-4504] - In HTML if the width/height is set to be a percentage for an image then it will be disregrarded
  • [QTBUG-4505] - QApplications fails to create input context on HP-UX and AIX when Qt::AA_NativeWindows is set
  • [QTBUG-4509] - Symbian: both -O0 and -O3 are specified on armcc commandline when building armv5 udeb
  • [QTBUG-4511] - QRegExp: When using a wildcard like "a*" then it will match the character anywhere in the string not just at the beginning
  • [QTBUG-4513] - QGraphicsView: images are painted outside of the graphics view area when the Alt key is pressed
  • [QTBUG-4514] - QWidget::SetCursor does not change the cursor if a context menu is shown.
  • [QTBUG-4515] - QGLWidget::bindTexture is slow in Qt application
  • [QTBUG-4517] - Unclear focus behaviour on Nokia
  • [QTBUG-4518] - Symbian: need to set the window group name from a Qt API
  • [QTBUG-4520] - Functionality for retrieving Iid from plugins
  • [QTBUG-4524] - Focus is not set to the right widget when docking/undocking
  • [QTBUG-4525] - Demo Browser crashes when the mplayer plugin is invoked
  • [QTBUG-4527] - No QWebView widget on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4623] - Symbian: Sometimes Fluidlauncher stays on top when launching an application
  • [QTBUG-4627] - When a widget is hidden/shown with the cursor over it then a mouse move event is sent on Windows
  • [QTBUG-4655] - QS60Style: Move navi focus away from pressed down ToolButton, button is redrawn as raised
  • [QTBUG-4666] - QS60Style: Wrong font color in QCalendarWidget's navigator pane
  • [QTBUG-4672] - Symbian: QFileDialog topmost ComboBox contains item named "Computer"
  • [QTBUG-4673] - QFileDialog have Drag-and-Drop enabled on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-4749] - Odd QDial behaviour with inverted appearance
  • [QTBUG-4762] - Multi line labels slow without fontconfig enabled
  • [QTBUG-4843] - Border of QTableView does not changes over css
  • [QTBUG-4852] - Nested exceptions in Qt not working on Symbian hardware builds
  • [QTBUG-4859] - examples/widgets/movie issues
  • [QTBUG-4970] - Qt doesn't support retrieving Windows Vista style large icons for a file
  • [QTBUG-4974] - When printing a QPicture to PDF then the character spacing in the text is not correct
  • [QTBUG-4981] - QHeaderView: Unable to change sort order from tablet
  • [QTBUG-4982] - QMdiArea TabbedView doesn't work properly
  • [QTBUG-4997] - Symbian: Qt applications crash with KERN-EXEC3 if launched quickly multiple times
  • [QTBUG-5025] - Selection of TextTable cells with triple-click selects adjacent cell on the right as well
  • [QTBUG-5027] - Remove a row from a QSqlRelationalTableModel fails
  • [QTBUG-5052] - When a different font is set for a QTabBar tab via a stylesheet then it will not have enough space to render the text
  • [QTBUG-5072] - Qt::AA_NativeWindows flag prevents GraphicsProxyWidget from receiving enter/leave & friends
  • [QTBUG-5076] - Compiler warnings in qrect.h/qtransform.h
  • [QTBUG-5081] - QtScript const keyword
  • [QTBUG-5141] - QListWidget does not shows selection border when its view mode is set to QListView::IconMode cleanlooks style
  • [QTBUG-5165] - QHeaderView::reset() should reset logical indices
  • [QTBUG-5169] - QProgressDialog accessibility issue
  • [QTBUG-5204] - Signal QFutureWatcher::resultReadyAt (int) not emitted in some cases.
  • [QTBUG-5213] - Rounding problem drawing on QGraphicsScene
  • [QTBUG-5220] - When clicking on an index widget in an itemview that takes focus while another indexwidget has focus then it will not pass the focus on
  • [QTBUG-5223] - Designer: setting a layout does not automatically update the Property Editor window
  • [QTBUG-5234] - Symbian: QColorDialog for QVGA screen is not very user friendly
  • [QTBUG-5268] - Documentation of QDomNode::apendChild() not clear
  • [QTBUG-5324] - QProgressBar stylesheet only renders background-color, chunk margin
  • [QTBUG-5329] - QGraphicsItem::cursor does not implement the documented behavior correctly
  • [QTBUG-5332] - QScrollArea tab focus problem
  • [QTBUG-5354] - qdoc error in QAccessibleInterface
  • [QTBUG-5365] - wrong datatypes generated by dumpccp
  • [QTBUG-5375] - QFileDialog don't open/save immediately after choose a file
  • [QTBUG-5385] - Build fails due to missing
  • [QTBUG-5392] - [QListView] QStyle::State_Selected is not set in QStyleOption::state passed to QAbstractItemDelegate::sizeHint(...) method
  • [QTBUG-5394] - QApplicationPrivate::mouse_buttons was in a wrong state after dnd operation
  • [QTBUG-5398] - Application crashes with QGraphicsView + setAcceptHover
  • [QTBUG-5405] - Font Render Failure Under OS X 10.6 with user nobody
  • [QTBUG-5431] - QML Mac: text is clipped at end of line
  • [QTBUG-5448] - Nested QGridLayouts do not display correctly on Mac
  • [QTBUG-5488] - Text cursor appears when it should not
  • [QTBUG-5503] - When a widget is shown that has a QPushButton as the child with the initial focus then the focus is not drawn until it changes.
  • [QTBUG-5512] - When inserting a separator into a QComboBox then it is not painted in WindowsXP style
  • [QTBUG-5531] - Graphics view rendering artifacts on Mac
  • [QTBUG-5537] - QS60Style: QGroupBoxes should have frame border
  • [QTBUG-5538] - examples/ipc/sharedmemory: on Mac, it's not possible to launch 2 instances of the app to test the shared memory stuff
  • [QTBUG-5541] - while selecting elements look blurred
  • [QTBUG-5566] - QStatusBar (size grip) and mouseReleaseEvent
  • [QTBUG-5604] - QGraphicsAnchorLayout: Make fair distribution better when we have center anchors.
  • [QTBUG-5647] - QColumnView shows too much empty columns
  • [QTBUG-5662] - QColumnView: dragDropMode=InternalMove does not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-5690] - Items load improperly in certain cases when using dynamic creation and destruction
  • [QTBUG-5696] - QViewHeader subclass does not repaint correctly on mac carbon
  • [QTBUG-5718] - QGraphicsProxyWidget move when showing after minimization
  • [QTBUG-5737] - QS60Style: The tabs overlap slightly too much
  • [QTBUG-5759] - QML hijacks JavaScript "Object" name
  • [QTBUG-5782] - The minimum height of QFileDialog is too big to fit into the screen in landscape mode
  • [QTBUG-5826] - QGraphicsPixmapItem/QGraphicsView bug?
  • [QTBUG-5839] - QGtkStyle: vertical alignment of the text in QTabBar is improper when QGtkStyle is used
  • [QTBUG-5881] - When changing the text of a toolbutton on a toolbar which should cause an extension menu to appear then it appears but disabled
  • [QTBUG-5940] - Can not install Qt SDK for Windows when TEMP is located on another drive.
  • [QTBUG-5943] - When creating a shortcut that uses Space then the accelerator text does not appear correctly on Mac
  • [QTBUG-5945] - Using QSize() and QSizeF() do not result in a null size
  • [QTBUG-5959] - At large font point sizes, chinese characters not rendering correctly.
  • [QTBUG-6013] - QGtkStyle has wrong size for check box highlight when using Clearlooks
  • [QTBUG-6020] - QTest::qExec( QObject * testObject, const QStringList & arguments ) parameter badly interpreted
  • [QTBUG-6052] - QFileSystemModel does not show alias files on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-6054] - QFormLayout doesn't set the height of each row correctly on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-6065] - The enabling the unifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac property invalidates layouts of widgets contained in a toolbar
  • [QTBUG-6087] - Mdi area, windowModifies and windowFilePath and Title bug
  • [QTBUG-6092] - QWhatsThis:: HTML text wraps if the cell width is not specified. HTML should not wrap unless wrapping is explicitly defined in the HTML tag
  • [QTBUG-6093] - QMessageBox with standardButtons == QMessageBox::NoButton don't react on signal close()
  • [QTBUG-6102] - Nested QGraphicsView - No mousePressEvent for right mouse button
  • [QTBUG-6106] - QGridLayout does not align comboboxes baselines correctly in Mac style.
  • [QTBUG-6112] - QDialog: Placement and size
  • [QTBUG-6144] - QFontMetrics::boundingRect() does not account for QFont::setLetterSpacing()
  • [QTBUG-6213] - active QStatusBar vetoes resize commands coming from accessibility
  • [QTBUG-6215] - When hiding and showing widgets in a QGridLayout and the parent has Qt::WindowFullScreen state, the state gets reset to Qt::WindowNoState
  • [QTBUG-6275] - QFont(family) and QFont::setFamily() give different results
  • [QTBUG-6280] - CLONE -QTextFormat::FullWidthSelection stops at end of last character in line
  • [QTBUG-6289] - In the MID example, there is an logic error in the member function: void MainWindow::open()
  • [QTBUG-6298] - Long words get cut in QMessageBox because of QLabel implementation detail
  • [QTBUG-6315] - Problem on Mac OS X 10.6 with QSound
  • [QTBUG-6343] - Symbian: Stylesheets demo: Buttons do not have visual cue whether they are pressed or not in some styles
  • [QTBUG-6381] - QDialog: modal dialog event loop gets into deadlock with Windows event loop when system context menu is shown from the application system menu
  • [QTBUG-6382] - deform demo - white font in the text settings on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-6451] - Incorrect work with class inheritance in palette hash in QApplication (QApplication::palette(const QWidget* w))
  • [QTBUG-6452] - Active palette role doesnt work on OS X
  • [QTBUG-6493] - Qt fails to build on RHEL 4 and other older Linux versions because of old ALSA
  • [QTBUG-6509] - In the context menu of a QSystemTrayIcon tooltips can be shown for the items
  • [QTBUG-6523] - QGraphicsView : not to clear selection when the Ctrl is down in RubberBandDrag mode
  • [QTBUG-6597] - QMenu: When the menu gets deleted while it is open then it will cause a crash
  • [QTBUG-6616] - text not highlighted in a label with Qt::TextSelectableByMouse set
  • [QTBUG-6624] - The PSQL plugin in debug does not work out of the box in the MSVC 2008 binary edition
  • [QTBUG-6631] - Items using anchors.fill or anchors.centerIn aren't updated when the margin/offsets they use are changed.
  • [QTBUG-6645] - QPushButton::setMenu results invisible under Windows XP+ with Qt 4.6.0
  • [QTBUG-6661] - QStateMachine on QGraphicsView failed to handle QMouseEventTransition if the type is mouse release
  • [QTBUG-6682] - Shortcuts for QToolButton are not displayed properly on Windows OS
  • [QTBUG-6697] - Symbian: Drop-down list with incorrect style
  • [QTBUG-6719] - QEvent::WindowIconChange doesn't go through QWidget::changeEvent()
  • [QTBUG-6778] - QComboBox text is not drawn correctly when first poped up.
  • [QTBUG-6801] - Keypad navigation focus is hard to see with big QPushButtons on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-6802] - The scrollbar for a table widget does not immediately reflect a change in the width of the left hand column of a two (or greater) column table, nor does it allow the user scroll the table leftwards to see the rightmost part of the widget.wi
  • [QTBUG-6808] - Calling grabMouse on a widget does not work when the mouse is moved outside the application window - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-6839] - QEvent::Enter+Leave don't occur when scrolling in/out of widget
  • [QTBUG-6859] - Daylight Savings missing from QDateTime on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-6860] - Promoting QDockWidget in designer result to empty dock (contents widget is overwritten by a uic generated widget contents)
  • [QTBUG-6878] - Tetrix example does not resize correctly when switching display alignment in WinCE
  • [QTBUG-6912] - iconv_open failed when LC_CTYPE=C
  • [QTBUG-6915] - Make parsing of polygons and polylines in svgs according to the specification.
  • [QTBUG-6923] - CLONE -Mac OS X: QMenu::setFont() does not affect shortcuts font
  • [QTBUG-6925] - QWindowsLocalCodec::canEncode() always succeeds
  • [QTBUG-6960] - FTBFS on hurd-i386: PATH_MAX in clucene
  • [QTBUG-6962] - QUrl::setAuthority(QString()) doesn't remove an existing authority
  • [QTBUG-6966] - QUrl::fromLocalFile() shouldn't convert backslashes on linux
  • [QTBUG-6987] - OS X: QEvent::ShortcutOverride does not prevent the native menu from flashing
  • [QTBUG-7001] - Wrong QKeySequence::NextChild on OS X
  • [QTBUG-7107] - QAbstractItemView showDropIndicator property does not work (exhibited in the Puzzles example)
  • [QTBUG-7112] - Applying QGraphicsBlurEffect to widgets embedded in QGraphicsView makes it disappear
  • [QTBUG-7129] - baselines of labels and lineedits in QFormLayout do not line up
  • [QTBUG-7149] - windows specific: QDateTime provides wrong value for toUTC in DST
  • [QTBUG-7160] - cursor disappears in QLineEdit when application loses then regains focus from an alt+tab on OSX
  • [QTBUG-7177] - Zoomed text uses hinting from unzoomed text and looks ugly
  • [QTBUG-7178] - QDomDocument::toByteArray changes SVG file
  • [QTBUG-7187] - S60 QLabel major render problem on certain FP2 devices such as XpressMusic 5730 RM-465
  • [QTBUG-7192] - QLineEdit setInputMask and required character(s)
  • [QTBUG-7214] - Widgets in toolbars cannot be labeled
  • [QTBUG-7235] - QFtp forgets to call tr()
  • [QTBUG-7248] - Checkbox looks wrong under Windows when system font size more then normal
  • [QTBUG-7250] - QT does not build with warnings enabled under g++
  • [QTBUG-7328] - QGraphicsView::translate() does nothing
  • [QTBUG-7350] - QStatusBar::setSizeGripEnabled ( false ) has no effect on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-7352] - setWindowFilePath prints warning on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-7363] - QMutex deadlocks while calling QThread::isRunning() in a slot which connected to QThread::finished() that emitted from QThread::terminate()
  • [QTBUG-7376] - Selected item is not visible after orientation change on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-7385] - NSCFNumber autoreleased with no pool in place
  • [QTBUG-7410] - QWS graphics plugin lack documentation for implementation
  • [QTBUG-7431] - Launching qmlviewer with no args, implicitly using native file-dialog doesn't repaint properly on N900
  • [QTBUG-7450] - Some of the graphics in Samsung i8910 looks incorrect
  • [QTBUG-7483] - QTableWidget decreasing sorting show empty cells
  • [QTBUG-7504] - GTK Style, No keyboard focus indicator for check boxes on GTK+ theme Nodoka
  • [QTBUG-7524] - Document capability to include non-compiled text files in Qt Creator
  • [QTBUG-7550] - QGraphicsColorizeEffect doesn't work well with QWidget on MAC
  • [QTBUG-7558] - Can not traverse symlinks like normal directories
  • [QTBUG-7582] - Qt Designer does not restrict slot for root window
  • [QTBUG-7587] - QGroupBox bug. No border visible when Windows Aero theme enabled and WA_TranslucentBackground attribute used
  • [QTBUG-7599] - QWSSocket not able to connect to /tmp/.qt_soundserver-0
  • [QTBUG-7624] - Qt Designer don't saving a toolbars positions
  • [QTBUG-7633] - qt-win-commercial-4.6.0-vs2005.exe Installer does not correctly detect missing dependencies.
  • [QTBUG-7646] - Diagramscene example line rendering bug
  • [QTBUG-7650] - Printdialog hangs
  • [QTBUG-7677] - Diagram scene: vanishing arrows
  • [QTBUG-7701] - To tight rendering of checkboxes in treeviews [ reg ]
  • [QTBUG-7726] - QGraphicsItem::setLayout assumes that the layout is not a QGraphicsItem
  • [QTBUG-7728] - Windows sometimes not redrawing until mouse moved or keyboard pressed on win32
  • [QTBUG-7736] - Previous screensaver setup isn't restored correctly on exit
  • [QTBUG-7757] - QToolBox incorrect text elision
  • [QTBUG-7765] - QML MouseRegion onEntered does not get called when mouse is pressed
  • [QTBUG-7784] - deform example does not fit appropriately on an N97
  • [QTBUG-7786] - QPrintDialog::setPrinter(), QPrintDialog::printer(), QPrintDialog::addButton should be documented as QT3 support member
  • [QTBUG-7873] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: When a transform is set on the item then it is not propagated to the widget's children correctly when painting
  • [QTBUG-7898] - "QLocale::toDateTime ( const QString & string, FormatType format = LongFormat ) const" cannot return correct value
  • [QTBUG-7934] - Q3Datatable Qt3 support class never shows results that contain only one row
  • [QTBUG-7955] - Drag and Drop doesn't check window input mask on X11
  • [QTBUG-7959] - QWizard layout doesnt updates correctly
  • [QTBUG-7989] - Disabled text color on OS X
  • [QTBUG-7995] - Symbian: Branch indicator in tree view is misplaced
  • [QTBUG-8034] - Widgets embedded in QGraphicsView view have limited coordinates under X11
  • [QTBUG-8094] - QPixmap::toWinHICON() for empty icon does`nt return NULL HICON
  • [QTBUG-8095] - broken overrideCursor handling in drag&drop in QWS
  • [QTBUG-8099] - Radio buttons in QWindowsStyle ignore QStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicator* metrics
  • [QTBUG-8104] - QUrl::toLocalFile() does not work right
  • [QTBUG-8171] - QGraphicsEffect doesn't affect nested QScrollBar's
  • [QTBUG-8176] - QTreeView::collapseAll and QTreeView::expandAll do not emit the collapsed and expanded signals
  • [QTBUG-8184] - QUndoView does not update properly when changing the selected item using the up/down cursor keys
  • [QTBUG-8188] - QGraphicsScene: Scene is not active after adding of scene view into a QStackedLayout
  • [QTBUG-8189] - Menus and popups don't appear on non-primary Xinerama screen
  • [QTBUG-8190] - '#ifdef Q_WS_S60 w.showMaximized()' <- sucks
  • [QTBUG-8207] - Kerning not working with OpenType font "Adobe Caslon Pro"
  • [QTBUG-8209] - QTabBar: Tab size incorrect when using bold font in a style sheet
  • [QTBUG-8247] - Layout issue when a QLabel with wordWrap=true is inside a Stacked Widget
  • [QTBUG-8261] - cancel active gestures when window looses focus
  • [QTBUG-8275] - Windows x64 uses 64bit socket descriptors but QAbstractSocket use 32bit int as socket descriptors.
  • [QTBUG-8288] - Datetime formats in QLocale contain unnecessary spaces
  • [QTBUG-8301] - QStyledItemDelegate has rendering problems with font customized via FontRole
  • [QTBUG-8342] - QStyledItemDelegate draws overlapping items in QComboBox
  • [QTBUG-8359] - QXmlQuery: percent sign gets encoded
  • [QTBUG-8384] - QTemporaryFile bug regarding filename generation
  • [QTBUG-8404] - RichText incorrect MIMEType and MIMEData
  • [QTBUG-8409] - QDataWidgetMapper ignores the flags of a QAbstractTableModel
  • [QTBUG-8468] - QNetworkAccessManager Configurable max number of connections
  • [QTBUG-8483] - PERFORMANCE: Small functions are not all inlined when called from within Qt libraries
  • [QTBUG-8497] - QSystemSemaphore returns QSystemSemaphore::OutOfResources after 32768th acquisition
  • [QTBUG-8498] - QGraphicsProxyWidget: tooltips for the children of a top level widget that is owned by a QGraphicsProxyWidget do not appear when a child widget is hovered.
  • [QTBUG-8506] - clearMask does not work in Vista on fullscreen windows.
  • [QTBUG-8517] - Unicode hair space character incorrectly rendered on Windows
  • [QTBUG-8579] - QSharedDataPointer documentation includes superfluous example code
  • [QTBUG-8581] - QCoreApplication. quit() and exit() does not exit immediately
  • [QTBUG-8603] - QColumnView behaves wrong on QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection. QColumnView scroll is slow
  • [QTBUG-8716] - On window, minimizing a window by clicking on its taskbar entry does not make it inactive
  • [QTBUG-8734] - QProgressBar displays rectangle chunk when rounded border used.
  • [QTBUG-8740] - Unexpected layout behaviour with QLabel and word wrap enabled in conjunction with spacer
  • [QTBUG-8756] - memory leak in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-8782] - Floating-point invalid operation detected when create an instance of a QFormBuilder(),
  • [QTBUG-8793] - QGraphicsEffect & friends don't update display when used in conjunction with Qt::AA_NativeWindows
  • [QTBUG-8805] - Mistakenly writing more than one property on a animation that uses 'property'
  • [QTBUG-8820] - updating one graphicswidget results in update call to other graphicswidget if its not away by 2 units.
  • [QTBUG-8828] - Memory leak in QNetwork on SunOS 5.10 64bit
  • [QTBUG-8872] - Using Colorize effect has unexpectedly high performance penalty on flicking
  • [QTBUG-8883] - QS60Style: No support for QSlider tick marks
  • [QTBUG-8884] - QS60Style: Too little spacing between text and radiobutton indicator in RightToLeft orientation
  • [QTBUG-8890] - Text is always rendered at 72 DPI
  • [QTBUG-8894] - Provide command line help for the idc tool
  • [QTBUG-8895] - namespaces are not supported in signal parameters.
  • [QTBUG-8896] - QT SSL handshake error when OpenSSL reporting successful handshake
  • [QTBUG-8941] - Widget attributes Qt::WA_Resized and Qt::WA_Moved are not consistently set on all platforms
  • [QTBUG-8975] - QTabWidget: When moving the left position of the tabbar in a stylesheet then it will cause the scrollbuttons to overlap with the right corner widget
  • [QTBUG-9028] - QTooltip do not appear to screen on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-9034] - QTcpSocket autotest does not work in all environments
  • [QTBUG-9047] - Qt::TextAlignmentRole has no effect on the icon set as the Qt::DecorationRole of an item
  • [QTBUG-9052] - QDateTimeEdit is virtually unusable on Symbian devices
  • [QTBUG-9078] - QTextLayout does not account for bearing correctly in RTL or bidi text
  • [QTBUG-9092] - Qt/3D - vertex and index buffers thrash the bound buffer state
  • [QTBUG-9116] - get the wrong entry after the menu closes
  • [QTBUG-9122] - Layout in some examples is not good for small screen
  • [QTBUG-9145] - Fluidlauncher: Pictures for new apps are not in same theme as rest of them
  • [QTBUG-9150] - Typo in help text
  • [QTBUG-9157] - QMenu separator addition in Designer - Generated code does not have QAction defined for separator action
  • [QTBUG-9163] - incorrect directions about manifest for windows deployment visual-studio-2005-onwards
  • [QTBUG-9166] - QSplashScreen s don't show on OSX 10.4 (Tiger)
  • [QTBUG-9179] - QTextDocument::find(QRegExp) fails
  • [QTBUG-9208] - QPainter::drawPolyline() is dramatically slow on Windows with Antialiasing enabled
  • [QTBUG-9213] - QS60Style: Style should only show tick mark when multiple items are selected in itemviews
  • [QTBUG-9229] - Unwanted focus gain when adding a QMdiSubwindow to a QMdiArea when the QMainWindow is not active
  • [QTBUG-9230] - Qmake generated "make distclean" does not delete *.rc object_script files
  • [QTBUG-9269] - QTableView incorrect alternating row color for spanned rows when hiding row above
  • [QTBUG-9283] - QTextCodec doesn't know about "us-ascii"
  • [QTBUG-9296] - collidingMice in the set of graphicsView examples crashes on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-9298] - QFontDatabase - on windows smoothSizes() and pointSizes() always return standardSizes()
  • [QTBUG-9310] - QMainWindow doesn't expand after moving a toolbar from the top, dragging it down and then dragging it back to the top
  • [QTBUG-9326] - QTreeView::scrollTo does not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-9331] - QComboBox: On Windows 7 when a larger font size is set via the system for all applications then the scrollbar can cause the the popup to ellide the text
  • [QTBUG-9352] - QTableView::resizeColumnToContents(int) and QTableView::resizeColumnsToContents() do not work as documented
  • [QTBUG-9356] - Analogclock not maximized
  • [QTBUG-9389] - QDockWidget: When a dockwidget which was tabbed is undocked or it is docked on its own in the mainwindow then it still leaves space for the tabbar
  • [QTBUG-9405] - Grid layout's add transition should allow animating things other than x,y
  • [QTBUG-9411] - Actions with menus cannot be activated directly from within a menu
  • [QTBUG-9431] - QDateTimeEdit's lack of support of dates lower than 100-01-01 causes problems when using database data...
  • [QTBUG-9438] - Supported HTML Subset doesn't work correct if a table is in a table
  • [QTBUG-9451] - QLocale::system().name() always returns "C"
  • [QTBUG-9462] - QMdiArea::subWindowActivated() is not emitted when an already visible top level widget is added to the QMdiArea
  • [QTBUG-9470] - Line break tokens in text ignored when using font capitalization AllUppercase or AllLowercase
  • [QTBUG-9495] - qdoc3 doesn't work with utf-8 documentations.
  • [QTBUG-9505] - QMenu layout issue when menu is bigger than the device screen
  • [QTBUG-9514] - QToolBar: Be able to have no spacing between the toolbuttons on the toolbar
  • [QTBUG-9528] - QGroupBox breaks in QGtkStyle for large font sizes
  • [QTBUG-9541] - QTableView: When ScrollPerItem is set and the last column is resized to be bigger than the viewport and then made smaller there is white space that appears
  • [QTBUG-9543] - QGraphicsEffect artifacts with partial updates
  • [QTBUG-9570] - QWizard on Symbian S60 doesn't support the Cancel button
  • [QTBUG-9577] - QComboBox popup list behaves wrong on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-9578] - tst_QGraphicsItem::updateMicroFocus is failing on mac and windows
  • [QTBUG-9590] - the first page qwiard size will be drag to random size
  • [QTBUG-9593] - QPlainTextEdit: TextInteractionFlag not applied
  • [QTBUG-9598] - QMdiArea: order of creation flag QMdiArea::CreationOrder has no effect for tileSubWindows
  • [QTBUG-9600] - QProgressDialog::setMinimumDuration() has no effect on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-9602] - File extensions appears before the dot when using right-to-left layout direction in QFileDialog.
  • [QTBUG-9604] - Moving a tab in a QTabWidget with QTabBar::moveTab can send the focus to an unrelated widget
  • [QTBUG-9641] - QFontMetrics::boundingRect() will return a width which may be slightly off for multiscript text
  • [QTBUG-9643] - Dragging and dropping text on a webkit plugin, the mimedata is not handled correctly
  • [QTBUG-9656] - QGraphicsDropShadowEffect not visible on Mac
  • [QTBUG-9680] - QColorMap::instance( QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( someWidget ) ) can crash on X11.
  • [QTBUG-9689] - Stylesheet: When specifying a color for a non-editable combobox to use specifically for the hover and/or active states then it does not change the text color when Vista or Mac style is used as the base
  • [QTBUG-9729] - Extra spacing between some characters with certain fonts
  • [QTBUG-9737] - [Reg] Changing Global Object's prototype from JavaScript is not reflected on the C++ side
  • [QTBUG-9741] - QUndoStack destructor should delete the commands in reverse insertion order
  • [QTBUG-9742] - QTextEdit does not display cursor on wrapped lines
  • [QTBUG-9743] - QTextEdit does not show leftmost char after wordwrap
  • [QTBUG-9794] - error: gst/pbutils/install-plugins.h: No such file or directory
  • [QTBUG-9811] - QFileSystemModel: When changing the root of the model then it loses the named filter information causing things to appear that shouldn't
  • [QTBUG-9819] - QGtkStyle using incorrect margin size for tool tip
  • [QTBUG-9826] - QGraphicsEffect bug with QAbstractScrollArea, effects dissapeared
  • [QTBUG-9828] - QTextCharFormat::textOutline property not copied in copy/paste
  • [QTBUG-9863] - investigate possible data loss in Qt TCP stack
  • [QTBUG-9912] - FileDialog dropdown menu does not fit to screen and its background is wrong
  • [QTBUG-9914] - Symbian: ComboBox popuplist softkeys gets dimmed after global note
  • [QTBUG-9920] - Symbian; MediaPlayer settings dialog does not fit on QVGA screen
  • [QTBUG-9930] - QFontDatabase::styles returns invalid style for font
  • [QTBUG-9945] - xmlpatterns does not process xsl:output cdata-section-elements attribute
  • [QTBUG-9948] - qErrnoWarning(int errno, ...) reports incorrect error messages on Windows
  • [QTBUG-9968] - QGroupBox::title does not respect the font set in a stylesheet set for it
  • [QTBUG-9982] - Only suggest using VCRedist as a deployment method
  • [QTBUG-10023] - textIndent incorrectly affects setTabPositions
  • [QTBUG-10034] - setTabPositions leads to text overlapping
  • [QTBUG-10041] - Documentation: qdoc3 fails to generate correct output for italic command
  • [QTBUG-10049] - QS60Style: Style does not set the correct native font for most widgets
  • [QTBUG-10084] - Crash due to bug in QThreadStorageData
  • [QTBUG-10106] - Figuring out the why proxy lookup takes long on windows
  • [QTBUG-10119] - QTableWidget does not emit signal cellDoubleClicked or cellPressed if Qt::NoItemFlags set.
  • [QTBUG-10122] - Justified text layout becomes ragged when soft hyphens present
  • [QTBUG-10138] - Right click context menu in Graphics View clears rubberband selection.
  • [QTBUG-10166] - setDefaultDropAction not documented
  • [QTBUG-10183] - Application is deactivated when a menu belonging to application's windows is opened
  • [QTBUG-10200] - QImage isn't copied when expected
  • [QTBUG-10202] - QAbstractItemView: When switching to another application while editing in a view then the itemview loses the focus when switching back
  • [QTBUG-10208] - fuzzy fails to disambiguate to between qFuzzyCompare documentation in various classes
  • [QTBUG-10214] - QSslCipher::usedBits() returns 0 for an SSL web site in the finished slot of QNetworkAccessManager
  • [QTBUG-10242] - QGraphicsView: Embedding a GraphicsView that has QGraphicsProxyWidget inside another QGraphics view is not updated correctly.
  • [QTBUG-10246] - Buttons on QMessageBox not sized correctly if style sheet with min-width is applied.
  • [QTBUG-10263] - The QTextBlockFormat returned by QTextDocument::findBlock doesn't contain the correct charFormat for the first block in the document.
  • [QTBUG-10275] - Signal handler not called in case of ExtendedObject and usage in a derived class
  • [QTBUG-10281] - QApplication::keyboardModifiers returns wrong values when pressing/releasing multiple modifiers
  • [QTBUG-10309] - XSLT: Stylesheets with embedded call-template having parameters with the same name should be supported.
  • [QTBUG-10318] - QFrame Background drawn outside frame rect when embedded in QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-10335] - QTextBrowser::openExternalLinks set to false might still call QDesktopServices::openUrl(url);
  • [QTBUG-10364] - QSharedMemory lock doesn't work as documented
  • [QTBUG-10365] - [PATCH] unequal spacing in QCommandLineButton
  • [QTBUG-10367] - Demo browser just hangs when Qt was compiled without SSL and SSL page opened
  • [QTBUG-10381] - Sub-Attaq demo has spurious scroll bars
  • [QTBUG-10392] - Floating QDockWidgets can be resized despite having a fixed width
  • [QTBUG-10395] - State of the "Create new folder"-Button in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-10408] - QGLPainter.isCullable calculates return value wrong
  • [QTBUG-10415] - QSplitter: When adding widgets to a splitter then they do not resize as expected if they were not explicitly parented to the splitter first
  • [QTBUG-10424] - Menubar text labels messed up in examples/widgets/icons after Cleanlooks LnF style
  • [QTBUG-10431] - the mainwindowlayout should respect the sizePolicy/minsize/maxsize of the centralWidget and the dockwidgets
  • [QTBUG-10447] - Cocoa: Bounding rect of non-printable character is non-empty
  • [QTBUG-10477] - QComboBox: QComboMenuDelegate used in Editable+QCleanLooksStyle doesn't calculate the sizeHint basing on the content of the drop down list
  • [QTBUG-10478] - setWizardStyle(QWizard::AeroStyle) will result in a lack of WizardButtons
  • [QTBUG-10483] - QApplication::layoutDirection always returns Qt::LeftToRight on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-10507] - QFontMetrics gives incorrect space between font characters
  • [QTBUG-10518] - QFileDialog::getOpenFileName doesn't handle files with quotation marks in their names
  • [QTBUG-10525] - Ignoring QMouseEvent vs. QTouchEvent
  • [QTBUG-10537] - Stylesheet not applied to a docked QDockWidget
  • [QTBUG-10545] - QScrollArea does not respect the children's sizeHint() after the initial show().
  • [QTBUG-10553] - Symbian: When a QMainWindow is a child of a non QMainWindow and that mainwindow has a menu bar then the menus do not appear
  • [QTBUG-10605] - qmenu with qwidgetaction doesn't un-highlight the normal action when the mouse is on the widget action
  • [QTBUG-10628] - Make all Qt info available from within the Carbide C++ IDE
  • [QTBUG-10634] - QMessageBox::NoButton doesn't work correctly on Windows mobile
  • [QTBUG-10651] - QFileDialog has memory leak.
  • [QTBUG-10653] - Conflicts between 'FontRouter' and Qt on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-10657] - QLabel signals not emitted when embedded in QGraphicsScene
  • [QTBUG-10672] - QDataWidgetMapper does not work with non-editable fields such as QLabel.
  • [QTBUG-10681] - Enable a plugin to be better integrated into the native application so that it can co-exist more efficently with native application
  • [QTBUG-10694] - Setting an itemview branch background using stylesheets
  • [QTBUG-10695] - OSX QMessageBox uses Windows icons when setDesktopSettingsAware is false [regression]
  • [QTBUG-10712] - QTreeWidget sorts unrelated items leading to horrible performance
  • [QTBUG-10716] - We should include the SVG colour scheme in our own Qt Quick/Qt docs
  • [QTBUG-10719] - Symbian: QScrollArea makes the widgets overlap on Nokia E72
  • [QTBUG-10726] - QFormLayout Ignores Radio Button When Sizing Field Column
  • [QTBUG-10741] - QTreeView: item may disappeaur after drag and drop
  • [QTBUG-10757] - Bug on sub-QGraphicsView widgets embedding (scene coordinates are wrong)
  • [QTBUG-10765] - Painting bug with opengl: Rectangle with odd border width and smooth enabled
  • [QTBUG-10790] - <keywords> not processing in helpgenerator
  • [QTBUG-10814] - Edit trigger not working on repeated selection of a cell in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-10818] - Show qml examples in the fluid launcher on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-10823] - [Item View] can't maintain multi-selected status, when clicking on a selected cell
  • [QTBUG-10826] - QNetworkDiskCache: cacheSize not working well
  • [QTBUG-10858] - Symbian: Cursor does not appear in text field when activated.
  • [QTBUG-10873] - CLONE -Floating-point invalid operation detected when create an instance of a QFormBuilder(),
  • [QTBUG-10889] - crash when trying to make unvisible the mac os x oblong button when using unified window un title bar
  • [QTBUG-10891] - Cell widget does not span correctly when increasing the column span
  • [QTBUG-10935] - Symbian: QSpinbox is displaying value, if the input value is lower then the minimum range.
  • [QTBUG-10948] - Slow down animations doesn't work when PauseAnimations are used
  • [QTBUG-10949] - Should raise a warning if you use an anchorMargin with no corresponding anchor
  • [QTBUG-10973] - Tablet event delivered to wrong widget after doing DnD on X11
  • [QTBUG-11034] - QFileIconProvider return a null icon on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-11037] - QClipboard Doesn't Support QPixmap and QImage on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-11057] - Item is not repaint
  • [QTBUG-11059] - slow drawing in QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-11100] - QTextControl::setTextCursor does not emit selectionChanged
  • [QTBUG-11120] - animation/easing example doesn't even boot on emulator
  • [QTBUG-11134] - QGraphicsLinearLayout - strange behaviour with trying to center a widget
  • [QTBUG-11141] - QMainWindow in some cases doesn't recalculate its layout correctly when hiding toolbars
  • [QTBUG-11148] - QGraphicsScene never gets activated inside QTabWidget after dynamically inserting a tab
  • [QTBUG-11156] - You can see Qml viewer Browser.qml drawing itself twice on startup
  • [QTBUG-11175] - Symbian: QWebview scrollarea scrollbars have blank rect in bottom right corner
  • [QTBUG-11176] - Cocoa: Adding a ApplicationSpecificRole Action into the main menu after cleanup results in duplicate items
  • [QTBUG-11177] - Text element changes size upon reload
  • [QTBUG-11198] - QUrl doesn't apply IDN transformations for the domain in mailto: URIs
  • [QTBUG-11224] - Double-click + drag selection should expand at beginning of new word
  • [QTBUG-11259] - QCombobox doesn't look native when using custom visual styles in Windows XP
  • [QTBUG-11271] - Cocoa: No context menu events on a unified toolbar
  • [QTBUG-11300] - Filter text is corrupt in QFileDialog::getSaveFileName
  • [QTBUG-11323] - Mac OS X: QWidget's set in the layout menubar (QLayout::setMenuBar()) do not respects their minimumSizeHint() / sizePolicy()
  • [QTBUG-11326] - QTableView: columnSpan/rowSpan() will report the length of the span for a cell that is part of a span but not the originating spanned cell
  • [QTBUG-11364] - QGraphicsProxyWidget don 't handle touchevents
  • [QTBUG-11370] - Mac Cocoa: The grab space between 2 QDockWidgets is too narrow
  • [QTBUG-11386] - QDialog::keyPressEvent does not support Cmd-Period under Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-11413] - QDBusConnection::sessionBus() and QDBusConnection::systemBus() are not thread safe
  • [QTBUG-11421] - QColumnView layout wrong when maximizing
  • [QTBUG-11429] - Print/Page setup dialogs don't update visibility
  • [QTBUG-11442] - Mac OS X: Different behavior when a "stay on top" top level window show a modal child dialog
  • [QTBUG-11448] - Underline width doesn't scale with font size
  • [QTBUG-11459] - Blob escape in postgresql (qpsql) driver
  • [QTBUG-11468] - QLocalSocket/Win: connectToServer should be asynchronous
  • [QTBUG-11472] - QLocalSocket/Win: state is different from Unix platforms after connection loss
  • [QTBUG-11478] - Assistant context menu needs "copy" when the selected text is a link
  • [QTBUG-11491] - Failed font selection on Mac/Cocoa when there are multiple copies of a font installed (as reported by Font Book)
  • [QTBUG-11498] - After hiding an application, when it is reshown sheets do not show content and are not connted to their parenting windows
  • [QTBUG-11520] - QLabel - CSS margin adds extra padding before text
  • [QTBUG-11522] - QMenu Items change to state disabled when hovered
  • [QTBUG-11529] - Acess to QML script engine or set own script engine for QML
  • [QTBUG-11543] - Artifacts with QGraphicsDropShadowEffect on a QGraphicsItem with children.
  • [QTBUG-11548] - Mac OS X: When changing the display color profile then it changes the appearance of QGraphicsViews
  • [QTBUG-11554] - QTableView loses focus when tabbing in combination with custom editor which is a complex widget
  • [QTBUG-11556] - Signal QTextDocument::contentsChanged() is sent twice on each backspace deletion
  • [QTBUG-11557] - Invalid Signal name generation
  • [QTBUG-11569] - QProgressBar using Qt::WA_MacSmallSize is vertically mis-aligned
  • [QTBUG-11621] - When displaying a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene, it's impossible to use setWindowIcon on the QWidget
  • [QTBUG-11622] - Black line into border of menu when setting linear Gradient
  • [QTBUG-11632] - QColumnView scroll code not working properly
  • [QTBUG-11635] - [Cocoa] Unified toolbar on mac os x does not show tooltips for actions in Cocoa mode, while it's working in carbon.
  • [QTBUG-11636] - QPrintPreviewDialog does not correctly align the page number and the page count
  • [QTBUG-11649] - QEventLoop freezes the application when executed while moving window
  • [QTBUG-11665] - Symbian: QSpinBox opens context menu if you press and hold the up and down keys, instead of just spinning the number
  • [QTBUG-11666] - Symbian: The options menu in the deform demo open unintentionally after first opening
  • [QTBUG-11686] - On Mac OS X status tips for actions display in the status bar when menu item is closed
  • [QTBUG-11688] - When accessing a menu with Narrator turned on then it will read out the action count in the menu as the number of children. This will be all actions, including separators and hidden actions
  • [QTBUG-11703] - Rotation of QGraphicsProxyWidget containing VideoWidget causes massive slowdown
  • [QTBUG-11726] - Status tips for actions displayed in the status bar when clicking in the background area.
  • [QTBUG-11728] - QListView: corrupted display in low-memory conditions (Symbian only)
  • [QTBUG-11732] - Distorted resize border to appear on a dock widget when using cleanlooks style.
  • [QTBUG-11736] - Scaled QGraphicsView causes QFrame's frame not to draw properly
  • [QTBUG-11740] - QTableView improperly resizes row heights on maximize/normalize window state switching.
  • [QTBUG-11741] - QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection and QTextEdit::ExtraSelection should be same class
  • [QTBUG-11748] - Text input fields do not trigger input panel (on screen keyboard, handwriting panel)
  • [QTBUG-11766] - Missing update (in QMenuBar?)
  • [QTBUG-11768] - When input Korean text on QLineEdit, can't see last character.
  • [QTBUG-11815] - QWizard controls missing in remote desktop session
  • [QTBUG-11831] - Integrating a OgreWidget in a QMdiArea (Ogre3D)
  • [QTBUG-11849] - Apps based on qt_simple Project Template will be Killed by D-Bus
  • [QTBUG-11852] - Visual tests fail on Maemo5 N900
  • [QTBUG-11860] - QHeaderview : CascadingSectionResizes do not resize correctly in both directions.
  • [QTBUG-11879] - Input context disappears during reparenting
  • [QTBUG-11885] - QMessageBox Button Default Button selection not honored
  • [QTBUG-11887] - VolumeSlider is showing wrong volume (updated)
  • [QTBUG-11902] - QGraphicsTextItem does not emit linkActivated when clicked [reg].
  • [QTBUG-11908] - Opening a modal dialog in QItemDelegate::editorEvent crashes on Mac.
  • [QTBUG-11909] - QMainWindow::restoreState shows removed dockwidgets.
  • [QTBUG-11913] - CLONE -QTreeView expansion/collapsing inside a QComboBox stops working under certain circumstances
  • [QTBUG-11930] - Calling QTranslator.load() on a QTranslator object that is already installed in the application makes QApplication.setLayoutDirection() useless
  • [QTBUG-11940] - QRadioButton - setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus)
  • [QTBUG-11950] - QDial wrapping wraps at the wrong value
  • [QTBUG-11955] - CLONE -Floated TextImageFormats deleted fom a QTextEdit leaves a undeletable frame behind
  • [QTBUG-11971] - QApplication::topLevelAt() and ::widgetAt() do not honor multi-screen setups
  • [QTBUG-12002] - Tree view expanders missing one pixel in both dimensions in QGTKStyle emulating Human
  • [QTBUG-12011] - isModified always returns false if apply a validator to the QLineEdit and if the validator changes the text
  • [QTBUG-12013] - Spans in QTableView get confused when visual indices are different from the logical indices.
  • [QTBUG-12045] - QListWidgetItem word wrap problem
  • [QTBUG-12054] - QDockWidget statusTip missing from main window when floating
  • [QTBUG-12059] - Blank tooltips w/ QPlastique style
  • [QTBUG-12060] - Move method of drag and drop fails within a single widget
  • [QTBUG-12061] - QWidget::render causes unwanted resize of widgets
  • [QTBUG-12066] - qdoc errors in Phonon
  • [QTBUG-12098] - usage of QString::arg with place marker "%0"
  • [QTBUG-12108] - QSvgRenderer render does not work properly when it's passed elementId and rect bigger than the size of the element in the *.svg file
  • [QTBUG-12130] - QSplitter in QTabWidget uses wrong background-color on windows
  • [QTBUG-12134] - Antialiased renderhint doesn't look correct on first pass, and changes geometry under the OpenGL (ES2) graphicssystem
  • [QTBUG-12150] - QLineEdit: scrolling сharacter bug at soft(inside software) selection
  • [QTBUG-12159] - qt_webkit_version.pri is installed inconditionaly.
  • [QTBUG-12169] - Creating a MediaObject resets the application layout direction
  • [QTBUG-12170] - Crash when set QGraphicsOpacityEffect opacity to 1.0 if child widgets have graphics effect
  • [QTBUG-12181] - Placing buttons in a frame that is laid out will cause problems with the size of the button and other widgets in the frame's layout
  • [QTBUG-12193] - QTableView, setting a fixed width on the vertical header, does not immediately updated.
  • [QTBUG-12200] - QFileDialog::getOpenFileName displays file size 2 pixels too high with non-native file dialog
  • [QTBUG-12207] - Date time editor widget problem with QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION
  • [QTBUG-12215] - Show and hide column with QTableView does not work properly with QSqlTableModel
  • [QTBUG-12224] - Undocked widgets does not get focus correctly on Mac ( Carbon )
  • [QTBUG-12233] - Not all aspects of the QToolBox::tab style rule are respected when this is used in a stylesheet
  • [QTBUG-12235] - QDomDocument violates XML DOM standard by default
  • [QTBUG-12242] - there is a warning at application output
  • [QTBUG-12255] - QPlainTextEdit emits modificationChanged(true) when setPlainText("") called with empty string
  • [QTBUG-12257] - When checking the activeAction() in a slot connected to aboutToHide() for a QMenu then it will give 0 on Mac in Carbon
  • [QTBUG-12269] - inconsistency in highlighted area of menu items
  • [QTBUG-12283] - QTextDocument: HTML image width tag is not handled correctly when the width is supplied as a percentage
  • [QTBUG-12286] - Shortcut key doesn't work with Arabic letters
  • [QTBUG-12293] - Problem when calling C++ slots with default parameters from QML
  • [QTBUG-12309] - QComboBox - setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus)
  • [QTBUG-12314] - QFtp command List fails
  • [QTBUG-12327] - QXmlSchemaValidator: QAbstractUriResolver has no effect when set on the validator
  • [QTBUG-12328] - New items added to a QGraphicsLayout are sometimes painted (at the wrong position) before layout activation
  • [QTBUG-12329] - QComboBox does not centre selected item on Mac
  • [QTBUG-12351] - QFileDialog - when resolveSymLinks is set, selecting a link return the link itself and not the target
  • [QTBUG-12360] - Item Delegate should also be applies for selected text
  • [QTBUG-12361] - Usinh QSql(Relational)TableModel with QComboBox and deleted rows
  • [QTBUG-12365] - Wrong checkbox geometry when used in custom delegate in QTreeView
  • [QTBUG-12409] - Fix unstable tst_qnetworkreply on Windows tests
  • [QTBUG-12475] - LeaveEvent sent to mouse tracking widget allthough mouse button is down on Mac [reg].
  • [QTBUG-12518] - Prefix and NamespaceURI is always empty when reading document
  • [QTBUG-12530] - Not able to receive Shift, Ctrl, Alt or Fn key events on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-12534] - XmlSchema Validation stuck in allCombinations loop
  • [QTBUG-12547] - Inconsistency of ampersand handling in window title of docked and undocked widgets
  • [QTBUG-12555] - QWebView fails to load a page.
  • [QTBUG-12563] - QXmlSchema, XSD Schema validation, not all errors are reported
  • [QTBUG-12565] - Switch window type from "normal" to "always on top" and from "always on top" to "normal".
  • [QTBUG-12577] - Weird behavior when dragging scrollbars
  • [QTBUG-12579] - Changing select/highlight-color of ListWidget doesn't work with windows7-aero
  • [QTBUG-12581] - QAccessible doesn't read all necessary information
  • [QTBUG-12604] - QtUiToolsd.lib is missing pdb file
  • [QTBUG-12613] - Navigation to and from QLabels with links does not work correctly
  • [QTBUG-12615] - Raster engine on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-12635] - QImageReader::imageFormat returns "svg" for any XML documents
  • [QTBUG-12662] - ScriptAction duration should not be 0
  • [QTBUG-12672] - playing QPicture from Threads
  • [QTBUG-12685] - Menu position of own toolbar is not correct
  • [QTBUG-12697] - QTabBar rect wrong size and wrong qss style
  • [QTBUG-12719] - Unable to insert image into QTextEdit on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-12752] - Unintuitive behavior of buttons when scrolling with mouse wheel
  • [QTBUG-12763] - QtConcurrent and functor by reference
  • [QTBUG-12768] - QLabel's linkHovered signal is not re-emitted if mouse movement exits and re-enters the over the linked text.
  • [QTBUG-12770] - Dialog size isn't changed in Qt Designer.
  • [QTBUG-12780] - WindowActivate and WindowDeactivate events sent incorrectly for help menu on Mac
  • [QTBUG-12781] - Incorrect states in Accessibility for invisible items
  • [QTBUG-12804] - QScrollArea contents not clipped properly when resized in a QGraphicsView using DeviceCoordinateCache
  • [QTBUG-12809] - ListView.moving property is not updating correctly.
  • [QTBUG-12836] - Crash when using a custom XWindow with a different (but compatible) visual than the default visual
  • [QTBUG-12850] - QTableWidget: high CPU usage when resizing vertically and horizontally where a row is shown/hidden that has an item that is wider than the items that precede it
  • [QTBUG-12874] - Qt should honor /usr/share/pixmaps as a valid icon directory on Linux
  • [QTBUG-12883] - Fonts are embedded in EPS/PDF files at the wrong scale on Windows, meaning they can't be substituted for the real fonts without changing the apparent size of the text
  • [QTBUG-12888] - Adding pages to QWizard after show()
  • [QTBUG-12894] - Using non-ASCII in PostgreSQL user names
  • [QTBUG-12910] - Audio CD playing issue usinf Phonon
  • [QTBUG-12927] - QDomDocument::importNode() crashes on null nodes
  • [QTBUG-12934] - QFileSystemModel is not correctly sorted
  • [QTBUG-12944] - When open/save file dialog is called the second time, it is super slow
  • [QTBUG-12961] - Font size incorrect with "Big fonts" and "Huge fonts" on Windows
  • [QTBUG-12966] - Calling QGraphicsItem::setActive(false) for inactive item activates last panel
  • [QTBUG-12968] - QDial notches are not paintet properly
  • [QTBUG-12981] - Incorrect selection in QTableView
  • [QTBUG-12982] - mouserelease event is missing from QLabel with rich test inside
  • [QTBUG-12986] - QLineEdit emits returnPressed signal twice
  • [QTBUG-13010] - Cosmetic misalignement of item views editor
  • [QTBUG-13013] - symbianpkgrules.pri is missing (in examples)
  • [QTBUG-13032] - CLONE -QMenu exec()'ed on QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger won't disappear (Windows-only)
  • [QTBUG-13066] - Mac OS X: When windows are minimized in an MDI application the icon overlaps the window title
  • [QTBUG-13074] - QSizeGrip not giving MouseButtonRelease Event on Windows
  • [QTBUG-13104] - QWS Windows partially on screen cause unnecessary paint events
  • [QTBUG-13122] - HttpClient fails on default url "" with: "Error creating SSL context"
  • [QTBUG-13124] - QCommonStyle::subElementRect uses hard-coded value to calculate the SE_HeaderArrow rect, causing the icon to be unnecessarily clipped
  • [QTBUG-13132] - Arial, Times New Roman and Courier fonts cannot display Italic font: empty squares are displayed instead. MSWord displays everything correct.
  • [QTBUG-13145] - S60 memory not deleted at app exit
  • [QTBUG-13157] - Horizontal QHeaderView of QTableWidget not styled when inside QTabWidget
  • [QTBUG-13158] - Debug dock widgets when restored un-docked are always-on-top
  • [QTBUG-13177] - QStyleOptionViewItem.decorationAlignment in does not work for icons
  • [QTBUG-13190] - S60 memory leak reported in QS60PluginResolver
  • [QTBUG-13199] - QSortFilterModel and strange unhiding of columns
  • [QTBUG-13205] - Improper tab is selected after tab is moved programmatically in the QTabWidget
  • [QTBUG-13206] - missing glyphs in the default font are often not being replaced by fallback glyphs from other fonts
  • [QTBUG-13217] - QTreeView: drag and drop onto an item causes the item to become unresponsive to expand/collapse requests for several seconds after a drop onto that item
  • [QTBUG-13252] - QFileDialog::getOpenFileName and getSaveFileName not showing properly on S60 emulator
  • [QTBUG-13257] - Mdi subwindows.
  • [QTBUG-13258] - Bug in Qt font handling (broken font?)
  • [QTBUG-13296] - Playback of WMV video files on the Mac fails in 32-bit builds
  • [QTBUG-13299] - QPushButton with icon in CleanLooks style doesn't show text correctly
  • [QTBUG-13305] - In QTableWidget when horizontal (vertical) header is hidden, first row height (column width) is not correct
  • [QTBUG-13312] - QLineEdit emits editingFinished signals when entering special characters on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-13327] - QDockWidget doesn't draw correctly in QCleanLooks style
  • [QTBUG-13330] - Tab key doesn't work on QMessageBox for Mac only
  • [QTBUG-13349] - Directional light shaders don't work correctly
  • [QTBUG-13356] - >6000 memory leaks in simple app
  • [QTBUG-13369] - QFontComboBox displays incorrect font on first load.
  • [QTBUG-13371] - QTableView::setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::CurrentChanged) inconsistent behavior
  • [QTBUG-13372] - QAbstractItemView::NoSelection not honored when tabbing between editor widgets
  • [QTBUG-13378] - QGraphicsItem::setTransformOriginPoint ignored when rotating via QGraphicsItemAnimation::setRotationAt
  • [QTBUG-13404] - QMenu does not take into account the width of separators with text
  • [QTBUG-13428] - qt_mac_clear_menubar should check for AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar
  • [QTBUG-13435] - QIBASE - driver does not clear isOpenError after a successful open
  • [QTBUG-13471] - setAlternatingRowColors() does not work in a subclassed QTableWidget
  • [QTBUG-13478] - QFileOpenDialog native dialog's [Open} button is enabled when there are no files selected
  • [QTBUG-13485] - QColumnView - setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers) has no effect on the first column items
  • [QTBUG-13515] - Show / hide the widget of a QMdiSubWindow does not show / hide the sub window
  • [QTBUG-13550] - Combobox doesn't drop down item list
  • [QTBUG-13561] - Text bounding rectangles are incorrectly reported on OS/X
  • [QTBUG-13568] - [Regression] Can not statically link to libQtSvg.a; undefined reference
  • [QTBUG-13602] - Lexmark printing failure on Linux
  • [QTBUG-13654] - QAbstractNetworkCache: pragma: no-cache is not respected
  • [QTBUG-13658] - QCompleter does not function correctly when within a QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-13660] - The ">>" shown for extra toolbuttons on a QToolBar is disabled when the buttons are added by QToolBar::addWidget
  • [QTBUG-13694] - QDesktopServices mail-to support does not work with 'Mail for Exchange' accounts in Symbian
  • [QTBUG-13698] - SettIng an icon for the QListWidgetItem breaks the layout
  • [QTBUG-13700] - Ctrl key should be disabled when trying to add multiple folders.
  • [QTBUG-13708] - setItemIndexMethod ( NoIndex ) leads to crash in QGraphicsScene::clear() if top visible item ZValue is changed to be less than item below
  • [QTBUG-13737] - QSslSocket::startServerEncryption does not signal immediate errors
  • [QTBUG-13749] - On Mac, menu actions no longer trigger after calling menu.clear() and repopulating inside of a slot triggered by the menu aboutToShow() signal
  • [QTBUG-13753] - QS60Style can't draw QToolButton correctly with some themes.
  • [QTBUG-13768] - QSplitter - Not possible to change hovered handle color through a CSS rule
  • [QTBUG-13796] - Print->Properties...->Advanced is not wide enough
  • [QTBUG-13809] - Folder still present after deleting it in non-native file dialog on Windows
  • [QTBUG-13855] - 4.7/Cocoa: Focus handling problem in sheets on Mac OS prevent keyboard shortcuts from working
  • [QTBUG-13858] - VoiceOver on QTreeView does not work on Carbon, but works for other Itemviews.
  • [QTBUG-13865] - Widgets can get painted before the geometry is set by the layout
  • [QTBUG-13866] - layoutSpacing propagating through layouts
  • [QTBUG-13872] - QMessageBox does not look native
  • [QTBUG-13891] - script lacks Location capability from the self-signable set
  • [QTBUG-13910] - QLocale: Irrespective of the regional format set on the device, the country code returned is always UK
  • [QTBUG-13919] - Symbian: File engine and QFileSystemModel need to better case insensitivity support
  • [QTBUG-13942] - QTabBar does not properly reset the hover rectangle
  • [QTBUG-13960] - QML memory leak animating font point size
  • [QTBUG-13971] - anchors.centerIn doesn't center Text element as expected if font.letterSpacing is used
  • [QTBUG-13975] - QSizeGrip does not handle ESC or ALT-TAB correctly on Windows
  • [QTBUG-13984] - QRegExp::isValid() returns wrong value?
  • [QTBUG-14002] - Tab keeps hover style after its context menu is closed
  • [QTBUG-14024] - Spinner example
  • [QTBUG-14044] - QTextStream
  • [QTBUG-14080] - QFtp does not report error when target of a PUT command cannot be opened
  • [QTBUG-14088] - QSvgGenerator wrong line thickness
  • [QTBUG-14097] - Displaced pulldown menu on dual screen setup
  • [QTBUG-14098] - Some Qt widgets cannot be used with non-touch S60 devices.
  • [QTBUG-14099] - Copy and paste within QTextEdit doesn't preserve font pixel size correctly
  • [QTBUG-14101] - Mouse sometimes starts moving while inside a touch begin event chain with multiple touch points
  • [QTBUG-14102] - Touch events can fill up the event queue, causing latency in touch feedback
  • [QTBUG-14118] - Mac: Help window/view ignores clicking on scroll bar "Jump to the spot that´s clicked"
  • [QTBUG-14178] - windows path from qmake not converted into unix as required by mingw sh.exe
  • [QTBUG-14179] - Re-ordering headers for QTreeView doesn't work when the cursor gets dragged out of the paint area of header
  • [QTBUG-14183] - QCompleter pop up doesn't show when in CaseInsensitive mode and model includes a string that begins with Turkish character İ (I with dot on it)
  • [QTBUG-14189] - point size of QFont is not correctly set in QFontDialog
  • [QTBUG-14190] - Symbian: ui.TreeWidget->selectedItems() empty after start even if a item is shown as selected
  • [QTBUG-14232] - QPainter::isCullable(QBox3D) doesnt work for orthographic transforms
  • [QTBUG-14257] - QDir::entryList() includes hidden directories when Filters parameter includes QDir::Hidden but not QDir::Dirs
  • [QTBUG-14287] - Context menu doesn't show submenu statustip properly
  • [QTBUG-14338] - QPushButton problems in DockWindow when changing text
  • [QTBUG-14347] - QMainWindow size property getter and setter do not align when using Unified Toolbar on Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-14359] - Disabled Palette for GUI Elements
  • [QTBUG-14362] - QAxServer application with an embedded dumpcpp wrapped COM object crashes with a buffer overrun.
  • [QTBUG-14371] - Invalid menu drawing
  • [QTBUG-14377] - Clarify and add documentation regarding what happens to numbers in QString::number() and toInt()
  • [QTBUG-14387] - Layout engine clips an icon on Maemo (n900) only, not on other platforms
  • [QTBUG-14405] - QFontComboBox/Windows: First-time population of families causes visible flicker [was: Aestethic issue in Designer's font family combo box ]
  • [QTBUG-14432] - In the font-family attribute of css, sans-serif is given precedence regardless of its position in the list
  • [QTBUG-14433] - No context menu event is recieved by the toolbar when right clicking on a toolbar that is unified with the titlebar in Cocoa
  • [QTBUG-14439] - Keyboard shortcuts do not work in Symbian
  • [QTBUG-14444] - Incorrect navigation by QListView if isWrapping property enabled
  • [QTBUG-14448] - QTableWidget doesn't select cellWidgets properly when using a QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-14454] - QSplitter on Cocoa loses cursor when other window gets focus.
  • [QTBUG-14481] - phonon::createPath doesn't work with video on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-14489] - QTreeView: Unable to move column focus with keyboard when selection behavior is set to QAbstractItemView::SelectRows
  • [QTBUG-14490] - QML TextInput doesn't correctly display copy and paste buttons with virtual keyboard
  • [QTBUG-14496] - Elidation disappears after setting QDockWidget::title background color
  • [QTBUG-14510] - QS60Style: Get rid of desktopWidget size bounding rect in CT_ComboBox.
  • [QTBUG-14516] - Push-Docking feature leads to bad redraw
  • [QTBUG-14528] - Background color of promoted QWidget does not show
  • [QTBUG-14530] - QTreeView: height of items in column that is hidden from view is not taken into account when using column sort on a column that is shown.
  • [QTBUG-14587] - Cannot use external fonts on s60v5
  • [QTBUG-14593] - qdoc cannnot generate docs for both template and normal functions with the same signature
  • [QTBUG-14602] - Maximize button gets enable on a parent widget after closing child full screen widget ( Leopard only).
  • [QTBUG-14621] - setGraphicsEffect(QGraphicsEffect *effect) Under Vista
  • [QTBUG-14633] - Converity: use after free
  • [QTBUG-14642] - Drag & Drop dropEvent bug when using QGraphicsProxyWidget
  • [QTBUG-14643] - settings QGridLayout spacing 0 causes QCheckBox and QLabel to overlap
  • [QTBUG-14656] - Clicking MDI Stay on Top window while another MDI window is maximized changes window state unexpectedly
  • [QTBUG-14661] - QXmlStreamReader::readElementText() does not recover from PrematureEndOfDocumentErrors
  • [QTBUG-14705] - QDoubleSpinBox - unsafe implementation of setMinimum(), setMaximum()
  • [QTBUG-14718] - Cocoa: popup hides behind project selector in creator
  • [QTBUG-14722] - Quickly clicking two different graphics items should not cause a double click event to be sent
  • [QTBUG-14725] - Tab Positions QDockWidgets Show/Hide not remembered!
  • [QTBUG-14733] - setFocus on widget with disabled focusproxy has unexpected results
  • [QTBUG-14740] - QAction with text starting with "setup" do not appear in menus of QMainWindow [Mac OS X]
  • [QTBUG-14750] - network disk cache does not take into account the HTTP Vary header
  • [QTBUG-14751] - [carbon] Unified title and tool bar window can be move out of top screen when clicking between 2 actions
  • [QTBUG-14765] - When setFixedWidth() is used for a QDockWidget it is impossible to change the height of the dock widget when docked
  • [QTBUG-14779] - QTableView::itemDelegate() receives an incorrect option.rect
  • [QTBUG-14802] - CLONE -QGLWidget::renderText does not render the text correctly with some fonts
  • [QTBUG-14817] - fix network caching code for PreferNetwork
  • [QTBUG-14818] - QTreeView checkbox items do not draw in sunken state
  • [QTBUG-14837] - GridView doesn't scroll if you move too fast.
  • [QTBUG-14838] - GridView doesn't wrap around vertically in the expected manner
  • [QTBUG-14867] - Difficult to implement custom pan and zoom behaviour with QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-14879] - Cocoa: parented QMainWindows move with their parents, are always frontmost
  • [QTBUG-14880] - the slider of the verticalScrollBar does not go to the bottom when I setValue to maximum height of the widget
  • [QTBUG-14887] - console.log doesn't support Chinese
  • [QTBUG-14895] - Qt Gestures - Pan and Swipe are not working
  • [QTBUG-14897] - If QGraphicsView's scroll bar is hided, the view area cannot extend automatically.
  • [QTBUG-14904] - aliases with dots are not correctly taken into account by QSqlQuery
  • [QTBUG-14926] - Can not remove focus from QListWidget
  • [QTBUG-14927] - _q_showIfNotHidden causes chaos
  • [QTBUG-14933] - CLONE -macdeployqt picks wrong plugin path if pro file contains CONFIG += help
  • [QTBUG-14941] - QGraphicsGridLayout misplaces rightmost widget if its column span is > 1
  • [QTBUG-14951] - Dialog boxes don't match platform theme on N97
  • [QTBUG-14956] - Idle timer cripples CPU usage
  • [QTBUG-14969] - QMainWindow MDI based programs using QMdiArea have gone black with no 3d output.
  • [QTBUG-15016] - qtdemo.exe runs with administrator privileges when started from installer
  • [QTBUG-15027] - Incorrectly partially checked root item (QTreeWIdgetItem)
  • [QTBUG-15036] - QML Viewer crashes reproducably
  • [QTBUG-15040] - right aligned text in spinbox sometimes truncated
  • [QTBUG-15098] - Checked menu items rendered incorrectly when using Windows Classic style
  • [QTBUG-15121] - tabMoved signal doesn't report correct from/to index for the tab being dragged by the user
  • [QTBUG-15127] - Cannot make a list the default property
  • [QTBUG-15179] - QTextLength::VariableLength for a QTextFrameFormat has no effect
  • [QTBUG-15184] - QGraphicsView: negative scale transform breaks surrounding widgets in Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-15185] - QGraphicsLayoutItem::getContentsMargins violates Qt coding style
  • [QTBUG-15186] - Compile Error (tests/auto/threed/qglmaterial)
  • [QTBUG-15188] - In symbian(tested in N97), the actions of QMenu are not returned by the added order from function "actions()". There is not the problem in simulator on windows.
  • [QTBUG-15193] - The display of QColorDialog::getColor dialog is wrong when call the interface with alpha settings.
  • [QTBUG-15201] - QMdiArea does not send Activate/Deactivate events to QTableView/QTreeView
  • [QTBUG-15203] - Elide Mode of Text Does Not Work Correctly With Styled QTabBar and QTabWidget
  • [QTBUG-15204] - SetVisible doesn't work on action set as a separator in a QToolBar
  • [QTBUG-15221] - synchronous HTTP calls should respect the cache
  • [QTBUG-15270] - Can not create folder - state of the "Create new folder"-Button in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-15272] - Compile warnings on x86_64
  • [QTBUG-15273] - Compile warnings on x86_64
  • [QTBUG-15354] - QNetworkRequest ignores QUrl::password() when QUrl::userName() contains a whitespace
  • [QTBUG-15361] - Benchmark test case "qnetworkreply" (../tests/benchmarks/network/access/qnetworkreply/) running can't finish by itself
  • [QTBUG-15368] - OS X shadows aren't invalidated correctly when creating a QWidget with the Qt::FramelessWindowHint flag
  • [QTBUG-15385] - high CPU usage caused by Phonon although no sound is played
  • [QTBUG-15415] - QLabel image scaling setting is hardcoded
  • [QTBUG-15423] - QListView bug when using in icon mode and settings spacing property - result to truncated content at bottom
  • [QTBUG-15439] - Resumption of playback on Symbian is delayed after calling QAudioOutput::resume()
  • [QTBUG-15453] - QFontComboBox is difficult to operate on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-15461] - Full Screen mode on Mac OS X doesn't supress Menu bar if custom Menu is created
  • [QTBUG-15471] - QGraphicsScene::clearSelection removes from selectedItems items with overridden selection state change (ItemSelectedChange)
  • [QTBUG-15475] - QDateEdit reacts to mouse scroll wheel even when the mouse left the QDateEdit widget (Mac OS X)
  • [QTBUG-15476] - Qt should report error if trying to send POST request using QNetworkAccessManager to https endpoints without OpenSSL support
  • [QTBUG-15477] - Adding Custom QGraphicsItem to QGraphicsItemGroup - Mouse Events not propagated to item
  • [QTBUG-15541] - QFtp::put not working using FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta
  • [QTBUG-15570] - qt's QFileDialog's setDefaultSuffix bug
  • [QTBUG-15637] - HighlightedText color on Windows7 is invalid
  • [QTBUG-15680] - LookAt transform causes Windows compile failure
  • [QTBUG-15686] - The setItemWidget() doesn't work well with QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-15726] - Certain unicode fonts display improperly on MacOS
  • [QTBUG-15727] - qmlviewer window doesn't resize to root item dimensions that are coming from a networked Image element
  • [QTBUG-15750] - Layout jumps when showing and hiding child widgets before showing the window
  • [QTBUG-15760] - addSeparator / insertSeparator INOP
  • [QTBUG-15816] - Wrong locale returned by QApplication::keyboardInputLocale()
  • [QTBUG-15831] - Standard dialogs' buttons' margins are not large enough with CDE style
  • [QTBUG-15859] - Qt crashes after aborting a QNetworkAccessManager::put() FTP upload operation
  • [QTBUG-15872] - QPoint has only qreal operators * and /
  • [QTBUG-15894] - QTabBar is clipped while being moved
  • [QTBUG-15899] - Multiple file exist checks for one file during declarative view creation slowing app startup.
  • [QTBUG-15902] - Empty context menu remains visible
  • [QTBUG-15908] - RTL languages not handled correctly in item views
  • [QTBUG-15974] - QFontMetrics::boundingRect() returns too-small result
  • [QTBUG-15989] - QSqlRelationalTableModel aliasing makes setFilter() troublesome to use
  • [QTBUG-16019] - Predictive text disappears from text edit field on losing focus
  • [QTBUG-16023] - Aborting authentication loop gives strange warning 'QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest() called without QHttpNetworkReply'
  • [QTBUG-16035] - Accessibility wrongly forces the creation of the native window handles
  • [QTBUG-16046] - NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease is not generated
  • [QTBUG-16056] - Incorrect event handling on the Symbian devices for drag and drop test case for treeview widget.
  • [QTBUG-16073] - Keyboard accelerator issue with ligatures like "ff" or "fl"
  • [QTBUG-16112] - QTextDocument::setDefaultFont doesn't propergate the font properties to QTextCharFormat properties, causing QTextCharFormat::fontItalic() doesn't match the font.
  • [QTBUG-16124] - Add linuxinput mouse driver plugin for Qt-Embedded linux
  • [QTBUG-16166] - QLabel incorrectly renders <hr> + font color + line breaks
  • [QTBUG-16168] - When changing the color of an Arabic character then it will cause the word to split up even though it should be combined
  • [QTBUG-16244] - Build doc incorrect
  • [QTBUG-16252] - QDockWidgets of maximized windows are not restored to the correct size when calling QWidget::restoreGeometry() , QMainWindow::restoreState() in a sequence
  • [QTBUG-16272] - Unexpected result when drawing a dotted line
  • [QTBUG-16315] - QMessageBox doesn't update its layout/size if the string content are changed/translated after QMessageBox is constructed
  • [QTBUG-16318] - Wrong positioning of repeatedly created movable items.
  • [QTBUG-16331] - QFontMetrics constructor does not give screen-compatible metrics if the font has no paintdevice associated
  • [QTBUG-16339] - qml plugins missing --lsb-shared-lib flags for some Qt libraries
  • [QTBUG-16343] - QGraphicsView doesn't support focus change on mouse release
  • [QTBUG-16379] - Mouse click doesn't select item in QTreeWidget after Drag and Drop
  • [QTBUG-16395] - Resizing and moving of QMdiSubWindows creates massive CPU load (up to 100%), when the Subwindow contains a TableView class.
  • [QTBUG-16405] - event.key fails to recognize small caps letters
  • [QTBUG-16421] - Multiple issues with XML Schema includes.
  • [QTBUG-16452] - Fuzzy hit test returns incorrect cursor position in QTextDocument's layout.
  • [QTBUG-16461] - Sometimes QGraphicsLinearLayout doesn't respect content margins.
  • [QTBUG-16470] - QPrintPreviewWidget does not allow styling of its graphicsView (incl. srollbars)
  • [QTBUG-16587] - incorrect positioning of a menu item with special characters
  • [QTBUG-16589] - QGLWidget::grabFrameBuffer() ignores withAlpha parameter
  • [QTBUG-16593] - incorrect handling of direction for QTreeView - on GNOME
  • [QTBUG-16610] - When a QTextEdit embedded in a QGraphicsScene is viewed through a scaled QGraphicsView, the cursor is not antialiased
  • [QTBUG-16614] - QTreeView currentItemChanged() passes pointer to deleted item.
  • [QTBUG-16636] - Background flashes when Task Switcher is opened/closed during Split View
  • [QTBUG-16640] - Navi pane editing mode indicator is not always in synch with Split view editing mode indicator
  • [QTBUG-16642] - Split view flashes when opened for QSpinBox
  • [QTBUG-16643] - qml openDatabaseSync failure on s60 v3 fp1
  • [QTBUG-16644] - Split view is flashing when keys are locked/unlocked
  • [QTBUG-16654] - Split view flashes after selecting virtual keyboard options menu items
  • [QTBUG-16659] - Last lines of text on QTextEdit and QPlainTextEdit are not visible on Split view landscape mode
  • [QTBUG-16672] - ListView.indexAt() and GridView.indexAt() do not return the right item if the view has been scrolled
  • [QTBUG-16678] - Symbian: QWidget not visible on Split view if located on bottom of the application screen area
  • [QTBUG-16694] - Turning video fullscreen off with Phonon causes application to loose its place on foreground
  • [QTBUG-16697] - QIcon::fromTheme() fails if icon theme name is an empty string
  • [QTBUG-16702] - Symbian: QTextEdit on maximized QDialog - text input not visible on split view
  • [QTBUG-16704] - Full screen QDialog with QTextEdit or QGroupBox - text input is very slowly updated to split view screen area
  • [QTBUG-16705] - Split view flashes if insert symbol screen opened from Split view and layout is changed
  • [QTBUG-16709] - QComboBox Item list opened with wrong position and background after changing keyboard layout on Split view portrait mode
  • [QTBUG-16718] - Split view opening on landscape for QGraphicsView embedded QTextEdit or QPlainTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-16721] - QComboBox Item list does not work on Split view when QComboBox has been
  • [QTBUG-16725] - Anchors are not cleared after transition between states in some circumstances
  • [QTBUG-16728] - Setting up new application proxy doesn't affect on visited urls
  • [QTBUG-16741] - QTextEdit size after layout switch & closing split view on QMainWindow
  • [QTBUG-16744] - Windows 7: QWizard resizes vertically when moving the window and using CustomizeWindowHint
  • [QTBUG-16754] - QGraphicsView: Split view is not correctly updated after layout switch for embedded QWidget on top-right position
  • [QTBUG-16763] - Capture mouse event speed in GraphicsView should not depend on paint performance.
  • [QTBUG-16768] - QTabWidget: QWidget position changes & background application visible on split view after focus change
  • [QTBUG-16783] - QML app: splitview input widget is not visible
  • [QTBUG-16784] - QML app: text input field not visible on split view is completely outside split view screen area
  • [QTBUG-16786] - QML app: text input field partially or completely outside split view screen area - status pane drawing problem
  • [QTBUG-16789] - Problems with QXmlSchema. load() function returns a "true" if the size of schema file up to 135 kB.
  • [QTBUG-16799] - Opening a virtual keyboard on top of QML editors has a slight drawing flicker compared to the native apps
  • [QTBUG-16800] - QML editor text previewed on a fullscreen Symbian virtual keyboard disappears when the keyboard window loses focus
  • [QTBUG-16802] - Only one line of preview text is shown when Symbian virtual keyboard is open on top of QML TextEdit
  • [QTBUG-16805] - QTabWidget: QComboBox item list position & background application visible
  • [QTBUG-16808] - Verify that input method hints work as you would expect on QML editors on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-16810] - QTabWidget: background application comes visible on Split view after changing focus between text widgets
  • [QTBUG-16812] - QTabWidget: extra menu comes visible & background application flashes while changing focus between text widgets on split view
  • [QTBUG-16815] - QMainWindow with many text widgets: background application visible when Split view focus changed between qwerty and alphanum. virtual keyboard
  • [QTBUG-16862] - QGraphicsWidget: background application visible at the bottom of split view screen area
  • [QTBUG-16866] - QGraphicsView: text widget not visible on split view if completely outside of split view screen area
  • [QTBUG-16872] - QListWidget doesn't show items as unhovered, when the mouse leaves the widget with an open context menu and the menu is closed (bug probably in QAbstractItemView)
  • [QTBUG-16880] - QDialogs: Only top part of QTextEdit visible on Split view after focus change
  • [QTBUG-16886] - CLONE - ComboBox popup incorrectly opened in Sym³
  • [QTBUG-16887] - QTextEdit/QPlainTextEdit at center/bottom of QDialog: split view corrupted after orientation switch
  • [QTBUG-16890] - QWidget with QWebView: top part of QWidget is not visible after opening & closing Split view
  • [QTBUG-16923] - QWidget with QWebView: Horizontal scroll bar not visible on portrait orientation
  • [QTBUG-16931] - QTabWidget: focused text widget is not visible on split view screen area
  • [QTBUG-16990] - QWidget with QWebView: typing is not possible after orientation change
  • [QTBUG-17027] - QPainterPath::intersected still fails in some cases
  • [QTBUG-17028] - QtDemo qMediaPlayer deadlock changing class MediaPlayer : QWidget to QMainWindow (DS deadlock)
  • [QTBUG-17030] - phonon 0x80004005/80040265
  • [QTBUG-17043] - Context menu pop-ups easily with short keypresses when changing focus on Split vew between QWidgets on TabWidget
  • [QTBUG-17052] - Small dialog position changing on split view when virtual keyboard changed between qwerty<->alphanumeric
  • [QTBUG-17077] - QGraphicsView: Context menu displayed instead of Split view when text input field tapped
  • [QTBUG-17078] - QDateEdit: setting min/max may make some dates inaccessible
  • [QTBUG-17113] - QDateTime support for second occurrence at Daylight to Standard transition
  • [QTBUG-17140] - QMYSQL/QSqlDatabase isOpen()/isValid() returns true even if connection is lost
  • [QTBUG-17149] - QMainWindow with many QWidgets: focused text input field is behind statuspane while split view is open
  • [QTBUG-17151] - memory leak then changing MainWindow styleSheet
  • [QTBUG-17198] - setAlternatingRowColors(true) and header()->setStretchLastSection(false) in QTreeView draws empty lines up to the right border of the viewport and full lines only up to the last column.
  • [QTBUG-17212] - QMainWindow with many QWidgets: background application comes visible after changing focus on Split view
  • [QTBUG-17229] - QDateEdit, QDateTimeEdit, QCalendar look 'n feel on windows.
  • [QTBUG-17236] - XQueryReader bug
  • [QTBUG-17239] - Compile Error (qdeclarativeeffect.cpp)
  • [QTBUG-17245] - Unstable behaviour of QML's XMLHttpRequest in-case of disconnected data connection
  • [QTBUG-17265] - QAbstractItemView drag doesn't always show a pixmap
  • [QTBUG-17296] - QTableWidget: split view is closed after changing virtual keyboard mode
  • [QTBUG-17314] - qss urls are not really urls, but filenames
  • [QTBUG-17402] - QXmlStreamReader::readElementText(QXmlStreamReader::SkipChildElements) bug
  • [QTBUG-17435] - TextEdit font rendering does not handle the Scale transform properly
  • [QTBUG-17491] - Flickr: large size picture is shown black or unavailable after being downloaded
  • [QTBUG-17537] - Widget is not visible on split view screen after changing virtual keyboard mode
  • [QTBUG-17541] - QGraphicsWebView: split view scroll bar functionality after orientation change
  • [QTBUG-17565] - QGraphicsWebView without scrollbar: incorrect view position after changing virtual keyboard mode
  • [QTBUG-17568] - QMainWindow: widget position has changed after split view has been opened and closed twice
  • [QTBUG-17573] - QGraphicsViews: very visible flickering when split view is opened
  • [QTBUG-17597] - Small QDialog with QGroupBox: QLineEdit position on QGroupBox changes on split view landscape orientation
  • [QTBUG-17633] - Popup menu does not scroll properly on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-17731] - QNetworkAccessFileBackendFactory should check if the scheme is correctly set for the url.
  • [QTBUG-17774] - Fullscreen QDialog: focused text widget is not visible on split view
  • [QTBUG-17787] - CLONE - memory leak in QFileDialog
  • [QTBUG-17789] - content.xml file does not conform to OASIS standard
  • [QTBUG-17817] - GraphicsView without scrollbars: view position changes on split view screen area
  • [QTBUG-17917] - GridView.indexAt() does not return correct result if the GridView has been scrolled
  • [QTBUG-18047] - Jumping glyphs when scaling point size on Mac (raster and GL engines)
  • [QTBUG-18103] - For QStandardItem can not delete checkbox
  • [QTBUG-18164] - Floating a docked widget that has a custom title bar causes a crash
  • [QTBUG-18750] - HTTP header names can contain CTL chars, such as \n
  • [QTBUG-18844] - User is not forced to authenticate when switching from Basic Authentication to NTLM Authentication on the same host, but different URI - Security Breach?
  • [QTBUG-19007] - Oracle User Types not handled (correctly).
  • [QTBUG-19268] - QIcon::fromTheme() behaves inconsistently across different Linux desktop environments
  • [QTBUG-19309] - Wrong default font on Windows 7
  • [QTBUG-19376] - CLONE -QMenu exec()'ed on QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger won't disappear (Windows-only)
  • [QTBUG-19453] - [autotests] uiloader autotest needs to be reworked or discarded
  • [QTBUG-19595] - SmoothedAnimation cannot be used in a SequentialAnimation
  • [QTBUG-19601] - [autotests] Move maketestselftest to qtqa module
  • [QTBUG-19615] - [autotests] Some tests use QVERIFY and friends outside of test functions
  • [QTBUG-19739] - QNetworkAccessManager caches credentials per user@host,not per user@host/path
  • [QTBUG-19761] - SSL: code fails to build with gcc 4.6
  • [QTBUG-19817] - Views fail to signal change in movement
  • [QTBUG-20015] - SSL file download via HTTP GET always stalls halfway through when used with QProgressDialog
  • [QTBUG-20225] - Invalid certificate in list of SSL errors from QNAM
  • [QTBUG-20500] - [Symbian] Intermittent crash when disk cache is activated
  • [QTBUG-20623] - QNetworkAccessManager isn't maintaining the SSL protocol set in QSslConfiguration set in QNetworkRequest
  • [QTBUG-20687] - tst_QFtp::connectToUnresponsiveHost fails
  • [QTBUG-20787] - QSslCertificate constructor hangs when remote debugging and running on Symbian^1
  • [QTBUG-20865] - Map types and modes of map plugin
  • [QTBUG-21043] - tst_qtcpsocket autotest is unstable
  • [QTBUG-21171] - QNetworkRequestManager fails to complete post if read on the given QIODevice returns 0
  • [QTBUG-21296] - setting a image (or background-image) with QStylesheet doesn't work properly when working with background-color also.
  • [QTBUG-21302] - Qt3D on Symbian C7: photobrowser example shows blue blocks
  • [QTBUG-21351] - When TCP connection is closed by the host data is not sent to the listener (QNetworkReply)
  • [QTBUG-21426] - QNetwrokReply::abort() is not working
  • [QTBUG-21572] - Impossible to scroll to the top/bottom in Flickable element when VKB is open.
  • [QTBUG-21726] - QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::expectContent() call request.operation() when request.d is NULL (using in QtWebkit)
  • [QTBUG-21784] - Missing check in QNetworkCookieJar::setCookiesFromUrl() while deleting old session cookies
  • [QTBUG-21987] - Cookies without name should not be discarded
  • [QTBUG-22041] - QNetworkReply returns corrupted "Location" header and QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute for some URLs
  • [QTBUG-22127] - Qt3D issues (as of TP2) - Behavior Not consistent across vendors
  • [QTBUG-22145] - QLocalSocket/QLocalServer fails to deliver messages after server restart
  • [QTBUG-22287] - QHostInfo autotest does not check any real IPv6 addresses in the reverseLookup test function
  • [QTBUG-22307] - Inappropriate use of QSKIP in QNetworkReply autotest
  • [QTBUG-22308] - Inappropriate use of QSKIP in QTcpSocket autotest
  • [QTBUG-22309] - Inappropriate use of QSKIP in QSslSocket autotest
  • [QTBUG-22384] - QTcpSocket opened in QIODevice::Unbuffered mode does not correctly emit bytesWritten(qint64)
  • [QTBUG-22460] - setDrawingMode(QGL::Lines) is ignored, only that works is QGL::Fill
  • [QTBUG-22545] - When qmake generates just a single configuration vcxproj file then the handling of RC_FILE is incorrect for MSVC 2010
  • [QTBUG-22552] - [Crash] xcb with threaded renderer randomly crashes in QXcbClipboard::getSelectionOwner()
  • [QTBUG-22585] - path.addText introduces gaps between the should-be connected Arabic characters
  • [QTBUG-22606] - http put/post By QNAM uploads much slower than ftp By QNAM or raw QTcpSocket.
  • [QTBUG-22693] - QDateTime: weird side effects at DST shift time
  • [QTBUG-22694] - QNetworkAccessManager crashes with glibc memory corruption
  • [QTBUG-22841] - Problem with HTTPS connections in QtNetwork
  • [QTBUG-22861] - Setting the pixel size also changes the font family
  • [QTBUG-22964] - tst_QTcpSocket::bind() fails for proxies
  • [QTBUG-23008] - qvaluespace_jsondb should avoid using multiple test objects
  • [QTBUG-23021] - Segfault to do with QUrl
  • [QTBUG-23136] - Cannot distinguish SOCKS5 authentication failure from other connection errors, causing QNetworkAccessManager to cache incorrect password
  • [QTBUG-23200] - CLONE - QSvgGenerator does not respect the painter's clipping rect/region if one is set
  • [QTBUG-23236] - names of unit test cases should be unique
  • [QTBUG-23261] - places app: would like to get rating as number as well
  • [QTBUG-23293] - Stop using and URLs in QHttp autotest
  • [QTBUG-23349] - QTreeView style issues on Windows
  • [QTBUG-23363] - QSslCipher usedBits and supportedBits return wrong values on Windows
  • [QTBUG-23380] - udpTest failing on Ubuntu 11.10 x64
  • [QTBUG-23512] - QNetworkReply::request() returns bogus QNetworkRequest
  • [QTBUG-23625] - SSL Errors generated in 4.8.x
  • [QTBUG-23643] - QNetworkAccessManager doesn't work with VPN connection
  • [QTBUG-23729] - Places app has no way to create a subcategory
  • [QTBUG-23732] - Places app needs to have default values defined for search options
  • [QTBUG-23735] - Searching by bounding box provides weird results
  • [QTBUG-23736] - Places app has warning message about property 'editorialModel' in PlaceEditorials.qml
  • [QTBUG-23921] - Telling mac applications to use non-native dialogs does not work.
  • [QTBUG-24115] - Support User Authentication
  • [QTBUG-24279] - QProxyStyle doesn't support proxies
  • [QTBUG-24345] - QBitArray initialized with negative size.
  • [QTBUG-24925] - qtestlib deadlocks in the signal handler
  • [QTBUG-25238] - QToolbar not using native style in Windows Vista/7
  • [QTBUG-25239] - Deleting first identity in KMail causes segfault if an assistive technology is listening
  • [QTBUG-25598] - QTreeWidgetItem flags include Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled if created without parent
  • [QTBUG-25679] - QMap does not support C++11 initializer list
  • [QTBUG-25988] - Scroll bar arrows in QScrollBar does not obey invertedControl property.
  • [QTBUG-26067] - QDateTimeEdit tab focus not correct without separators
  • [QTBUG-26220] - More places unit tests for nokia plug-in
  • [QTBUG-26328] - QLineEdit does not correctly displays Diacritical Marks in Vietnamese
  • [QTBUG-26463] - QPainter::drawText with different fonts consumes huge amount of memory which does not get released
  • [QTBUG-26596] - QTimeEdit can't handle display format without separators like "HHmm ss"
  • [QTBUG-26683] - Properties of COM Currency type should be set using VT_CY and not VT_I8
  • [QTBUG-26744] - Random seed set to a fixed numer in Qt3D
  • [QTBUG-26825] - Crash when exception thrown on QTreeWidget itemDoubleClicked
  • [QTBUG-27076] - Installer: shown progress is inconsistent
  • [QTBUG-27361] - [autotest] tst_QVarLengthArray::outOfMemory is crashing the machine on Ubuntu 11.10
  • [QTBUG-27499] - Incorrect sentence in Qt Style Sheets Reference page
  • [QTBUG-27548] - Crash after the application has thrown an exception
  • [QTBUG-27573] - Make module/namespace names consistent
  • [QTBUG-28317] - Invalid use of tr in QQmlJS::Lexer & QQmlJS::Parser
  • [QTBUG-28457] - Doc: Thread Support in Qt: Recommended Reading: invalid links
  • [QTBUG-28680] - QtSystemInfo is not installed
  • [QTBUG-28916] - Text alignment on the buttons is a few pixels lower than Qt4
  • [QTBUG-28943] - Enable rubberband scrolling for QAbstractScrollArea on OS X Lion
  • [QTBUG-29002] - tst_QGraphicsView::scrollBarRanges fails for "GTK+" style
  • [QTBUG-29185] - CLONE - QFileDialog: Navigation buttons in the non-native dialog doesn't respect the history set by calling setHistory()
  • [QTBUG-29310] - QComboBox as item delegate for QTableWidget in QGraphicsView can not show popup menu or crashed
  • [QTBUG-29728] - Warning shown when importing QtLocation from QtQuick apps: "'QtLocation' does not contain a module identifier directive"
  • [QTBUG-29971] - Qt lets the style decide things that should be platform dependent.
  • [QTBUG-29973] - Android: Make clean on java.prf projects doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-29979] - strange behaviour when qt.conf in bin exist on mac
  • [QTBUG-30060] - QSslContext: do not add CA certificates to the OpenSSL store if on-demand loading is used
  • [QTBUG-30184] - QComboBox with stylesheet has wrong size
  • [QTBUG-30193] - Applications flicker on WinRT port (buffer problem?)
  • [QTBUG-30282] - Simple combobox style broken on Mac
  • [QTBUG-30326] - Allow customizing text cursor width via CSS
  • [QTBUG-30461] - Q_OBJECT macro influences to QWidget's style sheet
  • [QTBUG-30475] - Standardize on the GL-capable platform plugin
  • [QTBUG-30602] - QMessageBox - Ctrl+C on Windows copies HTML instead of plain text
  • [QTBUG-30801] - Button: tooltip not shown when the button is disabled
  • [QTBUG-30976] - SpinBox: Down arrow is grey out when value is at maximumValue
  • [QTBUG-31045] - QQuickAction::iconSource does not support urls (including image:// urls)
  • [QTBUG-31084] - Occasional crash in flickrview example
  • [QTBUG-31145] - ComboBox: on linux the arrow are not centered
  • [QTBUG-31150] - BlackBerry 10: remove delay between HTTP reply and TCP FIN for HTTP requests (not for HTTPS requests)
  • [QTBUG-31207] - ApplicationWindow: toolbar draws before contents, allowing contents to draw over it
  • [QTBUG-31227] - QSpinBox buttons styling broken
  • [QTBUG-31249] - QAudioDecoder failure on Windows XP
  • [QTBUG-31290] - Inner menu hides, when mouse cursor moves on it
  • [QTBUG-31299] - ScrollView: would be nice to be able to set margins to the contentItem
  • [QTBUG-31307] - GroupBox: title gets truncated
  • [QTBUG-31312] - MenuBar does not stretched to the window width on Windows XP
  • [QTBUG-31313] - MenuBar button left in pressed state on Windows XP
  • [QTBUG-31334] - QStyledItemDelegate with QComboBox doesn't work on OS X
  • [QTBUG-31421] - Can't connect to cursorPositionChanged() signal QSpinBoxes.
  • [QTBUG-31430] - Regression: QComboBox doesn't display items correctly when layoutDirection is set to Qt::RightToLeft
  • [QTBUG-31445] - can't build QtLocation qtquick plugin on Mac with Qt3D
  • [QTBUG-31488] - Mouse move events are not dispatched after dialog opens.
  • [QTBUG-31525] - QObjectXmlModel example generates invalid html output.
  • [QTBUG-31833] - The height of the drop-down area of the ComboBox cannot be limited
  • [QTBUG-31896] - BlackBerry 10: make DNS traffic use bound socket instead of default interface
  • [QTBUG-32067] - Widgets doesn't respect application palette (MacOSX 10.6.8/Cocoa)
  • [QTBUG-32187] - Text edit contents cut off in Qt Quick Control example
  • [QTBUG-32224] - Mac: Gui application brought to foreground even though LSUIElement set to 1
  • [QTBUG-32312] - Qt3D doesn't build on OSX 10.8
  • [QTBUG-32386] - First Item in ListView with sections fails to update layout
  • [QTBUG-32396] - Weird placement of items on PathView when using PathArc and certain PathPercent values
  • [QTBUG-32415] - QML animation flickering in fullscreen
  • [QTBUG-32515] - QContact::setPreferredDetail and QContact::isPreferredDetail is not accessible from QML
  • [QTBUG-32561] - Setting a filter into QML ContactModel does not work
  • [QTBUG-32724] - QHttpMultipart: recalculate size when boundary has been set
  • [QTBUG-32863] - QtContacts QML model does not clean previous results when the filter is changed
  • [QTBUG-32884] - QNX: host lookup takes way too long
  • [QTBUG-32986] - Android: Crash when running Qt Quick Controls gallery
  • [QTBUG-33029] - [autotests] tst_controls fails on Windows 7 32bit + Angle
  • [QTBUG-33035] - Ubuntu forcing qt applications lower that it's minimum width
  • [QTBUG-33050] - a disabled or invisible MouseArea should not contain cursor
  • [QTBUG-33051] - Issue with link to main QtQuick Controls documentation
  • [QTBUG-33072] - TableView header for Qt Quick Controls does not follow horizontalAlignment option.
  • [QTBUG-33123] - QIcon::fromTheme() does not support all the xdg icon-theme directories nor XPM icons
  • [QTBUG-33133] - ScrollBar handle does not move to just center of the mouse position
  • [QTBUG-33144] - Regression bug: popup menu won't hide when pressing menubar on Mac
  • [QTBUG-33180] - network auto tests: Squid does not return a reply for requests >= 64K
  • [QTBUG-33191] - Virtual keyboard does not open in WinCE7 in QtQuick2 applications
  • [QTBUG-33227] - Button iconSource does not scale the icon to the button size
  • [QTBUG-33276] - QWidget project cannot receive Android 'Menu' hardware key
  • [QTBUG-33480] - QNetworkAccessManager emits signal authenticationRequired repeatedly when using NTLM SSPI authentication without proxy
  • [QTBUG-33524] - Implement QProcess on WinRT
  • [QTBUG-33614] - No native (Ubuntu) Global Menu support
  • [QTBUG-33744] - host lookup: canceling a host lookup at app shutdown will crash
  • [QTBUG-33898] - Buttons with Actions assigned overwrite any 'enabled' bindings on the Button
  • [QTBUG-33932] - SplitView ignores item's implicitSize if minimum or maximum depends on SplitView size
  • [QTBUG-34036] - Doc: missing doc for StackViewDelegate and StackViewTransition
  • [QTBUG-34119] - Qt5 QIcon::fromTheme() can't load icon themes owned by root
  • [QTBUG-34136] - Context Menu stay on top after change top level window using shortcuts
  • [QTBUG-34158] - QTableView selection-background-color no effect in Linux
  • [QTBUG-34222] - QtQuickControls dropdown menu missing drop shadow
  • [QTBUG-34223] - QtQuickControls dropdown menu - alt+tab or windows key doesn't close menu
  • [QTBUG-34257] - Windows: Open menus should close when clicking a menu bar item
  • [QTBUG-34348] - Taskbar entry is displayed for the QDialogs with a parent that doesn't have a taskbar entry in GTK 3
  • [QTBUG-34414] - QML TextField in embedded QQuickView cannot get focus a second time
  • [QTBUG-34543] - QTabBar::tab:selected {color: xxx;} doesn't work in Mac
  • [QTBUG-34662] - QMenu::separatorsCollapsible not carried over when the menu is torn off
  • [QTBUG-34672] - Ordered numerical or alphabetical listing in list items does not change colour.
  • [QTBUG-34721] - Qml Button Tooltips not working in QQuickView
  • [QTBUG-34962] - In certain cases QML elements can get negative widths
  • [QTBUG-34977] - Qt5, Windows 8 compatibility manifest + high contrast theme = Black text on black background in menus
  • [QTBUG-35004] - There is a link to index.html in the QMake manual
  • [QTBUG-35011] - Context menu stays open when opening menu from menubar
  • [QTBUG-35175] - QML Slider : mouse event not on handle
  • [QTBUG-35177] - QFtp does not handle dates used by some Windows FTP servers
  • [QTBUG-35181] - Particle color is wrong
  • [QTBUG-35225] - Cursor doesn't change its shape when hovering spliiter of SplitView containing WebView
  • [QTBUG-35296] - QProxyStyle for QPushButton works strange
  • [QTBUG-35391] - Installer needs to register Enginio examples in creator
  • [QTBUG-35409] - MouseArea does not detect mouse pointer if it was already there on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-35447] - Encoding/locale problems in qgtkstyle/native dialogs
  • [QTBUG-35477] - Styling: Fix scaling of images
  • [QTBUG-35483] - X Window freezes ( or events are eaten by and I cannot click / use keyboard ) after MenuBar / Menu show/hide.
  • [QTBUG-35490] - new network test server: Fix Socks5 over UDP tests
  • [QTBUG-35567] - Text.QtRendering produces different results on Mac and Windows
  • [QTBUG-35717] - I suspect that the preconnect support doesn't work with proxies
  • [QTBUG-35751] - TableView incorrect multiline text output
  • [QTBUG-35805] - Window flickers when resizing Canvas element on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-35829] - Using QtSerialPort on OSX returns QSocketNotifier::Exception is not supported on iOS
  • [QTBUG-35860] - the second example in Detailed Description for QSqlTableModel has nothing to do with it
  • [QTBUG-35863] - Platform specific settings like the color scheme are not correctly applied with QGuiApplication
  • [QTBUG-35937] - Text elides with fractional-sized font loaded from network
  • [QTBUG-35938] - QML Text paintedWidth for RichText reports wrong width
  • [QTBUG-36076] - QNetworkDiskCache file descriptor leak
  • [QTBUG-36127] - Internal warning when aborting a QNetworkReply
  • [QTBUG-36171] - QStandardPaths: some documentation is wrong w.r.t. iOS; other platform inconsistencies
  • [QTBUG-36219] - Network requests hangs with cache written by older Qt version
  • [QTBUG-36229] - QTcpSocket::readData() has different behaviour on Qt 5.
  • [QTBUG-36416] - QML ComboBox can't be closed by touching somewhere else
  • [QTBUG-36442] - MouseArea falsely reports hover when it recieves a right click
  • [QTBUG-36515] - Android, TextEdit: selectingByMouse property causes text to be randomly copied/pasted/deleted
  • [QTBUG-36518] - TableView: resizing to content should not resize below the header's title width
  • [QTBUG-36521] - Basic TextArea functionality depends on C++
  • [QTBUG-36706] - QtWebEngine don't building on OSX
  • [QTBUG-36731] - If you specify transform: Scale.Pressed a key right and left TextInput cursor disappears.
  • [QTBUG-36781] - Button with menu does not have correct sizeHint on Ubuntu
  • [QTBUG-36819] - Qt 5.2.1 error compile on FreeBSD 8.3
  • [QTBUG-36829] - Runtime switching between desktop OpenGL and OpenGL ES not supported
  • [QTBUG-36856] - Printing on Mac always prints in ColorMode
  • [QTBUG-36876] - No text visible in certain parts in Qt Quick, using Controls
  • [QTBUG-36882] - QScriptEngine expects Identifier where only a IdentifierName is expected
  • [QTBUG-37098] - Videos that play in QML show clear signs of tearing on the mac
  • [QTBUG-37136] - QGraphicsView - overlapping QComboBox items
  • [QTBUG-37202] - Mac OS (Cocoa): exec() in Window Modal dialog does not return when there is different Window Modal dialog on different window.
  • [QTBUG-37322] - Windows: TextField's placeholder text is blurry and almost transparent when you set transparent color on QQuickWindow
  • [QTBUG-37378] - Keys.priority: Keys.AfterItem doesn't work for TextField
  • [QTBUG-37379] - QSound iOS very low volume
  • [QTBUG-37396] - ComboBoxStyle : how to style the editor
  • [QTBUG-37436] - TableView: Dragging outside the valid rows affects the selelection
  • [QTBUG-37449] - QTcpSocket on Windows: calling disconnectFromHost inside slot connected to bytesWritten reports error
  • [QTBUG-37473] - Aborted QNetworkReply doesn't always issue finished() signal (although error() gets issued)
  • [QTBUG-37492] - Control size set to normal when setting menu on QPushButton on Mac
  • [QTBUG-37518] - qmake ignores /MANIFEST:NO
  • [QTBUG-37531] - QML Singleton Errors
  • [QTBUG-37575] - Tristate checkbox on Android: indeterminate state is not shown correctly
  • [QTBUG-37599] - Scrollbar in a ScrollView is drawn wrong
  • [QTBUG-37641] - QAbstractSocket::Unbuffered is ignored when using setSocketDescriptor()
  • [QTBUG-37647] - Switch: using exclusiveGroup doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-37740] - XCB/Ubuntu 12.04 in a KVM virtual machine, accessed with VNC: Crash on startup
  • [QTBUG-37906] - Setting ImhFormattedNumbersOnly together with DoubleValidator doesn't allow comma in relevant locales
  • [QTBUG-37967] - The text cursor is not clipped in TextInput control
  • [QTBUG-37968] - No public Tooltip for QML components.
  • [QTBUG-38022] - TextArea: Wrong behaviour when no wrapMode specified
  • [QTBUG-38084] - Qt 4.8: If a ToolTip is really large it flashes on Linux if the mouse pointer is over it
  • [QTBUG-38089] - ScrollView embedded in another one doesn't handle mouseWheel events
  • [QTBUG-38199] - Initial position of cursor is outside the TextEdit when part of ColumnLayout
  • [QTBUG-38247] - QUdpSocket: Is not emitting signal readReady when used as a QIODevice (read(), readline(), write())
  • [QTBUG-38270] - TableView selection issue when clicking in empty space
  • [QTBUG-38271] - TableView extended selection cleared when selecting a range with keyboard outside of valid range
  • [QTBUG-38306] - QML MouseArea cursorShape not set if the mouse cursor is on top of application when first started
  • [QTBUG-38353] - incorrect qmltypeinfo for composite types
  • [QTBUG-38417] - Most of mouse cursors are black and white
  • [QTBUG-38527] - Performance issues with QML MouseArea events
  • [QTBUG-38600] - [Qt 5 regression] QMenuBar not enabled during modal dialog on Macintosh
  • [QTBUG-38718] - Compile error when QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT is defined
  • [QTBUG-38864] - XMLHttpRequest.status always returns 0 on iOS
  • [QTBUG-38942] - Android QCameraImageCapture broken in Qt 5.3
  • [QTBUG-39022] - QML Binding Loop on "implicitWidth"
  • [QTBUG-39068] - Setting Loader to inactive doesn't reset its width/height
  • [QTBUG-39074] - iOS: Influence "Done"/"Enter" title button on VKB
  • [QTBUG-39122] - QUdpSocket fires readyRead multiple times
  • [QTBUG-39158] - TableView::resizeColumnsToContents sometimes works incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-39250] - QNetworkCookie::toRawForm(): Encode value string according to standard
  • [QTBUG-39305] - tabified QDockWidgets do not receive focus change
  • [QTBUG-39358] - Applying a stylesheet with background color to QMainWindow causes flickering when resizing the window
  • [QTBUG-39518] - QTcpSocket is disconnected once the peer shuts down send/recv operations
  • [QTBUG-39530] - QTCPSocket splits recieved data to parts
  • [QTBUG-39678] - enginio_client and enginio_plugin debug developer-build fails with intel compiler on Linux
  • [QTBUG-39715] - Add support for chaining QNetworkProxy instances via HTTP CONNECT (RFC 2817)
  • [QTBUG-39740] - No signal emitted for menu closed or menu dismissal
  • [QTBUG-40049] - Keyboard grab does not work on popup windows
  • [QTBUG-40094] - Http status is randomly 0 when looping request
  • [QTBUG-40143] - Script engine fails to validate 'as' as valid javascript
  • [QTBUG-40151] - Redirects are not cached, hence QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache is useless
  • [QTBUG-40236] - Authentication doesn't work with SPDY
  • [QTBUG-40520] - HTTP 408 Request Time-out on Idle Sockets
  • [QTBUG-40826] - QLocalServer bug with absoulte pathnames on UNIX
  • [QTBUG-40929] - QTcpSocket::bytesWritten is emmited too soon when using QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy
  • [QTBUG-40937] - Delay the call to QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateConfigurations
  • [QTBUG-40984] - QStorageInfo class: review documentation
  • [QTBUG-41037] - setData for QQmlComponent handles uncorrectly "import" path
  • [QTBUG-41061] - QNetworkReply Location header retrieval can't handle Network-Path Reference URI
  • [QTBUG-41392] - CLONE - Asynchronous tab loading fails to load first TableView column header
  • [QTBUG-41514] - QNetworkDiskCache: QNetworkDiskCache don't handle to set CookieHeader.
  • [QTBUG-41803] - QUdpSocket not emitting readyRead after being moved to new thread
  • [QTBUG-41813] - QtBearer connman backend returns wimax in lte network
  • [QTBUG-41956] - Some controls do not show if they have active focus or not
  • [QTBUG-42177] - Add getters for volume/rate/pitch
  • [QTBUG-42178] - Add locale to QtSpeech
  • [QTBUG-42236] - CLONE - Segfault when unloading a plugin which creates a QScriptEngine
  • [QTBUG-42242] - OSX: Pressing Command + W does not close any window with a QLineEdit or QTextEdit
  • [QTBUG-42505] - QML CheckBox.checked breaks TableView's styleData.value binding after checked is changed
  • [QTBUG-42509] - SplitView doesn't handle dynamic remove of items
  • [QTBUG-42556] - QtQuick 1.x, TextEdit {} does not show images with img tag
  • [QTBUG-42580] - No updated documentation of VS-Addin
  • [QTBUG-42587] - CLONE - Segfault when unloading a plugin which creates a QScriptEngine
  • [QTBUG-42760] - Childrens of ColumnLayout inside a SplitView are incorrectly refreshed when moving the splitter
  • [QTBUG-43115] - Link error messages for qtbase
  • [QTBUG-43345] - QProgressBar documentation doesn't mention undetermined state
  • [QTBUG-43372] - Qt WebView QML object destroying cause application crash on iOS
  • [QTBUG-43462] - Text object example in qtsvg not working
  • [QTBUG-43608] - Parallax example is missing image file
  • [QTBUG-43666] - Explain that QIODevice::readAll() only reads remaining data, not all data
  • [QTBUG-43741] - Link error in Qt Macextras
  • [QTBUG-43775] - Doc: link errors QtWebKit
  • [QTBUG-43787] - HotSpot of custom cursor does not work correct
  • [QTBUG-43849] - [Windows]: When going from fullscreen to maximized then it will flicker as it goes to normalized in between
  • [QTBUG-44053] - QJson classes are not present in the list of implicitly shared classes
  • [QTBUG-44055] - WhatsThis shown white on yellow on Lubuntu 14.10
  • [QTBUG-44565] - CLONE - QAction::setIconVisibleInMenu does not work.
  • [QTBUG-44629] - Missing snippet in QtPlugin documentation
  • [QTBUG-44640] - Models and Views in Qt Quick has incorrect link for GridView
  • [QTBUG-44707] - QDataSream Serializing - QDate/QDateTime
  • [QTBUG-44734] - TextArea component lack of an editingFinished signal
  • [QTBUG-44859] - assertion failure when using children() to get objectlist
  • [QTBUG-45202] - WinRT: implement QCameraViewFinderSettings
  • [QTBUG-45883] - Documentation should mention installation of gdb
  • [QTBUG-45925] - QNAM::get calls not async for file://
  • [QTBUG-46374] - Replace "Mac OS X" with "OS X" in documentation
  • [QTBUG-46813] - Too much latency between user input and the corresponding change in graphics display
  • [QTBUG-47201] - System Tray Icon Example svg not working
  • [QTBUG-47428] - TreeView: hidden header causes empty space below items when scrollbar visible
  • [QTBUG-47430] - TreeView: on collapse only bindings in items below collapsed item are evaluated
  • [QTBUG-48144] - Shortcuts on QML Button triggers even if button is disabled
  • [QTBUG-48559] - Documentation Bug for QModBusReply
  • [QTBUG-49142] - CLONE - QLabel signals not emitted when embedded in QGraphicsScene
  • [QTBUG-49237] - Audio remote playing issue on WinRT platform
  • [QTBUG-49829] - Qt createComponent dynamic object bug
  • [QTBUG-50261] - Add missing brief statements for overview pages
  • [QTBUG-50287] - Conflicting example titles causes one to go undocumented
  • [QTBUG-50538] - Hide Checkbox example not showing up in Installer Framework example overview
  • [QTBUG-50557] - pixmap variable removed from localpackagehub.h file, but not from localpackagehub.cpp file
  • [QTBUG-50910] - Missing comma in example code in qtconcurrentmap doc page
  • [QTBUG-51149] - tst_QTreeView - setSortingEnabled fails on Win 7 x86 mingw
  • [QTBUG-52531] - CLONE - QComboBox: When large icons are used in a combobox then on Mac the top of the icon overlaps with the top of the combobox
  • [QTBUG-53093] - qdoc can't parse this: \fn QSharedPointer QSharedPointer::create(Args &&... arguments)
  • [QTBUG-54525] - Js file in Qml module does not respect import namespace
  • [QTBUG-56476] - crash on ssl write error
  • [QTBUG-56549] - Building with global optimisation for Windows CE introduces bugs
  • [QTBUG-56923] - V4's Date claims to extend toLocale*String() in ways expressly forbidden by ECMA-262
  • [QTBUG-58201] - Add a PerVertexPhongMaterial in extras
  • [QTBUG-58885] - Real animation duration not equals to declared time
  • [QTBUG-59583] - Zooming camera using orthographic projection does not work
  • [QTBUG-59650] - QIntValidator::validate doesn't return Intermediate for value with number of digits equal to or less than the max value
  • [QTBUG-60198] - QComboBox does not resize properly
  • [QTBUG-60286] - Disconnection of QQmlProperty::connectNotifySignal
  • [QTBUG-65161] - CLONE - QMdiArea does not show the tab correctly when using QMdiArea::TabbedView and only adding one sub-window
  • [QTBUG-68154] - Tunnel ACK on Weinzierl Knx interface 731
  • [QTBUG-69228] - tst_qquicktextinput::validators() failed
  • [QTBUG-70540] - Enum defined in C++ with -1 is undefined in QML
  • [QTBUG-79969] - QML syntax/semantic oddity
  • [QTBUG-83103] - Windows: WebAssembly packages should require MinGW
  • [QTBUG-86328] - WebAssembly app doesn't start in the browser with the --proxy-to-worker compilation flag
  • [QTBUG-86578] - Fix warning when reseting a ListView which is still incubating
  • [QTBUG-87336] - QML debugger causes binding loops when requesting object members
  • [QTBUG-87833] - qqmlfile.h is marked as internal but is used in examples
  • [QTBUG-89822] - Error with readonly alias property
  • [QTBUG-90483] - Revert deletion of qmake project files for snippets compilation
  • [QTBUG-91750] - CMake + Qt Quick Compiler example invalid syntax
  • [QTBUG-93206] - Enable JIT for macOS on ARM
  • [QTBUG-93443] - qmltyperegistrar generates .cpp files that need header search paths to be manually added
  • [QTBUG-93800] - Add exception details to QJniObject
  • [QTBUG-96801] - creating qml custom configurations is difficult because of poor error messages
  • [QTBUG-96802] - qml runtime custom config: PartialScene.container doesn't work well if it's not a full path
  • [QTBUG-97990] - [macOS] QProcess works buggy under debugger
  • [QTBUG-98435] - Inconsistent handling of property initialisation vs binding
  • [QTBUG-98460] - createQmlObject fails if the qml String has a line with more than 4096 bytes
  • [QTBUG-98787] - Prefix builds of qtdeclarative with examples are faced with an empty default import path when building the examples
  • [QTBUG-99230] - Assigning undefined to property results in vague error message
  • [QTBUG-99638] - Capitalized properties used in QML that come from C++ do not error on runtime
  • [QTBUG-100020] - tst_qqmljsscope fails on Android
  • [QTBUG-100171] - tst_qmldomitem fails on Android
  • [QTBUG-101141] - moc: namespaced base class not properly resolved in cpp.json file
  • [QTBUG-101678] - tst_qqmlinspector (and other tests in tests/auto/qml/debugger/) times out on macOS 12 (x86_64) in CI
  • [QTBUG-102263] - iOS: qmake is very slow in large projects
  • [QTBUG-102984] - QML debugger and profiler tests hangs on macOS/x86_64 in CI
  • [QTBUG-104322] - QML Demo has a higher memory usage than Wdiget Demo
  • [QTBUG-105077] - Build fails for two subprojects in the same source dir with qtquickcompiler enabled
  • [QTBUG-105288] - Modules added with qt6_add_qml_module have link errors when using universal macos packages
  • [QTBUG-105697] - linebyline lexer test fail on android
  • [QTBUG-106959] - Warnings during android build: unresolved qml import path to QtQuick.Controls.Windows and QtQuick.Controls.macOS
  • [QTBUG-107130] - qmlcache problem when referencing Qml files outside of current directory tree
  • [QTBUG-107632] - missing when launching qmlls
  • [QTBUG-108017] - Build fails for two subprojects with qtquickcompiler enabled
  • [QTBUG-108173] - QtLocation qmlint support
  • [QTBUG-108772] - qmlDebug(), qmlInfo(), qmlWarning() - where is qmlCritical(), qmlFatal()?
  • [QTBUG-108779] - qmlsc not used when cross compiling
  • [QTBUG-109050] - NumberAnimation doesn't complain when its target property is not a number
  • [QTBUG-109540] - Build warnings in INTEGRITY builds
  • [QTBUG-109552] - quickcontrols/controls/texteditor crashes on Android device
  • [QTBUG-110151] - Qt Quick for Android QML import js path error
  • [QTBUG-112726] - qmllint does not resolve C++ type from a module, but other types work
  • [QTBUG-113246] - Index types are messy in V4 objects and arrays
  • [QTBUG-113614] - Script lookup is always not efficient
  • [QTBUG-113709] - .js files not included in qmldir generated by CMake
  • [QTBUG-113721] - JS Proxy Object cannot proxy function properties
  • [QTBUG-113776] - qmlformat fails to format if there is a escape char in the key string
  • [QTBUG-114590] - qmake fails to register C++ namespace in QML in developer build
  • [QTBUG-114876] - QJSEngine doesn't recognize "import" statements...
  • [QTBUG-115120] - Same name QML files lead to "No module name xxx found" error
  • [QTBUG-115127] - Behavior breakage in Qt 6.5: Q_INVOKABLE functions with a enum reference parameter
  • [QTBUG-115130] - QML Signal handler is not called when signal overloads are used
  • [QTBUG-115328] - Invalid qmllint_json target generated
  • [QTBUG-115780] - Shadows do not work on Surface3D
  • [QTBUG-115795] - QQmlJSScope: Weird internal name for type created by resolveList
  • [QTBUG-115851] - QQmlJSScope: JS GlobalObject has ScopeType::QMLScope
  • [QTBUG-115854] - QQmlImportVisitor uses incomplete fake global object
  • [QTBUG-116275] - debugtranslation feature gets missing translation for default language sometimes
  • [QTBUG-116648] - qmldom claims to handle .js files but doesn't
  • [QTBUG-116771] - qmltestrunner runs identically named tests that are different
  • [QTBUG-117943] - Add context object to connect() to tie the lifetime of the connection to it.
  • [QTBUG-117981] - QML_ELEMENT does not work as expected with precompiled_headers
  • [QTBUG-118188] - QML evaluates bindings after destruction, possibly resulting in segmentation faults
  • [QTBUG-118218] - Seperate scope is created with generalized group properties
  • [QTBUG-118478] - Can't query ExecutionContext for properties of imported ECMAScript modules
  • [QTBUG-118878] - -qreal float does not work on Aarch64
  • [QTBUG-119049] - QQmlEngine::setOutputWarningsToStandardError(false) not working for QFont::setPointSizeF
  • [QTBUG-119304] - Cryptic error message when reserved keyword is used as property name
  • [QTBUG-119504] - Inconsistent behavior of list property in QML
  • [QTBUG-119770] - Add AST:Node-s representing .import, .pragma in .js files
  • [QTBUG-119780] - qmldom: Enumerations are populated incorrectly in dom
  • [QTBUG-120580] - Type annotation is not allowed in signal handler
  • [QTBUG-121499] - TS_FILE_BASE argument of qt_add_translations ignored by QQmlApplicationEngine
  • [QTBUG-121518] - DOM refactoring p2
  • [QTBUG-122233] - Type compiler unable to use components from imported modules
  • [QTBUG-123171] - QmlFormat Semicolon is missing at the end of some default exports
  • [QTBUG-123195] - Differences in functionality in Web browsers and QML for the JavaScript String localeCompare API
  • [QTBUG-123322] - SyntaxError is not thrown, while parsing ESM with multiple default exports
  • [QTBUG-124728] - QML list property can't be initialized with a Qt.binding value
  • [QTBUG-125499] - qtdeclarative: failure to build JIT compiler on X32 ABI
  • [QTBUG-125520] - Defining inline Component does lead to resolving type
  • [QTBUG-126342] - Math.js 9.4.4 and later does not work
  • [QTBUG-126615] - Invalid property assignment: unknown enumeration
  • [QTBUG-127069] - XMLHttpRequest().getAllResponseHeaders() doesn't return all fields
  • [QTBUG-128274] - Consider Storing Dom::Id at the QmlObject level
  • [QTBUG-128297] - QML_FOREIGN_NAMESPACE unable to find classes that have been aliased
  • [QTBUG-128300] - Use of signal connect prevents efficient function lookup
  • [QTBUG-128821] - Loader and QObjectMethod::method_destroy() use deleteLater() on their objects, preventing timely cleanup of the compilation unit
  • [QTBUG-129196] - QtQuick.tooling Module wants QtQml's Component instead of QtQuick.tooling's
  • [QTBUG-129301] - QQmlMetaType::prettyTypeName sometimes returns non-pretty name
  • [QTBUG-129505] - Enabling QML_CHECK_INIT_DESTROY_CALLS prevents compilation
  • [QTBUG-130095] - qmlprofiler doc is empty
  • [QTBUG-130605] - Invalid alias target location unless I bind it
  • [QTBUG-130690] - Can't connect debugger to qmlpreview on macOS
  • [QTBUG-133129] - DelegateModel can create delegates with unset required properties in sub-objects
  • [QTBUG-133312] - Default QML import paths conflict and can result in crashes
  • [QTBUG-133546] - rowLayout and columnLayout both have leftToRight or rightToLeft as "layout direction" options in properties panel
  • [QTBUG-134013] - conditional qml Settings component
  • [QTBUG-134092] - Documentation for QML List needs care
  • [QTBUG-134648] - QQmlTableInstanceModel allows access to context properties even if required properties are present
  • [QTBUG-134654] - Warn when files of a QML module are outside the directory


  • [QTBUG-23412] - QtLocation & QtPositioning backlog
  • [QTBUG-31624] - QtSystemInfo backlog
  • [QTBUG-32714] - support OS X 10.9(Mavericks)
  • [QTBUG-59896] - CI improvements for Qt For Device Creation
  • [QTBUG-62132] - eglfs/kms improvements for overlay planes, modesetting, and others
  • [QTBUG-65843] - Support bigint/BigInt in JavaScript and QJSValue
  • [QTBUG-71176] - We want to make it easier to maintain, change, test and fix qdoc.
  • [QTBUG-71517] - (Push) Notifications for Qt Applications
  • [QTBUG-82899] - Testability and QA improvements for WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-82900] - Support for Event loop and Asyncify in WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-82935] - Enable Qt components and API's in WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-82936] - Tooling, demos and developer experience for WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-82937] - Platform adaptation (QPA) for WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-99243] - Initiative: Qt and C++20
  • [QTBUG-114525] - Implement ECMAScrip'ts Temporal in QML's V4 engine
  • [QTBUG-117389] - Move the QQmlSA API out of its TP state
  • [QTBUG-121781] - Modernize iOS window management
  • [QTBUG-132397] - QRegularExpressionas as a YARR replacement


  • [QTBUG-152] - implement (iw)mmx for 16bit
  • [QTBUG-284] - Pluginloader /qlibrary improvements
  • [QTBUG-305] - Document minimum dependent library versions
  • [QTBUG-451] - VS2005 x64 note in compiler support page
  • [QTBUG-480] - QtScript Documentation
  • [QTBUG-646] - A framework for event handling
  • [QTBUG-661] - The differences between ScreenResoultion and HighResolution printing needs to be better documented.
  • [QTBUG-1322] - Write a script tracer using QScriptEngineAgent
  • [QTBUG-1424] - Optimize QLineEdit by caching return values of minLeftBearing() and minRightBearing()
  • [QTBUG-1495] - create universal binaries of eclipse integration on mac
  • [QTBUG-1518] - QFontEngineMacMulti::stringToCMapInternal slowness
  • [QTBUG-1587] - Provide localized versions of QLocale::languageToString() and QLocale::countryToString()
  • [QTBUG-1611] - LSB: Extend the Qt API to be able to compile without Designer having to access private headers/classes
  • [QTBUG-1613] - Provide API to detect passive interactor areas of widgets
  • [QTBUG-1614] - Add API for Designer to QLayout
  • [QTBUG-1617] - Add public API for syntax-checking stylesheets
  • [QTBUG-1646] - Item Views on Mac usability/performance/look-and-feel issues
  • [QTBUG-1711] - Make Qt/Emb use another tmp directory
  • [QTBUG-1749] - Add autonaming functionality for objects whose name can be derived from their text
  • [QTBUG-1755] - use previewwindowmanager for preview like in ide
  • [QTBUG-1801] - Bindings generator: A way to call base implementation of script class
  • [QTBUG-1807] - Mac accessibilty improvements
  • [QTBUG-1813] - Bindings generator: Problem with QMenu::addAction() (prototype shadowing)
  • [QTBUG-1846] - Bindings generator: Phonon::BackendCapabilities::Notifier
  • [QTBUG-1946] - Pixmaps cropped to 64x64 on Windows < Vista when OpenGL app is running in background
  • [QTBUG-2239] - Document D-Bus module + examples accurately
  • [QTBUG-2460] - Custom widget wizard:Add a comment prompting to the isContainer() method of the DesignerCustomWidgetInterface
  • [QTBUG-2642] - qdoc enhancements for Qt 4.6
  • [QTBUG-3210] - show() magic needs to be added to QDialogs for S60 just like for Windows CE / Windows Mobile
  • [QTBUG-3295] - introduce -small-screen argument for saxbookmarks example
  • [QTBUG-3313] - Document what is required to build Qt on a Linux system
  • [QTBUG-3821] - Clean up the calling of virtual functions from the constructor of QGraphicsWidget(QGraphicsWidget *parent)
  • [QTBUG-4382] - Add \attributes xxx yyy zzz
  • [QTBUG-4558] - Remove qmake-generated def files for Qt pluings and just use a common hardcoded file, referenced from all generated MMP files
  • [QTBUG-4759] - Symbian: Refactor QWidgetPrivate::create_sys to remove redundancy
  • [QTBUG-4868] - revert qt_functions.prf workarounds for Symbian
  • [QTBUG-5050] - Symbian: Proper support for FEP input in QLineEdit with input mask
  • [QTBUG-5195] - new needs to throw bad_alloc exceptions on failure
  • [QTBUG-5377] - Symbian: Rework qt.iby to be autogenerated based on configuration (as Qt_template.pkg is)
  • [QTBUG-5584] - Symbian: Directories for qmake generated files
  • [QTBUG-5601] - support QAction::SoftKeyRole on Windows mobile
  • [QTBUG-5702] - Symbian: Investigate whether QWidget::locale should be used to determine writing language of FEP
  • [QTBUG-5921] - examine symbian descriptor to QString conversions
  • [QTBUG-5931] - Read mkspec from used qt version by reading the delault/qmake.conf file on windows
  • [QTBUG-6010] - improve usability of the imagegestures example
  • [QTBUG-6029] - QML multiselection
  • [QTBUG-6228] - add support for WSSE authentication
  • [QTBUG-6230] - issues with MinGW installer
  • [QTBUG-6331] - Support assigning multiple Behaviors to a single property.
  • [QTBUG-6512] - implement exception notifiers for sockets in select() call
  • [QTBUG-6963] - make HTTP authentication more flexible
  • [QTBUG-6993] - Improve QtConcurrent::Exception documentation
  • [QTBUG-7542] - QAudioInput example corrections
  • [QTBUG-8081] - Investigate QThreadPool possible issue
  • [QTBUG-8290] - Namespace support macros need to be documented.
  • [QTBUG-8708] - Some designer interfaces (QDesignerComponents) not documented
  • [QTBUG-8866] - QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel are not called for inputmethod enabled QGraphicsItem.
  • [QTBUG-8929] - write a QML file type recogniser
  • [QTBUG-9069] - Split vertex shader into 3 stages, adding a "transform" stage
  • [QTBUG-9189] - QML run time does not properly support loading of QWidget-based qml applications
  • [QTBUG-9306] - QLocale: add layout direction property
  • [QTBUG-9307] - QLocale: add support for old/deprecated language and country codes
  • [QTBUG-9369] - Improve torrent example
  • [QTBUG-9476] - Update QNetworkDiskCache documentation after disk cache change
  • [QTBUG-9649] - Allow animation of PathView items on insertion/removal
  • [QTBUG-9727] - Phonon MMF: support playback of DRM clips
  • [QTBUG-9846] - Add a gitorious qt-labs project for doxygen2qthelp.
  • [QTBUG-10120] - Change event timers used in QEventDispatcherSymbian::processEvents to QElapsedTimer
  • [QTBUG-10240] - QtWebkit: please validate memory leak test results performed using Purify on Windows
  • [QTBUG-10468] - Improve how mac packaging scripts divide Qt into sub-packages
  • [QTBUG-10642] - Add support for mouse cursor shape to MouseArea
  • [QTBUG-10996] - Integrate QStaticText to declarative Text element
  • [QTBUG-11098] - Improve alwaysRunToEnd support for complex animations
  • [QTBUG-11985] - Remove touch-only demos from FluidLauncher
  • [QTBUG-12031] - API for C++ Declarative modules to retrieve images
  • [QTBUG-12051] - Layout grid lines not visible
  • [QTBUG-12852] - Project Mimir
  • [QTBUG-12930] - Merge request: Thai text handling improvements
  • [QTBUG-13103] - Gesture events originated in graphicsview should not be delivered outside of the graphicsview
  • [QTBUG-13133] - Qt/3D for Symbian
  • [QTBUG-13584] - possbility to set qreal values for font sizes in QFontDialog
  • [QTBUG-13624] - Tidy up handling of screen furniture geometry / window positioning on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-13748] - create new flags for QGraphicsItems
  • [QTBUG-13785] - write autotests for DNS lookup via proxies
  • [QTBUG-13849] - QML versioning support
  • [QTBUG-14603] - Symbian: softvfp+vfpv2 boosted QTransform rotatations
  • [QTBUG-14604] - Ensure QML/javascript floating point operations will use vfpv2
  • [QTBUG-14774] - QNetworkRequest: add public method ignoreSslErrors()
  • [QTBUG-14813] - QAxServer and QAxContainer are not designed to be used at the same time
  • [QTBUG-14898] - Rename Qt/3D class names
  • [QTBUG-14902] - QIBase - add support for CREATE DATABASE (SET TRANSACTION)
  • [QTBUG-15533] - Enable HW accelerated rendering to QPixmap target in OpenVG paint engine
  • [QTBUG-16051] - QML validator elements have no examples
  • [QTBUG-16058] - do not cache SSL sites by default
  • [QTBUG-16071] - Re-organize and re-write the Qt Quick documentation.
  • [QTBUG-16206] - Windows binary package uninstaller should cleanup plugin cache data left in the Windows Registry
  • [QTBUG-16207] - Sign binary packages for Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-16420] - elipse draw decrease performance when radius increase
  • [QTBUG-16489] - Move Qt 4.7 imports to a plugin
  • [QTBUG-16606] - File upstream bug reports for expected failures in qscriptjstestsuite
  • [QTBUG-16611] - Inconsistent application of PropertyChanges for named and un-named states
  • [QTBUG-16662] - QML Loader.sourceComponent used in state load the component 2 times
  • [QTBUG-16716] - Improve SSL performance by limiting SSL message size
  • [QTBUG-17148] - Expose qtTr and qtTrId as synonyms to qsTr and qsTrId for QtScript/QML
  • [QTBUG-17158] - support TLS certificate status extension
  • [QTBUG-17282] - Polish mobile text input handling of TextInput and TextEdit editors
  • [QTBUG-17508] - Adding Lancelot tests to catch text/font related regressions
  • [QTBUG-17761] - Update the Mozilla and V8 test suites
  • [QTBUG-17762] - Write autotest driver for es5conform test suite
  • [QTBUG-17763] - Write autotest driver for sputnik test suite
  • [QTBUG-17790] - Accessibility project master task
  • [QTBUG-17841] - Define Documentation Templates
  • [QTBUG-18574] - Document that we discourage event processing from slots connected to QNetworkReply
  • [QTBUG-18751] - HTTP cache: improve performance
  • [QTBUG-18814] - QXmlSchema: add API for loading one schema consisting of several files
  • [QTBUG-18969] - QGLWidget - does not render when opened from second monitor
  • [QTBUG-19014] - Identify all cases where a test that belongs in a certain module tests functionality in a foreign module
  • [QTBUG-19015] - Move code that tests foreign modules out of the base module test
  • [QTBUG-19041] - HTTP cache: serve must-revalidate resources if they are not stale
  • [QTBUG-19045] - QNetworkReply should open() itself in Unbuffered mode
  • [QTBUG-19050] - QNetworkDiskCache: Smaller default size on mobile platforms
  • [QTBUG-19051] - QNetworkDiskCache should work together with QNetworkAccessManager zero-copy feature
  • [QTBUG-19052] - Qt5: check whether we can do HTTP pipelining by default
  • [QTBUG-19088] - tst_qnetworkdiskcache: Add a testcase
  • [QTBUG-19192] - Separate out visible and effectiveVisibility properties in QML 2
  • [QTBUG-19212] - Improved value type support in QML
  • [QTBUG-19346] - SSL tests: improve test coverage by testing SSL corner cases, OCSP etc.
  • [QTBUG-19473] - HTTP cache: add new method to QNetworkReply to disable saving resources
  • [QTBUG-19580] - Support the Repo (a tool from google) way to work
  • [QTBUG-19584] - Return error from configure in the mother repository if the required build tools for WebKit are not found (flex, bison)
  • [QTBUG-19606] - Create a system for geometry ownership in QML
  • [QTBUG-19860] - SSL: add flag to enable fall back from TLS1 to SSL3
  • [QTBUG-19903] - First launch / diagnostic app
  • [QTBUG-19998] - Change QPainterPath's internal element representation...
  • [QTBUG-20076] - Expose Matrix information for Item3D subclasses
  • [QTBUG-20119] - QSslSocket: either add method to return the root cert used in a connection or include the root cert in peerCertificateChain()
  • [QTBUG-20163] - Make QDeclarativeMesh part of the public API
  • [QTBUG-20164] - Make QDeclarativeMesh suitable for subclassing
  • [QTBUG-20187] - Alternating between pixelSize and pointSize in state changes does not work as expected
  • [QTBUG-20279] - add API to create SSL certificates for client authentication
  • [QTBUG-20461] - Make QFontEngineQPA work to _some_ degree with distance field glyph rendering
  • [QTBUG-20896] - Move qzipreader/writer into QtCore and create a public API
  • [QTBUG-21244] - Qt 5 Cocoa lighthouse plugin
  • [QTBUG-21361] - Support snap animation in views
  • [QTBUG-21817] - ShaderEffect System Tests
  • [QTBUG-21858] - QLabel: change default text format to plain text
  • [QTBUG-22083] - QML plugin type that doesn't require "import" statement
  • [QTBUG-22240] - Use JS objects rather than QObjects for QtQuick events
  • [QTBUG-22463] - Socks 4
  • [QTBUG-22485] - Investigate specifying initial velocity for smoothed animations
  • [QTBUG-22533] - network: write auto tests for unbuffered TCP mode
  • [QTBUG-22590] - Consider integrating qtbase autotest utf8 into qtextcodec
  • [QTBUG-22897] - HTTP multipart messages: enhance functionality
  • [QTBUG-22921] - Add a Javascript Image type for offscreen image preloading in QML
  • [QTBUG-23029] - SSL: put certificate blacklist in separate file
  • [QTBUG-23323] - TCP: use Quality of Service API on Windows
  • [QTBUG-23401] - Add UNIX signal handler integration to the GLib event dispatcher
  • [QTBUG-23578] - Need QObject connect() overloads for SmartPointer<T*>, where T is QObject derived
  • [QTBUG-23621] - configure: make building of bearer plugins configurable
  • [QTBUG-23716] - Provide raw touch data in MultiPointTouchArea
  • [QTBUG-23745] - Allow Item.childAt() to recurse through heirachy to find top-most descendent
  • [QTBUG-23747] - Positioners should override conflicting anchors
  • [QTBUG-23933] - Provide some way to modify evaluation context of imported JavaScript
  • [QTBUG-24414] - Profile the memory consumption of the Places API and identify possible optimisations.
  • [QTBUG-24415] - Profile the memory consumption of the Maps/Navigation API and identify possible optimisations.
  • [QTBUG-24614] - Error dialogs for places qml example (possible error handling API tweaking)
  • [QTBUG-24617] - Example to allow adding subcategories and changing parents of categories
  • [QTBUG-24809] - Authentication management
  • [QTBUG-24879] - Qt Network tests IPv6 upgrade
  • [QTBUG-25154] - ListView should have a mode to disable positioning of selected items into the visible area
  • [QTBUG-25405] - Add a way to determine which variant of multi-length strings was chosen by Text element
  • [QTBUG-25480] - Remove unnecessary dummy headers for qml classes
  • [QTBUG-25934] - Add mipmap option to QML API
  • [QTBUG-25942] - Some way to get base type members
  • [QTBUG-25965] - Investigate compressed texture support
  • [QTBUG-26038] - Make Date/Time adhere to ISO 8601
  • [QTBUG-26122] - Omit autotests from Qt source packages
  • [QTBUG-26294] - Support directory listing through QNetworkAccessManager FTP
  • [QTBUG-26772] - Re-evaluate nokia icon code for jsondb plugin
  • [QTBUG-27872] - GLSL optimizer
  • [QTBUG-28068] - xmlpatterns: enable usage of XPath only and not schema code
  • [QTBUG-28417] - Would be nice to have examples sorted by modules under Qt Creator/Examples page
  • [QTBUG-28762] - QtNetwork performance improvements
  • [QTBUG-28781] - network sockets: preallocate sockets if known that more than 1 is needed
  • [QTBUG-29169] - SSL internals: remove allowRootCertOnDemandLoading from QSslSocket
  • [QTBUG-29175] - Implement camera support in the WMF plugin
  • [QTBUG-29425] - BlackBerry systemProxyForQuery: try harder to set the right proxy
  • [QTBUG-30295] - QHttpMultipart: implement seek() for the internal QHttpMultiPartIODevice
  • [QTBUG-30396] - HTTP pipelining: compare curl's blacklist to ours
  • [QTBUG-30732] - HTTP: investigate whether prioritizing requests makes apps faster
  • [QTBUG-30795] - host lookup: use asynchronous API if possible
  • [QTBUG-30807] - QNX / BlackBerry 10: use system DNS cache
  • [QTBUG-31167] - QNetworkAccessManager: add possibility to have a custom handler by 2 libraries
  • [QTBUG-31828] - bearer code: Add methods for retrieving the bearer type family (2G / 3G / 4G)
  • [QTBUG-32342] - network: Add API to retrieve Wifi BSSID etc.
  • [QTBUG-32715] - qtbase doesn't build for OS X 10.9
  • [QTBUG-32839] - QNX: adapt to OpenSSL library versioning scheme
  • [QTBUG-33083] - network: do host lookup before loading OpenSSL libs etc.
  • [QTBUG-33171] - QNetworkAccessManager: move more code to HTTP thread
  • [QTBUG-33172] - QNetworkAccessManager: investigate whether we need to query bearer interfaces upon request
  • [QTBUG-33173] - BlackBerry: configure Qt with -openssl-linked
  • [QTBUG-33209] - SSL: implement Application Layer Protocol Negotiation extension (ALPN)
  • [QTBUG-33616] - Look into using DEPLOYMENT variable in androiddeployqt
  • [QTBUG-33813] - Enginio c++/qml API split
  • [QTBUG-34149] - Create an Android specific SoundEffect implementation
  • [QTBUG-34150] - Move the QSoundEffect implementations to plugins.
  • [QTBUG-34151] - Reorganize the QtMultimedia plugins source directory
  • [QTBUG-34862] - network: add API to tweak cache time of sockets
  • [QTBUG-35034] - network: fix failing auto tests on new network test server
  • [QTBUG-35130] - QtPrintSupport - Mac PDF Issues
  • [QTBUG-35132] - QtPrintSupport - Print Margins and Page Size Issues
  • [QTBUG-35684] - Implement accessibility on WinRT
  • [QTBUG-35991] - Support Windows Live Tiles
  • [QTBUG-36015] - Tasks that require coordination between WinRT, Android and iOS implementations
  • [QTBUG-36096] - Area monitoring support for Android
  • [QTBUG-36164] - network uploads: QNonContiguousByteDevice does not report error
  • [QTBUG-36188] - SPDY: implement sending of CREDENTIAL frame (i.e. client certificates)
  • [QTBUG-36272] - SSL: add public API to choose only ciphers supporting (Perfect) Forward Secrecy
  • [QTBUG-36330] - QNetworkAccessManager: add singleton getter and setter
  • [QTBUG-36705] - HTTP + SSL: support Public Key Pinning (HPKP)
  • [QTBUG-36868] - SPDY: make auto test significant
  • [QTBUG-37594] - Create mechanis for shadowing items
  • [QTBUG-37645] - WinRT: Investigate enabling windows QPA plugin as a development convenience
  • [QTBUG-37781] - Implement Qt Systems for WinRT
  • [QTBUG-38385] - QTcpSocket auto test: temporarily disable Socks5 proxy tests
  • [QTBUG-42354] - Make sure caching of most/all JNI handles are centralized.
  • [QTBUG-42906] - AutoSIP: implement new solution for handling automatic keyboard visibility
  • [QTBUG-43414] - Missing conformant implementation of 'import module namespace' nukes XQuery for complex projects
  • [QTBUG-44520] - implement SPDY 3.1
  • [QTBUG-44521] - implement SPDY 3.1
  • [QTBUG-44522] - implement HTTP/2
  • [QTBUG-44755] - Clean up deprecated methods in QAndroidJniObject
  • [QTBUG-45336] - Add QML API for camera capabilities
  • [QTBUG-45599] - Remove WMF backend
  • [QTBUG-47514] - HTTP: Parse max= and timeout= in Keep-Alive header
  • [QTBUG-47865] - Doc: Add licenses for third-party libraries used in Qt Multimedia
  • [QTBUG-48522] - Add setAudioOutput API to QMediaPlayer
  • [QTBUG-49209] - QModbusServerPrivate::storeEvent() needs fixing
  • [QTBUG-50120] - Qt high-DPI display metrics native API usage
  • [QTBUG-54647] - DirectShow: don't use the SampleGrabber for rendering
  • [QTBUG-55493] - Qt3D - Actuator for devices
  • [QTBUG-56177] - Refactor out common logic
  • [QTBUG-56178] - Improve multimedia documentation
  • [QTBUG-56387] - Move tst_mediaplayerbackend::playlist() tests inside playlistObject()
  • [QTBUG-56413] - Implement QAudioDecoder in DirectShow plugin
  • [QTBUG-58204] - Add a meshNames property to QMesh
  • [QTBUG-58206] - Add entity property to QPickEvent
  • [QTBUG-58207] - Mouse grab + ObjectPicker move() signal on click
  • [QTBUG-58208] - Add EntitySceneLoader convenience
  • [QTBUG-58209] - [Junior Job] Add emissive property to the materials
  • [QTBUG-58210] - Add API to know when a Component is aggregated in an Entity
  • [QTBUG-63152] - Enable DeveloperBuild on Boot2Qt CI
  • [QTBUG-63944] - fix runtime error message in webassembly
  • [QTBUG-64062] - webassembly: Javascript <-> C++ Interop
  • [QTBUG-64215] - Boot2Qt 5.9.3 Release
  • [QTBUG-64417] - WebAssembly: Add support for orientation changes
  • [QTBUG-64487] - Consider switching from EGL to html5.h GL context functions
  • [QTBUG-64687] - DC Release status overall displays
  • [QTBUG-64778] - Consider adding a no-opengl raster backend for Qt on WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-65027] - Boot2Qt 5.9.4 Release
  • [QTBUG-65162] - webassembly: prototype accessibility and native input support [Spike]
  • [QTBUG-65319] - wasm: Support Bluetooth
  • [QTBUG-65835] - webassembly: reducing wasm file size
  • [QTBUG-66251] - Boot2Qt 5.9.5 Release
  • [QTBUG-66306] - Boot2Qt 5.11.0 Release
  • [QTBUG-67234] - webassembly: webgl2 as default
  • [QTBUG-67449] - CI testing for Qt for WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-67514] - WebAssembly: support opengl
  • [QTBUG-67717] - webassembly: opengl only works on full screen
  • [QTBUG-67718] - webassembly: support disk cache in QtDeclarative if feasible
  • [QTBUG-67728] - webassembly: Custom Wasm backend for QtQuickCompiler
  • [QTBUG-67814] - Boot2Qt 5.9.6 Release
  • [QTBUG-67821] - webassembly: resource management
  • [QTBUG-68348] - webassembly: support gamepad events
  • [QTBUG-68388] - Boot2Qt 5.11.1 Release
  • [QTBUG-68504] - WebAssembly: autotesting
  • [QTBUG-68765] - webassembly: QDNSLookup does not work
  • [QTBUG-69048] - Boot2Qt 5.9.7 Release
  • [QTBUG-69319] - webassembly: RasterGlSurface is disabled
  • [QTBUG-69514] - webassembly: create simple QNetworkConfiguration
  • [QTBUG-70004] - wasm: abstract QNAM to QPA
  • [QTBUG-70196] - Webassembly: Use COPIES for copying shell files
  • [QTBUG-71805] - webassembly: investigate remote database access
  • [QTBUG-72374] - Add relevant info from "Optimizing Qt Application" blog post to Best Practices documentation
  • [QTBUG-74107] - WebRTC for Qt WebAssembly
  • [QTBUG-74289] - WebAssembly: Support relative urls
  • [QTBUG-74293] - Qt Quick Web Runtime
  • [QTBUG-75041] - WebAssembly: Wasi Support
  • [QTBUG-75183] - WebAssembly: QWebView support
  • [QTBUG-75184] - WebAssembly: QWebChannel support
  • [QTBUG-75510] - WebAssembly: Determine default DPI
  • [QTBUG-76008] - WebAssembly: (screens) Is the web document a virtual desktop?
  • [QTBUG-76163] - wasm: qwebsocketserver hangs
  • [QTBUG-77257] - wasm: make sure qtdeclarative uses disk cache
  • [QTBUG-78585] - Is pipeline cache serialization to disk is something QRhi should embrace
  • [QTBUG-78592] - Shadertools: investigate using other tools from the open source ecosystem to include more optimized SPIR-V in the .qsb files
  • [QTBUG-78602] - Long term physical device / adapter selection story
  • [QTBUG-78606] - Make slot reset logic smarter in the D3D11 backend of QRhi
  • [QTBUG-78852] - QRhi OpenGL/Vulkan backend: consider if dynamic buffers should follow the MAP_DISCARD style approach like d3d11
  • [QTBUG-79579] - Expose more resource limits from QRhi
  • [QTBUG-80504] - Decide on semi-public API (QPA, QRhi) documentation strategy
  • [QTBUG-81294] - Schannel: TLS 1.3 support
  • [QTBUG-81844] - QRhi renderpass load/store configurability brain dump
  • [QTBUG-82179] - wasm: support NFC
  • [QTBUG-82358] - wasm: Support QtLocation/QtPositioning
  • [QTBUG-82458] - Investigate D3D11On12 in the context of the QRhi D3D11 backend
  • [QTBUG-82629] - wasm: threads: get QtConcurrent working
  • [QTBUG-82980] - Support printing from webassembly
  • [QTBUG-83917] - QHighDpiScaling Code Structure for Qt 6
  • [QTBUG-84288] - Printing support for Webassembly
  • [QTBUG-87342] - QQmlJavaScriptExpression: Do not keep inactive QPropertyObserver
  • [QTBUG-91198] - Add a more complex locale example to Number QML documentation
  • [QTBUG-91441] - Support timezones on WASM
  • [QTBUG-92360] - Document the QQmlCompilePass classes and their interdependencies
  • [QTBUG-92448] - Deprecate Qml multiline string literals
  • [QTBUG-92582] - Add visualizer for QQmlJSScope
  • [QTBUG-92602] - Check the basic installation preconditions before the installation starts
  • [QTBUG-94605] - Validate use case of qmlimportscanner returning info about a qml plugin without a CMake target
  • [QTBUG-95530] - qmlcompiler: Implement ability to deal with reparenting
  • [QTBUG-97280] - Document that qml backing lib locations need to be added on PATH on Windows
  • [QTBUG-98783] - Push users to use the DEPENDENCIES option in qt_add_qml_module
  • [QTBUG-100202] - Cannot run qml only tests (qmltest) with cross-compiled platforms
  • [QTBUG-101606] - Enable retrieving "resolved" binding for a property in QQmlJSScope
  • [QTBUG-101773] - Make all objects of static storage-duration that can be constexpr be constexpr [QtDeclarative]
  • [QTBUG-101774] - Make all objects of static or thread_local storage-duration that can be constinit be Q_CONSTINIT [QtDeclarative]
  • [QTBUG-101780] - Use QObjectPrivate::flagsForDumping() to print some infos about QML items
  • [QTBUG-101940] - Rework QQmlJSScope::canAssign()
  • [QTBUG-103223] - Check animation life-time management
  • [QTBUG-103763] - Implement Signature Help for qmlls
  • [QTBUG-103945] - QQmlJS::Dom::PendingSourceLocationId should not be a QAtomicInt
  • [QTBUG-104764] - Teach Loader (and friends) to load from module URI+typename
  • [QTBUG-104864] - De-duplicate QIOPipe implementations
  • [QTBUG-104891] - wasm: use wasm64/memory64 mode
  • [QTBUG-107609] - qmltc: fix type import and resolution issues in examples
  • [QTBUG-108442] - qmlsc + qmlcachegen: write unit tests for aot code
  • [QTBUG-108760] - Add QOwningBiPointer class
  • [QTBUG-109293] - qmltc: collection task for missing support in qmltc
  • [QTBUG-109996] - Add explicit property setter functions that do not break bindings
  • [QTBUG-111036] - Decide what the QML Plugin Example should demonstrate
  • [QTBUG-111763] - Consider support for nested directories in QML modules
  • [QTBUG-112452] - Compare binary size of a QML application between different versions of Qt
  • [QTBUG-112944] - Fix and improve the cubeMultiViewportMultiWindow autotest
  • [QTBUG-112979] - LSP: Support textDocument on type formatting
  • [QTBUG-113517] - Implement ECMA-402-compatible l10n in V4
  • [QTBUG-114810] - qmlls: do not run qqmljsimportvisitor twice
  • [QTBUG-114903] - Go-to definition in special QML objects
  • [QTBUG-114985] - qmllint: warn when shadowing signals and handlers
  • [QTBUG-115050] - Document qt_standard_project_setup() better for usage with qml modules
  • [QTBUG-115222] - Clean up memory management in auto test – QtDeclarative edition
  • [QTBUG-115808] - Port QtDeclarative away from Q_FOREACH/foreach
  • [QTBUG-115978] - Avoid comparing internalTypes(), use
  • [QTBUG-116139] - Add full formatting capabilities to selected range formatting
  • [QTBUG-116413] - Use proper types for indices
  • [QTBUG-117093] - Document that the QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE property needs to be set before the qt_add_qml_module call
  • [QTBUG-117106] - Expose QString::toHtmlEscaped() to QML
  • [QTBUG-117855] - [QtDeclarative] Replace QThreadStorage<T> with thread_local T or thread_local optional<T>
  • [QTBUG-118187] - Investigate semantics of binding properties that can change its value outside QML
  • [QTBUG-118196] - Let compress or obfuscate QML without using resource system
  • [QTBUG-118613] - dom: fix memory errors when visiting QmlFile::m_astComments
  • [QTBUG-118880] - Investigate removing CmpNeNull bytecode
  • [QTBUG-119228] - Register QML types only when used
  • [QTBUG-120632] - qmlls does not work for older Qt Versions (e.g. Qt 5.15)
  • [QTBUG-120640] - Refactor dependency management in DOM
  • [QTBUG-121171] - Revise threading model of DOM
  • [QTBUG-122800] - Investigate why propertyAndMethodStorage is using a WeakValue
  • [QTBUG-123295] - DomBase: clean up doCopy() and copy constructors and mutexes
  • [QTBUG-123792] - Feature request: ES2021: numeric separators
  • [QTBUG-125989] - Reconsider lookup precedence hierarchy in QML
  • [QTBUG-126100] - Implement Array.prototype.flatMap in QJSEngine/QQmlEngine
  • [QTBUG-126366] - qmllint: Warn about duplicates in grouped properties bindings
  • [QTBUG-126367] - Improve the handling of multiple bindings to the same grouped property
  • [QTBUG-126404] - qmltc doesn't know how to use value type constructors
  • [QTBUG-126718] - qml: do not fail parsing on cmake comments or missing '}' brace
  • [QTBUG-127108] - qmllint: split the unqualified category up
  • [QTBUG-128164] - QML/JS should implement globalThis
  • [QTBUG-128395] - Investigate the need for wide instructions in Moth
  • [QTBUG-130795] - Inner functions should store whether they capture scripts
  • [QTBUG-130798] - Closures capturing scripts should not (ab)use properties to keep the reference
  • [QTBUG-132760] - qmllint: Warn about missing ListPropertyAssignBehavior
  • [QTBUG-132827] - Improve QQmlParserStatus support for attached properties

Change Request

  • [QTBUG-19016] - Fix qtkernel/tests/auto/qlocalsocket/lackey
  • [QTBUG-19017] - Fix qtkernel/tests/auto/qtipc/lackey
  • [QTBUG-19018] - Fix qtkernel/tests/auto/lancelot
  • [QTBUG-19021] - Fix qtkernel/tests/benchmarks/corelib/tools/qregexp
  • [QTBUG-19022] - Fix qtkernel/tests/benchmarks/gui/graphicsview/functional/GraphicsViewBenchmark


  • [QTBUG-611] - qdoc does not handle nested if-then-else statements corerctly
  • [QTBUG-637] - qdoc dies on \macro ... class
  • [QTBUG-645] - qdoc: \obsolete removes methods from the index
  • [QTBUG-1109] - qdoc generates invalid links to related non-member functions
  • [QTBUG-1685] - qdoc cannot generate correct links in the "Inherited by" section for class names that involve a namespace
  • [QTBUG-2171] - QDoc: Comments in snippets not processed correctly
  • [QTBUG-3576] - Unix/Linux: QFileSystemWatcher with Inotify doesn't detect modified files
  • [QTBUG-4668] - Symbian: Remove initializeWindow parameter from QWidgetPrivate::create_sys
  • [QTBUG-4956] - Symbian: Phonon MMF: Update video repositioning code to use global move event
  • [QTBUG-5790] - Improve documentation on compile and deploy for Embedded Linux
  • [QTBUG-5976] - Custom font setting for assistant is broken
  • [QTBUG-6249] - Lighthouse backend - OpenVG
  • [QTBUG-6250] - Integrate DirectFB backend on HW platform as Tier2 platform
  • [QTBUG-6524] - Windows: QFileSystemWatcher does not signal directoryChanged() when files are modified in a watched directory
  • [QTBUG-8255] - Write a "developers guide" on Text performance
  • [QTBUG-8256] - Write a "developers guide" on Using Threads
  • [QTBUG-8961] - Documentation of canonical signal/slot signatures missing/not easily accessible.
  • [QTBUG-9441] - cannot use "unsigned int" as argument of slots in slots definitions in designer
  • [QTBUG-9902] - Symbian: Extra typeinfo exported when using --export_all_vtbl
  • [QTBUG-10578] - \list does not produce numbered lists when requested
  • [QTBUG-12280] - Use correctional deltas for typographical consistency where sub-pixel positioning is not supported
  • [QTBUG-12979] - Enable the platform plugin for QtNetwork
  • [QTBUG-13580] - Fullscreen GL widget on Mac: performance issue with raster engine
  • [QTBUG-13582] - Swapping using GL extensions to increase FPS on Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-13850] - Support different behaviors under different versions
  • [QTBUG-15883] - Investigate a way to automatically mirror QML applications for right-to-left locales
  • [QTBUG-15984] - Support mirroring of PathView
  • [QTBUG-16605] - Article about manipulating HTML content via Qt Webkit
  • [QTBUG-17085] - QNAM HTTP: Be more conservative with opening SSL connections
  • [QTBUG-17086] - QNAM HTTP: Use different amount of sockets depending on bearer, e.g. GPRS vs WiFi
  • [QTBUG-17242] - Modify QCalendar style
  • [QTBUG-17243] - Modify QDate[Time]Edit style
  • [QTBUG-17509] - Output of textedit demo
  • [QTBUG-17510] - Selections
  • [QTBUG-17511] - Tables
  • [QTBUG-17512] - Bi-directional text
  • [QTBUG-17513] - CJK text
  • [QTBUG-17689] - FAIL! : tst_QScriptExtQObject::getSetStaticProperty_readOnly() Compared values are not the same
  • [QTBUG-17751] - Turning the unified look for the toolbar off and on results in missing paintings.
  • [QTBUG-17752] - XFAIL : tst_QScriptClass::extension_Callable_construct() Callable extension hasn't been implemented yet
  • [QTBUG-17791] - Make Quick labels/text accessible
  • [QTBUG-17792] - Make Quick CheckBox and RadioButton accessible
  • [QTBUG-17793] - Make Quick PushButton accessible
  • [QTBUG-17794] - Make Quick LineEdit accessible
  • [QTBUG-17795] - Make Quick Image accessible
  • [QTBUG-17796] - Make Quick Slider, progress bar, spin box, and other range objects accessible
  • [QTBUG-17797] - Make Quick Tab accessible
  • [QTBUG-17798] - Make Quick Menu accessible
  • [QTBUG-17799] - Make Quick MouseArea accessible
  • [QTBUG-17800] - Make Quick Flickable accessible
  • [QTBUG-17801] - Make Quick Flipable accessible
  • [QTBUG-17802] - Make Quick TextEdit accessible
  • [QTBUG-17803] - Make Quick ListView accessible
  • [QTBUG-17805] - Make Quick GridView accessible
  • [QTBUG-17806] - Make Quick PathView accessible
  • [QTBUG-17807] - Investigate animation and dynamic object accessibility
  • [QTBUG-17808] - Investigate notifications for UI updates
  • [QTBUG-17809] - Investigate generic versus element-specific properties
  • [QTBUG-18569] - Widgets
  • [QTBUG-19507] - add api to change internal qml cache size
  • [QTBUG-20121] - Investigate using Path and specialized path elements as a basis for all views
  • [QTBUG-21248] - Tablet Events
  • [QTBUG-21517] - Gestures System Tests
  • [QTBUG-22029] - Make QDeclarativeMetaType part of the public API
  • [QTBUG-24136] - Accessibility example needs improvements
  • [QTBUG-24137] - Animation examples need improvements
  • [QTBUG-24140] - Calculator example not working correctly
  • [QTBUG-24168] - TwitterFriends example needs improvements
  • [QTBUG-25866] - Tablet event support for windows
  • [QTBUG-25867] - Tablet event support for cocoa
  • [QTBUG-56179] - Make the feature parity documentation more visible
  • [QTBUG-56181] - Create a list of know supported media formats
  • [QTBUG-56183] - Standardize codec names
  • [QTBUG-56184] - Add API to get media file extensions
  • [QTBUG-56186] - QMediaRecorder: don't generate file names in plugins
  • [QTBUG-56188] - Adjust capture settings in QCamera rather than in plugins
  • [QTBUG-56189] - Automatically start/stop the camera when the application becomes active/inactive
  • [QTBUG-68389] - Boot2Qt 5.11.1 content integration & updates
  • [QTBUG-68980] - Boot2Qt 5.11.2 content integration & updates
  • [QTBUG-71660] - Boot2Qt 5.11.3 testing
  • [QTBUG-72670] - wasm: accept commandline arguments

Technical task

  • [QTBUG-4585] - Font used by CSS for the HTML docs causes '[' and ']' to appear as a character missing in font symbol when togeather.
  • [QTBUG-25712] - Create auto test to assess caching and prefetching abilities.
  • [QTBUG-26167] - Need music for Qt5 Dance
  • [QTBUG-26169] - Lyrics required for Qt5 dance
  • [QTBUG-26170] - Theatrical intro required for Qt5 dance
  • [QTBUG-26171] - Lighting needed for Qt5 dance video
  • [QTBUG-26174] - Beer supplies must be available.
  • [QTBUG-26175] - Choreography required for Qt5 Dance
  • [QTBUG-29473] - QtCompositor: Use Qt naming conventions
  • [QTBUG-31771] - Introduce QOpenGLWidget
  • [QTBUG-35045] - Implement connected devices per adapter on BB10
  • [QTBUG-40759] - Update Apple terminology in the documentation
  • [QTBUG-41836] - QSettings is unable to create REG_EXPAND_SZ entries in the Windows registry
  • [QTBUG-64217] - Boot2Qt 5.9.3 RC testing
  • [QTBUG-65029] - Boot2Qt 5.9.4 Snapshot (RC) testing
  • [QTBUG-66252] - Boot2Qt 5.9.5 content integration & updates
  • [QTBUG-67815] - Boot2Qt 5.9.6 content integration & updates
  • [QTBUG-72248] - RTOS (QNX) manual testing
  • [QTBUG-72593] - Migrate qtsystems to QRegularExpression
  • [QTBUG-74407] - Qt RHI Painter
  • [QTBUG-78586] - Anisotropic texture filtering in Qt Quick not currently supported with QRhi
  • [QTBUG-78597] - Does Qt Quick need gfx api probing logic? (6.x?)
  • [QTBUG-78599] - QColorSpace story for QRhi
  • [QTBUG-78628] - QQuickPaintedItem support for the RHI-based QPainter
  • [QTBUG-78634] - QRhi-based QPainter integration for widgets
  • [QTBUG-78635] - QOpenGLWidget and QOpenGLWindow replacement story
  • [QTBUG-80222] - RTOS (QNX) manual testing
  • [QTBUG-83252] - Slim down QPlatformNativeInterface
  • [QTBUG-95085] - Check if multi-config generators projects work with user created qml modules
  • [QTBUG-95143] - Relax requirement of AUTOMOC for qt_add_qml_module
  • [QTBUG-95149] - Fix use case of linking an executable to a shared library QML module backing target
  • [QTBUG-96040] - (qmltc) Support build infrastructure around object-creation compiler
  • [QTBUG-96269] - (qmltc) Improve performance of the generated code
  • [QTBUG-97248] - Support preedit_commit_mode for text-input-v4
  • [QTBUG-100103] - qmltc: redundant qmldir and implicit-directory imports
  • [QTBUG-101464] - Support Qt.callLater
  • [QTBUG-102188] - Distringuish qmltc-compiled QML modules from non-compiled ones in qmldir
  • [QTBUG-104196] - Implement conversions between QQmlListProperty<T> and QList<T *> for object type T
  • [QTBUG-105898] - Teach views/QQmlComponent how to use qmltc's generated classes
  • [QTBUG-105952] - copy property alias attributes from the pointed-to properties
  • [QTBUG-106715] - qmlsc: Add ability to inline const primitive values from *.js files
  • [QTBUG-106826] - qmltc: test property value assignments and type conversions
  • [QTBUG-106827] - qmltc: test coffee machine bindings
  • [QTBUG-106829] - qmltc: support pragmas
  • [QTBUG-106832] - qmltc: support javascript resources import
  • [QTBUG-106833] - qmltc: test plugin interaction
  • [QTBUG-106834] - qmltc: QQmlContext hierarchy for created types
  • [QTBUG-106835] - qmltc: support ImageProviders
  • [QTBUG-106836] - qmltc: support custom parser types
  • [QTBUG-106837] - qmltc: support QtQuick Concepts
  • [QTBUG-106838] - qmltc: support resource loading
  • [QTBUG-106839] - qmltc: test QML_* macros types
  • [QTBUG-107060] - qmltc: support instanceOf for compiled types
  • [QTBUG-107631] - qmltc: avoid naming collisions
  • [QTBUG-109295] - qmltc: support qml modules (static + shared ones)
  • [QTBUG-115123] - qmltc: support all property names (like "ä", "_")
  • [QTBUG-115741] - qmlsc cannot resolve methods of QTime
  • [QTBUG-130060] - Support QML connect statements
  • [QTBUG-134062] - Don't use `var` unnecessarily in QML/JS. Replace with `let`/`const` (JS) or actual QML types (QML)

Edit/Copy Release Notes

The text area below allows the project release notes to be edited and copied to another document.